The document summarizes observations from visits to several retail stores. It notes positive aspects like friendly staff and attractive designs. It also identifies opportunities like simplifying busy decor, adding maps and demos to aid navigation, and ways to entertain companions to increase sales. Common themes are using space and technology better to improve the customer experience.
2. Restaurant: Red Robin
Location: North County Fair Mall
Insights Hidden Opportunities
The place has an attractive The decoration is too busy, there is not
façade, draws attention something special for the customer to focus
and has tasty food. The on, or identify the restaurant for. Simplifying
staff is friendly, however, a the décor, will give the place more amplitude
lot of them tend to stand and also personality.
close to the entrance with
the hostess, which gives Same goes for all of the things sitting in the
an impression of free table. Simplifying things will help remove
time. unnecessary clutter.
Ambient noise levels are Burgers come with bottomless fries. Serving
high, sometimes the smaller portions, will give the patron the
music is so loud that it sense that is taking advantage of that feature
forces the customers to and not wasting an opportunity or worse,
raise their voice. This food.
could be controlled by
keeping music at a lower
3. Clothing Store: Forever 21
Location: North County Fair Mall
Insights Hidden Opportunities
The logo at the With a store this big, it will be huge to
entrance, colors, and store organize the clothes by type and clearly
design are all modern and show a map of it. Even further, having a
align with the type of person or an app create a quick guide based
clothes the store offer. on the main item on the shopping list, will
However, the store is too allow suggest new garments, and introduce
big and that can be accessories or other promos.
Most of the shoppers were female, but had
male companions that were bored. Having a
section to entertain the men, will extend the
stay thus increasing the chances of larger
purchases. As an example, a guy was sitting
on the floor eating pop corn while waiting
for his wife.
4. Electronics Store: Apple
Location: North County Fair Mall
Insights Hidden Opportunities
The store’s décor, Mac products can be easy to use, but
ambiance, and they are a little intimidating to PC
display setup were users. Having the products available
great, and the to play with helps a lot, but it will go
minimalism help a long way, if the “Genius” staff could
enhance the products do impromptu demos for customers
set on the different of tasks being performed using Mac
tables. You could see running products such as MS Office,
the contents of the Safari, iPhoto, etc. This way, people
store from the main can see how to do it, and believe it
entrance, and easily can be done without much hassle.
decide where to go.
Surprisingly enough, It is good that the employees do not
there were no pressure the customers. However,
displays or materials there are times, when as an user, you
regarding the new are afraid of asking dumb questions
Mini iPad which was about how to use a device. They
just launched. There should approach with an idea of a
was still focus on the simple demo, as opposed to do you
iPhone 5 and new have any questions?
Mac Book Pros.
5. Coffee Shop: Starbucks
Location: North County Fair Mall
Insights Hidden Opportunities
This store was small This is a small and high traffic store.
in comparison to Creating ways to place orders before
their traditional stand hand to then go and pick up, could
alone ones. What I simplify the process for the
found interesting was customers, and help expedite the
that the color of the brewing task for the Barista.
tiles split the Coffee Something like a phone app, text
making section, from message, computer station outside
the store section. the store or in multiple locations.
Hadn’t notice that
For those customers interested in
purchasing merchandise and not a
brewed product, there should be a
vending machine that dispenses
these items. With this, the baristas
can focus on preparing the
beverages, and perhaps answering
some questions about the other
6. Clothing Store: Marshalls
Location: Carmel Mountain Road
Insights Hidden Opportunities
Never noticed that they This is a place were people go in search of a
had a good selection of good deal. Sometimes the racks have so
imported gourmet many pieces of clothing, that it is difficult to
products. They are find one, and when you do, they are so close
conveniently located by together that three come out. Organizing the
the fitting rooms. Try a racks a little better, will make the search
new pair of jeans, then easier and less frustrating.
buy some Truffle Oil!
With social media, the store could have users
sign up for alerts to new arrivals of their
favorite brands. This will also help them
expand their user base for targeted
marketing campaigns.
7. Sporting Goods Store: Sports Authority
Location: Carmel Mountain Road
Insights Hidden Opportunities
This store uses social The corridors are spacious close to were the
media often. It is a great running shoes and golf equipment are
tool to attract people to located. They should use this space to allow
the store with sales and customers to test the shoes by running up
promotions. and down, or a golf club by setting a long put
down the hall. You could also test drive a
bike or skates! There is plenty of space to
make this a fun experience.
The ceiling is high and Most of the shoppers were female, but had
unfinished. It gives the male companions that were bored. Having a
store a tough look. Perfect section to entertain the men, will extend the
for the products being stay thus increasing the chances of larger
sold in the store. purchases. As an example, a guy was sitting
on the floor eating pop corn while waiting
for his wife.
Considering the equipment being sold and
the available space, the store should have
some personal trainers do Live Demos at the
store. It’ll be a fun way to promote the