Kulttuurimatkailun katto-ohjelma Culture Finland ja muut tahot ovat tuottaneet useita työkaluja kulttuurimatkailutuotteiden ja -palveluiden lisäämiseksi. Työvälineitä on yrittäjille, kehittäjille, hankkeille ja muille toimijoille. Työkalupakkia on esitelty kulttuurimatkailun Culture Finland Road Show -tuotekehitystyöpajoissa ympäri Suomea.
This document discusses Hofstede's cultural dimensions model and describes the characteristics of cultures that score high or low on each dimension:
1. Power Distance - Cultures with large power distance have centralized authority and acceptance of inequality, while small power distance cultures have decentralized authority and questioning of power.
2. Uncertainty Avoidance - Strong uncertainty avoidance cultures avoid risk and have strict rules and structure, while weak uncertainty avoidance cultures accept uncertainty and take risks more easily.
3. Individualism vs Collectivism - Individualistic cultures value independence over groups, while collectivistic cultures prioritize group harmony and sacrifice self-interest for the group.
4. Masculinity vs Femininity - Masculine
Hofstede's cultural dimensions model is useful for global marketing and advertising in the UAE. Understanding a target audience's culture on dimensions like power distance, individualism vs collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, and uncertainty avoidance helps advertisers communicate messages more effectively by keeping messages respectful of local cultural norms. Applying concepts like "think globally, act locally" and glocalization allows advertisers to understand target cultures and relate messages to local concepts.
This document discusses research by Hofstede and Bond that analyzed data from the Rokeach Value Survey collected in 9 countries. The survey measures terminal and instrumental values that are important guiding principles. Hofstede and Bond aimed to compare the value results across countries to Hofstede's 5 cultural dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, and long-term orientation. They found correlations between values from the survey data and 4 of Hofstede's dimensions, though their analysis and tables lacked clarity. The research sought to validate cultural value differences across societies.
This document provides tips and strategies for effective cross-cultural communication. It discusses understanding cultural differences in nonverbal communication like gestures and expressions. The main part then gives ten tips for cross-cultural communication, such as speaking slowly and clearly, taking turns to talk, writing things down, avoiding slang, and maintaining cultural etiquette. The conclusion emphasizes that understanding cultural differences can minimize misunderstandings and maximize knowledge.
Cross-cultural communication is challenging due to differences in communication styles, attitudes, and hidden cultural norms across groups. Effective cross-cultural communication requires understanding that culture influences one's worldview and how messages are interpreted. Key differences can include communication style, conflict approaches, decision-making, and use of verbal and nonverbal codes like gestures. Developing cross-cultural skills like respecting differences, building trust, understanding body language, and connecting with others can help improve intercultural interactions. Choosing conversation topics wisely and following etiquette guidelines are also important for respectful cross-cultural communication.
Cross culture adaptation refers to the process of people moving from one culture to another and learning the new culture's rules, customs, social norms, and language. This involves acculturation to the new culture as well as potential cultural shock from leaving one's familiar home culture. Successful adaptation requires understanding differences in gestures, eye contact, and other aspects of communication across cultures. The adaptation process can be difficult but also provides an opportunity for personal growth as outlined in Young Yun Kim's stress-adaptation-growth model of cross-cultural adaptation.
Exploring culture theory GLOBE, Hofstede, and TrompenaarsLisa Parrott
Looking at the pros and cons of three major culture theories today - GLOBE, Hofstede and Trompenaars. This paper also looks at the impact culture has on military transition.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and some of the differences in communication styles between high and low context cultures. It notes that culture is learned rather than inherent and can influence factors like preferred methods of interaction, understanding of verbal vs non-verbal cues, reasoning patterns, and formality. The document provides examples of high and low context cultures and lists some non-verbal communication behaviors and tips for effective cross-cultural communication.
This document provides an overview of cross-cultural management and culture. It discusses definitions of culture and introduces several cultural frameworks, including Hofstede's cultural dimensions model. Hofstede's model identifies and defines five dimensions of culture: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, and long-term vs short-term orientation. The document also summarizes Trompenaars' cultural dimensions model and describes additional research frameworks, including the GLOBE project cultural variables.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and dealing with cultural conflicts in the workplace. It addresses how culture shapes our identities and how misunderstandings can arise from differing cultural norms between people. The document provides strategies for reducing uncertainty when communicating with strangers from different cultures, such as passively observing, actively seeking information, or directly interacting with them. It also discusses how to resolve conflicts that arise from cultural differences and ways to prevent discrimination in the workplace.
The document compares the cultural value models of Hofstede and Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner. It finds that two of Trompenaars' seven dimensions closely match two of Hofstede's - individualism/collectivism and power distance. However, some of Trompenaars' other dimensions seem to focus more on effects of underlying values rather than the values themselves. The models show broad consistency in how they classify countries, but some differences that may be due to using data from different time periods, indicating cultures can change over time.
Cross Cultural Training PowerPoint PresentationAndrew Schwartz
(ReadySetPresent Cross-Cultural Training PowerPoint Content)
155 slides include: 21+ slides on cross-cultural regional attributes: Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East, North American, and Latin America, 22 slides on Religious belief systems & Practices, 7 slides on Non-verbal languages across cultures, 19 slides on noting the global challenges and looking for intercultural/cross-cultural opportunities, 9 tips dealing with cultural differences, 9 slides of tips and techniques on intercultural adjustments for expatriates, 15 slides on Intercultural Dialogue tips and techniques, 5 slides on negotiation across cultures, 8 slides on conflict resolution across cultures, how to’s and more.
Cross Cultural PowerPoint PPT Content Modern SampleAndrew Schwartz
159 slides include: 21+ slides on cross-cultural regional attributes: Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East, North American, and Latin America, religious belief systems & practices, Non-verbal languages across cultures, noting the global challenges and looking for intercultural/cross-cultural opportunities, 9 tips dealing with cultural differences, tips and techniques on intercultural adjustments for expatriates, intercultural dialogue tips and techniques, negotiation across cultures, conflict resolution across cultures, how to’s and more.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and provides tips for improving it. There are four fundamental patterns of cultural difference: communication styles, attitudes toward conflicts, decision making, and approaches to knowledge. High context cultures rely heavily on non-verbal cues while low context cultures rely more on words. Gestures can have different meanings across cultures. Barriers to cross-cultural communication include ethnocentrism, discrimination, stereotyping, cultural blindness, and cultural imposition. Ways to improve include slowing down, separating questions, avoiding negatives, taking turns, checking meanings, and maintaining etiquette. Developing skills like respecting differences, building trust, understanding body language, and connecting with people can help overcome cultural barriers.
Yhdessä enemmän – Suomen matkailun kasvun ja uudistumisen tiekartta 2015–2025, Erityisasiantuntija Nina Vesterinen, TEM; esitys matkailustrategian aloitusseminaarissa 20.4.2015
Tulevaisuuden asiakkaat ja kansainvälisten matkailuympäristöjen kehittäminen. Ennakoinnista kilpailukykyä Lapin matkailulle projektin tarpeisiin valmisteltu asiantuntija-alustus.
Uuden tuotteen lanseerauksen haasteet elintarviketeollisuudessa - miten vältt...Darwin Oy
Elän Enemmän - Hyvinvointimarkkinoinnin seminaari 21.4.2010
Darwin Media
Uuden tuotteen lanseerauksen haasteet elintarviketeollisuudessa - miten välttää suurimmat karikot?
Toimitusjohtaja Eeva Hietalahti, Darwin Food Consulting Oy
Cross culture adaptation refers to the process of people moving from one culture to another and learning the new culture's rules, customs, social norms, and language. This involves acculturation to the new culture as well as potential cultural shock from leaving one's familiar home culture. Successful adaptation requires understanding differences in gestures, eye contact, and other aspects of communication across cultures. The adaptation process can be difficult but also provides an opportunity for personal growth as outlined in Young Yun Kim's stress-adaptation-growth model of cross-cultural adaptation.
Exploring culture theory GLOBE, Hofstede, and TrompenaarsLisa Parrott
Looking at the pros and cons of three major culture theories today - GLOBE, Hofstede and Trompenaars. This paper also looks at the impact culture has on military transition.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and some of the differences in communication styles between high and low context cultures. It notes that culture is learned rather than inherent and can influence factors like preferred methods of interaction, understanding of verbal vs non-verbal cues, reasoning patterns, and formality. The document provides examples of high and low context cultures and lists some non-verbal communication behaviors and tips for effective cross-cultural communication.
This document provides an overview of cross-cultural management and culture. It discusses definitions of culture and introduces several cultural frameworks, including Hofstede's cultural dimensions model. Hofstede's model identifies and defines five dimensions of culture: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism vs collectivism, masculinity vs femininity, and long-term vs short-term orientation. The document also summarizes Trompenaars' cultural dimensions model and describes additional research frameworks, including the GLOBE project cultural variables.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and dealing with cultural conflicts in the workplace. It addresses how culture shapes our identities and how misunderstandings can arise from differing cultural norms between people. The document provides strategies for reducing uncertainty when communicating with strangers from different cultures, such as passively observing, actively seeking information, or directly interacting with them. It also discusses how to resolve conflicts that arise from cultural differences and ways to prevent discrimination in the workplace.
The document compares the cultural value models of Hofstede and Trompenaars & Hampden-Turner. It finds that two of Trompenaars' seven dimensions closely match two of Hofstede's - individualism/collectivism and power distance. However, some of Trompenaars' other dimensions seem to focus more on effects of underlying values rather than the values themselves. The models show broad consistency in how they classify countries, but some differences that may be due to using data from different time periods, indicating cultures can change over time.
Cross Cultural Training PowerPoint PresentationAndrew Schwartz
(ReadySetPresent Cross-Cultural Training PowerPoint Content)
155 slides include: 21+ slides on cross-cultural regional attributes: Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East, North American, and Latin America, 22 slides on Religious belief systems & Practices, 7 slides on Non-verbal languages across cultures, 19 slides on noting the global challenges and looking for intercultural/cross-cultural opportunities, 9 tips dealing with cultural differences, 9 slides of tips and techniques on intercultural adjustments for expatriates, 15 slides on Intercultural Dialogue tips and techniques, 5 slides on negotiation across cultures, 8 slides on conflict resolution across cultures, how to’s and more.
Cross Cultural PowerPoint PPT Content Modern SampleAndrew Schwartz
159 slides include: 21+ slides on cross-cultural regional attributes: Asia, Africa, Europe, Middle East, North American, and Latin America, religious belief systems & practices, Non-verbal languages across cultures, noting the global challenges and looking for intercultural/cross-cultural opportunities, 9 tips dealing with cultural differences, tips and techniques on intercultural adjustments for expatriates, intercultural dialogue tips and techniques, negotiation across cultures, conflict resolution across cultures, how to’s and more.
This document discusses cross-cultural communication and provides tips for improving it. There are four fundamental patterns of cultural difference: communication styles, attitudes toward conflicts, decision making, and approaches to knowledge. High context cultures rely heavily on non-verbal cues while low context cultures rely more on words. Gestures can have different meanings across cultures. Barriers to cross-cultural communication include ethnocentrism, discrimination, stereotyping, cultural blindness, and cultural imposition. Ways to improve include slowing down, separating questions, avoiding negatives, taking turns, checking meanings, and maintaining etiquette. Developing skills like respecting differences, building trust, understanding body language, and connecting with people can help overcome cultural barriers.
Yhdessä enemmän – Suomen matkailun kasvun ja uudistumisen tiekartta 2015–2025, Erityisasiantuntija Nina Vesterinen, TEM; esitys matkailustrategian aloitusseminaarissa 20.4.2015
Tulevaisuuden asiakkaat ja kansainvälisten matkailuympäristöjen kehittäminen. Ennakoinnista kilpailukykyä Lapin matkailulle projektin tarpeisiin valmisteltu asiantuntija-alustus.
Uuden tuotteen lanseerauksen haasteet elintarviketeollisuudessa - miten vältt...Darwin Oy
Elän Enemmän - Hyvinvointimarkkinoinnin seminaari 21.4.2010
Darwin Media
Uuden tuotteen lanseerauksen haasteet elintarviketeollisuudessa - miten välttää suurimmat karikot?
Toimitusjohtaja Eeva Hietalahti, Darwin Food Consulting Oy
6. Hinnoitteluun
Miten ansaita aktiviteeteilla? –
Opaskirja, jonka analyysityökalujen
avulla ohjelmapalveluyritys tai muu
organisaatio voi arvioida mitä keinoja
sillä on käytettävissä
(aktiviteetti)palvelujen kannattavaan
tuottamiseen ja hinnoitteluun.
Ohjelmapalveluyrityksille (mutta sopii
myös kulttuurimatkailuun)
7. Markkinointiin ja
Sähköisiä ja perinteisiä jakelukanavia
- Iso-Britannia, Ranska, Saksa, Venäjä
Helpotusta kansainväliseen markkinointiin.
Selvityksiin on valikoitu soveltuvia myynti- ja
markkinointikanavia toimijoiden helposti
Matkailualan yrityksille, matkailukeskuksille
8. Rahoituksen löytämiseen
Kulttuurimatkailun kehittämiseen sopivat
‘Hakuteos’, josta voi hakea itseään
kiinnostavia rahoitusmahdollisuuksia.
Rahoitusmahdollisuuksien etsijälle (yritys,
organisaatio, hankesuunnitelma)
10. Tutustu myös näihin
Maiseman tarina – opas
maisemapalveluiden tuottamiseen
antaa työkalut paikan luonnon ja
kulttuuriperinnön tuotteistamiseen.
Se vastaa kysymyksiin, miten paikasta
tehdään tuote sekä miten palvelu
rakennetaan kohtaamaan asiakkaan tarpeet.
Oppaan on julkaissut Maa- ja kotitalousnaiset
ja Sitra.
11. Tutustu myös näihin
Kasvunvara – työkaluja parempaan
Opas tarjoaa työkaluja paremman palvelun,
hyvinvoinnin ja kestävän kehityksen
Miten palvella asiakkaita entistä paremmin?
Mikä ihmeen palvelupolku – pitäisikö minun
siitä yrittäjänä jotain tietää? Kasvattavatko
nämä asiat minun liikevaihtoani? Miten tätä
tehdään ihan oikeasti?
Oppaan on julkaissut Sitra.