User Story Mapping/Kullan?c? Hikaye Haritas?, büyük projelerde ortak anlay??? ortaya koymak i?in yap?lan ?al??malardan biri.
User Story Mapping deneyimini ya?atmak i?in kulland???m fasilitasyon y?ntemine sunumdan ula?abilirsiniz.
Here is my presentation for the 5th Agile Talks 2019.
I try to share my experiences as an Agile Coach about facilitating BIG workshops that I faced at Yemeksepeti.
I hope you enjoy it!
The document discusses automated software testing, including the process of automated testing, advantages and disadvantages, and choosing automation tools. It notes that automation can reduce human involvement in repetitive tasks, help eliminate human error, and enable more reliable, reusable, and faster testing at lower cost. However, high upfront investment is required along with significant resources for test preparation. Key factors for choosing tools include ease of integration, compatibility, performance, and types of tests supported.
The document discusses the Agile Scrum methodology. It describes the key principles of Scrum which value individuals and interaction, working software, customer collaboration, and responding to change over processes, documentation, contracts, and plans. It then explains the main roles in Scrum including the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and self-organizing cross-functional Team. It outlines the core Scrum events like the Sprint, Daily Stand-up, Sprint Review, and Retrospective.
User Story Mapping is an approach for organizing and prioritizing user stories to plan valuable incremental product releases. It addresses problems with flat backlogs by showing features from the user's perspective and understanding the big picture. The process involves brainstorming major user tasks, grouping them from left to right in order of completion, then adding detailed user stories which are prioritized and broken into releases. Combining Impact Mapping with User Story Mapping allows prioritizing deliverables to achieve user goals through understanding individual scenarios and planning iterative delivery.
The document provides an overview of Scrum, describing its roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, meetings like the Daily Scrum and Sprint Review, and artifacts like the Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog; it explains that Scrum is a framework for incremental product development using cross-functional, self-organizing teams who work in sprints to develop working software increments; and it notes some challenges with "faking" Scrum by modifying parts that require overcoming organizational impediments.
This is a short introduction to the practice of Sprint Planning in Scrum. It would be useful for people new to Scrum or Agile. For more, comment or write to read my blog :
What is agile? Where did it come from, and how can it help me?
This session will go through a history of agile, including the origins of waterfall, the Toyota Production System and lean manufacturing, the creation of the agile manifesto, and how these all lead to the modern agile development frameworks we use today. By exploring the original design and intent behind agile principles and practices, we'll also uncover common pitfalls to agile adoption, and insights into overcoming them.
The document outlines the scrum process for an offshore development team, including an overview of scrum methodology, roles like the product owner and scrum master, artifacts like the product backlog and sprint burndown chart, and activities in the sprint planning, daily standups, and retrospectives. It provides details on tailoring scrum for offshore teams and defining roles for the project manager, development team, and business analyst to work with the onshore client.
Kubota KH41 Excavator Service Repair Manualjksemm etyhd
The document promotes clicking a link to obtain more information. It thanks the reader for their time and directs them to click a specified link in order to learn more details. The overall message is encouraging the reader to follow the given link by promising additional information will become available if they do.
Lessons learned migrating 100+ services to KubernetesJose Galarza
TransferWise migrated over 150 services from bare metal servers to Kubernetes in AWS over the course of a year. They developed tools and processes to automate cluster creation with Terraform, service deployment through custom manifest generation from YAML definitions, and a network mesh with Envoy to enable service-to-service communication. Some lessons learned included not exposing Kubernetes complexity, choosing the right CNI plugin, and installing node local DNS to reduce errors. Future plans include using EKS for simplified upgrades, enabling developer environments, and implementing network policies and advanced deployment pipelines.
[Workshop] Cultural Compass Navigating Diversity in the WorkplaceGozde Berbero?lu ?zen
I love talking about cultures and their impact on our work environment. I am glad that I managed to open the door to dialogue and arouse curiosity with this workshop.
This presentation is part of a workshop about
? Practical application of cultural understanding within a professional setting that involves leveraging cultural awareness to enhance communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution among team members.
? Master effective strategies for navigating cultural diversity in your professional life.
?Gain practical insights and tools from an experienced agile coach.
Yemeksepeti bünyesinde hizmet vermeye ba?layan, market ürünlerinin an?nda teslim edilmesi i?in Yemeksepeti IOS ve Android uygulamas? i?inde hayata ge?en Banabi’nin geli?tirme tak?m? da art?k belli oldu: Los Galacticos!
Tak?m kurulumu s?ras?nda kulland???m fasilitasyon tekniklerine adresinden ula?abilirsiniz.
Anlamas? kolay, bir ?ok konuya adapte edilebilecek bu at?lye ?al??mas? kat?l?mc?larda fark?ndal?k yaratmay? hedefliyor.
Uygulamada ?al??ma stillerine k?saca de?inip tahtaya ba?l?klar? alt alta s?ralay?p kat?l?mc?lara "Bu ?al??ma stiline sahip bir Scrum Master kolayla?t?r?c?l?k yaparken neleri iyi yapar neleri yaparken zorlanabilir?" diye soruyorum.(*)
At?lye ?al??mas? i?in ihtiyac?n?z olan bir grup benzer odak noktas? olan kat?l?mc?, bir tahta ve kalem. Grup kendi aras?nda tart???p tüm ba?l?klar? yakla??k 20 dakika i?inde tamaml?yor. Tahtan?z yoksa, bir duvara post-it'lerle yap??t?rmak da i?inizi g?recektir.
(*) Ayn? soruyu "Scrum Master" yerine, bu ?al??may? hangi grup kat?l?mc?yla (geli?tirici, y?netici, doktor, ??retmen,...) yap?yorsan?z belirterek ve kolayla?t?r?c?l?k yerine "i?i" diye sorarak uyarlayabilirsiniz.
The document discusses the concept of "host leadership" in an Agile context. A leader is like a host at a party, setting up a good environment, helping guests have a good time, and introducing people. There are six roles of a host leader: initiator, inviter, space creator, gatekeeper, connector, and co-participant. These roles can be played from four positions: on stage, among others, on the balcony, or in the kitchen. The combinations of roles and positions provide different leadership stances. For example, a space creator on stage explains a meeting purpose, while a connector among people suggests people connect across departments. A co-participant in the kitchen prepares for meetings.
User Story Mapping is an approach for organizing and prioritizing user stories to plan valuable incremental product releases. It addresses problems with flat backlogs by showing features from the user's perspective and understanding the big picture. The process involves brainstorming major user tasks, grouping them from left to right in order of completion, then adding detailed user stories which are prioritized and broken into releases. Combining Impact Mapping with User Story Mapping allows prioritizing deliverables to achieve user goals through understanding individual scenarios and planning iterative delivery.
The document provides an overview of Scrum, describing its roles like Product Owner and Scrum Master, meetings like the Daily Scrum and Sprint Review, and artifacts like the Product Backlog and Sprint Backlog; it explains that Scrum is a framework for incremental product development using cross-functional, self-organizing teams who work in sprints to develop working software increments; and it notes some challenges with "faking" Scrum by modifying parts that require overcoming organizational impediments.
This is a short introduction to the practice of Sprint Planning in Scrum. It would be useful for people new to Scrum or Agile. For more, comment or write to read my blog :
What is agile? Where did it come from, and how can it help me?
This session will go through a history of agile, including the origins of waterfall, the Toyota Production System and lean manufacturing, the creation of the agile manifesto, and how these all lead to the modern agile development frameworks we use today. By exploring the original design and intent behind agile principles and practices, we'll also uncover common pitfalls to agile adoption, and insights into overcoming them.
The document outlines the scrum process for an offshore development team, including an overview of scrum methodology, roles like the product owner and scrum master, artifacts like the product backlog and sprint burndown chart, and activities in the sprint planning, daily standups, and retrospectives. It provides details on tailoring scrum for offshore teams and defining roles for the project manager, development team, and business analyst to work with the onshore client.
Kubota KH41 Excavator Service Repair Manualjksemm etyhd
The document promotes clicking a link to obtain more information. It thanks the reader for their time and directs them to click a specified link in order to learn more details. The overall message is encouraging the reader to follow the given link by promising additional information will become available if they do.
Lessons learned migrating 100+ services to KubernetesJose Galarza
TransferWise migrated over 150 services from bare metal servers to Kubernetes in AWS over the course of a year. They developed tools and processes to automate cluster creation with Terraform, service deployment through custom manifest generation from YAML definitions, and a network mesh with Envoy to enable service-to-service communication. Some lessons learned included not exposing Kubernetes complexity, choosing the right CNI plugin, and installing node local DNS to reduce errors. Future plans include using EKS for simplified upgrades, enabling developer environments, and implementing network policies and advanced deployment pipelines.
[Workshop] Cultural Compass Navigating Diversity in the WorkplaceGozde Berbero?lu ?zen
I love talking about cultures and their impact on our work environment. I am glad that I managed to open the door to dialogue and arouse curiosity with this workshop.
This presentation is part of a workshop about
? Practical application of cultural understanding within a professional setting that involves leveraging cultural awareness to enhance communication, collaboration, and conflict resolution among team members.
? Master effective strategies for navigating cultural diversity in your professional life.
?Gain practical insights and tools from an experienced agile coach.
Yemeksepeti bünyesinde hizmet vermeye ba?layan, market ürünlerinin an?nda teslim edilmesi i?in Yemeksepeti IOS ve Android uygulamas? i?inde hayata ge?en Banabi’nin geli?tirme tak?m? da art?k belli oldu: Los Galacticos!
Tak?m kurulumu s?ras?nda kulland???m fasilitasyon tekniklerine adresinden ula?abilirsiniz.
Anlamas? kolay, bir ?ok konuya adapte edilebilecek bu at?lye ?al??mas? kat?l?mc?larda fark?ndal?k yaratmay? hedefliyor.
Uygulamada ?al??ma stillerine k?saca de?inip tahtaya ba?l?klar? alt alta s?ralay?p kat?l?mc?lara "Bu ?al??ma stiline sahip bir Scrum Master kolayla?t?r?c?l?k yaparken neleri iyi yapar neleri yaparken zorlanabilir?" diye soruyorum.(*)
At?lye ?al??mas? i?in ihtiyac?n?z olan bir grup benzer odak noktas? olan kat?l?mc?, bir tahta ve kalem. Grup kendi aras?nda tart???p tüm ba?l?klar? yakla??k 20 dakika i?inde tamaml?yor. Tahtan?z yoksa, bir duvara post-it'lerle yap??t?rmak da i?inizi g?recektir.
(*) Ayn? soruyu "Scrum Master" yerine, bu ?al??may? hangi grup kat?l?mc?yla (geli?tirici, y?netici, doktor, ??retmen,...) yap?yorsan?z belirterek ve kolayla?t?r?c?l?k yerine "i?i" diye sorarak uyarlayabilirsiniz.
The document discusses the concept of "host leadership" in an Agile context. A leader is like a host at a party, setting up a good environment, helping guests have a good time, and introducing people. There are six roles of a host leader: initiator, inviter, space creator, gatekeeper, connector, and co-participant. These roles can be played from four positions: on stage, among others, on the balcony, or in the kitchen. The combinations of roles and positions provide different leadership stances. For example, a space creator on stage explains a meeting purpose, while a connector among people suggests people connect across departments. A co-participant in the kitchen prepares for meetings.
You can use this presentation to facilitate a workshop to create awareness on your organization of the Agile mindset, as a change agent like a Scrum Master or an Agile Coach.
1. Define what culture is based on the Schneider Culture Model.
2. Map Agile Principles on culture.
3. Map your company's culture on the Schneider Culture Model.
4. Have an "a-ha!" moment for your Agile needs as a company.
Card and canvas are included in the presentation.
3-6 people for each group
Min 2 groups required
Scrum Master'lar! Tak?m?n?zda konu?maya ?ok istekli olmayan birileri mi var? O zaman ??zümünüz Sad Mad Glad retrospective y?ntemi olabilir. Do?rudan duygulara hitap etti?i i?in ki?ilerde bir ?eyler canland?r?r ve konu?maya te?vik eder. Uygulamas? kolayd?r. ?yi e?lenceler ;)
11. Moving from “sharing requirements” to
developing a “shared understanding.”
Jeff Patton
13. ?rün üstünde ?al??an herkesin ayn? ?eyi anlamas?na yard?mc? olur.
Büyük resmi g?rmemizi sa?lar.
?al??man?n hangi a?amas?nda oldu?umuzu kolayca g?sterir.
Kullan?c? ve deneyimi üzerine odaklanmam?z? sa?lar.
Ortak deneyimi üretmeye yard?mc? olur.
?ng?remedi?imiz bo?luklar? doldurmam?z? sa?lar.
Ne faydas? var?