The document discusses logistics management and customer-oriented logistics. It describes logistics as the transport of goods to customers and logistics management as meeting customer demands through planning, control and implementation of movement and storage. The objectives of logistics management are outlined as cost reduction, capital reduction and service improvement. Key facilities decisions, warehousing functions and decisions are also summarized.
1) O documento discute os aspectos essenciais do gerenciamento de filas em organiza??es, incluindo componentes como popula??o demandante, processo de chegada, configura??o da fila, disciplina da fila e processo de servi?o.
2) ? importante considerar aspectos psicol¨®gicos como a sensa??o de vazio, o in¨ªcio do servi?o, a visibilidade do progresso e a percep??o de justi?a na ordem de atendimento.
3) As filas devem ser gerenciadas para minimizar esperas e seus efeitos, por exemplo,
Here, logistics and Facility Location for Business is discussed.
Logistics Meaning and Concept
Decision Related to Logistics
Facility Location Concept
Issues in Facility Location
Plant Location Methods
Case Study: Tata Nano
Aditya Deshpande
Log¨ªstica de armazenagem e distribuicaoElvis Bruno
O documento discute conceitos fundamentais de log¨ªstica e gest?o da cadeia de suprimentos, incluindo armazenagem, transporte, embalagem e distribui??o. A log¨ªstica envolve planejamento e execu??o de projetos para movimentar produtos desde onde s?o produzidos at¨¦ onde s?o consumidos de forma eficiente.
This document outlines best practices for inventory management. It discusses balancing operations, sales, purchasing, and finance objectives. Key strategies include using ABC analysis to classify inventory and adjust policies, optimizing delivery times, ordering optimal quantities, reducing lead times, and improving forecasting. The goal is to optimize customer service, inventory costs, and operating costs using techniques like JIT management. Key performance indicators help measure inventory accuracy, turnover, and costs. The overall approach is to improve the entire supply chain rather than any single step.
Machine learning in Analytics of telephone conversationachine learning in Ana...Kirill Kosolapov
Application of machine learning analytics telephone calls to the banking sector in Data4 products.
About how:
Divide the target / non-target calls.
Select the topic treatment of each client.
Rate key client handling.
Rate the quality of the operator (whether he followed the script if he can resolve the conflict situation.
Create the annotation and select keywords for each conversation.
Research of clients expectations and satisfactionAdvanter Group
Research of clients/partners expectations and satisfaction.
Report Gleb Pronenko, CEO of research company ASCREEN Research, at the Day of Marketing at the exhibition InterBudExpo 2010
Machine learning in Analytics of telephone conversationachine learning in Ana...Kirill Kosolapov
Application of machine learning analytics telephone calls to the banking sector in Data4 products.
About how:
Divide the target / non-target calls.
Select the topic treatment of each client.
Rate key client handling.
Rate the quality of the operator (whether he followed the script if he can resolve the conflict situation.
Create the annotation and select keywords for each conversation.
Research of clients expectations and satisfactionAdvanter Group
Research of clients/partners expectations and satisfaction.
Report Gleb Pronenko, CEO of research company ASCREEN Research, at the Day of Marketing at the exhibition InterBudExpo 2010