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Corporal   Teachers : Mavis  &  Anita   Punishment  :
Pre-discussion brainstorming  Who would be the Spanker? Parents or Teachers What kind of behaviors can be seen as corporal punishment ?
Corporal punishment types striking slapping (Bamboo) Cane  Rod Stick Ruler  Strap  Clothes hanger mild chastisements E.g.  shaking by the arm or shoulder split jump   Whipping   spanking stand up  beating
Definition  Corporal punishment  is forced   pain  intended to change a persons behavior or to  punish  them which may cause physical and mental injuries.  Discipline  is training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental facilities or moral character.  Abuse  means the inproper or excessive use or treatment, mostly physical maltreatment.
About two articles   Divide in three groups (3 min.) Summarize the two articles  Bring out the main ideas or the core value of the articles Please give some reflection about two articles
Discussion Questions: Briefly describe your experiences and feelings of being punished as a child? What are the reasons for being punished corporally?  Will it make you feel better if parents punish you with clear explanation on why?
Discussion Questions:  When you walk on the streets and see a mother striking or slapping her child, will you stop her?  Corporal punishment in schools has been banned since Jan. 2007.  What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of it?  Do you have any alternatives to physical discipline?
Discussion Question:  Source:  Humanistic Education Foundation Physical beatings or spankings of students declined  from 51% in 2005 to 27.3% in 2007. Q:   Do we need a similar law to regulate domestic disciplines by parents? 52.8%   2007 65.1% 69.4% 70.9% 74.2% 83.4% 2005 2004 2001 2000 1999 Percentage of students who have experienced corporal punishment
Video: talk show 1.spanking Your Kids: Discipline or Abuse?
Time for informal debate  Choose either side of  for or against   zero corporal punishment in the classrooms discipline  Each side contains no more than 6 debaters  The last debater is in  charge of summing up whole groups arguments and try to make it sound persuasive

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Corporal Punishment

  • 1. Corporal Teachers : Mavis & Anita Punishment :
  • 2. Pre-discussion brainstorming Who would be the Spanker? Parents or Teachers What kind of behaviors can be seen as corporal punishment ?
  • 3. Corporal punishment types striking slapping (Bamboo) Cane Rod Stick Ruler Strap Clothes hanger mild chastisements E.g. shaking by the arm or shoulder split jump Whipping spanking stand up beating
  • 4. Definition Corporal punishment is forced pain intended to change a persons behavior or to punish them which may cause physical and mental injuries. Discipline is training that corrects, molds or perfects the mental facilities or moral character. Abuse means the inproper or excessive use or treatment, mostly physical maltreatment.
  • 5. About two articles Divide in three groups (3 min.) Summarize the two articles Bring out the main ideas or the core value of the articles Please give some reflection about two articles
  • 6. Discussion Questions: Briefly describe your experiences and feelings of being punished as a child? What are the reasons for being punished corporally? Will it make you feel better if parents punish you with clear explanation on why?
  • 7. Discussion Questions: When you walk on the streets and see a mother striking or slapping her child, will you stop her? Corporal punishment in schools has been banned since Jan. 2007. What are the possible advantages and disadvantages of it? Do you have any alternatives to physical discipline?
  • 8. Discussion Question: Source: Humanistic Education Foundation Physical beatings or spankings of students declined from 51% in 2005 to 27.3% in 2007. Q: Do we need a similar law to regulate domestic disciplines by parents? 52.8% 2007 65.1% 69.4% 70.9% 74.2% 83.4% 2005 2004 2001 2000 1999 Percentage of students who have experienced corporal punishment
  • 9. Video: talk show 1.spanking Your Kids: Discipline or Abuse?
  • 10. Time for informal debate Choose either side of for or against zero corporal punishment in the classrooms discipline Each side contains no more than 6 debaters The last debater is in charge of summing up whole groups arguments and try to make it sound persuasive