96villagerrukfordThis document provides an overview and table of contents for an owner's manual for the Ford Villager. It includes sections on safety restraints, starting the vehicle, warning lights and gauges, instrument panel controls, steering column controls, features, adjustable rear seating, electronic sound systems, driving the vehicle, roadside emergencies, customer assistance, reporting safety defects, accessories, and servicing the vehicle. The introduction discusses the purpose of the owner's manual and provides guidance on how to use it.
Algoritmos desicionYarker Castillo del RosarioEste documento contiene varios algoritmos con estructuras condicionales if-else que resuelven problemas como determinar si un estudiante está aprobado o reprobado basado en su calificación, calcular el costo con impuestos de un artículo, verificar si una persona puede ingresar a un lugar basado en su edad, y calcular cuántas unidades se pueden comprar con ciertas cantidades de dinero a diferentes precios. También incluye un algoritmo para imprimir el número de días de un mes dado. Al final, realiza pruebas de escritorio de los
Glosario de adiestramiento auditivoandyparralesppEste documento proporciona definiciones de más de 50 términos relacionados con la audiología. Algunos de los términos definidos incluyen acúfeno, adenoidectomía, algiacusia, anacusia, audiología, audífono, audiometría, auricular, canal auditivo externo, cóclea, hipoacusia, implante coclear y otitis media. El documento provee información sobre varias condiciones, exámenes y dispositivos auditivos.
Lopatiy t. kneu 2015KNEPA KNEUПрезентаційні матеріали доповіді на секції "Державне регулювання економіки" 82-ї наукової студентської конференції "Соціально-економічні перспективи України на початку ХХІ століття" ДВНЗ "Київський національний економічний університет імені Вадима Гетьмана"
Historia de la educacion a distanciafranco120184La educación a distancia se remonta al siglo XVIII con materiales de autoaprendizaje enviados por correo a estudiantes. En 1840, Isaac Pitman organizó uno de los primeros intentos de educación por correspondencia en Inglaterra. En 1891, la Universidad de Queensland en Australia comenzó a ofrecer programas completos a distancia. Tras la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la educación a distancia se expandió para facilitar el acceso a la educación, especialmente en países industrializados, utilizando nuevas tecnologías como la televisión y las computadoras
Paper craneAndrew MorrisThe Paper Crane is an art supply studio and gallery space in Amarillo, Texas opened in 2013 by Jesse and Kylee Melson. The goal is to create art and help people understand its value. Regular events include art lessons, paint parties, summer camps, and gallery shows. Jesse manages the business's social media presence on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to engage customers and promote the studio. Popular posts include photos of craft projects, and contests are also successful in gaining likes and shares. The Paper Crane was featured locally to help build its brand in the community.
Growth Codes - reportEricsson Latin AmericaThe document discusses strategies used by mobile operators called "frontrunners" to achieve profitable growth. It identifies six common traits, or "Growth Codes", shared by frontrunners: market performance leadership, measure and manage user experience, create innovative offerings, create strategic partnerships for innovation, embrace innovation, and create a performance gap to competitors. The document analyzes three strategies used by frontrunners - quality-led progression, market-led adaptation, and offering-led transformation - and how they relate to the six Growth Codes. Frontrunners have achieved an average annual revenue growth of 12.4% compared to 7.3% for their peers, proving that operators can prosper in a data
Dalessio_John_ResumeJohn Dalessio IIIJohn Dalesio has over 10 years of experience in graphic design. He is proficient in Adobe Creative Suite and Adobe Dreamweaver. He has worked as a graphic designer for Athletics Unlimited designing team apparel, as a freelance designer developing logos and branding, and at The UPS Store assisting customers. Currently, he maintains Ebay stores and does graphic design for Arlen Ness Motorcycles. He has a Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design from California State University, Sacramento.
Feliz aniversário mirian 2009Luzia GabrieleEste cartão de aniversário foi enviado por Luzia para Mirian no dia 16 de novembro de 2009 desejando feliz aniversário e sugerindo a música "A Montanha" de Roberto Carlos. Luzia assinou e incluiu seus contatos no cartão.
ݺߣshare powerpointZerorezJacob Hanson evaluated three services: PollEverywhere, which allows for polling audiences; Zamzar, which converts file formats; and converting a video file himself instead of using Zamzar. While Zamzar increased the file size over four times in converting the format, his own video editing software allowed more control over the output format without file size limits. He also notes his group was unable to set up a meeting as scheduled due to conflicts.
Tablas de verdadYarker Castillo del RosarioEl documento explica los conceptos básicos de las tablas de verdad, incluyendo los valores de verdad (verdadero y falso), los operadores lógicos (negación, conjunción, disyunción, implicación, equivalencia), y proporciona ejemplos de las tablas de verdad para cada operador lógico. También menciona que las tablas de verdad se corresponden con las columnas del algoritmo fundamental.
Propuesta educativa y líneas de actuación con un alumno TDAHRicardoMar23¿Cómo actuar ante un alumno TDAH?
Con este trabajo elaborado en grupo pretendemos abordar este tema y proponer un modelo de propuesta educativa den un aula con un alumno TDAH.
Ricardo Martínez Ortega
Carmen Redondo Espina
María Pilar Terrado Allueva
Antonia María Beltra Canto
Arantza Lasarte Echeverría
Эпистемиологическое знаниеlukoshkaСергей Переслегин.
Презентация-сборка с занятия 26 апреля 2015 г.
Онтологический верстак: Эпистемиологическое знание.
Анонс мероприятия: http://sociosoft.ru/news/OV_19_apr
96windstarrukfordThis document provides an overview of safety restraints and instructions for properly using safety belts in a Ford Windstar vehicle. It describes how safety belts should fit snugly across the hips and chest when worn correctly to provide optimal restraint in a collision. The document warns that safety belts must be used properly by all passengers, including pregnant women, to avoid greatly increasing the risk of injury.
Fall 2014 confirmed eventsKBenciniThis document contains a schedule of events for a student organization from September 3rd to September 26th. It lists the dates, times, locations, and brief descriptions of 5 upcoming events - a student organization fair, new student welcome event, movie marathon, mandatory nationals meeting, and first general meeting. The events range from 11am to 9pm and will take place in various outdoor and indoor locations on campus.
5 pseudocodigos con_pruebas_de_escritorioArazelii PuentezEste documento contiene 5 programas en pseudocódigo desarrollados por Alan Jair Cárdenas Cruz para diferentes propósitos como indicar si un alumno está aprobado o reprobado basado en su calificación, calcular descuentos en una compra dependiendo de su precio, verificar la edad para permitir el ingreso a un cine, determinar el proveedor con el mejor precio por kilo de camarón para un vendedor, y mostrar la cantidad de días de un mes dado del año 2015.
Educación religiosaJuan GomezLa fundación Juntemos las Manos es una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuyo objetivo es ayudar a niños y adolescentes de escasos recursos afectados por la violencia a través de la educación y el desarrollo de valores. La fundación fue creada por una familia que cree en el poder de unir esfuerzos para transformar una sociedad marcada por la violencia. Su misión es ofrecer educación de calidad a través de centros educativos y su visión es tener 5 sedes para el año 2020 en áreas afectadas por
Actividad 1 segundo semestre 2014Nombre ApellidosEl documento presenta un análisis realizado por Flabio Duvan Cifuentes de la Universidad Católica del Norte sobre sus fortalezas y debilidades en relación a las competencias TIC para docentes según un estándar. Luego aplica nueve retos de la educación del siglo XXI propuestos por Julian de Zubiría Samper a su contexto institucional y realiza una reflexión crítica sobre el uso de TIC en la educación colombiana.
CompuxaviersucioEl atletismo es el deporte más completo que incluye disciplinas como carreras, saltos, lanzamientos, marcha y pruebas combinadas. Tiene sus orígenes en las competiciones de las civilizaciones antiguas y ha evolucionado a lo largo de los siglos hasta su forma actual, donde los Juegos Olímpicos son el evento más importante. El atletismo puede practicarse a nivel aficionado o profesional e incluye varias modalidades como velocidad, resistencia, media distancia y saltos.
Evaluation quetsion 4emilylouisejIn the construction and research stages, EmilyJohnson used various media technologies and online platforms. She conducted research on existing artists in her genre using Google to find images and learn more about their styles. This helped her develop an understanding of codes and conventions to include in her own work. She also used YouTube to watch music videos and develop her knowledge of genre expectations. Various software like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and MindGenius were used to plan and document her work. Photoshop was used to create ancillary pieces. Mobile phones were used to film portions of the video to achieve a grainy, conceptual style consistent with the indie genre. A Nikon SLR camera provided higher quality contrasting footage.
Evaluation q1emilylouisejThe document provides an evaluation of a media group's music video project.
The group chose the hybrid genre of alternative/indie as it appeals to their target demographic of teenage girls aged 16-20. They selected Lana Del Rey's song "Young and Beautiful" to use. Group members analyzed existing artists in the genre to understand conventions like conceptual styles and editing techniques that provide an antique feel.
The music video incorporates many typical genre codes and conventions such as an attractive female protagonist and fast-paced editing. However, it breaks conventions by promoting a positive feminist message through the natural, minimal makeup look of the female artist and close-up shots focused on her music rather than her image. This challenges expectations within
Finished evauation of question 3emilylouisejThe feedback from the focus group was mostly positive. Viewers found the narrative easy to follow and understood, and enjoyed the use of memories. Some felt more of the protagonist's story could have been included to relate more deeply. Suggestions were also made to include the song title before the video starts and potential areas for future improvement if redoing the process. The feedback helped confirm the audience understood the video as intended and identified ways the video could be enhanced.
Print screensemilylouisejThe document describes editing video clips in Adobe Premiere, including importing clips, cropping lengths, increasing mobile footage sizes using scale effects, adding noise and grain effects to make clips look vintage, adding soft borders to emphasize low quality, and syncing a performance to music by adjusting audio clips to match soundwaves and ensure lip syncing is on time.
Copyright and location permision (1)emilylouisejThe document discusses obtaining permission for a music video production. Permission was requested from the Trafford Centre arcade to film there, as using someone's property without permission could result in legal issues. Additionally, permission was sought from Lana Del Rey's management company to use one of her songs in the music video for copyright purposes.
Radio head video anayalsisemilylouisejThis music video by Radiohead fits into the indie genre through its unconventional narrative structure and use of metaphors. There are two main characters, a protagonist and his love interest, whose relationship progresses from love to her falling out of love with him due to his past actions. Though he tries to win her back, he is ultimately unsuccessful. The video uses various symbolic elements like a television, operation table, and human heart to represent the emotional journey of their relationship and convey themes of love and passion through a conceptual style that encourages audience interpretation. It features a performance element for audience involvement while maintaining a professional, high key lit atmosphere to contrast the sad narrative of losing someone.
Rihanna didgipakemilylouisejThe red color palette and roses on the album cover create a theme of passion and lust, while the white lettering introduces a theme of purity. These contrasting elements portray a narrative of a love story. The suggestive poses of the artist and mysterious lighting and expression further this narrative and encourage the audience to learn more without directly addressing them. The modern appearance and tattoo of the artist craft a unique image that her target audience of teenage girls can aspire to.
Flo and the machine advert1emilylouisejThis document summarizes and analyzes elements of a music advertisement found in Q magazine, a well-established music magazine known for hybrid alternative/indie genres. The advertisement effectively introduces the artist to Q's large demographic of indie fans who may be encouraged to support the artist. Elements like the availability of vinyl albums also appeal to indie fans known for collecting them. The overall conceptual style of the advertisement without a clear narrative encourages audience involvement and interpretation. The feminine feel created by pink flowers, the artist's white dress, sans-serif font, and low key lighting use typical conventions of the genre, though the artist breaks expectations by looking directly at the camera and creating a narrative enigma for the audience.
Question 7emilylouisejThe student learned many new skills from their preliminary task to the final product. In the preliminary task, the student's Photoshop skills were basic and they felt unsure using the camera. However, for the final product the student gained confidence with Photoshop tools, understood how to take better photos using techniques like lighting and angles, and knew how to enhance images. Overall, the student is pleased with their progress and feels they have a wider knowledge of skills needed for media products.
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Feliz aniversário mirian 2009Luzia GabrieleEste cartão de aniversário foi enviado por Luzia para Mirian no dia 16 de novembro de 2009 desejando feliz aniversário e sugerindo a música "A Montanha" de Roberto Carlos. Luzia assinou e incluiu seus contatos no cartão.
ݺߣshare powerpointZerorezJacob Hanson evaluated three services: PollEverywhere, which allows for polling audiences; Zamzar, which converts file formats; and converting a video file himself instead of using Zamzar. While Zamzar increased the file size over four times in converting the format, his own video editing software allowed more control over the output format without file size limits. He also notes his group was unable to set up a meeting as scheduled due to conflicts.
Tablas de verdadYarker Castillo del RosarioEl documento explica los conceptos básicos de las tablas de verdad, incluyendo los valores de verdad (verdadero y falso), los operadores lógicos (negación, conjunción, disyunción, implicación, equivalencia), y proporciona ejemplos de las tablas de verdad para cada operador lógico. También menciona que las tablas de verdad se corresponden con las columnas del algoritmo fundamental.
Propuesta educativa y líneas de actuación con un alumno TDAHRicardoMar23¿Cómo actuar ante un alumno TDAH?
Con este trabajo elaborado en grupo pretendemos abordar este tema y proponer un modelo de propuesta educativa den un aula con un alumno TDAH.
Ricardo Martínez Ortega
Carmen Redondo Espina
María Pilar Terrado Allueva
Antonia María Beltra Canto
Arantza Lasarte Echeverría
Эпистемиологическое знаниеlukoshkaСергей Переслегин.
Презентация-сборка с занятия 26 апреля 2015 г.
Онтологический верстак: Эпистемиологическое знание.
Анонс мероприятия: http://sociosoft.ru/news/OV_19_apr
96windstarrukfordThis document provides an overview of safety restraints and instructions for properly using safety belts in a Ford Windstar vehicle. It describes how safety belts should fit snugly across the hips and chest when worn correctly to provide optimal restraint in a collision. The document warns that safety belts must be used properly by all passengers, including pregnant women, to avoid greatly increasing the risk of injury.
Fall 2014 confirmed eventsKBenciniThis document contains a schedule of events for a student organization from September 3rd to September 26th. It lists the dates, times, locations, and brief descriptions of 5 upcoming events - a student organization fair, new student welcome event, movie marathon, mandatory nationals meeting, and first general meeting. The events range from 11am to 9pm and will take place in various outdoor and indoor locations on campus.
5 pseudocodigos con_pruebas_de_escritorioArazelii PuentezEste documento contiene 5 programas en pseudocódigo desarrollados por Alan Jair Cárdenas Cruz para diferentes propósitos como indicar si un alumno está aprobado o reprobado basado en su calificación, calcular descuentos en una compra dependiendo de su precio, verificar la edad para permitir el ingreso a un cine, determinar el proveedor con el mejor precio por kilo de camarón para un vendedor, y mostrar la cantidad de días de un mes dado del año 2015.
Educación religiosaJuan GomezLa fundación Juntemos las Manos es una organización sin ánimo de lucro cuyo objetivo es ayudar a niños y adolescentes de escasos recursos afectados por la violencia a través de la educación y el desarrollo de valores. La fundación fue creada por una familia que cree en el poder de unir esfuerzos para transformar una sociedad marcada por la violencia. Su misión es ofrecer educación de calidad a través de centros educativos y su visión es tener 5 sedes para el año 2020 en áreas afectadas por
Actividad 1 segundo semestre 2014Nombre ApellidosEl documento presenta un análisis realizado por Flabio Duvan Cifuentes de la Universidad Católica del Norte sobre sus fortalezas y debilidades en relación a las competencias TIC para docentes según un estándar. Luego aplica nueve retos de la educación del siglo XXI propuestos por Julian de Zubiría Samper a su contexto institucional y realiza una reflexión crítica sobre el uso de TIC en la educación colombiana.
CompuxaviersucioEl atletismo es el deporte más completo que incluye disciplinas como carreras, saltos, lanzamientos, marcha y pruebas combinadas. Tiene sus orígenes en las competiciones de las civilizaciones antiguas y ha evolucionado a lo largo de los siglos hasta su forma actual, donde los Juegos Olímpicos son el evento más importante. El atletismo puede practicarse a nivel aficionado o profesional e incluye varias modalidades como velocidad, resistencia, media distancia y saltos.
Evaluation quetsion 4emilylouisejIn the construction and research stages, EmilyJohnson used various media technologies and online platforms. She conducted research on existing artists in her genre using Google to find images and learn more about their styles. This helped her develop an understanding of codes and conventions to include in her own work. She also used YouTube to watch music videos and develop her knowledge of genre expectations. Various software like Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and MindGenius were used to plan and document her work. Photoshop was used to create ancillary pieces. Mobile phones were used to film portions of the video to achieve a grainy, conceptual style consistent with the indie genre. A Nikon SLR camera provided higher quality contrasting footage.
Evaluation q1emilylouisejThe document provides an evaluation of a media group's music video project.
The group chose the hybrid genre of alternative/indie as it appeals to their target demographic of teenage girls aged 16-20. They selected Lana Del Rey's song "Young and Beautiful" to use. Group members analyzed existing artists in the genre to understand conventions like conceptual styles and editing techniques that provide an antique feel.
The music video incorporates many typical genre codes and conventions such as an attractive female protagonist and fast-paced editing. However, it breaks conventions by promoting a positive feminist message through the natural, minimal makeup look of the female artist and close-up shots focused on her music rather than her image. This challenges expectations within
Finished evauation of question 3emilylouisejThe feedback from the focus group was mostly positive. Viewers found the narrative easy to follow and understood, and enjoyed the use of memories. Some felt more of the protagonist's story could have been included to relate more deeply. Suggestions were also made to include the song title before the video starts and potential areas for future improvement if redoing the process. The feedback helped confirm the audience understood the video as intended and identified ways the video could be enhanced.
Print screensemilylouisejThe document describes editing video clips in Adobe Premiere, including importing clips, cropping lengths, increasing mobile footage sizes using scale effects, adding noise and grain effects to make clips look vintage, adding soft borders to emphasize low quality, and syncing a performance to music by adjusting audio clips to match soundwaves and ensure lip syncing is on time.
Copyright and location permision (1)emilylouisejThe document discusses obtaining permission for a music video production. Permission was requested from the Trafford Centre arcade to film there, as using someone's property without permission could result in legal issues. Additionally, permission was sought from Lana Del Rey's management company to use one of her songs in the music video for copyright purposes.
Radio head video anayalsisemilylouisejThis music video by Radiohead fits into the indie genre through its unconventional narrative structure and use of metaphors. There are two main characters, a protagonist and his love interest, whose relationship progresses from love to her falling out of love with him due to his past actions. Though he tries to win her back, he is ultimately unsuccessful. The video uses various symbolic elements like a television, operation table, and human heart to represent the emotional journey of their relationship and convey themes of love and passion through a conceptual style that encourages audience interpretation. It features a performance element for audience involvement while maintaining a professional, high key lit atmosphere to contrast the sad narrative of losing someone.
Rihanna didgipakemilylouisejThe red color palette and roses on the album cover create a theme of passion and lust, while the white lettering introduces a theme of purity. These contrasting elements portray a narrative of a love story. The suggestive poses of the artist and mysterious lighting and expression further this narrative and encourage the audience to learn more without directly addressing them. The modern appearance and tattoo of the artist craft a unique image that her target audience of teenage girls can aspire to.
Flo and the machine advert1emilylouisejThis document summarizes and analyzes elements of a music advertisement found in Q magazine, a well-established music magazine known for hybrid alternative/indie genres. The advertisement effectively introduces the artist to Q's large demographic of indie fans who may be encouraged to support the artist. Elements like the availability of vinyl albums also appeal to indie fans known for collecting them. The overall conceptual style of the advertisement without a clear narrative encourages audience involvement and interpretation. The feminine feel created by pink flowers, the artist's white dress, sans-serif font, and low key lighting use typical conventions of the genre, though the artist breaks expectations by looking directly at the camera and creating a narrative enigma for the audience.
Question 7emilylouisejThe student learned many new skills from their preliminary task to the final product. In the preliminary task, the student's Photoshop skills were basic and they felt unsure using the camera. However, for the final product the student gained confidence with Photoshop tools, understood how to take better photos using techniques like lighting and angles, and knew how to enhance images. Overall, the student is pleased with their progress and feels they have a wider knowledge of skills needed for media products.
Question 7emilylouisejThe student learned many new skills from their preliminary task to the final product. In the preliminary task, the student's Photoshop skills were basic and they felt unsure using the camera. However, for the final product the student gained confidence with Photoshop tools, understood how to take better quality photos, and knew how to direct photo shoots considering lighting, angles, and camera settings. Overall, the student is pleased with their progress and feels they have a wider knowledge of skills needed for media products.
Question 7emilylouisejThe student learned many new skills from their preliminary task to the final product. In the preliminary task, the student's Photoshop skills were basic and they felt unsure using the camera. However, for the final product the student gained confidence with Photoshop tools, understood how to take better photos using techniques like lighting and angles, and knew how to enhance images. Overall, the student is pleased with their progress and feels they have a wider knowledge of skills needed for media products.
Question 7emilylouisejThe student learned many new skills from their preliminary task to the final product. In the preliminary task, the student's Photoshop skills were basic and they were unsure how to develop layouts and imagery. Images were sometimes out of focus or not framed properly due to an unfamiliarity with using the camera. However, for the final product, the student's photography skills improved greatly - they understood lighting, angles, and how to direct photo shoots. The student also felt more confident using Photoshop and applying editing techniques. Overall, the process helped the student gain wider knowledge and skills in producing media that will be useful for future projects.
Question 6emilylouisejThe student learned to use various technologies in constructing their magazine pages, including Photoshop and Microsoft Office. Photoshop was used for layout and image manipulation, allowing the student to apply design principles like the rule of thirds. A Nikon digital SLR camera was used to take photos for the magazine, enabling the student to properly focus, expose images, and frame shots according to the rule of thirds. Additional online resources like Blogger were utilized to professionally display the student's work.
Question 4emilylouisejThe target audience for the media product are males and females aged 15-19. The primary target audience would have part time jobs with low incomes. They enjoy spending time with friends, following trends, shopping at stores like Topshop, and listening to niche music genres. A focus group on social media provided feedback on the magazine's look to help meet the needs and interests of the target audience.
Evaluation Queston 2emilylouisejThe document discusses how different social groups are represented in a music magazine media product.
Age is represented by featuring an 18-year-old artist, targeting an audience of 15-19 year olds who want to emulate the artist. Gender is primarily female, shown through feminine colors, fonts, and a female target artist. Social class is middle class, publishing monthly for affordability by non-working students and targeting an audience that can relate to the artist's high-street clothing.
ManipulationemilylouisejI have cropped the image using the rule of thirds to make it more aesthetically pleasing and in line with conventions in the Indy genre. I also removed creases in the background with the spot healing tool to give the image a more consistent feel. Additionally, I enhanced certain colors and skin tones with the human saturation tool to further enrich and professionalize the look of the image based on techniques common in this genre.
Artic;eemilylouisejThe band HARRLOWS has found success with their new album "H" and upcoming tour "ROBUST". The lead singer discusses her passion for fashion and art which influences her bold, colorful style and music. She is excited for her first world tour to experience different cultures and fans, having previously toured only in the UK as support for other bands. While her personal life is rumored, she is focused on promoting her album and upcoming tour.