Presentazione Bando Pre-SeedLazio Innova POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020
Asse I – Ricerca e Innovazione
Azione 1.4.1
“Sostegno alla creazione e al consolidamento delle Startup innovative ad alta intensita di applicazione della conoscenza e alle iniziative di spin-off della Ricerca in ambiti in linea con la Strategia di specializzazione intelligente”
Presentazione TurchiaLazio Innova This document provides an overview of Turkey's economy from the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Economy. It summarizes Turkey's macroeconomic outlook, foreign trade outlook, and bilateral economic relations with Italy. Key points include that Turkey has the 17th largest economy globally and 6th in Europe, its GDP growth rate was 3% in 2015 and projected to be 2.9% in 2016, exports have increased 4.4 times and imports 4.7 times since 2002, and the automotive and energy sectors are areas of focus for Turkey-Italy economic cooperation.
Si riparte con i fondi europei. E una Regione che li usa beneLazio Innova Scopri come accedere alle risorse per rilanciare sviluppo e lavoro. Scarica la brochure sui fondi europei per le imprese con tutte le informazioni su come partecipare ai bandi.
Invest in KazakhstanLazio Innova Kazakhstan is promoting investment opportunities in its growing economy. It has a large land area and population of over 17 million people. Kazakhstan ranks well in various indices like 25th in ease of doing business. It has abundant natural resources and is among the top countries for foreign direct investment inflows in its region. The government offers various incentives for priority sectors to attract investment, including tax breaks, cashback on investments, and free economic zones. Major projects underway include Expo 2017 in Astana, focusing on renewable energy, which involves the construction of large exhibition and thematic pavilions. The document provides an overview of Kazakhstan's investment environment and opportunities.
Bando App OnLazio Innova Bando della Regione Lazio a sostegno dei giovani creativi digitali. Due milioni di euro per sostenere la progettazione e lo sviluppo di piattaforme e applicativi (“app”) per smartphone e tablet, pensati per favorire il turismo e l’economia (ad esempio negli ambiti del mobile commerce, smart city, efficienza energetica, accessori tecnologici indossabili ecc.).
Le Perizie Di Stima e la valutazione d'azienda nelle operazioni straordinarie...Andrea Arrigo PanatoLa perizia di stima e la valutazione d'azienda nelle operazioni di finanza straordinaria e di risanamento aziendale.
STRATEGIE DI INGRESSO NEL MERCATO RUSSOLazio Innova INTFORMATEVI 2014Percorsi per l’Orientamento e l’Internazionalizzazione delle Piccole e Medie Imprese del Lazio
Viterbo, 25 giugno 2014
Dr. Andrea Aguiari
La rete EEN e lo sportello EDIC LAZIOLazio Innova Programma Horizon 2020
Secure, clean and efficient energy
16 OTTOBRE 2014 ore 15.00
I SERVIZI UE a disposizione delle imprese e dei
cittadini:la rete EEN e lo sportello EDIC LAZIO
The Chief Reputation Officer (CRO)Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipArticle Corporate Excellence
In the 21st century, big corporations need a sustainability and differentiation model as products and services offered to customers by different companies are becoming more and more similar. In this context, companies understand that their strategy should be focused on intangibles, such as the brand, communication, public affairs, etc. Reputation is turning into the field of competition for companies, countries and institutions. In order to successfully navigate in this new reputation-focused economy, we need leaders capable to understand the new environment, who possess deep knowledge of the expectations of the stakeholders.
This new role, a Chief Reputation Officer, is discussed in the research titled The Chief Reputation Officer, a New Model of Corporate Reputation, carried out by the University of Malaga.
Becoming a citizen brandsCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipThe document discusses the concept of a "citizen brand" which focuses on understanding and addressing social concerns rather than just treating stakeholders well. It argues that in today's "butterfly economy" with empowered and values-driven consumers, ethical and responsible behavior is essential to building trust and reputation. To be a citizen brand, a company must make social issues and local communities a central part of its strategy and be fully transparent in its operations. This model of proactive social engagement can increase business success by generating loyalty and goodwill.
I42 strong brands, profitable brandsCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipEstimation of a brand’s value and its contribution to business has always been considered the main challenge in measuring intangible assets. But what are those brands that make the highest contribution to business value? What brands achieve greater financial result? The stronger the brand, the higher the company’s stock price.
This document was prepared by Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership and among other references contains statements made by Adolfo Fernández, Director for Customer Services at Millward Brown, Madrid; Javier Mancebo, Intelligence Director at Havas Sport & Entertainment; and José Carlos Villalvilla, General Director for Eco-Efficiency and Power Services at Iberdrola during a discussion titled New Measurement Frontiers: from Reputation to Customer Value organized by Anuncios magazine jointly with Conento and Millward Brown in Madrid, on October 18, 2012.
Tim barton presentationRobert RodenbaughThe document summarizes a leading eCommerce freight carrier comparison and booking site. It provides simplified freight shipping for small and medium businesses by allowing them to get instant price quotes and book carriers online. It is also working to penetrate larger enterprises through acquisitions and developing truckload shipping capabilities. The company has experienced strong and consistent revenue growth since 1999 through expanding its services and acquiring complementary businesses.
Scott griffith presentationRobert RodenbaughZipcar is a car sharing company that was founded in 1999 and has grown significantly since then. It offers vehicles by the hour or day that are parked in urban areas near homes and workplaces. Zipcar sees opportunities for growth as trends like rising gas prices, urbanization, and environmental sustainability increase demand for alternatives to personal car ownership. Its vision is for car sharing members to outnumber car owners in major cities globally. Zipcar aims to achieve this through continued expansion, focusing on member experience, and leveraging data and technology.
Best examples of reputation management: international experienceCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipManagement of intangibles should create new corporate brands, integrate media analysis into the reputation management process and adjust reputation strategies to the new digital reality. It is also important to take into account how important social networks, recommendations and experience are to demonstrate the value of a company.
Agbar Group, for example, a company based in Spain and operating in many other countries, had to launch a new strategy to improve its reputation and recognition in the water supply sector, which has lots of reputational risks due to the different conflicts related to water: poverty, diseases, mortality, privatization, water saving, technologies and the environment.
Thus, Agbar decided to face the challenge by launching a new strategy, adjusting the business model, monitoring risks related to the sector and creating a new brand, Aqualogy, able to unite reputational value created by different stakeholders: customers, employees, citizens, companies and institutions.
The company launched a communication plan aiming to strengthen the brand and position itself as an infrastructure manager but also as a developer of innovations in the area of water management and solutions to the global water problems. In line with this plan, the company launched several projects to promote a new corporate culture and turn its employees into brand ambassadors. These projects aim to achieve the following objectives:
Leadership/international exposure
Another important trend in the area of Corporate Reputation is to find out the feelings of stakeholders and to ensure that they identify themselves with companies on the Internet. TNS consulting firm carried out a research to map the scope of stakeholders’ interests that create the reputation of a brand. To do so, it is important to take into account the following three aspects:
Topics and opinions about the company on the Internet
Strengths and weaknesses of its reputation
Communication channels and networks
The scale of the impact on reputation depends on whether the opinion about the brand is positive or negative, and on the number of channels that discuss an issue related to the company.
The most effective tool of strengthening corporate reputation is developing a permanent strategy of differentiation, creating shared value and implementing on-going performance measurement, both offline and online.
I67 top managers’ engagementCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipThe document summarizes the key findings of a report on the state of corporate branding in Spain. It finds that while awareness of branding's importance is growing among Spanish business leaders, there is still work to be done in areas like dedicating teams to brand management and promoting corporate culture internally. However, progress is being made as well, like more directors viewing the brand as a strategic asset. The report is based on surveys of executives at large Spanish companies.
KimMitch HarrisKim passed away and is being remembered with love and fond memories by those whose lives she touched. Friends and family will miss Kim's presence in their lives and the role she played. This memorial expresses grief over Kim's passing while celebrating her life and the impact she had on others.
From Corporate Brand to Company Brand: Authenticity, Transparency and OriginCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipSeveral years ago brands expanded their role from the original area of marketing and sales to the corporate scale, leaving behind exclusive association with products and moving towards reflecting the company in its entirety. Today brands are making another step forward: they still reflect the commercial and corporate areas, but the intersection of the two areas yielded a new field: brand as a company.
This document was prepared by Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership and contains references to the speech delivered by Terry Tyrrell, the President and Co-Founder of The Brand Union (2007), formerly Sampson Tyrrell (1976) and Enterprise IG (1996), and a member of the Advisory Board of Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership, at the event titled Meeting the Board: The Company Brand, held in Madrid on January 31, 2013.
2013 Presidents' Forum of St. Louis "The Future of Knowledge Work"Robert RodenbaughStephanie Leffler, CEO of, discussed the future of knowledge work. She started by sharing her experience starting an online business that was dependent on others before creating a do-it-yourself ecommerce solution. This led her to discover crowdsourcing which provided scalable labor. Her company launched in 2011 and uses crowdsourcing to provide content, moderation, categorization and more. Leffler believes that in the future, work will be much different with work being transparent, measurable, location independent, and optimized for efficiency based on output rather than education.
Guida SW Compilazione Fattura Elettronica_guida_.pdfMassimo TaliaSoftware di compilazione Fattura Elettronica e generazione del file xml da inviare all'Agenzia delle Entrate.
Bando App OnLazio Innova Bando della Regione Lazio a sostegno dei giovani creativi digitali. Due milioni di euro per sostenere la progettazione e lo sviluppo di piattaforme e applicativi (“app”) per smartphone e tablet, pensati per favorire il turismo e l’economia (ad esempio negli ambiti del mobile commerce, smart city, efficienza energetica, accessori tecnologici indossabili ecc.).
Le Perizie Di Stima e la valutazione d'azienda nelle operazioni straordinarie...Andrea Arrigo PanatoLa perizia di stima e la valutazione d'azienda nelle operazioni di finanza straordinaria e di risanamento aziendale.
STRATEGIE DI INGRESSO NEL MERCATO RUSSOLazio Innova INTFORMATEVI 2014Percorsi per l’Orientamento e l’Internazionalizzazione delle Piccole e Medie Imprese del Lazio
Viterbo, 25 giugno 2014
Dr. Andrea Aguiari
La rete EEN e lo sportello EDIC LAZIOLazio Innova Programma Horizon 2020
Secure, clean and efficient energy
16 OTTOBRE 2014 ore 15.00
I SERVIZI UE a disposizione delle imprese e dei
cittadini:la rete EEN e lo sportello EDIC LAZIO
The Chief Reputation Officer (CRO)Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipArticle Corporate Excellence
In the 21st century, big corporations need a sustainability and differentiation model as products and services offered to customers by different companies are becoming more and more similar. In this context, companies understand that their strategy should be focused on intangibles, such as the brand, communication, public affairs, etc. Reputation is turning into the field of competition for companies, countries and institutions. In order to successfully navigate in this new reputation-focused economy, we need leaders capable to understand the new environment, who possess deep knowledge of the expectations of the stakeholders.
This new role, a Chief Reputation Officer, is discussed in the research titled The Chief Reputation Officer, a New Model of Corporate Reputation, carried out by the University of Malaga.
Becoming a citizen brandsCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipThe document discusses the concept of a "citizen brand" which focuses on understanding and addressing social concerns rather than just treating stakeholders well. It argues that in today's "butterfly economy" with empowered and values-driven consumers, ethical and responsible behavior is essential to building trust and reputation. To be a citizen brand, a company must make social issues and local communities a central part of its strategy and be fully transparent in its operations. This model of proactive social engagement can increase business success by generating loyalty and goodwill.
I42 strong brands, profitable brandsCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipEstimation of a brand’s value and its contribution to business has always been considered the main challenge in measuring intangible assets. But what are those brands that make the highest contribution to business value? What brands achieve greater financial result? The stronger the brand, the higher the company’s stock price.
This document was prepared by Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership and among other references contains statements made by Adolfo Fernández, Director for Customer Services at Millward Brown, Madrid; Javier Mancebo, Intelligence Director at Havas Sport & Entertainment; and José Carlos Villalvilla, General Director for Eco-Efficiency and Power Services at Iberdrola during a discussion titled New Measurement Frontiers: from Reputation to Customer Value organized by Anuncios magazine jointly with Conento and Millward Brown in Madrid, on October 18, 2012.
Tim barton presentationRobert RodenbaughThe document summarizes a leading eCommerce freight carrier comparison and booking site. It provides simplified freight shipping for small and medium businesses by allowing them to get instant price quotes and book carriers online. It is also working to penetrate larger enterprises through acquisitions and developing truckload shipping capabilities. The company has experienced strong and consistent revenue growth since 1999 through expanding its services and acquiring complementary businesses.
Scott griffith presentationRobert RodenbaughZipcar is a car sharing company that was founded in 1999 and has grown significantly since then. It offers vehicles by the hour or day that are parked in urban areas near homes and workplaces. Zipcar sees opportunities for growth as trends like rising gas prices, urbanization, and environmental sustainability increase demand for alternatives to personal car ownership. Its vision is for car sharing members to outnumber car owners in major cities globally. Zipcar aims to achieve this through continued expansion, focusing on member experience, and leveraging data and technology.
Best examples of reputation management: international experienceCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipManagement of intangibles should create new corporate brands, integrate media analysis into the reputation management process and adjust reputation strategies to the new digital reality. It is also important to take into account how important social networks, recommendations and experience are to demonstrate the value of a company.
Agbar Group, for example, a company based in Spain and operating in many other countries, had to launch a new strategy to improve its reputation and recognition in the water supply sector, which has lots of reputational risks due to the different conflicts related to water: poverty, diseases, mortality, privatization, water saving, technologies and the environment.
Thus, Agbar decided to face the challenge by launching a new strategy, adjusting the business model, monitoring risks related to the sector and creating a new brand, Aqualogy, able to unite reputational value created by different stakeholders: customers, employees, citizens, companies and institutions.
The company launched a communication plan aiming to strengthen the brand and position itself as an infrastructure manager but also as a developer of innovations in the area of water management and solutions to the global water problems. In line with this plan, the company launched several projects to promote a new corporate culture and turn its employees into brand ambassadors. These projects aim to achieve the following objectives:
Leadership/international exposure
Another important trend in the area of Corporate Reputation is to find out the feelings of stakeholders and to ensure that they identify themselves with companies on the Internet. TNS consulting firm carried out a research to map the scope of stakeholders’ interests that create the reputation of a brand. To do so, it is important to take into account the following three aspects:
Topics and opinions about the company on the Internet
Strengths and weaknesses of its reputation
Communication channels and networks
The scale of the impact on reputation depends on whether the opinion about the brand is positive or negative, and on the number of channels that discuss an issue related to the company.
The most effective tool of strengthening corporate reputation is developing a permanent strategy of differentiation, creating shared value and implementing on-going performance measurement, both offline and online.
I67 top managers’ engagementCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipThe document summarizes the key findings of a report on the state of corporate branding in Spain. It finds that while awareness of branding's importance is growing among Spanish business leaders, there is still work to be done in areas like dedicating teams to brand management and promoting corporate culture internally. However, progress is being made as well, like more directors viewing the brand as a strategic asset. The report is based on surveys of executives at large Spanish companies.
KimMitch HarrisKim passed away and is being remembered with love and fond memories by those whose lives she touched. Friends and family will miss Kim's presence in their lives and the role she played. This memorial expresses grief over Kim's passing while celebrating her life and the impact she had on others.
From Corporate Brand to Company Brand: Authenticity, Transparency and OriginCorporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation LeadershipSeveral years ago brands expanded their role from the original area of marketing and sales to the corporate scale, leaving behind exclusive association with products and moving towards reflecting the company in its entirety. Today brands are making another step forward: they still reflect the commercial and corporate areas, but the intersection of the two areas yielded a new field: brand as a company.
This document was prepared by Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership and contains references to the speech delivered by Terry Tyrrell, the President and Co-Founder of The Brand Union (2007), formerly Sampson Tyrrell (1976) and Enterprise IG (1996), and a member of the Advisory Board of Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership, at the event titled Meeting the Board: The Company Brand, held in Madrid on January 31, 2013.
2013 Presidents' Forum of St. Louis "The Future of Knowledge Work"Robert RodenbaughStephanie Leffler, CEO of, discussed the future of knowledge work. She started by sharing her experience starting an online business that was dependent on others before creating a do-it-yourself ecommerce solution. This led her to discover crowdsourcing which provided scalable labor. Her company launched in 2011 and uses crowdsourcing to provide content, moderation, categorization and more. Leffler believes that in the future, work will be much different with work being transparent, measurable, location independent, and optimized for efficiency based on output rather than education.
Guida SW Compilazione Fattura Elettronica_guida_.pdfMassimo TaliaSoftware di compilazione Fattura Elettronica e generazione del file xml da inviare all'Agenzia delle Entrate.
Fatturazione elettronica verso la PATalea Consulting SrlEsempio applicativo della Fatturazione Elettronica verso le Pubbliche Amministrazioni e della Conservazione Elettronica a norma dei documenti con il portale IX di Arxivar. Tutti i passi del procedimento: caricamento delle fatture, firma, trasmissione, gestione delle notifiche e conservazione. Inoltre le novità e i vantaggi della fatturazione elettronica.
Presentazione ROL MicroinnovazioneFilas S.p.A.Presentazione del nuovo sistema di Rendicontazione On Line (ROL) dei Progetti Microinnovazione.
Scarica la presentazione per visualizzare le animazioni.
Guida al sistema di compilazione del bando efficientamento energetico 0POR FESR ToscanaSistema Gestionale del Bando sull'Efficientamento Energetico - Sviluppo Toscana - presentazione dell'8 giugno 2016 a cura di Enea Belloni
Procedure operative e FAQ - Compensazione Gratuito PatrocinioEdoardo FerraroBreve guida con FAQ sulle procedure operative necessarie per la compensazione dei crediti da patrocinio a spese dello Stato con i debiti fiscali per gli avvocati
Faq per la compensazione del gratuito patrocinio - Art. 24 Cost.GRATUITO PATROCINIO e ART 24. - Associazione per la Tutela del Diritto di DifesaGuida breve alla compensazione dei crediti da patrocinio a spese delle Stato con debiti fiscali: ecco un breve e semplice vademecunm con le "PROCEDURE OPERATIVE E FAQ" per accedere alla compensazione dei crediti del patrocinio a a spese dello Stato con le imposte dovute dall'avvocato.
by Associazione Art. 24. Cost.
PTT_Premio pa sostenibile_2019_ptt_17apr2019GiovanniSchironeProcesso Tributario Telematico, Premio PA Sostenibile - II Edizione 100 progetti per raggiungere gli obiettivi dell'Agenda 2030.
Tuttok EvolutionItalStudio SpaE' lo strumento che si occupa di centralizzare ed automatizzare in rete tutto il flusso delle forniture sia in fase di invio sia in fase di scarico delle ricevute.
Il programma avvisa e mantiene aggiornati tutti programmi e moduli di controllo necessari per gli invii telematici consentendo all'operatore di "dimenticarsi" di ENTRATEL e del programma INPS per gli invii dei modelli UniEMens. Lavorando su tracciati ministeriali di forniture telematiche, il programma è in grado di acquisire e gestire il flusso delle forniture telematiche anche da programmi diversi da FacTotum
Premio pa sostenibile_2019_ptt_16apr2019-defGiovanniSchironeProcesso Tributario Telematico - Premio PA Sostenibile - II Edizione -
100 progetti per raggiungere gli obiettivi dell'Agenda 2030
L'integrazione di PagoPA - Giuseppe Virgone, Pagamenti Digitali del Team per ...Team per la Trasformazione DigitaleL'integrazione di PagoPA spiegata ai fornitori di tecnologia della Pubblica Amministrazione. Da una pagina web ad un portale di pagamento in meno di 30 minuti, facile da usare ed integrare. Come utilizzare uno dei componenti del sistema operativo del paese e del Piano Triennale.
Digital for Social: bando della Fondazione Vodafone Italia Parma CoutureLa Fondazione Vodafone Italia persegue, con il bando "Digital for Social. Il digitale al servizio delle buone idee", la digitalizzazione del Terzo Settore. I beneficiari della misura sono, in particolare, le organizzazioni già esistenti - ONLUS, volontariato, cooperative sociali o loro consorzi, APS, fondazioni, associazioni sportive, imprese sociali - che intendono realizzare progetti per l'utilizzo della tecnologia digitale a beneficio dei giovani in situazione di svantaggio. Il contributo a fondo perduto, di misura stabilita a discrezione della Fondazione per ciascun progetto ammesso, è destinabile a diverse attività - realizzazione siti, piattaforme e-commerce, APP, formazione, ecc. - e può coprire spese di personale, consulenza, forniture, marketing ed altri costi funzionali al progetto digitale.
Scadenza per la presentazione delle domande: 20 Dicembre 2015
Fatturare Digitale 2018 - Dalla Fatturazione Elettronica alla Conservazione: ...Fatturare DigitaleRelatore: Fabrizio Lupone, Esperto nazionale. Membro del Forum italiano sulla fatturazione elettronica presso Agenzia delle Entrate e Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze. Docente master universitario.
Un intervento atto ad evidenziare i benefici intangibili a medio-lungo termine, attraverso la visione di un esperto e l’esplicazione di alcuni casi d’uso concreti sulla fatturazione elettronica e la conservazione digitale a norma delle fatture e dei messaggi SdI.
Opportunità di internazionalizzazione e innovazione del settore AgriFood del ...Lazio Innova La presentazione dell'assessore della Regione Lazio Paolo Orneli in occasione del convegno del 27 gennaio 2020.
Intelligenza artificiale e big data per il monitoraggio delle infrastrutture ...Lazio Innova Collaborative Automatic Driverless Mobility Systems
Via A.I Precision Data Detection
Rendicontazione delle spese Lazio Innova «Attrazione di investimenti mediante sostegno finanziario, in grado di assicurare una ricaduta sulle PMI a livello territoriale" – sub-azione: "Attrazione produzioni cinematografiche e azioni di sistema attraverso il sostegno delle PMI che operano direttamente o indirettamente nel settore" dell'Asse prioritario 3 – Competitività»
Presentazione Progetto RinasceLazio Innova Finanziato all’interno del bando «Circular Economy ed Energia - Progetti Integrati». Relatrice: Ilaria Bientinesi
RIUSA - Presentazione Prof. Massimiliano BarlettaLazio Innova Valorizzazione di scarti di produzione nella manifattura di una gamma di imballaggi “intelligenti” in plastica di bio-derivazione compostabile, termostabile, autoprotetta ed idonea al contatto prolungato con alimenti
LAZIO GREEN – IL FUTURO SOSTENIBILELazio Innova Investimenti per la riqualificazione energetica del patrimonio immobiliare pubblicoLAZIO GREEN – IL FUTURO SOSTENIBILE
Investimenti per la riqualificazione energetica del patrimonio immobiliare pubblico
Il POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020 OT, Priorità e AzioniLazio Innova POR FESR 2014/2020 Sostegno al riposizionamento competitivo dei sistemi imprenditoriali locali Seconda Presentazione tecnica
Il POR FESR Lazio 2014-2020 OT, Priorità e AzioniLazio Innova
Per i progetti ammessi al contributo per l’annualità 2016 la scadenza entro cui presentare la rendicontazione è il 31/03/2017.
Per le procedure e la modulistica si fa riferimento alla GUIDA OPERATIVA e ai moduli disponibili sul sito di Lazio Innova
Si specifica che laddove è richiesto che i documenti siano firmati dal legale rappresentante, si intende che devono esserlo con firma
digitale elettronica certificata.
Dopo aver predisposto tutti i documenti come indicato nella suddetta Guida Operativa (tranne il modulo di richiesta del saldo che
verrà automaticamente generato da GecoWeb) procedere come segue:
1. Accedere a Gecoweb con le stesse credenziali usate per la presentazione della domanda oppure tramite token o CNS rilasciata
dalla CCIAA;
2. 2. In corrispondenza della domanda 2016 sarà attivo il tasto “Rendiconta”: cliccarlo.
3. 3. Sulla finestra che si aprirà, cliccare “Saldo – Visualizza/modifica”
4. 4. Si aprirà la schermata riportata sotto: cliccare sul tasto verde in alto “Salva bozza”
5. 5. Cliccare sul tastino a destra con il segno + : si attiverà una riga compilabile
6. 6. A questo punto è possibile caricare il primo dei giustificativi di spesa (fattura/busta paga/notula), inserendo tutti i dati
richiesti dal sistema. Per il codice fiscale o la partita IVA verificare di aver inserito tutte le 11 cifre che lo compongono.
Per quanto riguarda l’importo del documento, nel caso l’IVA non sia detraibile, NON inserire alcuna percentuale IVA: in
questo modo l’importo netto risulterà uguale al lordo. Caricato il primo documento, cliccando di nuovo sul tastino “+”
si potrà attivare un’altra riga compilabile: procedere così finché necessario. Occorrerà caricare documenti fino a
raggiungere l’importo che compare nel campo denominato “Importo concedibile”, ovvero il contributo concesso.
7. In caso di errori nel caricamento dei dati è possibile cancellare la riga con il tastino “x” a destra della riga stessa.
7. Dopo aver caricato i documenti necessari a raggiungere l’importo concedibile, cliccare la freccetta del campo
“Percentuale di finanziamento richiesta” e cliccare “Rendiconta al 100%”: salvare la bozza (tasto verde in alto).
8. 8. Scendere in fondo alla schermata, nella sezione Allegati, e tramite “Seleziona file” allegare tutti i documenti
di rendicontazione delle spese: sia le fatture/notule/buste paga di cui sono stati caricati gli importi e i dati,
sia tutte le altre, fino a coprire l’intero costo del progetto approvato, con i relativi estratti conto e tutti gli altri
documenti amministrativi elencati al punto 2 nella tabella a pagina 10, dove sono specificate le modalità di
trasmissione dei vari allegati.
N.B. : Il nome del file allegato dovrà essere chiaramente riconducibile al documento (ad esempio: Mario
Rossi fatt 1_2016). Tutti i documenti allegati devono essere in formato “.pdf”.
9. 9. Utilizzare il tasto verde in alto per salvare la bozza ed il tasto arancione per salvare e verificare la bozza.
10. Dopo aver caricato tutto, compresi gli allegati, con il tasto rosso (“Salva verifica e finalizza”) in alto a destra,
finalizzare la rendicontazione: attenzione, una volta fatta questa operazione non sarà più possibile apportare alcuna
modifica o aggiunta e la rendicontazione sarà trasmessa a Lazio Innova.
11. Dopo la finalizzazione si attiverà in alto a destra il tasto “Stampa”: cliccare. Si aprirà il documento “Richiesta di
erogazione del saldo”, sul quale alcuni dati saranno precompilati dal sistema. I dati mancanti dovranno invece essere
inseriti dal richiedente.
12. La richiesta di saldo generata dal sistema, unitamente al documento di identità del legale rappresentante ed agli
ulteriori documenti elencati al punto 1 della tabella a pag. 10, deve essere firmata digitalmente ed inviata a Lazio
Innova via pec, entro le 24.00 del 31/03/2017, all’indirizzo:
10. Tipologia allegato Modalità di trasmissione a Lazio Innova
Richiesta erogazione del saldo (con documento di identità) Via pec (
(*) Dichiarazione del mantenimento dei requisiti Via pec (
(*) Prospetto riepilogativo delle spese Via pec (
(*) Prospetto dei costi del personale Via pec (
(*) Bilancio consuntivo Via pec (
(*) Relazione artistica e finanziaria conclusiva Via pec (
(*) Scheda della qualità indicizzata Via pec (
(*) Scheda del personale Via pec (
Verbale di approvazione del bilancio consuntivo Via pec (
Fatture, buste paga, parcelle, notule… Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
Distinte di bonifici, copie di assegni Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
Estratti conto Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
(*) Liberatorie con firma digitale del fornitore Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
Contratti di locazione, noleggio, contratti con il personale non dipendente Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
F24 e documentazione di pagamento oneri sociali e fiscali, con relativo
prospetto esplicativo
Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
Borderò e giustificativi delle entrate Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
Documentazione SIAE Inseriti come allegati su GecoWeb
(*) Liberatorie firmate in originale cartaceo Posta raccomandata o consegna a mano (Via Amba Aradam, 9 – Roma)
Materiale promozionale del progetto Posta raccomandata o consegna a mano (Via Amba Aradam, 9 – Roma)
Documentazione fotografica o filmografica, rassegna stampa (su supporto
Posta raccomandata o consegna a mano (Via Amba Aradam, 9 – Roma)
MODALITA’ DI TRASMISSIONE DEI DIVERSI ALLEGATI (che dovranno pervenire entro il 31/03/2017)
(*) documenti il cui modulo è scaricabile dal sito di Lazio Innova: