Wilmington Exhibition of Photography 2016: Winnersmaditabalnco
Silver medal was awarded for "One Plus Four". The document provides a public service announcement about an award given on March 15, 2017 for a project called "One Plus Four".
The document describes a cruise along the Neva River in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It provides views of major landmarks and sites seen along the route including the Resurrection of Christ Church, Neva River, University Pier, Kunstkammer Museum, Palace Bridge, Winter Palace, St. Isaac Cathedral, Senate Building, Palace Pier, Peter and Paul Fortress and Cathedral, Rostral Columns, and Trinity Bridge. Background music included Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite and the Soviet Anthem. The creator of the document shared it and a link to their YouTube channel containing additional videos of the Neva River.
Russian lacquer art involves decorating surfaces with layers of lacquer that are then painted with intricate designs. One example is a Jostovskii podnos, which is a Russian lacquered tray featuring a painted floral bouquet design. The tray is for sale on an online Russian art shop's website.
Rare and spectacular species of birds of the world -(catherine)Catherine Dewilde
1. The document summarizes 15 rare and beautiful bird species from around the world that are nearing extinction, including the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock from South America known for its colorful crests, the Turquoise-Browed Motmot also from South America with its bright colors and movable tail, and the nocturnal, flightless Kakapo parrot found in New Zealand.
2. It also describes birds like the poisonous Hooded Pitohui of New Guinea whose bright feathers burn human skin, the Quetzal sacred to Mayan people, and the large Great Curassow of Central America that nests high in trees.
3. Rarer species mentioned include
Hu Guoqing is a commercial photographer originally from Nantong, Jiangsu province who now lives in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. He graduated from Wuhan University with a major in photography and is a member of several photography associations, including serving as vice president of the Photographers Association of Nanshan District in Shenzhen. Hu Guoqing founded Shenzhen Huge Studio Co., Ltd and has won gold awards for his commercial photography works.
Carnets de Voyage ~ By Stephanie Ledouxmaditabalnco
Stephanie Ledoux is an artist living in southern France who loves to travel and never leaves home without her sketchbook and pencils. She enjoys drawing people's faces as a way to meet them and get to know each other. After returning from her travels, she uses her collection of over 60 travel diaries as inspiration for larger art pieces she creates.
The document summarizes the winners and honorable mentions of the Monochrome Awards 2016 wildlife photography competition. The 1st place winner was Panos Laskaris of Greece for his photo "Go for fight". The 2nd place winner was Tom Way of the UK for "Racing the storm". The 3rd place winner was Arkadiusz Kikulski of Poland for "On the forest floor". There were numerous honorable mentions and their submitted photos covered a wide variety of wildlife subjects around the world.
DigiRap International Photography Award Winners 2016: Category Travel (Colour)maditabalnco
The document lists the winners of various photography awards and competitions. It provides the name of the photographer, their country of origin, and the title of the winning photograph for gold, silver, and bronze medals as well as ribbons and merit awards from competitions including the PSA, IUP, RPS, DIPA, and PhotoVivo awards. A total of over 50 photographers from countries including China, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, the USA, Bangladesh, and Myanmar are recognized for their work.
The document lists the top 10 placements in various photography categories. Antti Karppinen of Finland won gold in the Illustrative category. Lee Howell of the UK won gold for Wedding photography. Goh Wee Seng of Singapore won gold for Reportage. Pepe Soho of Mexico won gold for Nature photography. Du邸an Holovej of Slovakia won gold for Commercial photography. Eelena Malsheva of Russia won gold for Portrait.
Wilmington Exhibition of Photography 2016: Winnersmaditabalnco
Silver medal was awarded for "One Plus Four". The document provides a public service announcement about an award given on March 15, 2017 for a project called "One Plus Four".
The document describes a cruise along the Neva River in Saint Petersburg, Russia. It provides views of major landmarks and sites seen along the route including the Resurrection of Christ Church, Neva River, University Pier, Kunstkammer Museum, Palace Bridge, Winter Palace, St. Isaac Cathedral, Senate Building, Palace Pier, Peter and Paul Fortress and Cathedral, Rostral Columns, and Trinity Bridge. Background music included Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite and the Soviet Anthem. The creator of the document shared it and a link to their YouTube channel containing additional videos of the Neva River.
Russian lacquer art involves decorating surfaces with layers of lacquer that are then painted with intricate designs. One example is a Jostovskii podnos, which is a Russian lacquered tray featuring a painted floral bouquet design. The tray is for sale on an online Russian art shop's website.
Rare and spectacular species of birds of the world -(catherine)Catherine Dewilde
1. The document summarizes 15 rare and beautiful bird species from around the world that are nearing extinction, including the Andean Cock-of-the-Rock from South America known for its colorful crests, the Turquoise-Browed Motmot also from South America with its bright colors and movable tail, and the nocturnal, flightless Kakapo parrot found in New Zealand.
2. It also describes birds like the poisonous Hooded Pitohui of New Guinea whose bright feathers burn human skin, the Quetzal sacred to Mayan people, and the large Great Curassow of Central America that nests high in trees.
3. Rarer species mentioned include
Hu Guoqing is a commercial photographer originally from Nantong, Jiangsu province who now lives in Shenzhen, Guangdong province. He graduated from Wuhan University with a major in photography and is a member of several photography associations, including serving as vice president of the Photographers Association of Nanshan District in Shenzhen. Hu Guoqing founded Shenzhen Huge Studio Co., Ltd and has won gold awards for his commercial photography works.
Carnets de Voyage ~ By Stephanie Ledouxmaditabalnco
Stephanie Ledoux is an artist living in southern France who loves to travel and never leaves home without her sketchbook and pencils. She enjoys drawing people's faces as a way to meet them and get to know each other. After returning from her travels, she uses her collection of over 60 travel diaries as inspiration for larger art pieces she creates.
The document summarizes the winners and honorable mentions of the Monochrome Awards 2016 wildlife photography competition. The 1st place winner was Panos Laskaris of Greece for his photo "Go for fight". The 2nd place winner was Tom Way of the UK for "Racing the storm". The 3rd place winner was Arkadiusz Kikulski of Poland for "On the forest floor". There were numerous honorable mentions and their submitted photos covered a wide variety of wildlife subjects around the world.
DigiRap International Photography Award Winners 2016: Category Travel (Colour)maditabalnco
The document lists the winners of various photography awards and competitions. It provides the name of the photographer, their country of origin, and the title of the winning photograph for gold, silver, and bronze medals as well as ribbons and merit awards from competitions including the PSA, IUP, RPS, DIPA, and PhotoVivo awards. A total of over 50 photographers from countries including China, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam, the USA, Bangladesh, and Myanmar are recognized for their work.
The document lists the top 10 placements in various photography categories. Antti Karppinen of Finland won gold in the Illustrative category. Lee Howell of the UK won gold for Wedding photography. Goh Wee Seng of Singapore won gold for Reportage. Pepe Soho of Mexico won gold for Nature photography. Du邸an Holovej of Slovakia won gold for Commercial photography. Eelena Malsheva of Russia won gold for Portrait.
This document lists the titles of 14 paintings that depict various arrangements of flowers, fruit, and in some cases birds or other small animals. The paintings are attributed to different Dutch and Flemish artists from the 17th century, including Jan Davidsz de Heem, Jan van Huysum, Frans Snyders, Charles White, Josef Lauer, and Jean Simon Saint. The paintings feature still life subjects like bouquets of flowers, vases of flowers, arrangements of flowers and fruit, and flowers with birds or a hedgehog.
Wooden sculptures from Sergei Cherchenovslidelarisa
This very short document appears to be about wooden sculptures made by an artist named Sergei Cherchenov, but provides no other details about the sculptures or artist. It contains a single word "Wooden" followed by the artist's name across multiple lines, and ends abruptly with "FIN".
The document lists the names and copyright information for various artists and artworks. It includes artists from different time periods and countries such as Sergey Andriaka, Ferdinand Georg Waldmuller, Balthasar van der Ast, Osias Beert, John Sayers, Mary Minifie, Juan Carlos Ospina Ort鱈z, Zhu Zhiren, Pieter Claesz Soutman, Miguel Parra Y Soler, MARIANO RISTORI MORAKIS, Antonio Guzman Capel, Barrett McDevitt, Zhou Lixuan, and Cornelis Jacobsz Delff. The document also notes that some of the artworks are part of The Royal
The document discusses how celebrities from the modern era would be depicted if Renaissance-era portraits were painted of them today. It lists the names of many famous actors, politicians, musicians, and other celebrities and suggests that artists on a creative website painted portraits of what these celebrities may have looked like from the Renaissance period by using paint and brushes rather than cameras.
This document appears to list the names of various artists, including Aime Barraud, Mina Dela Cruz, Jane Lund, Luigi Pellanda, Enrique Campuzano, Nancy Fletcher, and Alexander Seliverstov. The title "Still Life Reflection - Self Portrait" suggests this may be listing credits for artists who contributed to or were featured in a work of art.
The document lists famous people from different fields including Charlie Chaplin, Bob Dylan, Bill Murray, Pavarotti, Basil Fawlty, Richard Nixon, Laurel & Hardy, Shakespeare, Harvey Milk, Benjamin Button, characters from Pulp Fiction, Sylvester Stallone, themes from The Reader, Michael Jackson, Stephen Fry, and the letters F I N. The list contains entertainers, politicians, fictional characters, and others known for their notable accomplishments and popularity across different eras.
The document discusses creative works from designers including Peter Kolles and Bronia Sawyer. It mentions paper and The Book Birds. The document ends abruptly after only providing a few brief details about the creative works.
This document provides information on 18 artworks from the British Museum collection, listing the title, artist, and year for each piece. The artworks span from the 15th to 19th centuries and include paintings, portraits, and other works by artists such as Giovanni Bellini, John Constable, Francisco Goya, Rembrandt, and Pierre-Auguste Renoir among others. The document catalogs a variety of art in the museum's collection from different historical periods and places.
This document lists the titles, artists, and dates of 16 artworks in the British Museum, including portraits, landscapes, and scenes from literature. Some of the artists mentioned are Henry Fuseli, Marcus Gheeraerts II, William Hogarth, William Holman Hunt, Arthur Hughes, Joseph Wright of Derby, and Edwin Henry Landseer. The artworks span the 16th through 19th centuries.
This document describes several creative kitchen designs including a bottle holder that rocks to pour wine, pots shaped like dolls, silicone utensil tips to prevent burns, a separator for cooking multiple foods in one pan, a cheese cutting board shaped like a mousetrap, and a plate-shaped stand for hot dishes.
2. 于仂亠 仂仍仄舒弍舒亠 于 弌舒仄弍仍亠, 丐亳, 舒仗仂仍仂亢亠仆仆亶 仆舒 亠于仂仗亠亶从仂亶 仂仂仆亠 仂仂舒, 弍仍 亞仍舒于仆仄 舒亟仄亳仆亳舒亳于仆仄 亠仆仂仄 于 仄舒仆从仂亶 亳仄仗亠亳亳. 03 仄舒舒 1924 于仗亳仍 于 亳仍 亰舒从仂仆 仂 仗亠亠亟舒亠 仂弍于亠仆仆仂亳 亟于仂舒 于 仆舒亳仂仆舒仍仆仂亠 仆舒仍亠亟亳亠 仆仂于仂亶 丐亠从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳 舒弍仂 仗仂 仂亳亠仍于 仂亠仆亠仆 于 5 仄亳仍仍亳仂仆仂于 Mecidiye - 仄舒仆从舒 仂仍仂舒 仄仂仆亠舒, 从于亳于舒仍亠仆 35 仂仆仆 亰仂仍仂舒. 丼亠仆舒亟舒 亳亰 亳 仂仆仆 亰仂仍仂舒 弍仍亳 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仆 亟仍 仗仂亰仂仍仂 仗仂仂仍从舒 于 45000 从于舒亟舒仆 仄亠仂于 亟于仂舒 . Dolmabah巽e Palace in Istanbul, Turkey, located on the European side of Bosphorus, was the main administrative center of the Ottoman Empire. A law that took effect on March 3, 1924, transferred ownership of the palace to the national heritage of the new Republic of Turkey The construction, cost five million Mecidiye, Ottoman gold coin, the equivalent of 35 tons of gold. Fourteen of those tons of gold were used to gild the ceilings of the 45,000 square foot palace.
4. 仂仍仄舒弍舒亠 弍仍 亟仂仄仂仄 亟仍 亠亳 弌仍舒仆仂于 1856 亟仂 仂仄亠仆 舒仍亳舒舒, 从仂亞亟舒 于 仂从磡亠 1923 弍仍舒 仂亰亟舒仆舒 丐亠从舒 亠仗弍仍亳从舒 . Dolmabah巽e was home to six Sultans, from 1856 until the abolition of the Caliphate, when the Republic of Turkey, was established in October 1923.
5. 舒舒 亠仄舒仍 舒ム从 弍仍 仂仆仂于舒亠仍亠仄 亳 仗亠于仄 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆仂仄 丐亠从仂亶 亠仗弍仍亳从亳. 仆 亳仗仂仍亰仂于舒仍 亟于仂亠 于 从舒亠于亠 仍亠仆亠亶 亠亰亳亟亠仆亳亳 仗亠亰亳亟亠仆舒, 亰亟亠 弍仍亳 仗亳仆 仆亠从仂仂亠 亳亰 亰舒从仂仆仂于, 亳仄亠ム亳 舒仄仂亠 于舒亢仆仂亠 亰仆舒亠仆亳亠. Mustafa Kemal Atat端rk, the founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey, used the palace as presidential residence during the summers, where he passed some of the most important laws.
6. 仂仂于亠于亳亳 亠亞仂 弍亳仂亞舒亳亠亶 : 舒ム从 - 亠亞仂 仆仂于仂亠 亳仄, 从仂仂仂亠 弍仍仂 仗亳仂亠亟亳仆亠仆仂 从 亠亞仂 亳仄亠仆亳 舒舒 亠仄舒仍 仂亞仍舒仆仂 束亰舒从仂仆 仂 舒仄亳仍亳亳損 于 1934 亞仂亟. According to his biography : Atat端rk is the new name that was assigned to Mustafa Kemal unanimously as a result of the "Law on the Last Name" of 1934. Previously, this population lacked
7. 仆 仗仂于亠仍 仗仂仍亠亟仆亳亠 亟仆亳 于仂亠亶 亢亳亰仆亳 于 仂仄 亟于仂亠, 亞亟亠 仂仆 仄亠 10 仆仂磡 1938 亞仂亟舒. He spent the last days of medical treatment in this palace, where he died on November 10, 1938
8. 仂仄 亰舒仍亠 亠亠仄仂仆亳亶 于亳亳 仍ム舒 亳亰 丼亠从仂亞仂 舒仍, 从仂仂舒 于亠亳 4,5 仂仆仆 亳 亳仄亠亠 750 仍舒仄仗仂亠从. 亅仂 - 仗仂亟舒仂从 从仂仂仍亠于 亳从仂亳亳. In the Hall of Ceremonies, the lamp is Bohemia Crystal world's largest. Weighs 4.5 tons and has 750 lights. Gift of Queen Victoria
9. 仂仍仄舒弍舒亠 亳仄亠亠 仂亟仆 亳亰 舒仄 弍仂亞舒 从仂仍仍亠从亳亶 仍ム 亠从仂亞仂 亠从仍舒 亳 舒从从舒舒 于 仄亳亠. Dolmabah巽e has one of the largest collections of lamps Bohemian and Baccarat in the world
17. 亳亰舒亶仆 亳 仂仂仄仍亠仆亳亠 亟于仂舒 仂舒亢舒亠 舒亠亠 于仍亳礌亳亠 亠于仂仗亠亶从仂亞仂 亳仍 亳 仆仂仄 从仍 仄舒仆从仂亶 亳仄仗亠亳亳 The design and decoration of the palace, reflects the growing influence of European styles and standards of the Ottoman culture
22. Algunas de las muchas obras de arte que se pueden admirar en el Palacio.. 亟亠 仗亠亟舒于仍亠仆 仆亠从仂仂亠 仗亠亟仄亠 亳亰 弍仂仍仂亶 从仂仍仍亠从亳亳 仗仂亳亰于亠亟亠仆亳亶 亳从于舒 于 亰仂仍仂亠, 从舒舒ム亳亠 亟于仂亠. These are just some pieces of the vast collection of works of art in gold, displayed the Palace.
23. 仂仍仄舒弍舒亠 - 从仗仆亠亶亳亶 亳亰 亟于仂仂于 仄舒仆从仂亶 亳仄仗亠亳亳 Dolmabah巽e, is the largest of the Ottoman imperial palaces
24. 亅仂 仂亞仂仄仆亶 亳亰从舒仆仆亶 亟于仂亠, 亞亟亠 285 从仂仄仆舒, 43 弍仂仍亳 亰舒仍仂于 亳 仄仆仂亞仂 亟亞亳 仗亠亳舒仍亳亰亳仂于舒仆仆 仗仂仄亠亠仆亳亶 It's huge and sumptuous, with 285 rooms, 43 large rooms, and many other specialized areas
28. 束仍亳 仆舒 亰亠仄仍亠 弍仍仂 弍 仂仍从仂 仂亟仆仂 亞仂亟舒于仂, 仂 亠亞仂 仂仍亳亠亶 弍仍 弍 弌舒仄弍仍損 舒仗仂仍亠仂仆 仂仆舒仗舒 . If the Earth were a single state, Istanbul would be its capital 油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油油 Napoleon Bonaparte.
29. Manuel [email_address] The presentation is made by Manuel Raul Diaz Arceo. Russian translation is made by Larisa