El documento describe una serie de talleres y actividades que tendr│n lugar en Punt Jove para conmemorar el D┴a Internacional de la Mujer. Incluye talleres sobre la imagen de las mujeres en los medios de comunicaci┏n, auto-maquillaje, eliminaci┏n de barreras personales, una clase de zumba, y actividades para ni?os sobre roles de g└nero e historia de mujeres notables. Los eventos ser│n ofrecidos por varias organizaciones como INFODONA, Cruz Roja Juventud, y profesionales independientes.
O documento apresenta um resumo do livro "Justine" do Marqu┷s de Sade. A hist┏ria acompanha as desgra?as da personagem Justine, que tenta viver virtuosamente em meio a uma sociedade corrupta onde sofre abusos, estupros e acusa??es injustas. Apesar de todos os tormentos, Justine mant└m sua f└ na virtude e na religi?o. O documento tamb└m fornece breves biografias do Marqu┷s de Sade e da banda musical Flowing Tears.
Lessons from the Vault: Develop inquiry-based assignments with Special Collec...Jillian Sparks
During this session participants learned how other instructors integrated special collections resources and class visits into their curriculum and how special collections librarians can partner with them to engage students in primary source analysis. They worked with materials to conceptualize their own inquiry-based assignments thinking about how the materiality of an object fosters students¨ curiosity. We finished the morning with a behind the scenes tour of the vaults.
This document provides information about Midtown Partners, an investment banking firm that specializes in private investment in public equities (PIPEs). It discusses Midtown Partners' leadership in PIPE placements according to industry rankings. It also summarizes the firm's founding, services, and focus on working with small to mid-sized companies. Finally, it outlines some of the key differences between PIPE financings and secondary offerings.
Este documento presenta las bibliograf┴as de tres unidades de aprendizaje relacionadas con la ecolog┴a, la materia y sus interacciones, y la materia y sus transformaciones. Incluye enlaces a libros, art┴culos, p│ginas web y lecturas digitales sobre estos temas para apoyar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
This document summarizes a presentation on maritime security challenges and territorial disputes in the Pacific Ocean. It begins with an introduction to the geography of the Pacific Ocean, describing it as the largest ocean covering half the earth's sea surface. It then discusses the concept of maritime security and lists seven main threats according to international law. Specific challenges in the Pacific Ocean are outlined, including territorial disputes over islands between Russia/Japan and China/Philippines. Other challenges mentioned are piracy, jurisdictional disputes, smuggling, illegal fishing and environmental issues.
Los Incoterms son reglas establecidas por la C│mara de Comercio Internacional para definir los derechos y obligaciones de compradores y vendedores en contratos de compraventa internacional. Establecen el momento y lugar de la transferencia de riesgos, costos de transporte y seguro, as┴ como las obligaciones documentales de cada parte. Existen 13 incoterms agrupados en cuatro categor┴as seg┣n si la entrega ocurre en el pa┴s de origen, frontera o destino, clarificando aspectos cruciales del comercio internacional.
Constructed wetlands are a low-cost option for wastewater treatment that uses natural processes to remove pollutants. There are three main types: surface flow wetlands with exposed water, and horizontal and vertical subsurface flow wetlands where water flows below ground. Wetlands are effective at removing organic matter, solids, nutrients, and pathogens through sedimentation, filtration, microbial action, and plant uptake. They provide benefits like wildlife habitat and require little energy or maintenance compared to mechanical treatment systems. Literature shows that wetlands can achieve high removal rates of 70% or more for BOD, TSS, and bacteria while lowering costs and nutrients for water reuse.
Los platillos t┴picos son los que muestran la combinaci┏n de los aspectos prehisp│nicos y los aspectos espa?oles en la comida. La mayor┴a de los alimentos tlaxcaltecas en su mayor┴a ind┴genas y tambi└n resultado de esta mezcla prehisp│nica y espa?ola.
Lessons from the Vault: Develop inquiry-based assignments with Special Collec...Jillian Sparks
During this session participants learned how other instructors integrated special collections resources and class visits into their curriculum and how special collections librarians can partner with them to engage students in primary source analysis. They worked with materials to conceptualize their own inquiry-based assignments thinking about how the materiality of an object fosters students¨ curiosity. We finished the morning with a behind the scenes tour of the vaults.
This document provides information about Midtown Partners, an investment banking firm that specializes in private investment in public equities (PIPEs). It discusses Midtown Partners' leadership in PIPE placements according to industry rankings. It also summarizes the firm's founding, services, and focus on working with small to mid-sized companies. Finally, it outlines some of the key differences between PIPE financings and secondary offerings.
Este documento presenta las bibliograf┴as de tres unidades de aprendizaje relacionadas con la ecolog┴a, la materia y sus interacciones, y la materia y sus transformaciones. Incluye enlaces a libros, art┴culos, p│ginas web y lecturas digitales sobre estos temas para apoyar el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.
This document summarizes a presentation on maritime security challenges and territorial disputes in the Pacific Ocean. It begins with an introduction to the geography of the Pacific Ocean, describing it as the largest ocean covering half the earth's sea surface. It then discusses the concept of maritime security and lists seven main threats according to international law. Specific challenges in the Pacific Ocean are outlined, including territorial disputes over islands between Russia/Japan and China/Philippines. Other challenges mentioned are piracy, jurisdictional disputes, smuggling, illegal fishing and environmental issues.
Los Incoterms son reglas establecidas por la C│mara de Comercio Internacional para definir los derechos y obligaciones de compradores y vendedores en contratos de compraventa internacional. Establecen el momento y lugar de la transferencia de riesgos, costos de transporte y seguro, as┴ como las obligaciones documentales de cada parte. Existen 13 incoterms agrupados en cuatro categor┴as seg┣n si la entrega ocurre en el pa┴s de origen, frontera o destino, clarificando aspectos cruciales del comercio internacional.
Constructed wetlands are a low-cost option for wastewater treatment that uses natural processes to remove pollutants. There are three main types: surface flow wetlands with exposed water, and horizontal and vertical subsurface flow wetlands where water flows below ground. Wetlands are effective at removing organic matter, solids, nutrients, and pathogens through sedimentation, filtration, microbial action, and plant uptake. They provide benefits like wildlife habitat and require little energy or maintenance compared to mechanical treatment systems. Literature shows that wetlands can achieve high removal rates of 70% or more for BOD, TSS, and bacteria while lowering costs and nutrients for water reuse.
Los platillos t┴picos son los que muestran la combinaci┏n de los aspectos prehisp│nicos y los aspectos espa?oles en la comida. La mayor┴a de los alimentos tlaxcaltecas en su mayor┴a ind┴genas y tambi└n resultado de esta mezcla prehisp│nica y espa?ola.
10 Diferencias de las c└lulas procariotas y c└lulas eucariotas, seg┣n 2 autor...Luxy Rodriguez
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