If you are injured in an accident because of other person's negligence then hire an experienced personal injury attorney to get the good compensation for damages.
A large metropolitan hospital sought to address its toxic nursing culture through an action research project involving confidential interviews and focus groups with 60 nurse managers and directors over nine months. The interviews identified themes around the negative culture, including horizontal violence and a lack of strong collegial relationships. This process increased nurses' self-awareness of the issues and their belief in the need for change. It also enhanced their awareness of their department's cultural reality and strengthened collegial relationships. The nurses committed to making personal and collective changes to adopt more positive leadership behaviors and address cultural issues. The process was found to be powerful in catalyzing needed relationship and communication changes within the nursing group.
Current statistics show that teens spend significant time online and engage in risky behaviors like cheating, hacking, and accessing pornography. Many kids hide their online activities from parents. Popular apps allow anonymous communication and sexting is common among teens. Cyberbullying has led to suicide in some cases. Parents are advised to use filtering and monitoring software, set rules for social media use, remove devices at night, and connect with their kids to help them stay safe online.
Security, Data Breach & The Bottome Line: A Forecast For Manufacturers & Dist...CBIZ, Inc.
This document summarizes a presentation on cybersecurity risks for manufacturing companies. It discusses how manufacturers face significant cyber threats, with over 1 million industrial control systems directly connected to the internet. Recent high-profile attacks like those on Target, a German steel mill, and Anthem resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in costs. While companies may feel protected due to their size, manufacturers store valuable intellectual property and operational data that hackers seek. The presentation provides recommendations for prevention including network segmentation, access controls, training, and response planning.
Taha Mokfi is a data scientist with a B.S. in industrial engineering, M.S. in statistical computing and data mining from the University of Central Florida. He has 4 years of experience in analytics and is proficient in data mining concepts, publications, and tools such as Rapidminer, IBM Modeler, R, and Weka. He is experienced with KNIME and SAS and familiar with Python and Java.
Gospel of Peace, Injil Damai SejahteraPhasa Joshua
1. Sepatu Romawi memiliki duri untuk ketahanan berjalan di medan sulit, membantu tentara berjalan jauh dan bertahan melawan musuh.
2. Rasul Paulus menyamakan kerelaan membawa Injil dengan perlengkapan perang seperti sepatu, yang penting untuk kemenangan dalam "peperangan rohani".
3. Mari relakan tenaga, harta, waktu, dan status untuk tujuan pemberitaan Injil ke seluruh dunia.
[@NaukriEngineering] Icon fonts & vector drawable in iOS appsNaukri.com
This document discusses icon fonts and vector images for use in iOS apps. It describes icon fonts as fonts that contain symbols and icons rather than letters and numbers. Icon fonts are scalable, smaller in file size than pixel images, and allow for flexibility and interactivity. The document recommends adding icon font files to a project and plist, and provides tools for converting SVG files to TTF format for use as icon fonts. It also describes vector images as objects defined mathematically that are crisp at any resolution and have smaller file sizes than bitmaps.
CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache MesosCarlos Sanchez
In this presentation Carlos Sanchez will share his experience running Jenkins at scale, using Docker and Apache Mesos to create one of the biggest (if not the biggest) Jenkins clusters to date.
By taking advantage of Apache Mesos, the Jenkins platform is dynamically scaled to run jobs across hundreds of Jenkins masters, on Docker containers distributed across the Mesos cluster. Jenkins slaves are dynamically created based on load, using the Jenkins Mesos and Docker plugins, running in containers distributed across multiple hosts, and isolating job execution.
This presentation will allow a better understanding of Apache Mesos and the challenges of running Docker containerized and distributed applications, particularly JVM ones, by sharing a real world use case, including good and bad decisions and how they affected the development.
This document discusses new overtime rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). It begins with true/false pre-seminar questions about the rules. It then lists options employers have for complying with the new salary threshold of $913 per week or $47,476 annually for exempt employees. The rules also establish automatic salary updates every 3 years. The document provides an example of how The Ohio State University plans to address employees affected by the new rules. It concludes with answering questions from participants about work start times, timekeeping, and the difference between employees and independent contractors.
Leverage refers to using debt, borrowed money, or derivative instruments to amplify gains and losses from investments or business operations. There are two types of leverage: operating leverage, which is the use of fixed operating costs, and financial leverage, which is the use of fixed financing costs. The document defines various leverage metrics such as degree of operating leverage (DOL), degree of financial leverage (DFL), and degree of combined leverage (DCL) which measure how changes in sales, operating income, and earnings per share are amplified through the use of leverage.
Jeff created a monthly play plan to improve work-life balance. His goals are to:
1) Schedule community service activities on alternating Saturdays mornings to promote play and help others
2) Dedicate specific days to work, schoolwork, rest, solo play, and family time
3) Finish creating the monthly schedule on the last Sunday of each month to plan the following month's activities.
The plan aims to efficiently allocate Jeff's time for responsibilities while also making time for play, family, and giving back to the community.
A large metropolitan hospital sought to address its toxic nursing culture through an action research project involving confidential interviews and focus groups with 60 nurse managers and directors over nine months. The interviews identified themes around the negative culture, including horizontal violence and a lack of strong collegial relationships. This process increased nurses' self-awareness of the issues and their belief in the need for change. It also enhanced their awareness of their department's cultural reality and strengthened collegial relationships. The nurses committed to making personal and collective changes to adopt more positive leadership behaviors and address cultural issues. The process was found to be powerful in catalyzing needed relationship and communication changes within the nursing group.
Current statistics show that teens spend significant time online and engage in risky behaviors like cheating, hacking, and accessing pornography. Many kids hide their online activities from parents. Popular apps allow anonymous communication and sexting is common among teens. Cyberbullying has led to suicide in some cases. Parents are advised to use filtering and monitoring software, set rules for social media use, remove devices at night, and connect with their kids to help them stay safe online.
Security, Data Breach & The Bottome Line: A Forecast For Manufacturers & Dist...CBIZ, Inc.
This document summarizes a presentation on cybersecurity risks for manufacturing companies. It discusses how manufacturers face significant cyber threats, with over 1 million industrial control systems directly connected to the internet. Recent high-profile attacks like those on Target, a German steel mill, and Anthem resulted in hundreds of millions of dollars in costs. While companies may feel protected due to their size, manufacturers store valuable intellectual property and operational data that hackers seek. The presentation provides recommendations for prevention including network segmentation, access controls, training, and response planning.
Taha Mokfi is a data scientist with a B.S. in industrial engineering, M.S. in statistical computing and data mining from the University of Central Florida. He has 4 years of experience in analytics and is proficient in data mining concepts, publications, and tools such as Rapidminer, IBM Modeler, R, and Weka. He is experienced with KNIME and SAS and familiar with Python and Java.
Gospel of Peace, Injil Damai SejahteraPhasa Joshua
1. Sepatu Romawi memiliki duri untuk ketahanan berjalan di medan sulit, membantu tentara berjalan jauh dan bertahan melawan musuh.
2. Rasul Paulus menyamakan kerelaan membawa Injil dengan perlengkapan perang seperti sepatu, yang penting untuk kemenangan dalam "peperangan rohani".
3. Mari relakan tenaga, harta, waktu, dan status untuk tujuan pemberitaan Injil ke seluruh dunia.
[@NaukriEngineering] Icon fonts & vector drawable in iOS appsNaukri.com
This document discusses icon fonts and vector images for use in iOS apps. It describes icon fonts as fonts that contain symbols and icons rather than letters and numbers. Icon fonts are scalable, smaller in file size than pixel images, and allow for flexibility and interactivity. The document recommends adding icon font files to a project and plist, and provides tools for converting SVG files to TTF format for use as icon fonts. It also describes vector images as objects defined mathematically that are crisp at any resolution and have smaller file sizes than bitmaps.
CI and CD at Scale: Scaling Jenkins with Docker and Apache MesosCarlos Sanchez
In this presentation Carlos Sanchez will share his experience running Jenkins at scale, using Docker and Apache Mesos to create one of the biggest (if not the biggest) Jenkins clusters to date.
By taking advantage of Apache Mesos, the Jenkins platform is dynamically scaled to run jobs across hundreds of Jenkins masters, on Docker containers distributed across the Mesos cluster. Jenkins slaves are dynamically created based on load, using the Jenkins Mesos and Docker plugins, running in containers distributed across multiple hosts, and isolating job execution.
This presentation will allow a better understanding of Apache Mesos and the challenges of running Docker containerized and distributed applications, particularly JVM ones, by sharing a real world use case, including good and bad decisions and how they affected the development.
This document discusses new overtime rules under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). It begins with true/false pre-seminar questions about the rules. It then lists options employers have for complying with the new salary threshold of $913 per week or $47,476 annually for exempt employees. The rules also establish automatic salary updates every 3 years. The document provides an example of how The Ohio State University plans to address employees affected by the new rules. It concludes with answering questions from participants about work start times, timekeeping, and the difference between employees and independent contractors.
Leverage refers to using debt, borrowed money, or derivative instruments to amplify gains and losses from investments or business operations. There are two types of leverage: operating leverage, which is the use of fixed operating costs, and financial leverage, which is the use of fixed financing costs. The document defines various leverage metrics such as degree of operating leverage (DOL), degree of financial leverage (DFL), and degree of combined leverage (DCL) which measure how changes in sales, operating income, and earnings per share are amplified through the use of leverage.
Jeff created a monthly play plan to improve work-life balance. His goals are to:
1) Schedule community service activities on alternating Saturdays mornings to promote play and help others
2) Dedicate specific days to work, schoolwork, rest, solo play, and family time
3) Finish creating the monthly schedule on the last Sunday of each month to plan the following month's activities.
The plan aims to efficiently allocate Jeff's time for responsibilities while also making time for play, family, and giving back to the community.
Limbajul culorilor este fascinant și sunt sigur că îți vei mulțumi mai târziu pentru această alegere de a participa la acest minicurs.
Terapia prin culoare este una dintre multele forme terapeutice care
ajută cu adevărat la ridicarea stării de spirit generale și la vindecarea multor dezechilibre emoționale negative.
Terapia prin culoare este una dintre multele forme terapeutice care
ajută cu adevărat la ridicarea stării de spirit generale și la vindecarea multor dezechilibre emoționale negative.
Intra in lumea artei pe marianmoncea.ro
2. portocaliu Daca sunteti nervos sau nelinistit - Recurgeti atunci la o culoare portocalie sau ruginie. Este o nuanta care sugereaza siguranta si linistea .
18. Galben Daca sunteti bantuit de ganduri negative - Galbenul este culoarea predilecta pentru a fi mai destins si pentru a g â ndi pozitiv, avand un efect calmant asupra mentalului. Galbenul este cea mai veselă culoare din tot spectrul ÅŸi semnifică perseverenţă, Ìýcuraj, atenÅ£ie ÅŸi generozitate.
29. Albastru Daca sunte ţ i surmenat - v ă sunt indicate turcoazul ori albastrul . Sunt culorile care va vor ajut ă sa va destinde ţ i. Nu există un elixir mai bun pentru suflet decât ridicarea privirii către albastrul cerului. Aceasta este culoarea aspiraţiilor înalte, a libertăţii lăuntrice, a calmului, a iubirii altruiste, lipsite de gelozie şi posesivitate.
46. Verde Culoarea verde destinde considerabil atat fizicul, cat si psihicul. Ea ne permite sa echilibramÌý structura somatic ă cu cea psihic ă ÅŸ i face posibil ă o rapid ă diminuare a stre s u lui.
65. Ro şu Daca v ă lipse ş te energia - Pentru a va armoniza chi-ul (energia) care circul ă in corpul dumneavoastr ă , ave ţ i nevoie sa fi ţ i stimulat printr-o culoare excitantă, cum ar fi roşul
82. Roz Daca sunteti stresat - Sim ţ i ţ i nevoia sa vedeti "viata in roz"? Rozul, folosit impreuna cu o alta culoare, cum ar fi albul, ajuta la indepartarea stresului.
98. Indigo C uloarea indigo este un foarte bun eliberator mental si un factor extraordinar de rafinare, care permite un control profund la nivel psihic si subtil.
112. Alb Este simbolul tinereţii şi al frumuseţii eterne. Albul florilor de primavară este un adevărat izvor de pace, linişte şi puritate spirituală.