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Twitter: @creativemms
Twitter: @creativemms
Ben LeDonni
Twitter: @creativemms
Who is CreativeMMS?
 Eastern PA based
 Web savvy
 Experts in respective fields
 Virtually located
 Connected through
We believe in marketing the best
our clients have to offer to their
audience using the most
effective tools to maximize
return on investment.
Twitter: @creativemms
What We Do
 Website Design & Development
 Website Maintenance
 Social Media Strategy
 Online Marketing
 Programming Services
Twitter: @creativemms
Consider these facts about
the quality of your website design:
Your Web Site has 7 Seconds to Create Trust, Value and
 Over 90% of prospective customers will visit your website before
considering doing business with you.
 A high-quality website design markedly improves your ability to
convert a prospect into a customer.
 46% of Web sales are lost on web sites that lack the critical
elements that build value and trust with website visitors.
Twitter: @creativemms
How We Do It
 Identify project objectives
 Identify target audience
 Discuss required website features
 Plan deliverables and timeline
 Note special requirements
 Set time/cost expectations
Twitter: @creativemms
Our Process
 Information Architecture
 Test / Quality Assurance
 Market and Maintain
Twitter: @creativemms
Online Marketing: !
Organic, Paid and Social
Twitter: @creativemms
Social Media Strategy
 Identify goals of social media
 Profile your audience
 Get a pulse on your online
 Find relevant online outlets
 Innovate with these new tools
 Identify your voice
 Deliver a plan
Twitter: @creativemms
Social Media: Platforms
 Once strategy is built
 Free tools empower the business to reach their
 Linked In
 Google Plus
Twitter: @creativemms
Social Media: Platforms
 Social page design and setup
 Social applications
 Connection management
 Content creation and posting
Twitter: @creativemms
Website Maintenance: !
Learn and Adapt
Twitter: @creativemms
The world we live in
 The internet is in almost everyones
 People share their experiences
 Buyers research before they buy
 Communication is cheap
 Technology trends towards free
Twitter: @creativemms
Traditional Business: Marketing
 Local Ad (Newspaper, Radio, etc)
 Direct Mail
 Yellow Pages
Metro Area Estimated Advertising Costs per Year!
(via ClosetPages.com)
Twitter: @creativemms
Online Business: Marketing
 Search Engine Optimization
 Social Media
 Pay Per Click
Twitter: @creativemms
Whats the difference between
Conversion and Marketing?
 If you build it...
 They might come
 If they come
 They might buy
 If they buy
 They might come back
 They might tell a friend
 The ideal situation is
 They come
 They buy
 They rave to a friend about you publicly
 They come back
Twitter: @creativemms
How do we Convert a Visitor?
 Create Trust - People buy from people they know like and trust.
 Demonstrate Value - People want to believe they are getting
the best.
 Appear Current - Your website is a reflection of your business.
 Appeal to Your Audience - Know your peeps. Speak to them.
 Be Clear and Direct - Tell them to do what you want them to do.
 Dont Overwhelm - Its easier to choose between 2 things than
Whats important
 Copy - Quick, consise, to the point and search friendly
 Graphics - Allow visitors to visualize the information and break up text
 Photos - A picture is worth a thousand words
 Bad - http://finelinehomes.com/
 Good - http://dev.finelinehomes.creativemms.com/
 Less of it with equal weight to text on Google
 Easier to consume for visitors (mobile, etc)
 Interactive - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE
Twitter: @creativemms
How word spreads
Twitter: @creativemms
Measuring Conversion
 How many people are searching
for your services?
 Market Opportunity
 Of those searching, how many are
finding your site?
 Of those hitting your site how many
are contacting you?
 Of those contacting you, how
many are you converting into
Twitter: @creativemms
Open Source Technology:
 Technical benefits of Wordpress
 LAMP Stack means easy hosting and support
 Industry best practices
 URL  Permalinks
 Blog, RSS, Pingbacks
 User management built in
 Plugins that empower business
 Allinone SEO Pack
 NextGen Gallery
 Becoming a standard
Twitter: @creativemms
What is SoLoMo?
 The recent shift towards time spent on social networks has created a
shift in marketing.
 Businesses must be where people are, and people are discussing things
socially online.
 Internet advancements made it even easier for us to see whats going
on around us.
 GroupOn, Living Social and others bring discounts to local consumers
 Location awareness helps businesses to know when and how often
consumers come in to their store, allowing them to offer incentives.
 Whats in your pocket?
 Mobile computing makes it even easier for businesses to connect with
people while on the go.
Twitter: @creativemms
Models of Monetization
Publisher / Website Owner
 Directory Sites - Featured Listings
 High traffic sites  Impressions, Click-throughs
 Niche audience sites  Direct Marketing, Email
 Freemium  Users pay for features
 Deal sites  Retail Advertising/Profit Sharing
 Auction sites  Profit sharing
 Affiliate blog/site  Affiliate Payout
Twitter: @creativemms
An Exercise
Goal: Develop a site map and wireframe for my business.

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CreativeMMS Drexel Class - "Building a website the converts"

  • 3. Twitter: @creativemms Who is CreativeMMS? Eastern PA based Web savvy Experts in respective fields Virtually located Connected through technology We believe in marketing the best our clients have to offer to their audience using the most effective tools to maximize return on investment.
  • 4. Twitter: @creativemms What We Do Website Design & Development Website Maintenance Social Media Strategy Online Marketing Programming Services Consulting
  • 5. Twitter: @creativemms Consider these facts about the quality of your website design: Your Web Site has 7 Seconds to Create Trust, Value and Credibility. Over 90% of prospective customers will visit your website before considering doing business with you. A high-quality website design markedly improves your ability to convert a prospect into a customer. 46% of Web sales are lost on web sites that lack the critical elements that build value and trust with website visitors.
  • 6. Twitter: @creativemms How We Do It ! Identify project objectives ! Identify target audience ! Discuss required website features ! Plan deliverables and timeline ! Note special requirements ! Set time/cost expectations
  • 7. Twitter: @creativemms Our Process Information Architecture Wireframe Design Develop Test / Quality Assurance Launch Market and Maintain
  • 8. Twitter: @creativemms Online Marketing: ! Organic, Paid and Social Social
  • 9. Twitter: @creativemms Social Media Strategy Identify goals of social media Profile your audience Get a pulse on your online presence Find relevant online outlets Innovate with these new tools Identify your voice Deliver a plan
  • 10. Twitter: @creativemms Social Media: Platforms Once strategy is built Free tools empower the business to reach their audience Facebook Twitter Linked In Youtube Pinterest Google Plus Vimeo Mailchimp Foursquare
  • 11. Twitter: @creativemms Social Media: Platforms Social page design and setup Social applications Connection management Content creation and posting
  • 13. Twitter: @creativemms The world we live in The internet is in almost everyones hands People share their experiences online Buyers research before they buy Communication is cheap Technology trends towards free
  • 14. Twitter: @creativemms Traditional Business: Marketing Local Ad (Newspaper, Radio, etc) Magazine Billboards Direct Mail Yellow Pages Metro Area Estimated Advertising Costs per Year! (via ClosetPages.com)
  • 15. Twitter: @creativemms Online Business: Marketing Search Engine Optimization Newsletter Social Media Pay Per Click
  • 16. Twitter: @creativemms Whats the difference between Conversion and Marketing? If you build it... They might come If they come They might buy If they buy They might come back They might tell a friend The ideal situation is They come They buy They rave to a friend about you publicly They come back
  • 17. Twitter: @creativemms How do we Convert a Visitor? Create Trust - People buy from people they know like and trust. Demonstrate Value - People want to believe they are getting the best. Appear Current - Your website is a reflection of your business. Appeal to Your Audience - Know your peeps. Speak to them. Be Clear and Direct - Tell them to do what you want them to do. Dont Overwhelm - Its easier to choose between 2 things than 20.
  • 18. Whats important Copy - Quick, consise, to the point and search friendly Graphics - Allow visitors to visualize the information and break up text Photos - A picture is worth a thousand words Bad - http://finelinehomes.com/ Good - http://dev.finelinehomes.creativemms.com/ Video Less of it with equal weight to text on Google Easier to consume for visitors (mobile, etc) Interactive - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=owGykVbfgUE 18
  • 20. Twitter: @creativemms Measuring Conversion How many people are searching for your services? Market Opportunity Of those searching, how many are finding your site? Traffic Of those hitting your site how many are contacting you? Leads Of those contacting you, how many are you converting into customers? Conversion http://www.creativemms.com/is-your-website-really-driving-sales/
  • 21. Twitter: @creativemms Open Source Technology: Wordpress Technical benefits of Wordpress LAMP Stack means easy hosting and support Industry best practices URL Permalinks Blog, RSS, Pingbacks User management built in Plugins that empower business Allinone SEO Pack Socialize NextGen Gallery WooCommerce S2Member Becoming a standard
  • 22. Twitter: @creativemms What is SoLoMo? Social The recent shift towards time spent on social networks has created a shift in marketing. Businesses must be where people are, and people are discussing things socially online. Local Internet advancements made it even easier for us to see whats going on around us. GroupOn, Living Social and others bring discounts to local consumers Location awareness helps businesses to know when and how often consumers come in to their store, allowing them to offer incentives. Mobile Whats in your pocket? Mobile computing makes it even easier for businesses to connect with people while on the go.
  • 23. Twitter: @creativemms Models of Monetization Publisher / Website Owner Directory Sites - Featured Listings High traffic sites Impressions, Click-throughs Niche audience sites Direct Marketing, Email Freemium Users pay for features Deal sites Retail Advertising/Profit Sharing Auction sites Profit sharing Affiliate blog/site Affiliate Payout
  • 24. Twitter: @creativemms An Exercise Goal: Develop a site map and wireframe for my business. ! !