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Curriculum Vitae
Name: Ahmad Mohammad Abdul Rahman Afifi
Address: Kuwait, Farwaniya, Block (1), St.(68)
E-mail: afifi.97591488@gmail.com
Mobile: 50446440 | 50556535
Tel: 24755130
Seeking a challenging entry-level position with a reputable company, in the field of
construction where my skills and knowledge can be utilized and developed.
Nationality: Egyptian
Birth Date: 01 July, 1982.
Marital Status: Married
Languages: Arabic Native Language
English Fluent Written/Spoken.
Bachelor of Commerce - Tanta University, Egypt (Account Section)
 Internal Audit (ISO 9001:2008) Quality Management System
 Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
 Photoshop  ICDL
Working System
 Tally ERP 9
 EHY "Inventory & Accounting System Easa Husain Al-Yousifi Co.
 Al Shamel Accounts & Inventories
 Al Feisal for Accounting & Stores.
 Galfar Engineering & Contracting co. before "Shaheen Al Ghanim Co.
From Nov. 2005 till now (10 years)
Title: Sr. Accountant
(Subcontractors  Banking - Cash flow  Petty cash Salaries  Legal  MOC - Auditing)
 Sub-Contractor: Follow up monthly bills with projects, checking, and recording.
Follow payments with MPW, In addition handling, checking, preparing and recording
subcontractors monthly bills and payments.
 Banking: (LG & LC) Handling, preparing, checking and verified.
Bank swift transfer letters inside and outside country.
Bank reconciliation: Daily matching bank balances with books and reporting.
 Cash Flow: Preparing and reporting Daily, monthly and annually revenues & expenses
 Petty Cash: Checking and verified to all sites, projects & PRO petty cash expenses with
reconciliation and recording by type of expenses and cost center.
 Salaries & Leave salaries: Monthly prepared as labor law
 Legal: Represent the company in Ministry of Justice and attending hearing with experts.
 MOC: Review ministry of commerce for submitting balance sheets, amendment in
commercial register, general assembly meeting (Extraordinary & An extraordinary)
 Auditing: handling general ledger for creditors and debtors, prepare budget and financial
analysis, Perform physical inventories for spare parts stores and company assets.
Payable accountant
(Costing & Recording  Aging  Cheque Prepaid  Reporting - Closing)
 Receiving, reviewing and match purchase invoices with P.O. and goods receiving notes.
 Recording purchase invoice by depending type of expenses and cost centers.
 Correspond with vendors and respond to inquiries.
 Reconciliation of payments and prepare analysis of accounts.
 Post accrued and prepaid journals on a monthly basis.
 Monitor accounts to ensure payments are up to date.
 Prepare and process payable accounts with writing cheques and wire transfers.
 Produce monthly reports on time.
 Resolve invoice discrepancies.
 Vendors file maintenance.
 Assist in month end closing.
Receivable accountant
(Receiving  Checking & Costing - Recording  Aging  Closing)
 Review, verified and matching customer orders with quotation.
 Daily recording and issue customer invoices with handling of customer account
 Preparing, checking and verifying sales invoices with handling customer statement
 Monitor accounts to ensure payments are up to date by send reminder for payment.
 Resolve invoice discrepancies.
 Correspond with clients and respond to inquiries.
 Produce monthly reports on time.
 Assist in month end closing.
Spare parts & stores
 Party wise stock register.
 Recording receipt items matching with delivery notes, purchase invoices and PO.
 Recording items issue matching with quotations.
 Perform physical inventories and assist in month end closing.
 Youth Western Pharmacists ( Al Gharbiya Branch) , Egypt.
From June, 2003 till Oct, 2005
Receivable accountant
 Daily preparing and recording sales invoice.
 Payment collections depend on aging.
 Contact with customers.
Payable accountant
 Daily recording purchaseinvoice supporting by P.O.
 Preparing supplier payment with cheques writing.
Skills & Features
 Accounting Principles
 Financial analysis
 Information managementskills (Computer literate)
 Ability to work within a team work
 Attention to detail and accuracy
 Organizing and prioritizing
 Communication skills
 Problem-solving skills
 Building Relationships
 Driver license
Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016
Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016
Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016
Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016
Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016
Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016
Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016

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Curriculum Vitae ahmed afifi 50446440 new 2016

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Name: Ahmad Mohammad Abdul Rahman Afifi Address: Kuwait, Farwaniya, Block (1), St.(68) E-mail: afifi.97591488@gmail.com Mobile: 50446440 | 50556535 Tel: 24755130 Objective Seeking a challenging entry-level position with a reputable company, in the field of construction where my skills and knowledge can be utilized and developed. Profile Nationality: Egyptian Birth Date: 01 July, 1982. Marital Status: Married Languages: Arabic Native Language English Fluent Written/Spoken. Education 1999-2003 Bachelor of Commerce - Tanta University, Egypt (Account Section) Courses Internal Audit (ISO 9001:2008) Quality Management System Microsoft Office 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) Photoshop ICDL
  • 2. Working System Tally ERP 9 EHY "Inventory & Accounting System Easa Husain Al-Yousifi Co. Al Shamel Accounts & Inventories Al Feisal for Accounting & Stores. Experience Galfar Engineering & Contracting co. before "Shaheen Al Ghanim Co. From Nov. 2005 till now (10 years) Title: Sr. Accountant Duties (Subcontractors Banking - Cash flow Petty cash Salaries Legal MOC - Auditing) Sub-Contractor: Follow up monthly bills with projects, checking, and recording. Follow payments with MPW, In addition handling, checking, preparing and recording subcontractors monthly bills and payments. Banking: (LG & LC) Handling, preparing, checking and verified. Bank swift transfer letters inside and outside country. Bank reconciliation: Daily matching bank balances with books and reporting. Cash Flow: Preparing and reporting Daily, monthly and annually revenues & expenses Petty Cash: Checking and verified to all sites, projects & PRO petty cash expenses with reconciliation and recording by type of expenses and cost center. Salaries & Leave salaries: Monthly prepared as labor law Legal: Represent the company in Ministry of Justice and attending hearing with experts. MOC: Review ministry of commerce for submitting balance sheets, amendment in commercial register, general assembly meeting (Extraordinary & An extraordinary) Auditing: handling general ledger for creditors and debtors, prepare budget and financial analysis, Perform physical inventories for spare parts stores and company assets.
  • 3. Payable accountant Duties (Costing & Recording Aging Cheque Prepaid Reporting - Closing) Receiving, reviewing and match purchase invoices with P.O. and goods receiving notes. Recording purchase invoice by depending type of expenses and cost centers. Correspond with vendors and respond to inquiries. Reconciliation of payments and prepare analysis of accounts. Post accrued and prepaid journals on a monthly basis. Monitor accounts to ensure payments are up to date. Prepare and process payable accounts with writing cheques and wire transfers. Produce monthly reports on time. Resolve invoice discrepancies. Vendors file maintenance. Assist in month end closing. Aging. Receivable accountant Duties (Receiving Checking & Costing - Recording Aging Closing) Review, verified and matching customer orders with quotation. Daily recording and issue customer invoices with handling of customer account Preparing, checking and verifying sales invoices with handling customer statement Monitor accounts to ensure payments are up to date by send reminder for payment. Resolve invoice discrepancies. Correspond with clients and respond to inquiries. Produce monthly reports on time. Assist in month end closing. Aging. Spare parts & stores Duties Party wise stock register. Recording receipt items matching with delivery notes, purchase invoices and PO. Recording items issue matching with quotations. Perform physical inventories and assist in month end closing. Reporting.
  • 4. Youth Western Pharmacists ( Al Gharbiya Branch) , Egypt. From June, 2003 till Oct, 2005 Title: Receivable accountant Daily preparing and recording sales invoice. Payment collections depend on aging. Contact with customers. Aging. Payable accountant Daily recording purchaseinvoice supporting by P.O. Preparing supplier payment with cheques writing. Aging. Skills & Features Accounting Principles Financial analysis Information managementskills (Computer literate) Ability to work within a team work Attention to detail and accuracy Organizing and prioritizing Communication skills Problem-solving skills Building Relationships Confidentiality Driver license