The document provides historical context for F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel The Great Gatsby by describing the social and economic environment of the 1920s in the United States. After World War I, the US economy boomed as soldiers returned home with money to spend, ushering in the Roaring Twenties era of materialism, jazz music, women's liberation, and prohibition. New technologies like the automobile and advertising proliferated, while organized crime profited from illegal alcohol and gambling during prohibition. This cultural milieu influenced Fitzgerald's acclaimed novel exploring excess and the American Dream.
Between 1750-1789, the American colonies grew increasingly unhappy with British rule as Britain imposed new taxes without colonial consent to pay off debts from the Seven Years' War. This led to unrest and demonstrations like the Boston Tea Party in 1773. In 1776, the colonies declared independence from Britain and fought the Revolutionary War until 1783 when Britain recognized American independence in the Treaty of Paris. After the war, the new nation worked to establish a stable government, debating between the Federalists who favored a strong central government and the Antifederalists who opposed centralized power. This debate was resolved with the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1789.
The document discusses the political changes that occurred in the United States following the Era of Good Feelings. New political parties formed as opposition became more accepted. Candidates used new campaign methods like parades and barbecues to appeal to voters. Voter turnout doubled between 1824 and 1828 as people became more engaged in the political process. The elections of the 1820s and 1830s were characterized by the rise of Jacksonian democracy and the development of the two-party system between the Democrats and Whigs.
The document summarizes some of the political and social tensions that led the 13 colonies to revolt against British rule between 1750-1776. It discusses the French and Indian War, which strained the British empire through high taxation and war debt. It also discusses various Acts passed by the British parliament, such as the Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, and Coercive Acts that further angered colonists and sparked protests. Over time, resistance among the colonies grew and eventually led to open conflict and the beginning of the American Revolutionary War in 1775.
The War of 1812 was poorly fought by America due to divisions within the country and poor military leadership. However, the war gave Americans a renewed sense of national identity. While the British won more battles, they could not conquer the vast American territory. The Treaty of Ghent ended the war in 1814 without either side gaining territory. The war strengthened American manufacturing and helped unify the country after its conclusion, marking a second war for American independence.
The document discusses how the climate of the Little Ice Age from the 14th to 19th centuries significantly impacted global temperatures, reshaped the world, and influenced major historical events like revolutions. It also describes how the Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the US but extended slavery, and the violence that characterized the South American frontier and politics centered around families. Finally, it outlines how several major battles of the American Civil War, especially the Battle of Antietam in 1862, were critical crossroads that restored northern faith, ended British hopes of interference, and emancipated slaves while reuniting the Union.
The document discusses several key events and issues surrounding the American Civil War:
1) Lincoln was faced with an ominous choice regarding how to respond to the secession of South Carolina and other southern states taking control of federal forts and property. He ultimately refused the southern demand to surrender Fort Sumter.
2) The southern attack on Fort Sumter was ultimately a positive for the North and Lincoln, as it rallied support for the Union cause.
3) The Border States of Kentucky, Missouri, Maryland, and Delaware were crucial because their allegiance could have tipped the war strongly in the South's favor if they had seceded.
4) Railroads and telegraph networks gave the North a
The document discusses significant political events and developments in the United States from the late 1860s to the early 1900s. Key events included the founding of third parties like the Prohibition and Populist parties, as well as the assassination of President Garfield. Farmers faced economic hardship and organized through alliances, putting political pressure on both major parties. Tensions grew around issues of currency and tariffs. The period saw the rise of Jim Crow laws and disfranchisement in the South. Under McKinley, American imperialism and overseas expansion increased, driven by factors like naval strategists and missionaries, culminating in the Spanish-American War and new overseas territories.
The document discusses the history of slavery and abolitionism in the United States from the late 18th century through the 1850s. It describes the slave-owning plantation aristocracy in the South, the lives of slaves, and the different socioeconomic classes below the aristocracy. It also discusses the emergence of abolitionist societies and movements, both political and radical, and the South's defensive response to the growing abolitionist sentiment in the North. Key figures discussed include Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Theodore Weld.
The American Revolution began in 1774 when each colony established independent self-governing states in response to British rule. In 1775 the British sent troops to reassert control, leading the states to join together in fighting the American Revolutionary War for independence. By 1776 the states had severed ties with Britain and declared independence as the United States. The new nation then drafted the Constitution in 1787-88 to govern the united states.
Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin aroused strong reactions in both the North and South by vividly portraying the cruelty of slavery. It sold millions of copies and influenced public opinion in both America and Europe. In the 1857 Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property without rights and Congress could not ban slavery in territories, further straining sectional tensions. The 1860 election saw Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln while the southern Democrats nominated John Breckinridge after walking out of the Democratic convention, reflecting the deep split over slavery in the nation.
The document summarizes the key events in the struggle for control of North America between France, Britain, and Spain from the late 17th century to the 1760s. It describes France establishing settlements in Canada led by Samuel de Champlain, the fur trade that developed, and the four intertwined European and colonial wars that resulted in Britain gaining control of most of France's North American territories by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. However, tensions grew as colonists increasingly settled west of the Appalachians against British wishes.
The document summarizes major events and developments in the Americas during the 19th century. Several key points:
1) Many countries in the western hemisphere gained independence from European powers, while the United States expanded significantly in size through western expansion and the Mexican-American War.
2) Industrialization increased in the northern U.S. while the southern economy remained agricultural and relied on slavery, exacerbating tensions between the north and south that led to the Civil War.
3) Western expansion was characterized by migration to the frontier for land and resources, increasing ethnic diversity across the population.
The document outlines the key events that led to the American Revolution from 1607-1776, including Britain passing taxes like the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts on the colonies without representation, leading colonists to adopt the slogan "no taxation without representation." Tensions rose further with events like the Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party. Finally, the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, declaring independence from British rule and marking the start of the Revolutionary War.
The document summarizes four different articles from 1858 issues of the New York Times. The first article discusses the proposed Proviso in California that split politicians along North and South lines regarding the expansion of slavery. The second article talks about foreign generals criticizing American naval officers and the American public's reaction. The third details the arrival of an editor speaking about the capture of General Walker. And the fourth outlines plans to collect city bonds and losses on the stock exchange stemming from issues in London.
Fulgencio Batista seized power in Cuba in 1952 through a coup, which was unpopular with many Cubans who opposed his authoritarian rule. Fidel Castro began plotting to overthrow Batista. In 1953, Castro led an attack on the Moncada barracks, which failed, and he was imprisoned but later released. In 1955, Castro went to Mexico and formed the July 26th Movement to continue fighting Batista's regime through guerrilla warfare in the mountains. By 1958, Castro's forces had gained strength while Batista's military was weakened. Batista fled Cuba in 1959, and Castro entered Havana in January 1959 to popular acclaim, culminating in the Cuban Revolution.
Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine, and Mexican War (USHC 2.2)Tom Richey
The document discusses how the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny influenced U.S. foreign relations and expansion in the 1800s. It describes how the Monroe Doctrine aimed to limit European colonization in the Americas and how Manifest Destiny promoted westward expansion as divinely ordained. It then gives details on how these ideas contributed to U.S. involvement in the Texas Revolution and Mexican War, resulting in territorial acquisitions that increased tensions over slavery and expanded the nation from coast to coast.
The document summarizes conflicts between settlers and Native Americans in the Northwest Territory in the 1790s, which led to the Treaty of Greenville. It also discusses the divided American response to the French Revolution and Washington's declaration of neutrality. Washington sent John Jay to negotiate a treaty with Britain that ended the impressment of American sailors but was unpopular with those siding with France. Washington also offered advice in his Farewell Address to avoid political parties and foreign alliances.
O documento discute que bom gosto e sofistica巽達o n達o precisam ser caros. Em poucas palavras, ele sugere que estilo n達o depende de pre巽o e que 辿 poss鱈vel ter bom estilo de maneira acess鱈vel.
Este documento resume la vida y los principales descubrimientos de Sigmund Freud, el padre del psicoan叩lisis. Freud estudi坦 medicina y neurolog鱈a en Viena y Par鱈s, donde se interes坦 por la histeria y el uso de la hipnosis. Descubri坦 la existencia del inconsciente y los mecanismos de defensa del yo. Tambi辿n desarroll坦 teor鱈as como el complejo de Edipo y la transferencia. El m辿todo central del psicoan叩lisis es la asociaci坦n libre, donde el paciente habla libremente para revelar los conflict
O documento discute estrat辿gias para evitar adoecer mental e fisicamente, recomendando expressar sentimentos ao inv辿s de reprimi-los, tomar decis探es em vez de permanecer indeciso, buscar solu巽探es em vez de se lamentar, aceitar a si mesmo e n達o viver de apar棚ncias.
Sobreviventes de TWD: da sa鱈da do acampamento de Atlanta at辿 a queda da pris達oProfessor Belinaso
Os personagens s達o apresentados com suas origens e pap辿is na pris達o e em Woodbury. Alguns sobrevivem at辿 o fim da temporada, como Maggie e Michonne, enquanto outros morrem nas m達os do Governador, como Hershel, Tyreese e Dr. Stevens.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de operadores en Excel, incluyendo operadores aritm辿ticos, de comparaci坦n, de concatenaci坦n de texto y de referencia. Explica que los operadores especifican el tipo de c叩lculo a realizar en una f坦rmula y c坦mo se clasifican. Tambi辿n resume las propiedades de los operadores como su s鱈mbolo y la precedencia de las operaciones. Por 炭ltimo, define qu辿 son las funciones en Excel y c坦mo se clasifican en funciones de texto, fecha, b炭squeda, financieras, matem叩ticas, estad鱈sticas, l坦
1) El documento describe el sistema constructivo Royal Building System, fabricado con piezas de PVC en Argentina desde 1994.
2) El sistema consiste en paneles rectangulares y conectores que se ensamblan f叩cilmente, y ha sido usado para construir viviendas, escuelas y otras estructuras en m叩s de 60 pa鱈ses.
3) El sistema ofrece ventajas como durabilidad, resistencia a huracanes e inundaciones, aislamiento t辿rmico y ac炭stico, y rapidez en la construcci坦n.
The document discusses the history of slavery and abolitionism in the United States from the late 18th century through the 1850s. It describes the slave-owning plantation aristocracy in the South, the lives of slaves, and the different socioeconomic classes below the aristocracy. It also discusses the emergence of abolitionist societies and movements, both political and radical, and the South's defensive response to the growing abolitionist sentiment in the North. Key figures discussed include Frederick Douglass, William Lloyd Garrison, and Theodore Weld.
The American Revolution began in 1774 when each colony established independent self-governing states in response to British rule. In 1775 the British sent troops to reassert control, leading the states to join together in fighting the American Revolutionary War for independence. By 1776 the states had severed ties with Britain and declared independence as the United States. The new nation then drafted the Constitution in 1787-88 to govern the united states.
Harriet Beecher Stowe's 1852 novel Uncle Tom's Cabin aroused strong reactions in both the North and South by vividly portraying the cruelty of slavery. It sold millions of copies and influenced public opinion in both America and Europe. In the 1857 Dred Scott decision, the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property without rights and Congress could not ban slavery in territories, further straining sectional tensions. The 1860 election saw Republicans nominate Abraham Lincoln while the southern Democrats nominated John Breckinridge after walking out of the Democratic convention, reflecting the deep split over slavery in the nation.
The document summarizes the key events in the struggle for control of North America between France, Britain, and Spain from the late 17th century to the 1760s. It describes France establishing settlements in Canada led by Samuel de Champlain, the fur trade that developed, and the four intertwined European and colonial wars that resulted in Britain gaining control of most of France's North American territories by the Treaty of Paris in 1763. However, tensions grew as colonists increasingly settled west of the Appalachians against British wishes.
The document summarizes major events and developments in the Americas during the 19th century. Several key points:
1) Many countries in the western hemisphere gained independence from European powers, while the United States expanded significantly in size through western expansion and the Mexican-American War.
2) Industrialization increased in the northern U.S. while the southern economy remained agricultural and relied on slavery, exacerbating tensions between the north and south that led to the Civil War.
3) Western expansion was characterized by migration to the frontier for land and resources, increasing ethnic diversity across the population.
The document outlines the key events that led to the American Revolution from 1607-1776, including Britain passing taxes like the Sugar Act, Stamp Act, and Townshend Acts on the colonies without representation, leading colonists to adopt the slogan "no taxation without representation." Tensions rose further with events like the Boston Massacre and Boston Tea Party. Finally, the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, declaring independence from British rule and marking the start of the Revolutionary War.
The document summarizes four different articles from 1858 issues of the New York Times. The first article discusses the proposed Proviso in California that split politicians along North and South lines regarding the expansion of slavery. The second article talks about foreign generals criticizing American naval officers and the American public's reaction. The third details the arrival of an editor speaking about the capture of General Walker. And the fourth outlines plans to collect city bonds and losses on the stock exchange stemming from issues in London.
Fulgencio Batista seized power in Cuba in 1952 through a coup, which was unpopular with many Cubans who opposed his authoritarian rule. Fidel Castro began plotting to overthrow Batista. In 1953, Castro led an attack on the Moncada barracks, which failed, and he was imprisoned but later released. In 1955, Castro went to Mexico and formed the July 26th Movement to continue fighting Batista's regime through guerrilla warfare in the mountains. By 1958, Castro's forces had gained strength while Batista's military was weakened. Batista fled Cuba in 1959, and Castro entered Havana in January 1959 to popular acclaim, culminating in the Cuban Revolution.
Manifest Destiny, Monroe Doctrine, and Mexican War (USHC 2.2)Tom Richey
The document discusses how the Monroe Doctrine and Manifest Destiny influenced U.S. foreign relations and expansion in the 1800s. It describes how the Monroe Doctrine aimed to limit European colonization in the Americas and how Manifest Destiny promoted westward expansion as divinely ordained. It then gives details on how these ideas contributed to U.S. involvement in the Texas Revolution and Mexican War, resulting in territorial acquisitions that increased tensions over slavery and expanded the nation from coast to coast.
The document summarizes conflicts between settlers and Native Americans in the Northwest Territory in the 1790s, which led to the Treaty of Greenville. It also discusses the divided American response to the French Revolution and Washington's declaration of neutrality. Washington sent John Jay to negotiate a treaty with Britain that ended the impressment of American sailors but was unpopular with those siding with France. Washington also offered advice in his Farewell Address to avoid political parties and foreign alliances.
O documento discute que bom gosto e sofistica巽達o n達o precisam ser caros. Em poucas palavras, ele sugere que estilo n達o depende de pre巽o e que 辿 poss鱈vel ter bom estilo de maneira acess鱈vel.
Este documento resume la vida y los principales descubrimientos de Sigmund Freud, el padre del psicoan叩lisis. Freud estudi坦 medicina y neurolog鱈a en Viena y Par鱈s, donde se interes坦 por la histeria y el uso de la hipnosis. Descubri坦 la existencia del inconsciente y los mecanismos de defensa del yo. Tambi辿n desarroll坦 teor鱈as como el complejo de Edipo y la transferencia. El m辿todo central del psicoan叩lisis es la asociaci坦n libre, donde el paciente habla libremente para revelar los conflict
O documento discute estrat辿gias para evitar adoecer mental e fisicamente, recomendando expressar sentimentos ao inv辿s de reprimi-los, tomar decis探es em vez de permanecer indeciso, buscar solu巽探es em vez de se lamentar, aceitar a si mesmo e n達o viver de apar棚ncias.
Sobreviventes de TWD: da sa鱈da do acampamento de Atlanta at辿 a queda da pris達oProfessor Belinaso
Os personagens s達o apresentados com suas origens e pap辿is na pris達o e em Woodbury. Alguns sobrevivem at辿 o fim da temporada, como Maggie e Michonne, enquanto outros morrem nas m達os do Governador, como Hershel, Tyreese e Dr. Stevens.
Este documento describe los diferentes tipos de operadores en Excel, incluyendo operadores aritm辿ticos, de comparaci坦n, de concatenaci坦n de texto y de referencia. Explica que los operadores especifican el tipo de c叩lculo a realizar en una f坦rmula y c坦mo se clasifican. Tambi辿n resume las propiedades de los operadores como su s鱈mbolo y la precedencia de las operaciones. Por 炭ltimo, define qu辿 son las funciones en Excel y c坦mo se clasifican en funciones de texto, fecha, b炭squeda, financieras, matem叩ticas, estad鱈sticas, l坦
1) El documento describe el sistema constructivo Royal Building System, fabricado con piezas de PVC en Argentina desde 1994.
2) El sistema consiste en paneles rectangulares y conectores que se ensamblan f叩cilmente, y ha sido usado para construir viviendas, escuelas y otras estructuras en m叩s de 60 pa鱈ses.
3) El sistema ofrece ventajas como durabilidad, resistencia a huracanes e inundaciones, aislamiento t辿rmico y ac炭stico, y rapidez en la construcci坦n.
El documento describe varias redes sociales y herramientas de comunicaci坦n populares como Facebook, Hotmail, YouTube, Hi5, Smartboard, Scribd, Myspace, Hotpotatoes, CmapTools, Sonico, Blogger, 際際滷share, Bebo y Tuenti. Permite a los usuarios compartir fotos, videos, enlaces y mantenerse en contacto con amigos a trav辿s de perfiles y mensajer鱈a. Algunas herramientas como Hotpotatoes y CmapTools son para crear material educativo interactivo, mientras que Smartboard, Scribd y 際際滷share permiten
O documento descreve um projeto chamado Projeto LaPaz, que tem como objetivo conscientizar e prevenir o uso de drogas atrav辿s de a巽探es e informa巽探es. O projeto 辿 organizado em duas divis探es: a Rede LaPaz de A巽達o Social, respons叩vel por planejar atividades de preven巽達o, e a Revista LaPaz, focada no universo da depend棚ncia qu鱈mica. O projeto busca envolver entidades, empresas e profissionais atrav辿s da rede para realizar suas atividades.
Este documento presenta informaci坦n sobre la enfermedad luxante de cadera, incluyendo su anatom鱈a, etiolog鱈a, diagn坦stico, y tratamiento de rehabilitaci坦n en tres tiempos quir炭rgicos. Describe los factores anat坦micos y fisiol坦gicos de la articulaci坦n de la cadera, as鱈 como los factores que causan luxaci坦n. Explica el enfoque de la fisioterapia para cada tiempo quir炭rgico, con 辿nfasis en mejorar el tono muscular, la movilidad articular, la fuerza y la reeducaci坦n de
1) El documento describe el sistema constructivo Royal Building System, fabricado con piezas de PVC por Royal Tel International en Argentina desde 1994.
2) El sistema consiste en paneles rectangulares y conectores que se ensamblan f叩cilmente, y ha sido usado para construir viviendas, escuelas, y otras estructuras en m叩s de 60 pa鱈ses.
3) El sistema ofrece ventajas como durabilidad, resistencia a huracanes e inundaciones, aislamiento t辿rmico y ac炭stico, y rapidez en la construcci坦n.
El documento habla sobre el uso de las TIC's en la educaci坦n. Explica que existen inmigrantes digitales que no nacieron en el mundo digital pero se han adaptado a la tecnolog鱈a, y nativos digitales que son hablantes nativos del lenguaje digital. Tambi辿n menciona la brecha digital y c坦mo las TIC's pueden usarse en la escuela de forma l坦gica y tradicional o de forma m叩s r叩pida. Finalmente, describe nuevos escenarios para el aprendizaje como los campus virtuales y redes sociales.
Este documento presenta breves biograf鱈as de los cuatro miembros de The Beatles: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison y Ringo Starr. Detalla sus fechas de nacimiento y fallecimiento, sus esposas e hijos, y sus principales contribuciones musicales a la banda.
This document lists the titles of 14 paintings that depict various arrangements of flowers, fruit, and in some cases birds or other small animals. The paintings are attributed to different Dutch and Flemish artists from the 17th century, including Jan Davidsz de Heem, Jan van Huysum, Frans Snyders, Charles White, Josef Lauer, and Jean Simon Saint. The paintings feature still life subjects like bouquets of flowers, vases of flowers, arrangements of flowers and fruit, and flowers with birds or a hedgehog.
Wooden sculptures from Sergei Cherchenovslidelarisa
This very short document appears to be about wooden sculptures made by an artist named Sergei Cherchenov, but provides no other details about the sculptures or artist. It contains a single word "Wooden" followed by the artist's name across multiple lines, and ends abruptly with "FIN".
Russian lacquer art involves decorating surfaces with layers of lacquer that are then painted with intricate designs. One example is a Jostovskii podnos, which is a Russian lacquered tray featuring a painted floral bouquet design. The tray is for sale on an online Russian art shop's website.
The document lists the names and copyright information for various artists and artworks. It includes artists from different time periods and countries such as Sergey Andriaka, Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller, Balthasar van der Ast, Osias Beert, John Sayers, Mary Minifie, Juan Carlos Ospina Ort鱈z, Zhu Zhiren, Pieter Claesz Soutman, Miguel Parra Y Soler, MARIANO RISTORI MORAKIS, Antonio Guzman Capel, Barrett McDevitt, Zhou Lixuan, and Cornelis Jacobsz Delff. The document also notes that some of the artworks are part of The Royal
The document discusses how celebrities from the modern era would be depicted if Renaissance-era portraits were painted of them today. It lists the names of many famous actors, politicians, musicians, and other celebrities and suggests that artists on a creative website painted portraits of what these celebrities may have looked like from the Renaissance period by using paint and brushes rather than cameras.
This document appears to list the names of various artists, including Aime Barraud, Mina Dela Cruz, Jane Lund, Luigi Pellanda, Enrique Campuzano, Nancy Fletcher, and Alexander Seliverstov. The title "Still Life Reflection - Self Portrait" suggests this may be listing credits for artists who contributed to or were featured in a work of art.
The document lists famous people from different fields including Charlie Chaplin, Bob Dylan, Bill Murray, Pavarotti, Basil Fawlty, Richard Nixon, Laurel & Hardy, Shakespeare, Harvey Milk, Benjamin Button, characters from Pulp Fiction, Sylvester Stallone, themes from The Reader, Michael Jackson, Stephen Fry, and the letters F I N. The list contains entertainers, politicians, fictional characters, and others known for their notable accomplishments and popularity across different eras.
The document discusses creative works from designers including Peter Kolles and Bronia Sawyer. It mentions paper and The Book Birds. The document ends abruptly after only providing a few brief details about the creative works.
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