This document provides information about the photo restoration services offered by John McCorsley. He can restore, repair, colorize, or duplicate photographs and images. Some of the services include repairing wrinkled, cracked, or damaged photos; restoring faded black and white or color photos to their original look; adding or removing color; converting photos to look like silkscreen prints; and repairing torn or worn photos. He also offers custom photo cards and imaging services for events, advertising, and printing.
Teachers now have many new technology tools available like presentation software, online websites, and educational software that allow them to change how they teach traditional classrooms. These tools have led to changes in education over the past decade, but new technologies in the future may lead to even more changes for both teachers and how students learn. Teachers are encouraged to explore different technology tools to find their favorites and help shape how education evolves.
This document discusses functions and how to determine if a relation is a function. It defines a function as a relation where each element of the domain maps to exactly one element of the range. It provides examples of tables, coordinate points, and graphs, and explains how to use the vertical line test to determine if a graph represents a function. It also discusses how to determine if a relation is a function algebraically by solving for the output variable and checking if there is only one output for each input.
Dominic enjoys skateboarding and swimming, and his favorite sport is fighting. He is in 7th grade and does not like drama. He listed some of his other interests like music, UFC, MTV and brands he likes.
The document is a resume for Elisabeth Glover that outlines her experience and skills in public relations, marketing communications, technical writing and graphic design over various roles spanning 15-17 years. She has a Master's degree in Journalism/Mass Communications and lists skills including strategic thinking, communication, project management, and proficiency with Microsoft Office and Adobe software. The resume includes samples of her public relations, writing, and graphic design work.
The document discusses Tracer CQM Products, a sales methodology and software solution that helps salespeople target the right clients, strategize for each customer, track activities, and gain in-depth customer knowledge. It provides management reports to coach salespeople and measure performance. The software integrates with Outlook and allows communication tracking via phone calls, SMS, and email. It can be accessed via a mobile Pocket PC for frequent on-the-go use by salespeople.
The document summarizes the history and operations of Otkritie Financial Corporation, a major Russian financial services company. It was formed through mergers and acquisitions of several banks and brokerages since the 1990s. Key subsidiaries now include Otkritie Bank, one of Russia's largest commercial banks, and Otkritie Brokerage House, a top Russian brokerage firm. The document provides an overview of Otkritie's lines of business, corporate structure, leadership, financial results, and licenses across its commercial banking, brokerage, asset management, and investment banking divisions.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain tells the story of a mischievous boy named Tom Sawyer who lives with his Aunt Polly in St. Petersburg, Missouri in the 19th century. Tom tricks his friends into whitewashing his fence by convincing them it's fun, when it's actually a chore he was supposed to do as punishment. The book has been challenged by some parents for its portrayal of topics like racism and sexuality, though others believe it remains an important classic of American literature.
London Twitter Developer community meet up - Sept 2016Angus Fox
This document outlines the agenda for the #TapIntoTwitter - London event on September 6th, 2016. The agenda includes an introduction, a discussion on the state of Twitter and trends in the industry, an overview of open source projects at Twitter, an open mic session for short presentations, and an open discussion period. The goals of the event are to help developers understand how to make use of Twitter technologies and be more successful, and to facilitate sharing of knowledge and best practices within the developer community.
This document discusses adding, subtracting, and simplifying polynomials. It provides examples of adding polynomials by combining like terms. It also demonstrates subtracting polynomials by adding the opposite of the polynomial being subtracted. Finally, it gives an example of using polynomials to represent the perimeter and area of a deck with a hot tub installed on it.
Le positionnement d'un site repose sur des contenus accessiblesYellow Dolphins
L'accessibilit¨¦ du contenu favorise l'indexation du site par les moteurs et l'acc¨¨s ¨¤ l'information par les internautes. Mais gr?ce ¨¤ la synth¨¨se vocale, l'accessibilit¨¦ permet ¨¦galement d'augmenter l'audience potentielle d'un site faisant de cette contrainte un v¨¦ritable outil marketing.
R¨¦alis¨¦ par l'agence OhMyWeb: dans le cadre d'une intervention au sein des locaux de Terre et C?te Basques
Retrouvez nous ¨¦galement sur Facebook, Twitter, Google + et lisez notre blog:
Conf¨¦rence donn¨¦e lors de la journ¨¦e Infopresse sur le marketing relationnel et promotion donn¨¦e par Jean-S¨¦bastien Chouinard. Le web offre diff¨¦rentes opportunit¨¦s d¡¯engager les consommateurs et de leur c?t¨¦, les publicitaires sont confront¨¦s ¨¤ un choix infini de mediums pour rejoindre et fid¨¦liser leurs cibles. La conf¨¦rence vous montrera comment bien mesurer la valeur de vos points d¡¯engagement en trois ¨¦tapes : Identifier les 5 points d¡¯engagement d¡¯un client, mesurer sa valeur et identifer les client engag¨¦s.
Vous pouvez aussi la t¨¦l¨¦charger ici:
Dokumen ini membandingkan kisah Hang Tuah dan Cicakman. Kedua-dua kisah mengisahkan tentang wira yang mempunyai kebolehan luar biasa dan menolong orang yang memerlukan bantuan. Walaupun kedua-dua wira mempunyai kebolehan yang berbeza, namun kedua-dua kisah menyampaikan mesej untuk selalu menolong orang lain. adalah portal informasi terbesar di Indonesia yang menyediakan informasi dari berbagai sektor seperti bisnis, keuangan, dan hiburan. Portal ini menampilkan direktori perusahaan, properti, iklan usaha, serta produk dan jasa dari berbagai industri. juga menyediakan layanan keanggotaan seperti forum, traders club, lowongan kerja, dan fitur-fitur lain seperti berita, iklan, jejaring, pencarian, dan informasi
Dominic enjoys skateboarding and swimming, and his favorite sport is fighting. He is in 7th grade and does not like drama. He listed some of his other interests like music, UFC, MTV and brands he likes.
The document is a resume for Elisabeth Glover that outlines her experience and skills in public relations, marketing communications, technical writing and graphic design over various roles spanning 15-17 years. She has a Master's degree in Journalism/Mass Communications and lists skills including strategic thinking, communication, project management, and proficiency with Microsoft Office and Adobe software. The resume includes samples of her public relations, writing, and graphic design work.
The document discusses Tracer CQM Products, a sales methodology and software solution that helps salespeople target the right clients, strategize for each customer, track activities, and gain in-depth customer knowledge. It provides management reports to coach salespeople and measure performance. The software integrates with Outlook and allows communication tracking via phone calls, SMS, and email. It can be accessed via a mobile Pocket PC for frequent on-the-go use by salespeople.
The document summarizes the history and operations of Otkritie Financial Corporation, a major Russian financial services company. It was formed through mergers and acquisitions of several banks and brokerages since the 1990s. Key subsidiaries now include Otkritie Bank, one of Russia's largest commercial banks, and Otkritie Brokerage House, a top Russian brokerage firm. The document provides an overview of Otkritie's lines of business, corporate structure, leadership, financial results, and licenses across its commercial banking, brokerage, asset management, and investment banking divisions.
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain tells the story of a mischievous boy named Tom Sawyer who lives with his Aunt Polly in St. Petersburg, Missouri in the 19th century. Tom tricks his friends into whitewashing his fence by convincing them it's fun, when it's actually a chore he was supposed to do as punishment. The book has been challenged by some parents for its portrayal of topics like racism and sexuality, though others believe it remains an important classic of American literature.
London Twitter Developer community meet up - Sept 2016Angus Fox
This document outlines the agenda for the #TapIntoTwitter - London event on September 6th, 2016. The agenda includes an introduction, a discussion on the state of Twitter and trends in the industry, an overview of open source projects at Twitter, an open mic session for short presentations, and an open discussion period. The goals of the event are to help developers understand how to make use of Twitter technologies and be more successful, and to facilitate sharing of knowledge and best practices within the developer community.
This document discusses adding, subtracting, and simplifying polynomials. It provides examples of adding polynomials by combining like terms. It also demonstrates subtracting polynomials by adding the opposite of the polynomial being subtracted. Finally, it gives an example of using polynomials to represent the perimeter and area of a deck with a hot tub installed on it.
Le positionnement d'un site repose sur des contenus accessiblesYellow Dolphins
L'accessibilit¨¦ du contenu favorise l'indexation du site par les moteurs et l'acc¨¨s ¨¤ l'information par les internautes. Mais gr?ce ¨¤ la synth¨¨se vocale, l'accessibilit¨¦ permet ¨¦galement d'augmenter l'audience potentielle d'un site faisant de cette contrainte un v¨¦ritable outil marketing.
R¨¦alis¨¦ par l'agence OhMyWeb: dans le cadre d'une intervention au sein des locaux de Terre et C?te Basques
Retrouvez nous ¨¦galement sur Facebook, Twitter, Google + et lisez notre blog:
Conf¨¦rence donn¨¦e lors de la journ¨¦e Infopresse sur le marketing relationnel et promotion donn¨¦e par Jean-S¨¦bastien Chouinard. Le web offre diff¨¦rentes opportunit¨¦s d¡¯engager les consommateurs et de leur c?t¨¦, les publicitaires sont confront¨¦s ¨¤ un choix infini de mediums pour rejoindre et fid¨¦liser leurs cibles. La conf¨¦rence vous montrera comment bien mesurer la valeur de vos points d¡¯engagement en trois ¨¦tapes : Identifier les 5 points d¡¯engagement d¡¯un client, mesurer sa valeur et identifer les client engag¨¦s.
Vous pouvez aussi la t¨¦l¨¦charger ici:
Dokumen ini membandingkan kisah Hang Tuah dan Cicakman. Kedua-dua kisah mengisahkan tentang wira yang mempunyai kebolehan luar biasa dan menolong orang yang memerlukan bantuan. Walaupun kedua-dua wira mempunyai kebolehan yang berbeza, namun kedua-dua kisah menyampaikan mesej untuk selalu menolong orang lain. adalah portal informasi terbesar di Indonesia yang menyediakan informasi dari berbagai sektor seperti bisnis, keuangan, dan hiburan. Portal ini menampilkan direktori perusahaan, properti, iklan usaha, serta produk dan jasa dari berbagai industri. juga menyediakan layanan keanggotaan seperti forum, traders club, lowongan kerja, dan fitur-fitur lain seperti berita, iklan, jejaring, pencarian, dan informasi
?tvrtkon #71 - Marian Ben?at - Angular a NativeScriptCtvrtkoncz
T¨¦ma: Angular a NativeScript: Pro enterprise level web, desktop a nativn¨ª mobiln¨ª aplikace, v¨ªce info na:
Vy?voj frontendu na redakc?ni?m syste?mu? ... aneb jak udrz?et por?a?dek v s?...Martin Pe?out
Pokud za?¨ªn¨¢te nov? projekt, je v?dy d?le?itou volbou spr¨¢vn¨¦ struktov¨¢n¨ª dat. Dlouhou dobu m¨§ tr¨¢pilo, ?e frontend v?voj¨¢?i d¨§laj¨ª ?adu chyb hned na za?¨¢tc¨ªch, pokud tvo?¨ª projekt nasazen? radak?n¨ªch syst¨¦mech jako Wordpress nebo Drupal. Cht¨§l bych v¨¢m uk¨¢zat sv?j zp?sob jak strukturovat frontend pro ?ablony, jak pracovat s gitem a hlavn¨§ jak vytvo?it projekt, kter? s v¨¢mi bude r?st a nebude se zan¨¢?et ¡°balastem¡±.
Konfigurace frameworku Oak v Piranha CMS OakDavid Podhola
Chcete vytv¨¢?et hezk¨¦ webov¨¦ aplikace v C# a jednodu?e? Pot?ebujete m¨ªt v aplikaci redak?n¨ª syst¨¦m? P?e?t¨§te si, jak nastavit framework Oak v PiranhaCMSOak a naprogramujte sv?j prvn¨ª View a Controller.
Content Management Framework Drupal aneb 80% webu za p¨¢r hodin. Hod¨ª se i pro m¨§?
1. Content Management Framework Drupal TM
aneb 80% webu za p¨¢r hodin.
Hod¨ª se i pro m¨§?
Vojt¨§ch Kus?
2. Co v¨¢s ?ek¨¢? ¡ A nemine?!
P?edstaven¨ª CMS Drupal
Stru?n¨¢ historie
Co lze stihnout za hodinu?
Hybridn¨ª v?voj
Drupal Show
3. Dries Buytaert aneb ??ekn¨§te mi kdo
za to m??e?¡°
p?vodn¨ª autor: Dries Buytaert, kol. roku 2000
hardcore Linux geek :-)
komunitn¨ª opensource od sam¨¦ho za?¨¢tku,
?¨¢dn¨¢ ?komer?n¨ª¡° vize
DORP => => => DROP =>
Dries vlastn¨ª TRADEMARK ... DrupalTM
automatick¨¢ licence
komer?n¨ª licence => zisk putuje asociaci
6. Z¨¢kladn¨ª architektura Drupalu
Modul¨¢rn¨ª architektura
Z¨¢kladn¨ª moduly (povinn¨¦): System, User, Node,
Filter, Block
Nepovinn¨¦: Blog, Taxonomy, Comment, Poll ¡
Z¨¢kladn¨ª ?objekty¡° resp. entity
Povinn¨¦: Node (uzel), User, Block
Nepovinn¨¦: Taxonomy term (kategorie), Comment
N¨§kolik t¨¦mat v j¨¢d?e, v Drupa 6 pou?iteln? jen
Garland v dne?n¨ª dob¨§ (ostatn¨ª? ¡ nostalgie)
7. 80% webu za p¨¢r hodin
Drupal se snadno instaluje (dnes standard)
Za hodinu m??eme m¨ªt hotovou z¨¢kladn¨ª
strukturu webu, v?etn¨§ p¨¢r str¨¢nek obsahu
A to dokonce ?na m¨ªru!¡°
Tzn ?¨¢dn¨¦ zbyte?n¨¢ pole p?i vkl¨¢d¨¢n¨ª obsahu
Obsah vypisujeme kde chceme, jak chceme a kdy
Co t?eba takov? web pro Barcamp...?
8. Barcamp Brno 2010 Hlavi?ka
Prim¨¢rn¨ª menu
Menu Uv¨ªt¨¢n¨ª
Blok Seznam p?edn¨¢?ek Seznam p?edn¨¢?ej¨ªc¨ªch
9. Snadn¨¢ instalace
Co je pot?eba?
nakonfigurovan? Apache, PHP 4.1+, MySQL/Postgre
pr¨¢zdn¨¢ datab¨¢ze
sta?en? a rozbalen? Drupal
pop?¨ªpad¨§ ?esk? p?eklad
¡ a pak u? jen klik¨¢me
10. One-click instal¨¢tory
Krom¨§ toho je mo?n¨¦ vyu?¨ªt
Acquia Drupal Stack Installer (+ Apache, MySQL)
Bitnami Drupal Stack (+ Apache, MySQL)
Microsoft Web Platform (+ IIS, SQL Server)
40. Uk¨¢zali jsme si
Instalace je snadn¨¢
Moduly spolu spolupracuj¨ª
41. Jednoduch¨¦ weby
Jednoduch¨¦ weby jsou v Drupalu hotov¨¦
skute?n¨§ za p¨¢r hodin
Nejv¨ªc ?asu zabere ?ablonov¨¢n¨ª ¨C vytvo?en¨ª
t¨¦matu ¨C pokud n¨¢m tedy nesta?¨ª n¨§jak¨¦
hotov¨¦ t¨¦ma
48. !!! Kod¨¦r by m¨§l rozum¨§t jak mechanizmus
?ablon v Drupalu funguje !!!
!!! Nelze d¨§lat ?ablony a funkcionalitu zcela
odd¨§len¨§. !!!
(Resp. lze ale je to spousta pr¨¢ce nav¨ªc.)
Pokud pat?¨ªte mezi HTML puristy, pot¨§?¨ª v¨¢s
projekt Mothership
49. Kdy? moduly nesta?¨ª aneb v?voj s
chceme verzovat, ale Drupal m¨¢ v?echno v DB
vytvo?¨ªme modul klasick?m zp?sobem (<D5)
implementujeme pot?ebn¨¦ h¨¢ky ¡
pro obhospoda?en¨ª vlastn¨ªho typu uzlu je
hook_node_info, hook_form, hook_insert,
hook_update, hook_delete, hook_validate ¡
implementovat hook_views a vytvo?it p?¨ªslu?nou
podporu hook_views...
50. Jde to i jinak... hybridn¨ª v?voj
Dokud to lze, vyu?¨ªv¨¢me mo?nost¨ª CCK, Views a
podobn?ch modul?
CCK typ obsahu, Views i t?eba Imagecache
profil lze exportovat
Exporty lze ulo?it do modulu a nainstalovat
b¨§hem hook_install
verzov¨¢n¨ª, deploy
z¨¢klad, kter? se d¨¢ v UI zm¨§nit (CCK ¨C d¨¢ se
zak¨¢zat), ale ke kter¨¦mu se m??eme vr¨¢tit
zm¨§ny se mus¨ª hl¨ªdat s p?i distribuci o?et?ovat
manu¨¢ln¨§ (hook_update)
51. Features ¨C ji? brzy ...
Feature = moduly + nastaven¨ª
V?echny informace jsou ulo?en¨¦ v textov¨¦m
?Mini-instala?n¨ª profil¡°
Rozpozn¨¢n¨ª zm¨§n
Verzovateln¨¦, snadn¨¦ p?en¨¢?en¨ª mezi Dev a Stable
Z modul? se stanou sp¨ª?e ?knihovny¡°
Pro oby?ejn¨¦ u?ivatele budou ur?en¨¦ ?features¡°
58. Co je Drupal ¨C z pohledu u?ivatele
CMS, kter¨¦ je neuv¨§?iteln¨§ flexibiln¨ª
nefunguje sice stylem ?zapnu a jedu¡°, ale
pomoc¨ª 6000 r?zn?ch modul? je mo?n¨¦
p?izp?sobit si web na ?m¨ªru¡° bez znalost¨ª
modul?m kraluj¨ª CCK a Views
flexibiln¨ª syst¨¦m pr¨¢v
e-commerce modul ?bercart umo?¨¾uje i laik?m
rozjet jednodu??¨ª e-shop
59. Co je Drupal z pohledu v?voj¨¢?e
platforma pro vytv¨¢?en¨ª CMS syst¨¦m?,
specifick¨¢ architektura, kter¨¢ nem¨¢ obdoby(?)
architektura h¨¢k? (hooks) dovoluje se snadno
napojit na r?zn¨¦ f¨¢ze b¨§hu syst¨¦mu
Drupal nen¨ª MVC, ale PAC
siln¨¦ API, kter¨¦ lze snadno roz?i?ovat
po?adavky modul? jdou p?es API
?alter h¨¢ky¡° a p?ebit¨ª ?ablon ¨C snadn? update
61. ?skal¨ª
CCK a Views nejsou samospasiteln¨¦, mus¨ª se s
nimi um¨§t a st¨¢le je co zlep?ovat
Deploy a verzov¨¢n¨ª zm¨§n v datab¨¢zi
Klesaj¨ªc¨ª v?kon p?i velk¨¦m po?tu
a) p?ihl¨¢?en?ch u?ivatel?
b) p?i velk¨¦m po?tu modul?
85. Co n¨¢s ?ek¨¢...
Drupal 7.0 (2010-??) - REVOLUCE
>= PHP 5.2.x only, p?epis subsyst¨¦m? do objekt?
UX ¨C Mark Boulton
RDF v j¨¢d?e
driver pro MS SQL Server (MS Web Platform)
asi 50 modul? zahrnuto do j¨¢dra, v?etn¨§ Fields API
standard + smallcore
prvn¨ª RC o?ek¨¢v¨¢n koncem ?ervence/srpna
Drupal 8.0 (???) CVS => Git !!!!!
87. Drupal Way ¨C pro? zvolit Drupal?
D¨¢v¨¢ velkou moc i neprogram¨¢tor?m
Rychl? start
Flexibiln¨ª ¨C ide¨¢ln¨ª na projekty, kde se o?ek¨¢v¨¢
mnoho zm¨§n za b¨§hu
Hybridn¨ª zp?sob v?voje ¨C propojen¨ª n¨¢stroj?
Views, CCK, Panels a dal?¨ªch
88. Zdroje o Drupalu
89. Zdroje o Drupalu v ?R a SK
¡ñ a
seri¨¢ly a ?l¨¢nky na
Interval, Root, Maxiorel
2 knihy od Jana Polzera
Drupal - Podrobn? pr?vodce
tvorbou a spr¨¢vou web?
333 tip? a trik? pro Drupal
bohu?el obsahuj¨ª chyby
90. ?Come for software
stay for community¡°
D¨ªky za pozornost
Vojt¨§ch Kus?
91. N¨¢m¨§ty k diskusi
Drupal vs Joomla vs Wordpress
Drupal vs Frameworky (Rails, Django...)
Drupal vs ???