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The outcomes that I envisioned for this course meet my expectations.  I loved how we as a group of graduate students that really utilized technology on a daily basis.  I had expectations to gain a full understanding of how technology needs to use in our school district in order to keep up with the times.  The student of 10 years ago is very different from a student who is enrolled in school today.  As an administrator, you must be able to help teachers to evolve with the new strategies in order to maintain a connection to the current student.  I believe today¡¯s students need to stimulus in order to be kept interested.  Students cannot just stay sitting down and listen to a 45 minute lecture.  I also believe that universities also need to improve their implementation of technology.  More students would be successful if the basic course weren¡¯t so boring.  When I went through my undergrad I had a hard time focusing because of the monotony.  As a principal making it mandatory to attend a technology seminary on an annual basis will be greatly beneficial for all stakeholders involved.I believe that everything we did in this course is relevant to what I do in my campus today.  Technology is implemented on way or another on a daily basis.  As a principal I would be able to better understand how technology will be implemented throughout the campus curriculum. Principals need to stay updated on the latest strategies in order to help educate staff on technology and how to help every student achieve.  I was very successful in completing our course assignment because people on my campus were great in talking to me and discussing issues that I questions on.  Every assistant principal was great and always had time for me.  I was able to interview everyone with no problems with schedules.  I also really enjoyed the way our discussion board was carried out.  I learned so much from the individual I had throughout my groups.  I enjoyed reading everyone¡¯s opinions and reflections. I was also impressed with the way the discussion was done in the video segments of our course.  I really believe that type of technology is very effective because I felt like I was engaged in the conversation.During this course I knew it was going to be fun and interesting because I love technology and use it a lot during my daily routine.  I have a laptop and 2 net books at home so we are always on these gadgets.  I have implemented many lessons from Region I and UnitedStreaming which incorporate videos and discussions. I learned how technology can really help teachers have their students overachieve through the use of technology.  School leader must be just as savvy on the computer in order to gain the confidence and respect from all teachers.  For example, last year a principal tried to get the math department to implement a touchpad incorporated into classroom discussion but he didn¡¯t know how to use it.  Everyone was lost and it was a disaster.  Now the principal had lost all confidence from his math department because he wasn¡¯t prepared to educate people to this new technology.  As a principal you must ready because teachers time is very precious to them. Throughout this course we used a blog that was used to display assignments, and reflect on each other¡¯s work.  I believe that blogs could be used through the educational system in the secondary schools in order to have homework, notes, and exams available to all students whenever possible.  The blog that we used throughout the course was a lot of fun.  We were able to even display a PowerPoint presentation.  Concerns for blogging include a student displaying items that are not appropriate and a teacher getting in trouble.  I believe the greatest risk in blogging is getting a teacher fired for something being displayed that is inappropriate.  Teachers must be very careful when dealing with the internet.  Remember everything you write is able to be tracked down.  There is no hiding on the World Wide Web.

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Course Reflections

  • 1. The outcomes that I envisioned for this course meet my expectations. I loved how we as a group of graduate students that really utilized technology on a daily basis. I had expectations to gain a full understanding of how technology needs to use in our school district in order to keep up with the times. The student of 10 years ago is very different from a student who is enrolled in school today. As an administrator, you must be able to help teachers to evolve with the new strategies in order to maintain a connection to the current student. I believe today¡¯s students need to stimulus in order to be kept interested. Students cannot just stay sitting down and listen to a 45 minute lecture. I also believe that universities also need to improve their implementation of technology. More students would be successful if the basic course weren¡¯t so boring. When I went through my undergrad I had a hard time focusing because of the monotony. As a principal making it mandatory to attend a technology seminary on an annual basis will be greatly beneficial for all stakeholders involved.I believe that everything we did in this course is relevant to what I do in my campus today. Technology is implemented on way or another on a daily basis. As a principal I would be able to better understand how technology will be implemented throughout the campus curriculum. Principals need to stay updated on the latest strategies in order to help educate staff on technology and how to help every student achieve. I was very successful in completing our course assignment because people on my campus were great in talking to me and discussing issues that I questions on. Every assistant principal was great and always had time for me. I was able to interview everyone with no problems with schedules. I also really enjoyed the way our discussion board was carried out. I learned so much from the individual I had throughout my groups. I enjoyed reading everyone¡¯s opinions and reflections. I was also impressed with the way the discussion was done in the video segments of our course. I really believe that type of technology is very effective because I felt like I was engaged in the conversation.During this course I knew it was going to be fun and interesting because I love technology and use it a lot during my daily routine. I have a laptop and 2 net books at home so we are always on these gadgets. I have implemented many lessons from Region I and UnitedStreaming which incorporate videos and discussions. I learned how technology can really help teachers have their students overachieve through the use of technology. School leader must be just as savvy on the computer in order to gain the confidence and respect from all teachers. For example, last year a principal tried to get the math department to implement a touchpad incorporated into classroom discussion but he didn¡¯t know how to use it. Everyone was lost and it was a disaster. Now the principal had lost all confidence from his math department because he wasn¡¯t prepared to educate people to this new technology. As a principal you must ready because teachers time is very precious to them. Throughout this course we used a blog that was used to display assignments, and reflect on each other¡¯s work. I believe that blogs could be used through the educational system in the secondary schools in order to have homework, notes, and exams available to all students whenever possible. The blog that we used throughout the course was a lot of fun. We were able to even display a PowerPoint presentation. Concerns for blogging include a student displaying items that are not appropriate and a teacher getting in trouble. I believe the greatest risk in blogging is getting a teacher fired for something being displayed that is inappropriate. Teachers must be very careful when dealing with the internet. Remember everything you write is able to be tracked down. There is no hiding on the World Wide Web.