The principal objectives of a construction engineer carrying out a project are to:
1) Manage the work and deliver the project on time fulfilling the required specifications and within budget, while satisfying the client's demands.
2) Possess skills in both designing like a civil engineer as well as managing tasks on site like a construction manager in order to understand designs and oversee projects.
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Construction engineering
1. 1. Describe the principal objectivesthat a construction engineershouldhave when carrying out a
construction project.
The unique thingabouta constructionengineeristhat,theyare a hybridform, fromcivil engineerand
constructionmanager.Thatmeanstheypossessthe skillsof designinglikecivil engineeraswell asthe skillsto
manage stuff onsite like constructionmanagementperspective.Asfaras educationisconcerned,since the
constructionengineerhascommandonarea of designingandthe areaof managingthe project,hence theycan
easilyunderstandthe designof anystructure andcan also manage it.
The objective of constructionengineeristomanage the workand deliveritontime tothe client,fulfillingthe
requiredspecswithinthe limitof budget,satisfyingthe demandsof the client.
2. Recognizingthe importance of construction qualitycontrol, what steps do you suggestan ownertake
to assure deliveryofa satisfactory facility?
The designerandarchitectalwaysdesignfollowingthe codesandthose codesare meantforthe safetyof the
people andthe building.If those codesare followedproperlyand the designandspecsare followed,the quality
of material suggestedbythe designerismonitoredandproperlyfollowed,thanthe ownercanbe confidentof
3. Brieflyexplainthe difference betweenconstructionutilizing aconventional constructioncontract and
construction utilizinga construction managementcontract.
While awardingcontractsforthe construction,itistotallyup to the ownerhow isgoingto award contract of
If we lookat the conventional way,the ownercouldawardandget incontract withdesignfirmandprime
contractor, inwhichthe prime contractor hasto coordinate withdesignfirmtoexecute the project.
AnotherwayIs thatthe ownergetincontract witha design/buildfirm, inwhichhe hastogetin only one
contract and the designbuildfirmcanexecute the workwithoutanydelaysinconfirmationsandego.
Andif we lookin the constructionmanagementfirm, andlookatthiscontract,we findthisprettyeasy.The
ownergetsincontract witha designfirm,prime contractoraswell asa constructionmanagementfirm.This
managementfirmmake sure thatall workshouldbe executedontime andisthere toincrease productivityto
4. Describe three specificconstruction applicationsof a personal computerthat you believe wouldbe
valuable to a construction professional.
In thisfastage of technology,the importance of computercan’tbe denied.Andfora constructionprofessional
computerskillsare apluspoint.Followingare some of the necessaryareasincomputerthatrequire command
of a constructionprofessional.
Designingsoftware:Nowadays,all the designingiscomputeraided,soa professional mustknow the
knowledge of computeraideddrawingsandhe mustknow how todeal withthem.
Billing:Anotheraspectismakingbillsandcalculation whichcanbe easilydone myMS-Excel.Sothe person
shouldhave some commandoverexcel too.
Documentation: materialthatprovidesofficialinformationorevidence orthat servesasa record.