This document displays an online countdown clock that allows the user to select a countdown time between 1 minute and 1 hour. The clock then counts down from the selected time in minutes and seconds until it reaches zero. It is created by Dr. Jeff Ertzberger and includes a "Back to Clock Home" button to return to the main clock page.
The document provides instructions for using countdown timers in PowerPoint presentations. It includes timers ranging from 5 seconds to 20 minutes. To use a timer, the user copies it from the document into their PowerPoint presentation. When pasted in, the timers can be resized or formatted. They are preset to start on mouse click but can be modified to start automatically or on a button click. A sound effect plays at the end of each timer that can be removed or replaced. The timers are intended to add interactivity to presentations by timing student activities.
This document provides a break reminder that will end in 5, 10, or 15 minutes and prompts the user to select their desired break length before it automatically returns them from their break.
This document is a countdown clock that counts down from 15 minutes to 0 minutes in 1 minute intervals, displaying the amount of time remaining at each step until time is up.
Embed Countdown Timer in All 際際滷s in PowerPointLTC Clock
This presentation shows how to add a countdown timer on all slides in a presentation. The timer will count down across all slides.
The timer is from
This document provides instructions for starting a timer during a slideshow presentation. It instructs the user to click the View Show option on the 際際滷 Show menu to begin the timer. It also notes that any textboxes containing instructions should be deleted before presenting.
The document appears to be a template for meeting minutes that is currently blank. It contains header text for sections of meeting minutes but no substantive content.
This PowerPoint presentation discusses using timers and animations in PowerPoint to time activities. It includes templates for timers that count up from below for 4 minutes, count down from 5 minutes, count down from 6 minutes, and timers that can be set to variable times like 10 minutes or 7 minutes. The presentation also includes a time cycle template that dissolves an object after 1 minute.
Creating a Timer Bar on PowerPoint to Count Down TimeKarl Kapp
This document provides instructions for creating a timer bar in PowerPoint. It describes how to create two rectangles, one with no fill and one with a gradient fill within the first. It then explains how to add an animation to the gradient rectangle to wipe from left to right over a specified duration. The animation is triggered by clicking a separate shape labeled "Timer" to start the countdown.
This bill seeks to boldly emphasize the holiness of The Living Truth by allotting a holiday for its celebration on every last Monday of January, which shall be known as "National Bible Day. This calls for all Christians to altogether unite and celebrate the Holy Bible as the cradle of the Christian faith.
The document displays a digital countdown clock created by Dr. Jeff Ertzberger that can be set to count down from various times, ranging from 1 hour to 5 seconds. As it counts down, it displays the remaining time until reaching zero.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set to various time intervals ranging from 5 minutes to 1 hour. It allows the user to select a countdown time by clicking buttons to choose a time, then displays the countdown in minutes and seconds until it reaches zero.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set for various intervals between 1 minute and 1 hour by clicking buttons. It counts down in minutes and seconds, and includes buttons to return to the timer or home page.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set to various intervals from 5 minutes to 1 hour. It shows the countdown time updating every minute along with buttons to return to the clock home screen or reset the timer.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set to count down from various times between 1 minute and 1 hour in 5 minute increments. The timer displays the current time remaining in minutes and seconds and allows resetting or going back to the timer selection page.
The document presents a countdown clock created by Dr. Jeff Ertzberger that allows the user to select from various countdown time options ranging from 10 seconds to 1 hour by clicking buttons. The clock then displays the countdown.
The document contains a series of math and numerical reasoning problems with answers in the form of a treasure hunt game. Some examples include: calculating change from 贈1 after spending 72p, doubling 3 and multiplying by 3, and finding the number of sides on an octagon. The document tests a variety of skills like time, money, fractions, operations and geometry.
The document presents a data visualization challenge that asks the user 3 questions about a dataset within time limits, then repeats the challenge with simple visual cues to answer more quickly. It demonstrates how visualizing data can help identify patterns and insights more easily and quickly than just looking at the raw numbers. Visualizing data allows for consistent interpretation and conclusions to be drawn from the same dataset.
This document is a paper written by Professor Wm Pitzer of West Virginia University for his class IMC-693H on disrupting the electrical grid. It contains the main visual as a silhouette profile dividing the content. Smaller silhouettes are used for supplemental information. The document provides information on strategies for disrupting critical infrastructure systems like the electrical grid.
To play Powerball, players select 5 numbers between 1 and 59 for the white balls, and one number between 1 and 35 for the red Powerball. The odds of matching all 6 numbers are 1 in 175 million. Purchasing the magayo Lotto software can potentially reduce odds to 1 in 110 million by strategically selecting numbers, as it has helped some users win lottery prizes.
Making Big Data relevant: Importance of Data Visualization and AnalyticsGramener
This document discusses the importance of data visualization and analytics for making big data relevant. It provides examples of how visualizing data through simple charts and graphs can help identify patterns and insights more quickly than just viewing raw numbers. Effective data visualization and analytics helps different levels of an organization consume and understand data in order to make informed decisions.
This document summarizes key points from a presentation on teacher evaluation frameworks in Mississippi. It discusses using multiple measures in evaluations, including standardized test scores, observations, and other evidence of teaching effectiveness. The principal should have final judgment but use evidence to inform decisions. Evaluations should focus on improvement and differentiate performance levels, not just use test scores. Seniority-based layoffs can negatively impact students by retaining less effective teachers.
The writer shares with their pen pal Ursula about their life, friends, hobbies and upcoming trip. They have 9 best friends including Pedro, Marielos, Mya, Vicky, Esther and Brianna who they enjoy going to the mall with. In their spare time they enjoy singing, dancing, tutoring and spending time with family and friends while trying to get good grades in school. They are looking forward to an upcoming class trip to Washington D.C.
This document lists names, locations, and numbers that appear to represent students and their due dates for an assignment. It includes 29 names from various US states and territories along with numbers that may indicate how many days late or amount due for each student. The due date for the assignment is listed as March 17.
This document outlines a 6-week unit plan for a 5th grade PYP social studies unit. The unit focuses on roles and responsibilities of governments and citizens. Over the course of the unit, students will investigate concepts like rights, leadership, cooperation, and how governments function. Students will develop their understanding through group work, individual investigations, and presentations. The unit incorporates skills like cause and effect analysis, making inferences, and identifying main ideas and supporting details. Across the six weeks, students will practice skills like research, writing, and peer editing to demonstrate their learning.
This document outlines the PYP Week 6 plan for a 5th grade class at Pan American Academy Charter School for the 2010-2011 school year. The central idea is how people have affected the world with mixtures and solutions. Objectives include determining concentrations in mixtures and investigating chemical reactions. Assessments include teacher observations and student response sheets. Lines of inquiry focus on solutions, chemical reactions, separating products, and investigating mixtures. The plan integrates connections to other subjects and includes inquiry activities like completing investigations and creating chemical reactions. Materials needed include lab equipment and chemicals.
This document contains a list of names with numbers associated with each name. There are 25 names listed with numbers ranging from 61 to 101010 next to each name. The document provides basic data about multiple individuals but does not provide any context around the meaning of the numbers or significance of listing the names.
The document provides a schedule for parent teacher conferences between Mrs. Breen and her students' parents/guardians on March 23rd and 24th, listing students' names and their scheduled conference times between 1:00 PM and 6:45 PM, with breaks between sessions and some conferences scheduled as needed.
This document discusses concentration in solutions. It describes how concentration refers to the amount of material dissolved in a given volume of liquid, with more concentrated solutions having more material dissolved. It discusses making concentrated and dilute soft drink solutions by varying the amount of powder mixed in water. It also describes investigating the concentration of salt solutions and developing procedures to determine which of three mystery solutions has the different concentrations without tasting them.
This bill seeks to boldly emphasize the holiness of The Living Truth by allotting a holiday for its celebration on every last Monday of January, which shall be known as "National Bible Day. This calls for all Christians to altogether unite and celebrate the Holy Bible as the cradle of the Christian faith.
The document displays a digital countdown clock created by Dr. Jeff Ertzberger that can be set to count down from various times, ranging from 1 hour to 5 seconds. As it counts down, it displays the remaining time until reaching zero.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set to various time intervals ranging from 5 minutes to 1 hour. It allows the user to select a countdown time by clicking buttons to choose a time, then displays the countdown in minutes and seconds until it reaches zero.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set for various intervals between 1 minute and 1 hour by clicking buttons. It counts down in minutes and seconds, and includes buttons to return to the timer or home page.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set to various intervals from 5 minutes to 1 hour. It shows the countdown time updating every minute along with buttons to return to the clock home screen or reset the timer.
This document displays a digital countdown timer that can be set to count down from various times between 1 minute and 1 hour in 5 minute increments. The timer displays the current time remaining in minutes and seconds and allows resetting or going back to the timer selection page.
The document presents a countdown clock created by Dr. Jeff Ertzberger that allows the user to select from various countdown time options ranging from 10 seconds to 1 hour by clicking buttons. The clock then displays the countdown.
The document contains a series of math and numerical reasoning problems with answers in the form of a treasure hunt game. Some examples include: calculating change from 贈1 after spending 72p, doubling 3 and multiplying by 3, and finding the number of sides on an octagon. The document tests a variety of skills like time, money, fractions, operations and geometry.
The document presents a data visualization challenge that asks the user 3 questions about a dataset within time limits, then repeats the challenge with simple visual cues to answer more quickly. It demonstrates how visualizing data can help identify patterns and insights more easily and quickly than just looking at the raw numbers. Visualizing data allows for consistent interpretation and conclusions to be drawn from the same dataset.
This document is a paper written by Professor Wm Pitzer of West Virginia University for his class IMC-693H on disrupting the electrical grid. It contains the main visual as a silhouette profile dividing the content. Smaller silhouettes are used for supplemental information. The document provides information on strategies for disrupting critical infrastructure systems like the electrical grid.
To play Powerball, players select 5 numbers between 1 and 59 for the white balls, and one number between 1 and 35 for the red Powerball. The odds of matching all 6 numbers are 1 in 175 million. Purchasing the magayo Lotto software can potentially reduce odds to 1 in 110 million by strategically selecting numbers, as it has helped some users win lottery prizes.
Making Big Data relevant: Importance of Data Visualization and AnalyticsGramener
This document discusses the importance of data visualization and analytics for making big data relevant. It provides examples of how visualizing data through simple charts and graphs can help identify patterns and insights more quickly than just viewing raw numbers. Effective data visualization and analytics helps different levels of an organization consume and understand data in order to make informed decisions.
This document summarizes key points from a presentation on teacher evaluation frameworks in Mississippi. It discusses using multiple measures in evaluations, including standardized test scores, observations, and other evidence of teaching effectiveness. The principal should have final judgment but use evidence to inform decisions. Evaluations should focus on improvement and differentiate performance levels, not just use test scores. Seniority-based layoffs can negatively impact students by retaining less effective teachers.
The writer shares with their pen pal Ursula about their life, friends, hobbies and upcoming trip. They have 9 best friends including Pedro, Marielos, Mya, Vicky, Esther and Brianna who they enjoy going to the mall with. In their spare time they enjoy singing, dancing, tutoring and spending time with family and friends while trying to get good grades in school. They are looking forward to an upcoming class trip to Washington D.C.
This document lists names, locations, and numbers that appear to represent students and their due dates for an assignment. It includes 29 names from various US states and territories along with numbers that may indicate how many days late or amount due for each student. The due date for the assignment is listed as March 17.
This document outlines a 6-week unit plan for a 5th grade PYP social studies unit. The unit focuses on roles and responsibilities of governments and citizens. Over the course of the unit, students will investigate concepts like rights, leadership, cooperation, and how governments function. Students will develop their understanding through group work, individual investigations, and presentations. The unit incorporates skills like cause and effect analysis, making inferences, and identifying main ideas and supporting details. Across the six weeks, students will practice skills like research, writing, and peer editing to demonstrate their learning.
This document outlines the PYP Week 6 plan for a 5th grade class at Pan American Academy Charter School for the 2010-2011 school year. The central idea is how people have affected the world with mixtures and solutions. Objectives include determining concentrations in mixtures and investigating chemical reactions. Assessments include teacher observations and student response sheets. Lines of inquiry focus on solutions, chemical reactions, separating products, and investigating mixtures. The plan integrates connections to other subjects and includes inquiry activities like completing investigations and creating chemical reactions. Materials needed include lab equipment and chemicals.
This document contains a list of names with numbers associated with each name. There are 25 names listed with numbers ranging from 61 to 101010 next to each name. The document provides basic data about multiple individuals but does not provide any context around the meaning of the numbers or significance of listing the names.
The document provides a schedule for parent teacher conferences between Mrs. Breen and her students' parents/guardians on March 23rd and 24th, listing students' names and their scheduled conference times between 1:00 PM and 6:45 PM, with breaks between sessions and some conferences scheduled as needed.
This document discusses concentration in solutions. It describes how concentration refers to the amount of material dissolved in a given volume of liquid, with more concentrated solutions having more material dissolved. It discusses making concentrated and dilute soft drink solutions by varying the amount of powder mixed in water. It also describes investigating the concentration of salt solutions and developing procedures to determine which of three mystery solutions has the different concentrations without tasting them.
Esther wrote a letter to her friend Scarlett introducing some of her 22 friends, including Ulysses, Tytiana, Tatiana, Aaliyah, Edgar, Mya, Marielos, Brianna, Franky, Eli, Luis, Tio, Macho, Christian, Miocapi, Jeffrey, Reyna, Delilah and Juleyxis. She also mentioned having other friends like Petey, Alex and one other. Esther stated she is 11 years old and asked Scarlett her age. Esther shared that her favorite singers are Justin Bieber and Petey Style and asked Scarlett who her favorite singer is.
The document provides examples of elements to include in a dialogue, sound effects, and action to engage readers in a story. It suggests starting with a character speaking about something relevant to the plot. It also recommends using onomatopoeias to describe sounds that immerse readers. Finally, it advises including a high-energy or unbelievable event to compel readers to keep reading.
Acceptance and tolerance mean appreciating and respecting differences in others without judgment, even if you disagree with them or their beliefs. While you don't have to agree with everyone, being accepting and tolerant means respecting others regardless of how they differ from you.
The writer discusses taking standardized tests called PSSAs which they found easy, except for the upcoming writing portion. They tell about themselves, sharing their favorite colors, celebrities, songs, age of 10 and a half years old, and hobbies of wearing jewelry and clothes. The writer lists upcoming school trips and best friends' names. They ask the recipient about tests taken in Spain, school trips there, favorite singers, and look forward to further conversation.
When two or more chemicals are mixed, changes like heat production, gas formation, or precipitate formation provide evidence that a chemical reaction has occurred, forming new materials. The document describes experiments mixing calcium chloride, baking soda, and citric acid in water. It was observed that calcium chloride and baking soda mixtures produced carbon dioxide gas and calcium carbonate precipitate. Citric acid reacted similarly with baking soda. Evaporation of filtrates showed the presence of salt crystals, indicating the solutions contained ionic compounds.
The document provides examples of elements to include in a dialogue, sound effects, and action to engage readers in a story. It suggests starting with a character speaking about something relevant to the plot. It also recommends using onomatopoeias to describe sounds that immerse readers. Finally, it advises including a high-energy or unbelievable event to compel readers to keep reading.
This document appears to be a journal listing names of students for each day of the school week. It includes a list of first names for Monday through Friday, with most days having between 5-10 different names listed.
The document outlines a weekly school schedule that includes subjects like literacy, writing, math, science, social studies, physical education, art, dance, and technology. Mondays and Tuesdays follow a similar schedule of breakfast, literacy and writing lessons, lunch, history, math, and additional subjects in the afternoon. Wednesdays include test preparation and early dismissal on Thursdays includes sharing current events. Fridays conclude each week with a morning literacy block and afternoon math, Spanish, science, and writing or social studies.
The document contains a weekly lesson plan for a classroom. It includes the following for each day:
- Subjects to be covered such as literacy, writing, math, science, social studies
- Specific activities and lessons for each subject with objectives and instructions
- Schedules for breakfast, lunch, recess and class periods
This document provides a weekly plan for a 5th grade PYP unit focusing on how people have positively affected the world with mixtures and solutions. The objectives are for students to explain how substances can be separated with screens and filters, identify substances that make solutions, and determine the saturation limits of salt, citric acid, and water. Assessments include observation notes and student worksheets. Key lines of inquiry are how and why substances combine or are separated, and how and why saturation occurs and its limits. Students will conduct investigations with mixtures and solubility, connecting to social studies and language arts. Materials needed include internet access and substances to make mixtures like Kool-aid, salt, and calcium chloride.
The document outlines the daily schedule and activities for a science class unit on mixtures and solutions. Each day includes a morning meeting, direct instruction on the topic from 8:30-9:00, small group work at investigation centers from 9:30-10:15, and a reflection journal from 10:00-10:30. The unit focuses on introducing concepts like dissolving, mixtures, and solutions through hands-on activities. Students are assigned a home learning project to invent gorp recipes and research sodium chloride and low-salt diets.
1. Choose a Count down Time by Clicking a Button Below. 55 Min. 50 Min. 45 Min. 40 Min. 35 Min. 30 Min. 25 Min. 20 Min. 15 Min. 10 Min. 1 Hour 4 Min. 3 Min. 2 Min. 1 Min. 50 Sec. 45 Sec. 30 Sec. 20 Sec. 15 Sec. 10 Sec. 5 Min. Close Clock Countdown Clock By Dr. Jeff Ertzberger
68. Countdown Clock 息 2009 Jeff Ertzberger All rights reserved. All Clipart Copyright All Rights Reserved.油 Some images have been modified from original version. This presentation may not be sold, or redistributed in any form without written permission of the author. For even more template games and great resources visit: Back to Clock Home Close Clock