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Schools/arts organisation


I am writing to you personally to let you know that Birmingham City Council is
planning to cut all the central education services and for these to be outsourced as
private companies called Cooperative/Trusts.

These services include:

Music Service                                Outdoor Learning Service
Services for SEN children                    Early Years Teacher Support
Behaviour Support Service                    Birmingham Advisory and Support Service
Education Action Zones                       City Learning Centres
Support for supplementary schools            School and Governor Support
Health Education Service                     Catering and cleaning
Family Learning Service                      International Office (school exchange)

All of these services help to make a difference to the lives of children and young
people and support school improvement.

I feel very concerned that once these services are outsourced that they will either
close or become only available to those schools/children that can afford it. I have
joined a campaign with other colleagues, supported by all the main unions, to
express our concerns that these services will be seriously damaged.

Could you please sign the petition and ask colleagues, parents, families and friends
to sign it too to challenge the proposed cuts. Do also look out for other CROSS
Campaign to Retain our School Services actions.

Thank you so much for your support, I do appreciate it. It is really important that we
make our voices heard to challenge these decisions.

Enclosed Petition and Xmas Card

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  • 1. Schools/arts organisation Dear I am writing to you personally to let you know that Birmingham City Council is planning to cut all the central education services and for these to be outsourced as private companies called Cooperative/Trusts. These services include: Music Service Outdoor Learning Service Services for SEN children Early Years Teacher Support Behaviour Support Service Birmingham Advisory and Support Service Education Action Zones City Learning Centres Support for supplementary schools School and Governor Support Health Education Service Catering and cleaning Family Learning Service International Office (school exchange) All of these services help to make a difference to the lives of children and young people and support school improvement. I feel very concerned that once these services are outsourced that they will either close or become only available to those schools/children that can afford it. I have joined a campaign with other colleagues, supported by all the main unions, to express our concerns that these services will be seriously damaged. Could you please sign the petition and ask colleagues, parents, families and friends to sign it too to challenge the proposed cuts. Do also look out for other CROSS Campaign to Retain our School Services actions. Thank you so much for your support, I do appreciate it. It is really important that we make our voices heard to challenge these decisions. Enclosed Petition and Xmas Card