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Gale Crater, Mars
from Above and Below
   Emily Lakdawalla
This is Mars
 (The view is from Rosetta
  during its February 2007 flyby)
This is Mars
 (The view is from Rosetta
  during its February 2007 flyby)
This is Mars
 (The view is from Rosetta
  during its February 2007 flyby)
This is Mars                             Gale Crater

 (The view is from Rosetta
  during its February 2007 flyby)
Zooming in

 Gale Crater is 154 km wide
 Near the equator
 On the highland/lowland
 Specifically: 5属S, 138属E
 Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E
 Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
Zooming in

 Gale Crater is 154 km wide
 Near the equator
 On the highland/lowland
 Specifically: 5属S, 138属E
 Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E
 Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
Zooming in
 Gale Crater is 154 km wide
 Near the equator
 On the highland/lowland
 Specifically: 5属S, 138属E
 Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E
 Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
Zooming in
 Gale Crater is 154 km wide
 Near the equator
 On the highland/lowland
                                 Gale Crater
 Specifically: 5属S, 138属E
 Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E
 Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
Gale Crater is a
deep hole containing a
big mountain
 Landing site is in lowest part of
  crater, north of central mound
 Landing site is at about 4500
  meters below Mars average
 Central mound rises about 5500
                                       Gale Crater
  meters from that
 Central mound officially named
  Aeolis Mons
 Before it was officially named
  Curiosity science team
  unofficially titled it Mount Sharp
Gale Crater is a
deep hole containing a
big mountain
 Landing site is in lowest part of
  crater, north of central mound
 Landing site is at about 4500
  meters below Mars average
 Central mound rises about 5500
  meters from that
 Central mound officially named
  Aeolis Mons
 Before it was officially named
  Curiosity science team
  unofficially titled it Mount Sharp
Gale is an OLD crater
 Heres a fresh, biggish Martian
  crater, Tooting
 Note crisp, continuous rim with
  arcuate slumps
 Flat floor
 Pointy peak
 Ejecta splash
 Caveat: 27 kilometers, only 1/6
  the size of Gale
Gale is an OLD crater
 Rim subdued, discontinuous,
 A lot of topography in floor
 Mound is WAY bigger than a
  central peak
 (Gale most likely had a peak
  ring to begin with)
 The whole thing has probably
  been buried, exhumed, eroded,
  partially refilled, eroded some
Curiosity aimed
 Landing ellipse:
  20 x 7 kilometers
Curiosity landed
A note before we
zoom in more
 The image at right is composed
  of data from three orbiters:
 Image data from
  Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
 Elevation data from
  Mars Express HRSC
 Color data from
  Viking Orbiter
 Yes, Viking Orbiter
 When we zoom to higher
  resolution, we will lose color
  because resolution is too low.
Zoom in some more
Cosmoquest Curiosity Gale Crater Field Trip 1
Cosmoquest Curiosity Gale Crater Field Trip 1
Some distances
 From landing location to
  Glenelg  400 m
 From landing location to nearest
  spot at base of mound  6 km
 From landing location to point
  where theyll turn to cross the
  dune field  8 km
 Green traverse in straight-line
  segments (actual odometry will
  be much higher)  25 km
 To do that in 687 days, will have
  to average about 250 m/week
The view from here
(Looking south)
The view from here
(Looking south)
The view from here
(Looking south)
 With some effort you can match
  up a lot of the features seen in
  orbital images
The view from here
(Looking south)
 With some effort you can match
  up a lot of the features seen in
  orbital images
 This contains the area theyre
  planning to drive
 But most of the drive is in a
  valley hidden from view
 And thats where the good stuff
Cosmoquest Curiosity Gale Crater Field Trip 1
Cosmoquest Curiosity Gale Crater Field Trip 1

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Cosmoquest Curiosity Gale Crater Field Trip 1

  • 1. Gale Crater, Mars from Above and Below Emily Lakdawalla
  • 2. This is Mars (The view is from Rosetta during its February 2007 flyby)
  • 3. This is Mars (The view is from Rosetta during its February 2007 flyby)
  • 4. This is Mars (The view is from Rosetta during its February 2007 flyby)
  • 5. (Phobos) This is Mars Gale Crater (The view is from Rosetta during its February 2007 flyby)
  • 6. Zooming in Gale Crater is 154 km wide Near the equator On the highland/lowland boundary Specifically: 5属S, 138属E Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
  • 7. Zooming in Gale Crater is 154 km wide Near the equator On the highland/lowland boundary Specifically: 5属S, 138属E Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
  • 8. Zooming in Gale Crater is 154 km wide Near the equator On the highland/lowland boundary Specifically: 5属S, 138属E Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
  • 9. Zooming in Gale Crater is 154 km wide Near the equator On the highland/lowland boundary Gale Crater Specifically: 5属S, 138属E Opportunity is at 2属S, 355属E Spirit was at 15属S, 175属E
  • 10. Gale Crater is a deep hole containing a big mountain Landing site is in lowest part of crater, north of central mound Landing site is at about 4500 meters below Mars average Central mound rises about 5500 Gale Crater meters from that Central mound officially named Aeolis Mons Before it was officially named Curiosity science team unofficially titled it Mount Sharp
  • 11. Gale Crater is a deep hole containing a big mountain Landing site is in lowest part of crater, north of central mound Landing site is at about 4500 meters below Mars average Central mound rises about 5500 meters from that Central mound officially named Aeolis Mons Before it was officially named Curiosity science team unofficially titled it Mount Sharp
  • 12. Gale is an OLD crater Heres a fresh, biggish Martian crater, Tooting Note crisp, continuous rim with arcuate slumps Flat floor Pointy peak Ejecta splash Caveat: 27 kilometers, only 1/6 the size of Gale
  • 13. Gale is an OLD crater Rim subdued, discontinuous, dissected A lot of topography in floor Mound is WAY bigger than a central peak (Gale most likely had a peak ring to begin with) The whole thing has probably been buried, exhumed, eroded, partially refilled, eroded some more
  • 14. Curiosity aimed here Landing ellipse: 20 x 7 kilometers
  • 16. A note before we zoom in more The image at right is composed of data from three orbiters: Image data from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CTX Elevation data from Mars Express HRSC Color data from Viking Orbiter Yes, Viking Orbiter When we zoom to higher resolution, we will lose color because resolution is too low.
  • 17. Zoom in some more
  • 20. Some distances From landing location to Glenelg 400 m From landing location to nearest spot at base of mound 6 km From landing location to point where theyll turn to cross the dune field 8 km Green traverse in straight-line segments (actual odometry will be much higher) 25 km To do that in 687 days, will have to average about 250 m/week
  • 21. The view from here (Looking south)
  • 22. The view from here (Looking south)
  • 23. The view from here (Looking south) With some effort you can match up a lot of the features seen in orbital images
  • 24. The view from here (Looking south) With some effort you can match up a lot of the features seen in orbital images This contains the area theyre planning to drive But most of the drive is in a valley hidden from view And thats where the good stuff is