Hydrogen has potential as a renewable energy source. It was first identified as an element in 1766 and its energy potential has been explored since the 18th century, with early uses including balloons and demonstrating that water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. Jules Verne prophetically examined hydrogen's potential as a fuel in 1874. Interest increased in the 20th century, with uses in rockets, fuel cells for spacecraft and vehicles, and visions of a "hydrogen economy." Research continues toward making water the primary source of hydrogen to replace fossil fuels.
This document is the table of contents for an academic journal from Guangdong Education Institute in China. It lists various articles on topics related to education, literature, language, history, politics and information management. The first article discusses Mao Zedong's historical contribution in establishing the revolutionary route of rural areas encircling cities to seize state power through armed forces. The second article examines trends toward mixed operations in China's financial industry and the need to reform financial regulation.
Midwifery has a long history around the world. In the US, midwifery was common among Native Americans and colonists, though training was informal. In the 19th century, as medical knowledge advanced, midwifery outcomes began to lag physician outcomes, fueling controversy. Two solutions emerged: educate midwives or abolish the profession. Midwifery nearly disappeared in the US by the 1920s, though nurse-midwifery developed as a new model of care pioneered by Mary Breckinridge and the Frontier Nursing Service in 1925. Today there are over 5,000 certified nurse-midwives who attend about 150,000 births annually in the US.
The document presents standards from the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) for integrating genetics into social work practice. It discusses the goals of clarifying the role of social workers and enhancing their skills and knowledge regarding genetics. The standards address ethics, acquiring genetics knowledge, and using appropriate practice skills when working with individuals, families and communities on genetics issues. Social workers are called to adhere to ethical principles, understand genetics concepts, and develop skills like taking family histories and making referrals to genetics professionals. The standards aim to improve social work services for clients dealing with genetic disorders and issues.
North carolina legislative history step by step following is a ...sugeladi
This document provides a 9-step process for researching the legislative history of a North Carolina bill or statute. It begins with identifying the relevant bill number or statute section. The steps then guide researching relevant session laws, bill histories in journals and bill books, committee minutes and reports, floor debates, and summary documents. A variety of print and online resources are identified for each step, located in libraries like the North Carolina Legislative Library.
This document provides an index of topics, people, places, and events covered in the journal North Dakota History from 1945 to 1998. It includes over 1,000 entries summarizing articles, books reviewed, and authors. Each entry lists the relevant volume, issue, and page numbers for cited references in the journal.
Tyco Telecommunications has played a leading role in undersea optical networking for over 50 years, pioneering many technologies that enabled fiber optic cables to meet rapidly growing internet demands. Some key achievements include developing the first transatlantic fiber optic system in 1988, demonstrating the first IP packet transport across a transoceanic cable in 1999, and increasing cable capacity over 500% from 1999 to 2003. Today, Tyco Telecommunications continues innovating to provide reliable, high-bandwidth connectivity globally using technologies like OADM branching units and 40Gbps transport.
The document is a quiz about the history of Medicare and Medicaid in the United States. It contains 30 multiple choice questions about key events, policies, legislation and agencies involved in the establishment and administration of these public health insurance programs over time. Some notable topics covered include the creation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, the establishment of the Health Care Financing Administration in 1977, the addition of new benefits and eligibility groups under different presidential administrations, and the renaming of HCFA to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2001.
This document provides a cross-reference grid that details which Cambridge University Press publications cover aspects of the IB Diploma History syllabus. It summarizes several books and their relevance to different topics, papers, and regional options. For example, it indicates that "Germany 1918-1945" is suitable for topics about war and the rise of single-party states in Paper 2, as well as topics about Europe in Paper 3. The grid is meant to help teachers and students select appropriate resources for studying different parts of the IB History program.
The document provides guidance on how to conduct oral history interviews by organizing and preparing for interviews effectively. It recommends setting clear research goals, thoroughly researching the topic beforehand, creating an interview question list with open-ended questions, using high-quality recording equipment, conducting interviews in a comfortable environment for the interviewee, and being aware of personal appearance to make interviews more successful.
This document provides a table of contents for courses offered by zycnzj.com. It lists over 100 courses organized under categories such as languages, information technology, job skills, communication skills, life and health, and more. Languages include English, Mandarin, French and others. Information technology covers Microsoft Office, web design, and computer basics. Job skills include accounting, human resources, and personal development. Life and health contains martial arts, cooking, fitness and family courses.
History of cannabis as a medicine by lester grinspoon, md, august ...sugeladi
This document provides a history of the medical use of cannabis around the world dating back thousands of years. It describes how cannabis was commonly used as medicine in ancient China, India, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe to treat a variety of conditions. The medical use of cannabis grew in the Western world in the 1800s but declined in the early 1900s due to the development of new drugs. However, renewed interest in cannabis as medicine began in the 1960s-70s, though federal policies have made research difficult.
History, role and functions the european central bank - history ...sugeladi
The document provides an overview of the history, role, and functions of the European Central Bank (ECB). It discusses the establishment of the ECB and the introduction of the euro as the single currency of the euro area. It describes the ECB's role as the leader of the Eurosystem, which comprises the ECB and the national central banks of euro area countries. The ECB is responsible for managing the euro area's monetary policy and other key tasks to promote stability and the smooth operation of the monetary union. The document also examines the ECB's accountability, independence, cooperation with other EU institutions, and involvement in international forums and organizations.
This document provides an index of topics, people, places, and events covered in the journal North Dakota History from 1945 to 1998. It includes over 1,000 entries summarizing articles, books reviewed, and authors. Each entry lists the relevant volume, issue, and page numbers for cited references in the journal.
Tyco Telecommunications has played a leading role in undersea optical networking for over 50 years, pioneering many technologies that enabled fiber optic cables to meet rapidly growing internet demands. Some key achievements include developing the first transatlantic fiber optic system in 1988, demonstrating the first IP packet transport across a transoceanic cable in 1999, and increasing cable capacity over 500% from 1999 to 2003. Today, Tyco Telecommunications continues innovating to provide reliable, high-bandwidth connectivity globally using technologies like OADM branching units and 40Gbps transport.
The document is a quiz about the history of Medicare and Medicaid in the United States. It contains 30 multiple choice questions about key events, policies, legislation and agencies involved in the establishment and administration of these public health insurance programs over time. Some notable topics covered include the creation of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965, the establishment of the Health Care Financing Administration in 1977, the addition of new benefits and eligibility groups under different presidential administrations, and the renaming of HCFA to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2001.
This document provides a cross-reference grid that details which Cambridge University Press publications cover aspects of the IB Diploma History syllabus. It summarizes several books and their relevance to different topics, papers, and regional options. For example, it indicates that "Germany 1918-1945" is suitable for topics about war and the rise of single-party states in Paper 2, as well as topics about Europe in Paper 3. The grid is meant to help teachers and students select appropriate resources for studying different parts of the IB History program.
The document provides guidance on how to conduct oral history interviews by organizing and preparing for interviews effectively. It recommends setting clear research goals, thoroughly researching the topic beforehand, creating an interview question list with open-ended questions, using high-quality recording equipment, conducting interviews in a comfortable environment for the interviewee, and being aware of personal appearance to make interviews more successful.
This document provides a table of contents for courses offered by zycnzj.com. It lists over 100 courses organized under categories such as languages, information technology, job skills, communication skills, life and health, and more. Languages include English, Mandarin, French and others. Information technology covers Microsoft Office, web design, and computer basics. Job skills include accounting, human resources, and personal development. Life and health contains martial arts, cooking, fitness and family courses.
History of cannabis as a medicine by lester grinspoon, md, august ...sugeladi
This document provides a history of the medical use of cannabis around the world dating back thousands of years. It describes how cannabis was commonly used as medicine in ancient China, India, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe to treat a variety of conditions. The medical use of cannabis grew in the Western world in the 1800s but declined in the early 1900s due to the development of new drugs. However, renewed interest in cannabis as medicine began in the 1960s-70s, though federal policies have made research difficult.
History, role and functions the european central bank - history ...sugeladi
The document provides an overview of the history, role, and functions of the European Central Bank (ECB). It discusses the establishment of the ECB and the introduction of the euro as the single currency of the euro area. It describes the ECB's role as the leader of the Eurosystem, which comprises the ECB and the national central banks of euro area countries. The ECB is responsible for managing the euro area's monetary policy and other key tasks to promote stability and the smooth operation of the monetary union. The document also examines the ECB's accountability, independence, cooperation with other EU institutions, and involvement in international forums and organizations.