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Gabrielle Herquet, LSW
3005 Chapel Avenue West, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
Phone: 856-981-1189
Licensed Social Worker: License #44SL05825600
School Social Work License: ID# 872123, obtained 7/5/2012
LCSW: Clinical hours met, test date pending
Certified in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy
Certified in CPR and First Aid
- MSW: Social Work May 2012
Rutgers University School of Social Work Camden, NJ
Graduated Summa Cum Laude, GPA 4.0
- Bachelor of Arts: Psychology May 2002
Rowan University Glassboro, NJ
Clinical Experience
Clinical Team Leader Feb 2013-Mar 2016
Legacy Treatment Services (formerly Drenk Center) Franklinville, NJ
 Counsel adolescent females ages 15-19 in a Specialty Bed Group Home.
 Facilitate individual, family, and group therapy revolving around trauma, anger,
depression, PTSD, as well as other mental illnesses.
 Develop treatment plans for each client, and lead treatment team meetings with
all team members from agencies that are involved with clients.
 Conduct bio-psycho-social interviews with client and family upon intake to the
 Conduct assessments (UCLA, AARS, BDI, and TSCC) to determine the primary
focus of treatment, and measure progress throughout treatment.
 Counsel family members to assist them in understanding and supporting client.
 Lead and educate residential employees regarding the individual goals and needs
of the clients that are served.
Clinical Team Leader Aug 2012-Feb 2013
Med A Quest (temp at Drenk Center Franklinville, NJ
 Contracted by agency to complete duties as a Clinical Team Leader for Specialty
Bed group home at Drenk Center (now Legacy Treatment Services).
 Duties are listed in previously listed position.
Instructional Assistant Dec 2003-Aug 2011
Salem County Special Services School District Upper Pittsgrove, NJ
 Assist teacher by implementing lesson plans in an Autism Spectrum Disorder
classroom, with children ages 5-7.
 Meeting with classroom teacher to provide feedback and assist in altering lesson
plans to better accommodate each students Individual Education Plan goals and
academic ability.
 Accompany students to special classes (art, music, gym etc.), and assist students
in transitioning to regular education classes.
 Facilitate activities that promote positive social skills and interactions with one
 Assist in toilet training and hygiene education for students in the classroom.
Clinical Assistant / Case Manager June 2003-Dec 2003
Bancroft Neurohealth Haddonfield, NJ
 Provide direct care to multiply disabled males, ages 16-21, in a group home on
 Implement activities and provided support for clients in work towards their
Individual Habilitation Plan goals.
 Document behavioral progress, as well as identifying triggers for behavior.
 Identify individual coping skills and assisting individual in utilizing coping skills
during times of distress.
 Assist clients in daily living skills such as cleaning, cooking, and hygiene.
 Provide community-based activities for clients to help them establish social and
daily living skills.
Respite Employee April 1999-Aug 2006
Archway Programs Atco, NJ
 Provide care for multiply disabled clients that live with family members.
 Implement daily living skills that are a part of the clients Individual Habilitation
Plan goals.
 Facilitate recreational, community-based outings with client.
 Complete 16 educational credit hours of training, such as Cultural Competency,
CPR/First Aid, Music and Art therapy, Non-violent Crisis Intervention, Abuse
and Neglect, Overview of Developmental Disabilities, HIPAA, and Infection
Rehabilitation Counselor Sep 2011-May 2012
Camden County Federal Probation Camden, NJ
 Developed a re-entry program for federal offenders who were released from long-
term prison sentences.
 Facilitate life skills groups primarily focusing on gaining employment, financial
education, and decision-making through cognitive behavior therapy.
 Conduct individual sessions with clients that are experiencing difficulty with
maintaining probation requirements, utilizing cognitive behavior therapy
School Social Worker Sep 2010-May 2011
Salem County Special Services School District Cedarville, NJ
 Developed Individual Education Plans for classified, middle school students,
focusing on goals to assist their academic needs.
 Co-facilitate child study team meetings with team members (school psychologist,
speech therapist, family, teachers, and student).
 Facilitate group and individual counseling, focusing on decision-making and
positive social skills.
 Assist teachers in implementing Individual Education Plan goals in their
 Conduct bio-psycho-social interviews with students and their families for their
initial Individual Education Plan evaluation.
Perceptual and Motor Skills 95(3), December, 2002: Frequency of Public Laughter in
Relation to Sex, Age, Ethnicity, and Social Context
Available upon request
Current Resume 2016

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Current Resume 2016

  • 1. Gabrielle Herquet, LSW 3005 Chapel Avenue West, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 gabrielleherquet@yahoo.com Phone: 856-981-1189 Credentials Licensed Social Worker: License #44SL05825600 School Social Work License: ID# 872123, obtained 7/5/2012 LCSW: Clinical hours met, test date pending Certifications Certified in Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavior Therapy Certified in CPR and First Aid Education - MSW: Social Work May 2012 Rutgers University School of Social Work Camden, NJ Graduated Summa Cum Laude, GPA 4.0 - Bachelor of Arts: Psychology May 2002 Rowan University Glassboro, NJ Clinical Experience Clinical Team Leader Feb 2013-Mar 2016 Legacy Treatment Services (formerly Drenk Center) Franklinville, NJ Counsel adolescent females ages 15-19 in a Specialty Bed Group Home. Facilitate individual, family, and group therapy revolving around trauma, anger, depression, PTSD, as well as other mental illnesses. Develop treatment plans for each client, and lead treatment team meetings with all team members from agencies that are involved with clients. Conduct bio-psycho-social interviews with client and family upon intake to the program. Conduct assessments (UCLA, AARS, BDI, and TSCC) to determine the primary focus of treatment, and measure progress throughout treatment. Counsel family members to assist them in understanding and supporting client. Lead and educate residential employees regarding the individual goals and needs of the clients that are served.
  • 2. Clinical Team Leader Aug 2012-Feb 2013 Med A Quest (temp at Drenk Center Franklinville, NJ Contracted by agency to complete duties as a Clinical Team Leader for Specialty Bed group home at Drenk Center (now Legacy Treatment Services). Duties are listed in previously listed position. Instructional Assistant Dec 2003-Aug 2011 Salem County Special Services School District Upper Pittsgrove, NJ Assist teacher by implementing lesson plans in an Autism Spectrum Disorder classroom, with children ages 5-7. Meeting with classroom teacher to provide feedback and assist in altering lesson plans to better accommodate each students Individual Education Plan goals and academic ability. Accompany students to special classes (art, music, gym etc.), and assist students in transitioning to regular education classes. Facilitate activities that promote positive social skills and interactions with one another. Assist in toilet training and hygiene education for students in the classroom. Clinical Assistant / Case Manager June 2003-Dec 2003 Bancroft Neurohealth Haddonfield, NJ Provide direct care to multiply disabled males, ages 16-21, in a group home on campus. Implement activities and provided support for clients in work towards their Individual Habilitation Plan goals. Document behavioral progress, as well as identifying triggers for behavior. Identify individual coping skills and assisting individual in utilizing coping skills during times of distress. Assist clients in daily living skills such as cleaning, cooking, and hygiene. Provide community-based activities for clients to help them establish social and daily living skills. Respite Employee April 1999-Aug 2006 Archway Programs Atco, NJ Provide care for multiply disabled clients that live with family members. Implement daily living skills that are a part of the clients Individual Habilitation Plan goals. Facilitate recreational, community-based outings with client. Complete 16 educational credit hours of training, such as Cultural Competency, CPR/First Aid, Music and Art therapy, Non-violent Crisis Intervention, Abuse and Neglect, Overview of Developmental Disabilities, HIPAA, and Infection Control.
  • 3. Internships Rehabilitation Counselor Sep 2011-May 2012 Camden County Federal Probation Camden, NJ Developed a re-entry program for federal offenders who were released from long- term prison sentences. Facilitate life skills groups primarily focusing on gaining employment, financial education, and decision-making through cognitive behavior therapy. Conduct individual sessions with clients that are experiencing difficulty with maintaining probation requirements, utilizing cognitive behavior therapy techniques. School Social Worker Sep 2010-May 2011 Salem County Special Services School District Cedarville, NJ Developed Individual Education Plans for classified, middle school students, focusing on goals to assist their academic needs. Co-facilitate child study team meetings with team members (school psychologist, speech therapist, family, teachers, and student). Facilitate group and individual counseling, focusing on decision-making and positive social skills. Assist teachers in implementing Individual Education Plan goals in their classroom. Conduct bio-psycho-social interviews with students and their families for their initial Individual Education Plan evaluation. Publications Co-Author Perceptual and Motor Skills 95(3), December, 2002: Frequency of Public Laughter in Relation to Sex, Age, Ethnicity, and Social Context References Available upon request