Robin van Persie is a Dutch footballer who plays as a striker for Manchester United. He began his career with Feyenoord and had success with Arsenal, where he was named club captain. In 2012, he transferred to Manchester United for 贈22.5 million. At United, he has been an important player, winning the Sir Matt Busby Player of the Year award in his first season with the club.
The document outlines a summer semester project for an Introduction to Computers course. It includes analyzing emergency student loan data and creating an Excel worksheet to calculate loans. It also involves designing an Access database to track creditors and generate reports for bill pay. Finally, it tasks creating a PowerPoint presentation about personal finances and including financial literacy websites.
This document discusses file management strategies in Microsoft Office 2010, including organizing files and folders, exploring files and folders using Windows Explorer and libraries, navigating folder locations, and managing files by creating, moving, copying, renaming, deleting, and compressing files. Key topics covered are setting up file organization strategies based on storage medium, understanding folder hierarchies, using libraries to group similar file types, and managing compressed zip files to reduce file sizes.
This document provides an overview of creating a multiple-page report in Microsoft Word 2010, including how to work with headings in the Navigation pane, create and format tables, sort table rows, insert footnotes and endnotes, divide the document into sections, create SmartArt graphics, add headers and footers, and insert a cover page. The document contains step-by-step instructions and screenshots for each task.
El documento explica los coeficientes de correlaci坦n de Pearson y Spearman. El coeficiente de Pearson mide la relaci坦n lineal entre dos variables cuantitativas, mientras que el coeficiente de Spearman mide la correlaci坦n entre dos variables medidas al menos a nivel ordinal. Ambos coeficientes oscilan entre -1 y 1, donde valores cercanos a 1 indican una fuerte correlaci坦n positiva y valores cercanos a -1 una fuerte correlaci坦n negativa.
The document describes basics of using a web browser and email software. It discusses navigating the internet using a browser, searching with keywords, using tabs and favorites. It also covers sending, receiving and attaching files to emails using Windows Live Mail, and managing contacts and calendar appointments.
This document provides an overview and tutorial on getting started with Microsoft Excel 2010. It covers the basics of Excel including understanding worksheets and workbooks, entering and formatting data, using formulas and functions, navigating and formatting worksheets, and printing workbooks. The objectives are to learn the Excel interface, enter and format text, numbers and dates, use formulas and functions, navigate between and format worksheets, and preview and print workbooks.
This document provides an overview and objectives for using Microsoft Word 2010. It covers how to create and format documents, including entering and formatting text, adjusting margins and page layout, inserting photos, and more. The objectives are to learn how to create, open, edit, format and print documents in Word 2010. Formatting topics include changing fonts, alignments, adding borders/shading, and resizing photos. The document provides step-by-step instructions and screenshots to illustrate the various Word 2010 features.
Este documento define conceptos estad鱈sticos fundamentales como variable, poblaci坦n, muestra y par叩metros estad鱈sticos. Explica los tipos de variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, as鱈 como las escalas de medici坦n nominal, ordinal, de intervalo y raz坦n. Tambi辿n define y da ejemplos de sumatoria raz坦n, proporci坦n, tasa y frecuencia.
This document provides an overview of creating and formatting various types of charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel 2010, including pie charts, column charts, line charts, 3D charts, and more. It discusses how to select data ranges, choose chart types, modify elements like titles and legends, switch between chart tools tabs, move charts between sheets, and more. The document also covers sparklines, data bars, and creating a dedicated chart sheet.
Este documento presenta un cap鱈tulo introductorio sobre redes. Explica c坦mo las redes han cambiado la forma en que las personas se comunican, aprenden, trabajan y juegan. Detalla los componentes b叩sicos de una red como dispositivos, medios e infraestructura, y las caracter鱈sticas que debe poseer una red confiable como tolerancia a fallos, escalabilidad y seguridad. Finalmente, resume las tendencias emergentes en redes como BYOD, video, computaci坦n en la nube y centros de datos.
Este documento explica diferentes medidas de dispersi坦n como el rango, desviaci坦n t鱈pica, varianza y coeficiente de variaci坦n. Define cada medida y describe sus caracter鱈sticas y utilidad para cuantificar cu叩n dispersos est叩n los valores de una distribuci坦n con respecto a su promedio.
1) The document details a letter from Li Xing's cousin Wang Daguo, who informs Li that his caretaker Niang passed away due to famine in Hebei province.
2) It describes the devastating effects of the Great Leap Forward, including failed steel production efforts, grain collection policies that left peasants starving, and the death of Niang.
3) Li reflects on how he was unaware of the scale of the famine and feels guilt for not visiting Niang during her final days. He questions some of Mao's economic policies and their disastrous consequences.
1) O documento discute conceitos de estequiometria como massa at担mica, massa molecular, f坦rmula molecular, f坦rmula m鱈nima e composi巽達o centesimal.
2) Apresenta exemplos de c叩lculos estequiom辿tricos envolvendo quantidades de subst但ncias, volumes e rea巽探es qu鱈micas.
3) Explica como calcular reagentes limitantes versus em excesso em rea巽探es qu鱈micas.
This document provides an overview of essential computer concepts, including the components and types of computer systems, data representation, processing hardware, memory, storage, input/output devices, networks, security threats, system software, application software, and cloud computing. It describes the basic functions and components of computers, such as the central processing unit, motherboard, memory, storage media, input devices like keyboards and mice, and output devices like monitors and printers. It also discusses how data is transmitted and networks are established, examples of system and application software, and the concept of cloud computing.
This document provides an overview of working with formulas and functions in Microsoft Excel 2010. It discusses:
1) The different types of cell references - relative, absolute, and mixed - and when to use each.
2) How to enter functions using the Function Library, Insert Function dialog box, or by directly typing them.
3) How to use the AutoFill feature to quickly fill in formulas and complete series.
4) Examples of logical, date, and financial functions like IF, TODAY, PMT, and how to use them.
5) Tips for presenting and explaining a personal budget.
This document provides an overview and objectives for exploring the basics of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010. It outlines how to start Windows 7 and tour the desktop, explore the Start menu, run and switch between programs, use windows and dialog boxes, navigate using Windows Explorer, change views, get help, and turn off Windows 7. The session includes visual steps and explanations for performing common Windows 7 tasks.
Este documento define conceptos estad鱈sticos fundamentales como variable, poblaci坦n, muestra y par叩metros estad鱈sticos. Explica los tipos de variables cualitativas y cuantitativas, as鱈 como las escalas de medici坦n nominal, ordinal, de intervalo y raz坦n. Tambi辿n define y da ejemplos de sumatoria raz坦n, proporci坦n, tasa y frecuencia.
This document provides an overview of creating and formatting various types of charts and graphs in Microsoft Excel 2010, including pie charts, column charts, line charts, 3D charts, and more. It discusses how to select data ranges, choose chart types, modify elements like titles and legends, switch between chart tools tabs, move charts between sheets, and more. The document also covers sparklines, data bars, and creating a dedicated chart sheet.
Este documento presenta un cap鱈tulo introductorio sobre redes. Explica c坦mo las redes han cambiado la forma en que las personas se comunican, aprenden, trabajan y juegan. Detalla los componentes b叩sicos de una red como dispositivos, medios e infraestructura, y las caracter鱈sticas que debe poseer una red confiable como tolerancia a fallos, escalabilidad y seguridad. Finalmente, resume las tendencias emergentes en redes como BYOD, video, computaci坦n en la nube y centros de datos.
Este documento explica diferentes medidas de dispersi坦n como el rango, desviaci坦n t鱈pica, varianza y coeficiente de variaci坦n. Define cada medida y describe sus caracter鱈sticas y utilidad para cuantificar cu叩n dispersos est叩n los valores de una distribuci坦n con respecto a su promedio.
1) The document details a letter from Li Xing's cousin Wang Daguo, who informs Li that his caretaker Niang passed away due to famine in Hebei province.
2) It describes the devastating effects of the Great Leap Forward, including failed steel production efforts, grain collection policies that left peasants starving, and the death of Niang.
3) Li reflects on how he was unaware of the scale of the famine and feels guilt for not visiting Niang during her final days. He questions some of Mao's economic policies and their disastrous consequences.
1) O documento discute conceitos de estequiometria como massa at担mica, massa molecular, f坦rmula molecular, f坦rmula m鱈nima e composi巽達o centesimal.
2) Apresenta exemplos de c叩lculos estequiom辿tricos envolvendo quantidades de subst但ncias, volumes e rea巽探es qu鱈micas.
3) Explica como calcular reagentes limitantes versus em excesso em rea巽探es qu鱈micas.
This document provides an overview of essential computer concepts, including the components and types of computer systems, data representation, processing hardware, memory, storage, input/output devices, networks, security threats, system software, application software, and cloud computing. It describes the basic functions and components of computers, such as the central processing unit, motherboard, memory, storage media, input devices like keyboards and mice, and output devices like monitors and printers. It also discusses how data is transmitted and networks are established, examples of system and application software, and the concept of cloud computing.
This document provides an overview of working with formulas and functions in Microsoft Excel 2010. It discusses:
1) The different types of cell references - relative, absolute, and mixed - and when to use each.
2) How to enter functions using the Function Library, Insert Function dialog box, or by directly typing them.
3) How to use the AutoFill feature to quickly fill in formulas and complete series.
4) Examples of logical, date, and financial functions like IF, TODAY, PMT, and how to use them.
5) Tips for presenting and explaining a personal budget.
This document provides an overview and objectives for exploring the basics of Microsoft Windows 7 and Microsoft Office 2010. It outlines how to start Windows 7 and tour the desktop, explore the Start menu, run and switch between programs, use windows and dialog boxes, navigate using Windows Explorer, change views, get help, and turn off Windows 7. The session includes visual steps and explanations for performing common Windows 7 tasks.
2. V辰lkomstsidan
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r旦tt kryss f旦r s奪dana
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Klicka p奪 en modul f旦r
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3. V辰lkomstsidan
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som finns tillg辰ngliga.
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f旦r de moduler som du
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4. V辰lkomstsidan
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f旦r de moduler som du
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5. V辰lkomstsidan
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kan du se de moduler
som finns tillg辰ngliga.
Det visas en gr旦n bock
f旦r de moduler som du
har tillg奪ng till och ett
r旦tt kryss f旦r s奪dana
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6. V辰lkomstsidan
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kan du se de moduler
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f旦r de moduler som du
har tillg奪ng till och ett
r旦tt kryss f旦r s奪dana
som du inte har tillg奪ng
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7. V辰lkomstsidan
N辰r du loggar in i Crito
kan du se de moduler
som finns tillg辰ngliga.
Det visas en gr旦n bock
f旦r de moduler som du
har tillg奪ng till och ett
r旦tt kryss f旦r s奪dana
som du inte har tillg奪ng
Klicka p奪 en modul f旦r
att 旦ppna den.