Metodo di auto-localizzazione di un dispositivo mobile mediante dispositivi p...Toscana Open Research
L'invenzione riguarda un sistema di Auto-Localizzazione di Robot RFID in Ambiente Indoor (AURORA) a basso costo, affidabile e scalabile che consente a robot o altri dispositivi mobili di auto-localizzarsi in uno scenario indoor mediante tag RFID passivi in banda UHF posti in posizioni note.
Static electricity is built up when two materials are rubbed together, causing positive and negative charges to collect on each surface. Rubbing a balloon with wool creates a static charge, attracting the balloon to a person due to opposite charges. When a second balloon is charged and hung near the first, they repel each other due to both having the same charge. Static electricity results from friction that causes imbalances in electric charges.
The document discusses new problems with cloud data including vendor control over data, access and portability restrictions between services, and data silos. It notes that 1/3 of data loss is from user error and introduces Backupify as a solution to back up cloud data across platforms. Backupify currently manages over 112,000 users and 53 terabytes of data. The company aims to expand features to include cross-platform search, data migration, risk analysis, and e-discovery capabilities.
VOX Church exists to overcome religion through Christ-centered relationships, resulting in changed lives. VOX small groups exist to help people grow in their faith through studying scripture, prayer, and discipling one another. The goal of VOX small groups is to teach people what it means to follow Christ and make more disciples, as commanded by Jesus. VOX small groups meet weekly in homes to build community, study the Bible together, pray, take communion, and encourage one another to become more like Jesus.
This document contains an English lesson plan for third term students focusing on travelling. It includes exercises where students:
1) Match photos of places like a palace, beach, museum and pyramid to their names.
2) Listen to recordings of place names in Venezuela and say where they are located.
3) Build dialogues describing what they would pack for a trip, including the destination and items.
4) Listen to days of the week and an advertisement for a children's museum in Caracas, then create their own place advertisement.
This document appears to be reminiscing about memories from high school by the class of 2010. It mentions funny moments like someone having a large soda and telling someone named Ben to move it. It also lists the names of four people, mentions sports like softball and basketball, and names several local high schools the authors may have attended. The document uses limited punctuation and has a casual, nostalgic tone as it seems to look back on the writer's time in high school.
U.S. Consolidates Zimbabwe Sanctions - Investigative Africa Tawanda Kanhema
This document summarizes changes being made to the Zimbabwe Sanctions Regulations. It is adopting a previous interim final rule as a final rule, with amendments to implement two executive orders that expanded sanctions against Zimbabwe. Key changes include adding over 150 individuals and entities to the sanctions list, clarifying prohibited transactions, and adding general licenses authorizing certain legal and financial transactions involving Zimbabwe entities subject to limits. The final rule updates and republishes the regulations in their entirety.
Maurice Escher fue un artista gr¨¢fico holand¨¦s conocido por sus obras que exploraban conceptos matem¨¢ticos como la simetr¨ªa, la perspectiva, la reflexi¨®n, la torsi¨®n y la dimensi¨®n. Sus impresionantes grabados e ilustraciones lograban efectos ¨®pticos imposibles que desafiaban la l¨®gica y la percepci¨®n convencional. Escher es considerado uno de los m¨¢s influyentes artistas gr¨¢ficos del siglo XX.
El documento lista los nombres de los estudiantes de una instituci¨®n que recibieron becas PRONABES para el ciclo escolar 2009-2010. Se otorgaron un total de 1,950 nuevas becas a estudiantes de 44 instituciones participantes. Los estudiantes aceptados recibir¨¢n instrucciones por correo electr¨®nico para el procedimiento de entrega de su tarjeta bancaria el 14 de abril. Se les pide estar atentos a los avisos publicados a su regreso de vacaciones.
To start working out, set measurable goals, log your daily activity, and commit to doing something you enjoy like weight training or cardio. Weight training helps you lose fat, feel stronger and fitter, and see results while cardio improves heart health, metabolism, and hormones. Overall, regular exercise fights disease, reduces stress, boosts brain power, and gives you more energy.
Swug apr 2010 - BPOS by Desmond and AndrewDennis Chung
Microsoft Online Services offers Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS), which provides cloud-based versions of Microsoft productivity applications like Exchange, SharePoint, and Office Communications. BPOS reduces IT costs through a predictable subscription model while improving agility, simplicity, quality and security through features like geo-redundant data centers, 24/7 support, and 99.9% uptime guarantees. It also simplifies administration through tools that sync on-premises Active Directory with the cloud and provide a unified interface for managing subscriptions and users.
This document outlines 5 steps for creating a successful revolution:
1. Make a detailed plan with clear goals and organization.
2. Find a devoted, charismatic leader willing to sacrifice everything for the cause.
3. Motivate and encourage all supporters to stay determined.
4. Publicize the cause widely to gain credibility and support.
5. Take non-violent action by following the plan, gathering supporters, and being willing to compromise.
1) Koch Industries is the largest private company in the world, with annual revenue of $98 billion from a variety of businesses including energy, oil, forestry, and chemicals.
2) Charles Koch, the chairman of Koch Industries, believes private companies have an advantage over public companies in that they can invest for long-term goals without pressure to meet short-term financial targets.
3) Koch explains that his company's growth is due to reinvesting 90% of profits, which has allowed them to spend over $32 billion on mergers and acquisitions seeking the biggest long-term opportunities.
This document provides information about places students can visit while traveling in Venezuela. It includes:
- Pictures of a museum, pyramid, palace, and beach for students to match with the words.
- A listening activity with the names and locations of places in Venezuela like the Orinoco River in Bolivar State.
- A dialogue building activity where students discuss the place they are visiting, its location, and what is in their suitcase.
- A listening activity matching suitcase descriptions with letters.
- An advertisement for the Children's Museum in Caracas including admission prices and hours.
- An activity where students create their own place advertisement.
Overview of rams available for sale from Kennedy Creek Poll Dorset stud from Spring 2014 to Autumn 2015. Details ram ASBVs available - contact us for further information.
1) The document discusses designing a pop music magazine for 11-14 year old girls, focusing on pastel colors, photos of popular bands, and short interviews.
2) Research showed that this age group prefers pastel colors over bright ones, female cover stars over male ones, and hearts over stars.
3) An example target reader profile is given - 10 year old Izzy enjoys bands like The Jonas Brothers and McFly, wants to stay up to date on trends, and likes pastel blues and pinks.
This slideshow was presented to Tennessee Titans executives, Metro Nashville Government officials, Lipscomb Professors, and local sustainability professionals
Presentazione corso di realizzazione del mini centralino telefonico su Raspberry PI.
Istruzioni sul min centralino
U.S. Consolidates Zimbabwe Sanctions - Investigative Africa Tawanda Kanhema
This document summarizes changes being made to the Zimbabwe Sanctions Regulations. It is adopting a previous interim final rule as a final rule, with amendments to implement two executive orders that expanded sanctions against Zimbabwe. Key changes include adding over 150 individuals and entities to the sanctions list, clarifying prohibited transactions, and adding general licenses authorizing certain legal and financial transactions involving Zimbabwe entities subject to limits. The final rule updates and republishes the regulations in their entirety.
Maurice Escher fue un artista gr¨¢fico holand¨¦s conocido por sus obras que exploraban conceptos matem¨¢ticos como la simetr¨ªa, la perspectiva, la reflexi¨®n, la torsi¨®n y la dimensi¨®n. Sus impresionantes grabados e ilustraciones lograban efectos ¨®pticos imposibles que desafiaban la l¨®gica y la percepci¨®n convencional. Escher es considerado uno de los m¨¢s influyentes artistas gr¨¢ficos del siglo XX.
El documento lista los nombres de los estudiantes de una instituci¨®n que recibieron becas PRONABES para el ciclo escolar 2009-2010. Se otorgaron un total de 1,950 nuevas becas a estudiantes de 44 instituciones participantes. Los estudiantes aceptados recibir¨¢n instrucciones por correo electr¨®nico para el procedimiento de entrega de su tarjeta bancaria el 14 de abril. Se les pide estar atentos a los avisos publicados a su regreso de vacaciones.
To start working out, set measurable goals, log your daily activity, and commit to doing something you enjoy like weight training or cardio. Weight training helps you lose fat, feel stronger and fitter, and see results while cardio improves heart health, metabolism, and hormones. Overall, regular exercise fights disease, reduces stress, boosts brain power, and gives you more energy.
Swug apr 2010 - BPOS by Desmond and AndrewDennis Chung
Microsoft Online Services offers Business Productivity Online Suite (BPOS), which provides cloud-based versions of Microsoft productivity applications like Exchange, SharePoint, and Office Communications. BPOS reduces IT costs through a predictable subscription model while improving agility, simplicity, quality and security through features like geo-redundant data centers, 24/7 support, and 99.9% uptime guarantees. It also simplifies administration through tools that sync on-premises Active Directory with the cloud and provide a unified interface for managing subscriptions and users.
This document outlines 5 steps for creating a successful revolution:
1. Make a detailed plan with clear goals and organization.
2. Find a devoted, charismatic leader willing to sacrifice everything for the cause.
3. Motivate and encourage all supporters to stay determined.
4. Publicize the cause widely to gain credibility and support.
5. Take non-violent action by following the plan, gathering supporters, and being willing to compromise.
1) Koch Industries is the largest private company in the world, with annual revenue of $98 billion from a variety of businesses including energy, oil, forestry, and chemicals.
2) Charles Koch, the chairman of Koch Industries, believes private companies have an advantage over public companies in that they can invest for long-term goals without pressure to meet short-term financial targets.
3) Koch explains that his company's growth is due to reinvesting 90% of profits, which has allowed them to spend over $32 billion on mergers and acquisitions seeking the biggest long-term opportunities.
This document provides information about places students can visit while traveling in Venezuela. It includes:
- Pictures of a museum, pyramid, palace, and beach for students to match with the words.
- A listening activity with the names and locations of places in Venezuela like the Orinoco River in Bolivar State.
- A dialogue building activity where students discuss the place they are visiting, its location, and what is in their suitcase.
- A listening activity matching suitcase descriptions with letters.
- An advertisement for the Children's Museum in Caracas including admission prices and hours.
- An activity where students create their own place advertisement.
Overview of rams available for sale from Kennedy Creek Poll Dorset stud from Spring 2014 to Autumn 2015. Details ram ASBVs available - contact us for further information.
1) The document discusses designing a pop music magazine for 11-14 year old girls, focusing on pastel colors, photos of popular bands, and short interviews.
2) Research showed that this age group prefers pastel colors over bright ones, female cover stars over male ones, and hearts over stars.
3) An example target reader profile is given - 10 year old Izzy enjoys bands like The Jonas Brothers and McFly, wants to stay up to date on trends, and likes pastel blues and pinks.
This slideshow was presented to Tennessee Titans executives, Metro Nashville Government officials, Lipscomb Professors, and local sustainability professionals
Presentazione corso di realizzazione del mini centralino telefonico su Raspberry PI.
Istruzioni sul min centralino
L'IOT per i territori digitali - intervento di Sergio Duretti, CSP, al Lunch Seminar "Big Data e Internet of Things" del 29 giugno 2015, organizzato dal CSI-Piemonte
Linux Board. Corso di prototipazione rapidaMultiverso
Il corso si svolger¨¤ Domenica 11 Maggio presso Multiverso a Firenze Via Campo D'Arrigo 42/r. Si propone, hardware alla mano, di dare dei concetti di base sulla programmazione GNU/Linux embedded volti alla prototipazione rapida.
Per info e iscrizioni:
Corso WebApp iOS - Lezione 01: Think Touch MobileAndrea Picchi
Breve e sommaria introduzione all'evoluzione dei Dispositivi Mobili ed all'evoluzione della Rete Wireless.
Introduzione ai Dispositivi iOS, al Mercato Mobile ed al Mercato WebApp.
"Iot on the field: making smart environments in everyday experience"CSP Scarl
CSP is an organization that develops Internet of Things (IoT) platforms and applications. They have created an IoT platform called IoTNet that allows access to heterogeneous sensor data through a graphical user interface or machine-to-machine communication. CSP has also developed a wireless network called HPWNet and uses various sensor networks for applications in precision agriculture, smart cities, and environmental monitoring. Some of their projects include monitoring glaciers and botanical gardens with wireless sensors, precision viticulture with sensors in vineyards, and mobile air quality monitoring. CSP aims to provide reliable sensor data at a large scale to support applications in smart cities and IoT.
OBSERVO - Piattaforma Open Source per la videosorveglianza territorialeCSP Scarl
Grazie alla collaborazione degli Enti Locali e all'esperienza tecnologica di CSP, la Regione Piemonte ha sviluppato un software di videosorveglianza opensource che permette agli Enti Locali di dotarsi di impianti di videosorveglianza in modo scalabile, flessibile, senza elevati investimenti economici ma soprattutto seguendo linee guida comuni. Tra le funzionalit¨¤ principali, la piattaforma Observo e il software di videosorveglianza implementano la gestione di planimetrie di luoghi indoor, il tracking real-time di mezzi mobili e di relativi impianti di videosorveglianza temporanea, aggiornamento automatico e sincronizzazione delle informazioni, gestione sicura degli accessi e dei profili utente nel completo rispetto delle normative vigenti.
Concludendo, lo scopo del progetto ¨¨ testare un sistema che consenta di produrre innovazione in un settore, quello dei servizi di pubblica utilit¨¤, attraverso tecnologie di prevenzione situazionale, in cui negli anni sono stati prodotti significativi investimenti pubblici coinvolgendo una vasta eterogeneit¨¤ di tecnologie differenti, talvolta obsolete. Il progetto Observo, infatti, si inserisce nell¡¯azione che da anni la Regione Piemonte svolge per promuovere e sostenere politiche locali di sicurezza, attraverso la cooperazione di soggetti pubblici e privati, sperimentando strumenti innovativi volti a migliorare l¡¯azione pubblica in materia di sicurezza urbana nonch¨¦ incrementarne la percezione da parte dei cittadini. La sperimentazione della piattaforma Observo diviene utile, da un lato per promuovere un corretto ed efficace uso delle tecnologie destinate alla prevenzione situazionale (ad esempio per specifiche indagini territoriali), e dall¡¯altro sar¨¤ un¡¯occasione per affrontare a livello regionale le questioni connesse all¡¯utilizzo dei sistemi di controllo mediante tecnologie.
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bankgadevshahma
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Engineering Economy Sullivan Wicks Koelling 15th Edition Test Bank
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlentiteuxprasil
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Solution Manual for Intermediate Accounting 3rd Edition by Wahlen
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Suedementogge
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
Test Bank for Understanding Abnormal Behavior, 10th Edition : Sue
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albersuxhcablende
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
New Methods of Literacy Research 1st Edition Peggy Albers
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendallalawamajina
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Test Bank for Systems Analysis and Design 8th Edition: Kendall
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Mollekoloohgazari67
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Global Economic Institutions 1st Edition Willem Molle
Presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle OER alla comunit¨¤ italiana -...Damiano Orru
¡¯Osservatorio sull¡¯information literacy promuove un incontro online organizzato dalla rete Open Education Italia. n occasione della ¡°Open Education Week 2025¡±, dal 3 al 7 marzo, la rete Open Education Italia organizza un incontro online dedicato alla presentazione della Dichiarazione di Dubai sulle Risorse Educative Aperte (OER) il 4 marzo 2025.
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Banktoblerleunis
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Introduction to Programming with C++ 3rd Edition Liang Test Bank
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Wintermunirinkuah
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Viva training in ENT preparation for the FRCS ORL HNS 1st ed Edition Winter
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bankjotinlywood
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
Intermediate Accounting Vol 2 Canadian 2nd Edition Lo Test Bank
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbiobrohepner
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology Balbi
2. 1.? GSM (vecchio standard ¨C anni ¡¯90 ¨C ancora in uso)
2.? UMTS (pi¨´ recente ¨C dal 2000 - attualmente in uso)
4.? WiFi
5.? Bluetooth
¡±Linguaggi¡± wireless
3. Standard per la trasmissione digitale
¡±Linguaggi¡± wireless
4. -? Ciascun linguaggio necessita di un circuito elettronico
digitale in grado di comprenderlo e parlarlo
-? Idea software radio:
-? costruire un terminale ¡°poliglotta¡±
-? Come?
-? Invece di usare i circuiti elettronici digitali
(hardware), si usa un PC programmato in modo
da comprendere tutti linguaggi
-? In molte aree scarsamente popolate il segnale TV ¨¨
debole o assente
-? Perch¨¨ non permettere ad altri di trasmettere usando
le frequenze non impegnate dal segnale TV?
-? Importante perch¨¦ consente di realizzare terminali
facilmente adattabili alle opportunit¨¤ trasmissive
Sistemi Radio Cognitivi
7. 7
Sistema SDR
Software-defined radio:
-? semplice ed economica dotazione di strumenti
-? realizzazione di sistemi wireless analogici o digitali in
grado di trasmettere qualsiasi tipo d¡¯informazione
8. Sistemi di trasmissione e ricezione per la televisione
digitale terrestre
-? Trasmettitore e ricevitore DVB-T definiti in software
Sistemi radio digitali
-? DRM+, DAB...
Reti radiomobili cognitive operanti nei TV white spaces
CSP sta lavorando su...
9. Realizzazione di un ricevitore multistandard per
trasmissioni broadcast analogiche
-? FM wideband usata nella banda 88-108MHz
-? Modulazioni FM a banda stretta usate nelle bande
-? AM e sue varianti
-? ...
Realizzazione di un sistema di rice-trasmissione digitale
-? voce
-? video
-? dati
Potremmo lavorare insieme su...
10. Contacts
CSP Innovazione nelle ICT
Alberto Perotti
Integrated Networks Laboratory
Main premises
Environment Park - Laboratori A1
via Livorno 60
10144 Torino Italy
Operational Offices
Villa Gualino
Viale Settimio Severo 63
10133 Torino Italy
Tel +39 011 4815111
Fax +39 011 4815001