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Crowdfunding Analysis
Weishan Sandy He
Two Projects
Good Project:
 Autodidact Magazine
Bad Project:
 SCg Shoes
 Lanschaftsbilder Nahaufahman
Crowdfunding Analysis
Focus: Cooperative board game
Funding Goal: 250,000 dollars
Actual achieved: 781,635 dollars
Type of entrepreneurship: Game promoting
He represents the worst part of our
society and is a danger to the
community" ------ Kathryn Xian
Likes/Dislikes and why?
 Like this is a teamwork game can make team for two
to four people.
 Like this is a creative and fun game.
 Dislike the music is too fast and it makes me so
 I think this game is successful because this project get
500,000 dollars than they expected in two hours.
Also the characters are so creative. I like the design.
Autodidact Magazine
Focus: Magazine telling personal story
Funding Goal: 13,140 dollars
Actual achieved: 10,486 dollars
Type of entrepreneurship: Magazine
Likes/Dislikes and why?
 Like telling personal stories.
 Like they choose a topic and will invite group of people
to join their project.
 Dislike is seems like the market is not really clear I dont
know what they are focusing on.
 I think this is a successful project because they just only
just 51 hours and almost reach the target. People like
creative project and personal creative magazine is good
idea also fresh my mind.
SCg Shoes
Focus: Shoes Product
Funding Goal: 15,000 dollars
Actual achieved: 3,374 dollars
Type of entrepreneurship: Shoes
Likes/Dislikes and why?
 Like the shoes may have a good qualities.
 Dislike the project is so simple nothing special.
 Dislike most of shoes are similar.
 I think this is unsuccessful project. When I promote a
product the first time I will consider is market shared.
This shoes not easy to promote in the market with not
creative design.
Focus: Shoes Nature Protecting
Funding Goal: 5,807 dollars
Actual achieved: 130 dollars
Type of entrepreneurship: Nature
Likes/Dislikes and why?
 Like the topic.
 Dislike I really dont know what the author trying to tell
people about.
 Dislike not enough information.
 I think this is unsuccessful project. Since the video no
any voice and I dont think people can get the point that
author trying to tell them. 23 days to go only 1 backer
not enough promoting.
Crowdfunding Analysis

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Crowdfunding Analysis

Editor's Notes

  • #2: CLASS NOTE: Enviornment Issues in Hawaii.
  • #4: Topic one
  • #5: Mukadin D. Gordon who kidnapped an underage girl and forced her into prostitution will likely be set free next month after serving seven years of a 10-year sentence.
  • #7: Number of children and women who have been forced into sex work in Hawaii.
  • #8: Topic two
  • #9: Over 1000 workers from Laos were trafficked to Oahu in a B-2 visa. They forced to work for the sexual activities.
  • #11: Topic three
  • #12: People they do not trust each other, for example neighborood, even couples. Some couples in China, they divorce after they lose their kids because they have different attitudes for that. To sum up, losing a kid in a family, that is a huge strike to them.
  • #13: Helping the lost kids from the human trafficking.
  • #14: The "Stop the Sale" hotline is unique in the state, organizers say, is aimed at getting aid to a victim's side in less than an hour.