Module 6 Linear ݺߣ Show - CGaitherguestd91c11The document discusses using primary sources to teach history in elementary grades. It recommends that teachers first discuss a primary source with students, then introduce additional related sources, and finally have students find their own third order sources. Using primary sources allows students to actively engage with history by questioning, exploring, and making connections to the past. The document also provides examples of different types of primary sources and recommends some online archives of verified primary sources for teaching history.
Automatic Calibration 3 DrajsodhiThe document describes an automatic calibration algorithm for a three-axis magnetic compass module. The algorithm has two stages:
1) The first stage characterizes the magnetic environment and corrects for distortions using an upper triangular soft iron matrix and hard iron offset vector. This makes the magnetometer measurements orthogonal and gain matched.
2) The second stage refines the soft iron matrix estimation by determining a rotation matrix to align the magnetometer coordinate system with the accelerometer coordinate system, improving heading accuracy. Given successful calibration, heading accuracies of 2 degrees or better can be achieved.
Malmo2009Alex SteffenThe document discusses how compact, dense urban living and emerging technologies can promote more sustainable lifestyles and reduce carbon emissions. Small individual actions can make an impact, but systemic changes are also needed. Sharing resources through methods like bike sharing and car sharing reduces waste and environmental impact. Emerging technologies are helping to optimize resource use and enable new sharing models through increased transparency, connectivity and data collection.
Estimating The Available Amount Of Waste HeatharlandmachaconThe document estimates the available waste heat from the flue gases of an asphalt dispenser machine used in a dry cell manufacturing plant. The machine uses LPG burners to melt asphalt and seal dry cells. Hot flue gases from combustion are currently exhausted and lost. The study aims to quantify this waste heat for potential recovery. It outlines the machine's operation, describes the flue gas properties, and presents equations to calculate the gas temperature reduction possible before condensation and the resulting recoverable sensible heat.
Lead By FeelnzfrenchThis document discusses the importance of women's leadership and emotional intelligence. It notes that women have closed the gender gap in education and health but only 60% in economics and 17% in politics. Great leaders are effective because they move people emotionally. Women tend to have skills that are well-suited for modern leadership like intuition, inclusion, empathy and flexible problem-solving. Developing skills like emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and cultural intelligence can help women become transformational leaders that empower others and excite them about their work.
Flip Mino Brand Positioning noahsimonThis was a project that I worked on with a team of creatives and another fellow account planner. We worked over the course of a semester to present our message that Flip Mino could utilize.
Flip Mino Brand Positioning noahsimonThe document discusses marketing strategies for the Flip Video Mino device, a simple video recording camera. It analyzes the target demographics for the Flip Mino, describing "Flipers" as people who use the camera to connect with others and share their point of view. Personas are created for the typical male and female Flipers, focusing on their interests, lifestyle, and reasons for using a simple video recording device.
Reducing The Vibration Level Of The Blast FanharlandmachaconThe document summarizes a study on reducing vibration from the blast fan of an air-cooled Volkswagen Beetle engine. Vibration readings were taken and found to be severe, exceeding IEEE standards. The root cause was identified as defective bearings in the alternator through a risk analysis. The defective bearings were causing mechanical looseness. The housings were re-machined and sleeves added to properly fit new bearings. Vibration readings after the correction showed reduction in vibration levels.
Hemorragias del primer trimestreJULIO CÉSAR CONTRERAS VIVEROSLas hemorragias del primer trimestre del embarazo incluyen el aborto espontáneo, la gestación ectópica y la enfermedad trofoblástica. El aborto espontáneo ocurre antes de la semana 20 y se debe a factores ovulares, maternos, inmunológicos, uterinos e incompetencia cervical. La gestación ectópica implica la implantación del óvulo fuera del útero y se trata médicamente con metotrexato o quirúrgicamente. La enfermedad trofoblástica incluye la mola
Agilent Technologies Corporate OverviewrajsodhiAgilent Technologies is an American company that focuses on measurement solutions across electronic measurement, chemical analysis, and life sciences. In fiscal year 2011, Agilent generated $6.6 billion in revenue, with over 70% coming from outside the US. The company operates across 100+ countries and has 18,700 employees. Agilent leads the industry in electronic measurement, chemical analysis of food and energy, and life sciences tools for research and manufacturing.
presentation Yves RocherLivine GirolamiThis document provides an analysis of financial ratios for Yves Rocher, a French cosmetics company, from 2006-2008. It calculates and interprets key ratios including net working capital, current ratio, quick ratio, solvency, grade of debt, and profitability. The summary shows that while 2006-2007 were relatively good years, 2008 saw decreases in liquidity, higher financial risk, and being affected by the financial crisis as a luxury goods company. Overall, the analysis finds Yves Rocher to be a generally stable company except for weaker performance in 2008 during the recession.
SEO Strategies for StartupsMehmet AktugStartup'lar için A'dan Z'ye dikkat edilmesi gereken bütün SEO stratejilerini ve kritik noktaları derlediğim sunum
Uni stay 2017-2018 Muhammed GÖKKAYAUnistay django ile geliştirilmiş konum odaklı emlak uygulmasıdır.
Unistay django-enhanced location-driven real estate application.
Wordpress Nereye Koşuyor?Dijital StüdyoBu workshop'umuzda, önceleri sadece blog yaratmak için kullanılan Wordpress'in son yıllarda yaptığı ataklarla geldiği noktayı inceleyip, sektörün Wordpress'i ne amaçla kullandığına göz attık.
Startup'tan E-ticaret Devi Olmak: SEO Altyapısını Oluştururken Google'ı Doğru...Uğur EskiciDigitalzone'da yaptığım "Startup'tan E-ticaret Devi Olmak: SEO Altyapısını Oluştururken Google'ı Doğru Yorumlamak" başlıklı sunumumdur. Yüksek hacimli siteleri yönetirken ve SEO altyapısını oluştururken Google'ı doğru yorumlamanız kritik seviyede önemlidir ve stratejinizi yaratırken büyük önem taşır. Sunumum boyunca Google ve altyapısını anlatmaya, takibinde ise başarılı bir SEO çalışması yürütebilmeniz için bakmanız gereken ana başlıkları detayları ile anlatmaya çalıştım. İletişimde olalım: ve
Estimating The Available Amount Of Waste HeatharlandmachaconThe document estimates the available waste heat from the flue gases of an asphalt dispenser machine used in a dry cell manufacturing plant. The machine uses LPG burners to melt asphalt and seal dry cells. Hot flue gases from combustion are currently exhausted and lost. The study aims to quantify this waste heat for potential recovery. It outlines the machine's operation, describes the flue gas properties, and presents equations to calculate the gas temperature reduction possible before condensation and the resulting recoverable sensible heat.
Lead By FeelnzfrenchThis document discusses the importance of women's leadership and emotional intelligence. It notes that women have closed the gender gap in education and health but only 60% in economics and 17% in politics. Great leaders are effective because they move people emotionally. Women tend to have skills that are well-suited for modern leadership like intuition, inclusion, empathy and flexible problem-solving. Developing skills like emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence and cultural intelligence can help women become transformational leaders that empower others and excite them about their work.
Flip Mino Brand Positioning noahsimonThis was a project that I worked on with a team of creatives and another fellow account planner. We worked over the course of a semester to present our message that Flip Mino could utilize.
Flip Mino Brand Positioning noahsimonThe document discusses marketing strategies for the Flip Video Mino device, a simple video recording camera. It analyzes the target demographics for the Flip Mino, describing "Flipers" as people who use the camera to connect with others and share their point of view. Personas are created for the typical male and female Flipers, focusing on their interests, lifestyle, and reasons for using a simple video recording device.
Reducing The Vibration Level Of The Blast FanharlandmachaconThe document summarizes a study on reducing vibration from the blast fan of an air-cooled Volkswagen Beetle engine. Vibration readings were taken and found to be severe, exceeding IEEE standards. The root cause was identified as defective bearings in the alternator through a risk analysis. The defective bearings were causing mechanical looseness. The housings were re-machined and sleeves added to properly fit new bearings. Vibration readings after the correction showed reduction in vibration levels.
Hemorragias del primer trimestreJULIO CÉSAR CONTRERAS VIVEROSLas hemorragias del primer trimestre del embarazo incluyen el aborto espontáneo, la gestación ectópica y la enfermedad trofoblástica. El aborto espontáneo ocurre antes de la semana 20 y se debe a factores ovulares, maternos, inmunológicos, uterinos e incompetencia cervical. La gestación ectópica implica la implantación del óvulo fuera del útero y se trata médicamente con metotrexato o quirúrgicamente. La enfermedad trofoblástica incluye la mola
Agilent Technologies Corporate OverviewrajsodhiAgilent Technologies is an American company that focuses on measurement solutions across electronic measurement, chemical analysis, and life sciences. In fiscal year 2011, Agilent generated $6.6 billion in revenue, with over 70% coming from outside the US. The company operates across 100+ countries and has 18,700 employees. Agilent leads the industry in electronic measurement, chemical analysis of food and energy, and life sciences tools for research and manufacturing.
presentation Yves RocherLivine GirolamiThis document provides an analysis of financial ratios for Yves Rocher, a French cosmetics company, from 2006-2008. It calculates and interprets key ratios including net working capital, current ratio, quick ratio, solvency, grade of debt, and profitability. The summary shows that while 2006-2007 were relatively good years, 2008 saw decreases in liquidity, higher financial risk, and being affected by the financial crisis as a luxury goods company. Overall, the analysis finds Yves Rocher to be a generally stable company except for weaker performance in 2008 during the recession.
SEO Strategies for StartupsMehmet AktugStartup'lar için A'dan Z'ye dikkat edilmesi gereken bütün SEO stratejilerini ve kritik noktaları derlediğim sunum
Uni stay 2017-2018 Muhammed GÖKKAYAUnistay django ile geliştirilmiş konum odaklı emlak uygulmasıdır.
Unistay django-enhanced location-driven real estate application.
Wordpress Nereye Koşuyor?Dijital StüdyoBu workshop'umuzda, önceleri sadece blog yaratmak için kullanılan Wordpress'in son yıllarda yaptığı ataklarla geldiği noktayı inceleyip, sektörün Wordpress'i ne amaçla kullandığına göz attık.
Startup'tan E-ticaret Devi Olmak: SEO Altyapısını Oluştururken Google'ı Doğru...Uğur EskiciDigitalzone'da yaptığım "Startup'tan E-ticaret Devi Olmak: SEO Altyapısını Oluştururken Google'ı Doğru Yorumlamak" başlıklı sunumumdur. Yüksek hacimli siteleri yönetirken ve SEO altyapısını oluştururken Google'ı doğru yorumlamanız kritik seviyede önemlidir ve stratejinizi yaratırken büyük önem taşır. Sunumum boyunca Google ve altyapısını anlatmaya, takibinde ise başarılı bir SEO çalışması yürütebilmeniz için bakmanız gereken ana başlıkları detayları ile anlatmaya çalıştım. İletişimde olalım: ve
[Workshop] Cultural Compass Navigating Diversity in the WorkplaceGozde Berberoğlu ÖzenI love talking about cultures and their impact on our work environment. I am glad that I managed to open the door to dialogue and arouse curiosity with this workshop.
This presentation is part of a workshop about
👉 Practical application of cultural understanding within a professional setting that involves leveraging cultural awareness to enhance communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution among team members.
👉 Master effective strategies for navigating cultural diversity in your professional life.
👉Gain practical insights and tools from an experienced agile coach.
User Story Mapping WorkshopGozde Berberoğlu ÖzenUser Story Mapping/Kullanıcı Hikaye Haritası, büyük projelerde ortak anlayışı ortaya koymak için yapılan çalışmalardan biri.
User Story Mapping deneyimini yaşatmak için kullandığım fasilitasyon yöntemine sunumdan ulaşabilirsiniz.
BIG Tricks, Traps 4 BIG WorkshopsGozde Berberoğlu ÖzenHere is my presentation for the 5th Agile Talks 2019.
I try to share my experiences as an Agile Coach about facilitating BIG workshops that I faced at Yemeksepeti.
I hope you enjoy it!
Banabi Takım EtkinlikleriGozde Berberoğlu ÖzenYemeksepeti bünyesinde hizmet vermeye başlayan, market ürünlerinin anında teslim edilmesi için Yemeksepeti IOS ve Android uygulaması içinde hayata geçen Banabi’nin geliştirme takımı da artık belli oldu: Los Galacticos!
Takım kurulumu sırasında kullandığım fasilitasyon tekniklerine adresinden ulaşabilirsiniz.
Julie Hay'in Çalışma Stilleri Atölye Çalışması-Scrum MasterGozde Berberoğlu ÖzenAnlaması kolay, bir çok konuya adapte edilebilecek bu atölye çalışması katılımcılarda farkındalık yaratmayı hedefliyor.
Uygulamada çalışma stillerine kısaca değinip tahtaya başlıkları alt alta sıralayıp katılımcılara "Bu çalışma stiline sahip bir Scrum Master kolaylaştırıcılık yaparken neleri iyi yapar neleri yaparken zorlanabilir?" diye soruyorum.(*)
Atölye çalışması için ihtiyacınız olan bir grup benzer odak noktası olan katılımcı, bir tahta ve kalem. Grup kendi arasında tartışıp tüm başlıkları yaklaşık 20 dakika içinde tamamlıyor. Tahtanız yoksa, bir duvara post-it'lerle yapıştırmak da işinizi görecektir.
(*) Aynı soruyu "Scrum Master" yerine, bu çalışmayı hangi grup katılımcıyla (geliştirici, yönetici, doktor, öğretmen,...) yapıyorsanız belirterek ve kolaylaştırıcılık yerine "işi" diye sorarak uyarlayabilirsiniz.
Host Leadership Workshop for Scrum Masters and Agile CoachesGozde Berberoğlu ÖzenThe document discusses the concept of "host leadership" in an Agile context. A leader is like a host at a party, setting up a good environment, helping guests have a good time, and introducing people. There are six roles of a host leader: initiator, inviter, space creator, gatekeeper, connector, and co-participant. These roles can be played from four positions: on stage, among others, on the balcony, or in the kitchen. The combinations of roles and positions provide different leadership stances. For example, a space creator on stage explains a meeting purpose, while a connector among people suggests people connect across departments. A co-participant in the kitchen prepares for meetings.
Schneider Culture Model combined with Agile PrinciplesGozde Berberoğlu ÖzenYou can use this presentation to facilitate a workshop to create awareness on your organization of the Agile mindset, as a change agent like a Scrum Master or an Agile Coach.
1. Define what culture is based on the Schneider Culture Model.
2. Map Agile Principles on culture.
3. Map your company's culture on the Schneider Culture Model.
4. Have an "a-ha!" moment for your Agile needs as a company.
Card and canvas are included in the presentation.
3-6 people for each group
Min 2 groups required
"Sad Mad Glad" Retrospective Yöntemi Gozde Berberoğlu ÖzenScrum Master'lar! Takımınızda konuşmaya çok istekli olmayan birileri mi var? O zaman çözümünüz Sad Mad Glad retrospective yöntemi olabilir. Doğrudan duygulara hitap ettiği için kişilerde bir şeyler canlandırır ve konuşmaya teşvik eder. Uygulaması kolaydır. İyi eğlenceler ;)
27. Neden kullanmıyoruz?
• Kodlama ve tasarım için fazladan zamana ihtiyacımız var.
• Buna bağlı olarak yaptığımız işin maaliyeti artıyor.
• Mevcut teknolojiler hala gelişme aşamasında.
• Düşünceli olmayı ve hayal gücünü kullanmayı gerektiriyor.