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3 . What have you learned from your audience feedback?
We created a focus group on a popular social network (facebook) so we
could generate feedback about positive and aspects about a draft edit.
The majority of the feedback was positive was we fulfilled the audience
needs. They stated that it was easy to follow and easy to understand.
They like the ideas of the narrative consisting of memories. Looks like
you are capturing memorable moments. As a result of this, it is evident
that the audience grasped the narrative and thought it was effective.
This is effective as it highlights the audience have decoding the video in
the way that we had initially hoped.
The feedback illustrated that the target audience thought the use of
different technology used to film the content of the video was effective as it gave a
verisimilitude feel. The fact that we used real footage film on mobile phones was a unique
technique and made the audience feel more involved. This was effective as the
cinematography was an important aspect in the video to creating a vintage feel that we
wanted to portray.
Although here was a large quantity of positive feedback, we did get suggestions on how we
could improve. One thing you could improve is maybe outing the title of the song on before
the video starts. As a result we as a group will take this into consideration if wee was to re-
do the process again.
Furthermore, one of the comments suggested that there should be additional elements of
the protagonist character and we should include a bit more of her story. This could suggest
that the audience was satisfied by the video we created but wanted to see more about the
artists so they could relate in more depth.
Over the feedback we revised helped us to understand if we have met the audience needs
in an appropriate way. It also helped as we understood improvements we could make in the

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Finished evauation of question 3

  • 1. 3 . What have you learned from your audience feedback? We created a focus group on a popular social network (facebook) so we could generate feedback about positive and aspects about a draft edit. The majority of the feedback was positive was we fulfilled the audience needs. They stated that it was easy to follow and easy to understand. They like the ideas of the narrative consisting of memories. Looks like you are capturing memorable moments. As a result of this, it is evident that the audience grasped the narrative and thought it was effective. This is effective as it highlights the audience have decoding the video in the way that we had initially hoped. The feedback illustrated that the target audience thought the use of different technology used to film the content of the video was effective as it gave a verisimilitude feel. The fact that we used real footage film on mobile phones was a unique technique and made the audience feel more involved. This was effective as the cinematography was an important aspect in the video to creating a vintage feel that we wanted to portray. Although here was a large quantity of positive feedback, we did get suggestions on how we could improve. One thing you could improve is maybe outing the title of the song on before the video starts. As a result we as a group will take this into consideration if wee was to re- do the process again. Furthermore, one of the comments suggested that there should be additional elements of the protagonist character and we should include a bit more of her story. This could suggest that the audience was satisfied by the video we created but wanted to see more about the artists so they could relate in more depth. Over the feedback we revised helped us to understand if we have met the audience needs in an appropriate way. It also helped as we understood improvements we could make in the future.