This curriculum vitae outlines the education and professional experience of Manuel Jose Camoes Castanho. It includes his degree in international relations from universities in Portugal and Brazil. It then details his extensive professional experience working in management, sales, logistics, and safety/security roles for various companies in construction, aviation, and hospitality. It also lists his qualifications, certifications in first aid and computer skills, hobbies, and volunteer activities.
CV European pedro alfaiate pdfPedro AlfaiatePedro Rodrigues Duarte has over 30 years of experience as a helicopter pilot. He holds several licenses including an EASA CPL(H) and FAA CPL with instrument ratings. He has over 977 total flight hours piloting models like the AS355, AS350 B3, EC130, Robinson R44 and R22. Currently he works as a pilot and flight instructor for Helibravo Aviação LDA, conducting firefighting, crop dusting, aerial filming and more. He also has a Master's in Business Management and experience in sales, financial and construction management roles.
Type ratingeightytHub'Air Aviation Academy provides comprehensive flight training programs, from ab initio training to type ratings. It has facilities in Malta, Belgium, France, and the USA. The academy trains students using aircraft like the Tecnam 2002 JF and simulators for the Airbus 320 and Boeing 737. Hub'Air aims to develop professional pilots using experienced airline staff as instructors.
Brochure Air Academy New CAGArnaud LibeauAir Academy New CAG is a flight school founded in the 1970s in Belgium that offers training programs to obtain pilot certifications and ratings. It has several aircraft and a flight simulator in its fleet and locations in Charleroi, Brussels, and Saint-Hubert. The school's training enables students to earn certifications including private pilot license, commercial pilot license, and instrument rating through modules focusing on theoretical knowledge and practical flight training.
Air Academy New CAG - BrochureArnaudLibeau1Air Academy New CAG is a flight school founded in the 1970s in Belgium that offers training programs to obtain pilot certifications and ratings. It has several aircraft and a flight simulator in its fleet and locations in Charleroi, Brussels, and Saint-Hubert. The school's training enables students to earn certifications including private pilot license, commercial pilot license, and instrument rating through modules focusing on theoretical knowledge and practical flight training.
䱫䱫ѳҳÉұհʴ鴡2017Gilberto Parra OsorioGilberto Napoleón Parra Osorio is a highly experienced bilingual safety professional with over 16 years of experience in the Venezuelan oil and gas industry. He has worked in operational fields, refineries, and during turnarounds and pitstops. His areas of expertise include safety inspection, supervision, and serving as an English-Spanish technical interpreter. He holds various safety certifications and has provided translation services to international companies operating in Venezuela.
Curriculum vitae english_english_marcelo gil simoes_2018Marcelo Gil SimõesMarcelo Simões' curriculum vitae provides information about his work experience, education, skills, and qualifications. He has over 30 years of experience in teaching, technical inspection, health and safety management, risk assessment, and training. His areas of expertise include asbestos removal, occupational hazard evaluation, and safety coordination on construction projects. He holds a degree in Animal Science and has received specialized training in safety management, asbestos removal, first aid, and more.
PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER EUTM MALI EUROPEAN UNIONNorberto Ruiz LimaThe document summarizes activities of the EUTM Mali mission from January 15th to February 15th, 2020. It discusses the completion of a Company Commanders course provided to 24 Malian Armed Forces trainees. It also covers a visit by the Portuguese Defence Minister, a change in leadership as the Deputy Mission Commander, and training provided to the G5 Sahel joint forces on civil-military action.
APT Group - brochure english versionAlessandro CantoniWe raise awareness and promote safety. Our clients recognise APT Group's excellence in the knowledge of world FIRE-PREVENTION and SAFETY
Concord (2)Deepthi MKThis document discusses subject-verb agreement in sentences. It provides examples of different types of subject-verb agreement including:
- Sentences using "either...or" and "neither...nor" where the verb agrees with the subject nearer to it.
- Sentences using conjunctions like "as well as" where the verb agrees with the first subject.
- Sentences using quantifiers like "each of" and "every one of" taking a plural verb despite a singular subject.
- Collective nouns like "every school and college" and "a good deal of" taking a singular verb.
MapasconceptualesAlberto SotoLa Web es una red de información global que permite compartir información de forma descentralizada. Se compone de documentos e imágenes enlazadas por hipervínculos y puede ser accedida desde cualquier lugar del mundo a través de un navegador web e Internet. Millones de personas publican y comparten contenido diariamente en la Web.
Laboratorio de consultoria sistemica octubre 2016Paola PozziSábado 01 de octubre 2016 de 10 a 14 hs Taller de Consultoría Sistémica
El lenguaje visual-espacial de las Constelaciones Sistémicas ofrece una comprensión profunda de las relaciones y de las dinámicas implícitas entre los elementos clave de un sistema.
El taller ofrece un espacio de trabajo donde diagnosticamos y co-creamos soluciones creativas a cuestiones complejas de: tu entorno laboral o empresarial, tu negocio o tu vida
Computacion basica ii antonell pauteAntonellaPaute_HuaquillasEste documento presenta información sobre las herramientas básicas de Office como Word, Excel y PowerPoint. Explica funciones como deshacer y rehacer, guardar archivos, abrir archivos, crear copias de seguridad y usar la barra de acceso rápido. También cubre la creación de vínculos hipertextuales en PowerPoint, la conversión de presentaciones a PDF y cómo agregar temas de Office. Por último, introduce el software libre OpenOffice como una alternativa a Microsoft Office.
9 gennaio 2016 Laboratorio di costellazioni sistemiche un mezzo efficace per ...Paola PozziLaboratorio esperienziale in Italia a Magenta.
Il Laboratorio ha lo scopo di creare uno spazio esperienziale dove i partecipanti possono sperimentare i benefici della metodologia delle costellazioni sistemiche per risolvere problemi che li riguardano direttamente.
Data driven social mediaSiim Säinasݺߣs from the General Assembly presentation of: An expert panel on data driven social media.
Curriculum -paz espCarlosRiveraSEl documento discute los grandes costos financieros de las guerras recientes y cómo esos fondos podrían haberse usado mejor para programas educativos y de salud. También señala que los recortes a estos programas empujan a los jóvenes a unirse al ejército, y que los bancos se benefician de las guerras a través de préstamos abusivos a miembros del ejército. Se pide al alcalde de Nueva York que recorte los contratos con los bancos para destinar esos fondos
EOY2016_press_releaseJennifer TwomeyThe 'Excellence of Youth' (EOY) Exhibition was founded to showcase exceptional art by emerging artists under 30 and raise funds for charities. The 2016 EOY exhibition will support 'Our Special Friends', a charity helping people and animals. It is organized by a team passionate about both art and animals. The exhibition will be held September 23-25, 2016 at a new venue in Suffolk and feature works donated by talented young artists.
Constelaciones organizacionalesPaola PozziBeneficios de las CO:
El trabajo con Constelaciones Organizacionales permite obtener, en poco tiempo, un gran número de informaciones relevantes acerca de un sistema. Las CO también sirven al profesional para identificar su propio rol y su lugar en el sistema dónde trabaja, dirige, supervisa o asesora.
TfIrwan RahmanThis document summarizes key concepts about transfer functions and convolution:
1. Convolution represents linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, where the output is the impulse response convolved with the input. In the frequency domain, the transfer function is the frequency response.
2. Properties of convolution systems are that they are linear, causal, and time-invariant. Composition of convolution systems corresponds to multiplication of transfer functions.
3. Examples of convolution systems and calculating their transfer functions are presented for circuits, mechanical systems, and communication channels. Interpreting the impulse response provides insight into how past inputs affect current system outputs.
Antonio Pedro 2016 CV Antonio PedroAntonio Pedro is a down hole tool technician from Angola with over 15 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He speaks French, English, German, and Portuguese and has worked for several companies including Halliburton and MI-SWACO. Pedro has extensive experience operating down hole cleaning tools and reamers on offshore rigs. He has received training in areas such as environmental awareness, well bore processes, safety, and quality management.
Pfso trainingMark Jayson CaloThe Centurion Maritime Security Training Institute offers maritime security training courses to comply with International Maritime Organization and Philippine regulations. They offer the following courses:
1) A 4-day Port Facility Security Officer course for 20-25 participants that provides training on port security assessments, plans, equipment, threats and emergency preparedness.
2) A 4-day security awareness course for port security personnel covering similar topics.
3) A 1-day awareness course for other port personnel on threats and emergency preparedness.
The Institute also provides security auditing and assistance services and is staffed by certified instructors and auditors. Interested customers should contact the number provided for further course details.
INTERNATIONAL RESUMEINGLÉS_GILBERTO_PARRA_2016Gilberto Parra OsorioThis document provides details about Gilberto Napoleón Parra Osorio, including his contact information, background, education, skills, experience, and references. He has over 16 years of experience in industrial safety, hygiene, and environment in the Venezuelan oil and gas industry. He is fully bilingual in English and Spanish and has worked in safety inspection, supervision, and technical translation/interpretation at various oil and gas sites and companies in Venezuela.
desarrollo-de-aplicaciones-informaticas-inglesMoises Alvarez MorenoThis document provides information about an Advanced Expert in Development of Computer Applications certificate in Spain. It summarizes the skills and competencies developed including designing and developing computer applications using programming languages and testing applications. The certificate prepares graduates for roles like maintaining computer systems, network administration, and consulting. It is an advanced vocational qualification awarded after completing modules and work training over 2000 hours at secondary or approved training centers.
desarrollo-de-aplicaciones-informaticas-inglesYeray Medina LópezThis document provides information about an Advanced Expert in Development of Computer Applications certificate in Spain. It summarizes the skills and competencies developed including designing and developing computer applications using programming languages and testing applications. The certificate prepares graduates for roles like maintaining computer systems, network administration, and consulting. It is an advanced vocational qualification awarded after completing 2000 hours of combined classroom and work-based training.
B.Sc. Technology Management and Marine EngineeringPer LyagerThis document outlines an order regulating the marine engineer training program in Denmark. Key points:
1) The purpose of the program is to qualify students to manage technical systems and installations on ships and in companies, ensuring safety, economic, and environmental standards.
2) The program consists of mandatory subjects, electives, work experience, and a bachelor's project, totaling 270 ECTS credits over 4.5 years for students with an upper secondary education.
3) Work experience includes company experience and professional experience completed according to agreements between the training institution and workplace.
4) The course regulations stipulate how the training institution arranges the program to meet the order's requirements regarding content, theoretical training,
aeronautic_en.pdfMuhammadNumanSandhuThis document summarizes Portugal's aeronautical industry sector. Portugal has a strong aeronautical sector with over 30 companies and 2000 highly qualified specialists. Key points include:
- Two new greenfield plants are being built in Evora to manufacture complex aircraft structures from metals and composites.
- Portuguese companies participate in programs like the Embraer KC-390 and AgustaWestland AW609, manufacturing structures, components, and providing engineering services.
- Maintenance, repair and overhaul companies like OGMA and TAP ME maintain many aircraft types and engines at their Lisbon facilities.
- Research centers like CEIIA employ over 180 engineers working on projects for companies like Embraer and E
Cv Pedro CasacaPedroMiguelMarquesCaPedro Casaca has over 15 years of experience in renewable energy operations and management. He currently works as the Business and Assets Manager at Iberdrola renewables Portugal, where he oversees 92 MW of wind capacity and annual revenues of approximately 20 million euros. Previously, Casaca held Operations Manager roles at Iberdrola renewables in Portugal and Brazil, overseeing 141.6 MW of wind capacity. He has a Master's degree in Engineering and Industrial Management from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
Concord (2)Deepthi MKThis document discusses subject-verb agreement in sentences. It provides examples of different types of subject-verb agreement including:
- Sentences using "either...or" and "neither...nor" where the verb agrees with the subject nearer to it.
- Sentences using conjunctions like "as well as" where the verb agrees with the first subject.
- Sentences using quantifiers like "each of" and "every one of" taking a plural verb despite a singular subject.
- Collective nouns like "every school and college" and "a good deal of" taking a singular verb.
MapasconceptualesAlberto SotoLa Web es una red de información global que permite compartir información de forma descentralizada. Se compone de documentos e imágenes enlazadas por hipervínculos y puede ser accedida desde cualquier lugar del mundo a través de un navegador web e Internet. Millones de personas publican y comparten contenido diariamente en la Web.
Laboratorio de consultoria sistemica octubre 2016Paola PozziSábado 01 de octubre 2016 de 10 a 14 hs Taller de Consultoría Sistémica
El lenguaje visual-espacial de las Constelaciones Sistémicas ofrece una comprensión profunda de las relaciones y de las dinámicas implícitas entre los elementos clave de un sistema.
El taller ofrece un espacio de trabajo donde diagnosticamos y co-creamos soluciones creativas a cuestiones complejas de: tu entorno laboral o empresarial, tu negocio o tu vida
Computacion basica ii antonell pauteAntonellaPaute_HuaquillasEste documento presenta información sobre las herramientas básicas de Office como Word, Excel y PowerPoint. Explica funciones como deshacer y rehacer, guardar archivos, abrir archivos, crear copias de seguridad y usar la barra de acceso rápido. También cubre la creación de vínculos hipertextuales en PowerPoint, la conversión de presentaciones a PDF y cómo agregar temas de Office. Por último, introduce el software libre OpenOffice como una alternativa a Microsoft Office.
9 gennaio 2016 Laboratorio di costellazioni sistemiche un mezzo efficace per ...Paola PozziLaboratorio esperienziale in Italia a Magenta.
Il Laboratorio ha lo scopo di creare uno spazio esperienziale dove i partecipanti possono sperimentare i benefici della metodologia delle costellazioni sistemiche per risolvere problemi che li riguardano direttamente.
Data driven social mediaSiim Säinasݺߣs from the General Assembly presentation of: An expert panel on data driven social media.
Curriculum -paz espCarlosRiveraSEl documento discute los grandes costos financieros de las guerras recientes y cómo esos fondos podrían haberse usado mejor para programas educativos y de salud. También señala que los recortes a estos programas empujan a los jóvenes a unirse al ejército, y que los bancos se benefician de las guerras a través de préstamos abusivos a miembros del ejército. Se pide al alcalde de Nueva York que recorte los contratos con los bancos para destinar esos fondos
EOY2016_press_releaseJennifer TwomeyThe 'Excellence of Youth' (EOY) Exhibition was founded to showcase exceptional art by emerging artists under 30 and raise funds for charities. The 2016 EOY exhibition will support 'Our Special Friends', a charity helping people and animals. It is organized by a team passionate about both art and animals. The exhibition will be held September 23-25, 2016 at a new venue in Suffolk and feature works donated by talented young artists.
Constelaciones organizacionalesPaola PozziBeneficios de las CO:
El trabajo con Constelaciones Organizacionales permite obtener, en poco tiempo, un gran número de informaciones relevantes acerca de un sistema. Las CO también sirven al profesional para identificar su propio rol y su lugar en el sistema dónde trabaja, dirige, supervisa o asesora.
TfIrwan RahmanThis document summarizes key concepts about transfer functions and convolution:
1. Convolution represents linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, where the output is the impulse response convolved with the input. In the frequency domain, the transfer function is the frequency response.
2. Properties of convolution systems are that they are linear, causal, and time-invariant. Composition of convolution systems corresponds to multiplication of transfer functions.
3. Examples of convolution systems and calculating their transfer functions are presented for circuits, mechanical systems, and communication channels. Interpreting the impulse response provides insight into how past inputs affect current system outputs.
Antonio Pedro 2016 CV Antonio PedroAntonio Pedro is a down hole tool technician from Angola with over 15 years of experience in the oil and gas industry. He speaks French, English, German, and Portuguese and has worked for several companies including Halliburton and MI-SWACO. Pedro has extensive experience operating down hole cleaning tools and reamers on offshore rigs. He has received training in areas such as environmental awareness, well bore processes, safety, and quality management.
Pfso trainingMark Jayson CaloThe Centurion Maritime Security Training Institute offers maritime security training courses to comply with International Maritime Organization and Philippine regulations. They offer the following courses:
1) A 4-day Port Facility Security Officer course for 20-25 participants that provides training on port security assessments, plans, equipment, threats and emergency preparedness.
2) A 4-day security awareness course for port security personnel covering similar topics.
3) A 1-day awareness course for other port personnel on threats and emergency preparedness.
The Institute also provides security auditing and assistance services and is staffed by certified instructors and auditors. Interested customers should contact the number provided for further course details.
INTERNATIONAL RESUMEINGLÉS_GILBERTO_PARRA_2016Gilberto Parra OsorioThis document provides details about Gilberto Napoleón Parra Osorio, including his contact information, background, education, skills, experience, and references. He has over 16 years of experience in industrial safety, hygiene, and environment in the Venezuelan oil and gas industry. He is fully bilingual in English and Spanish and has worked in safety inspection, supervision, and technical translation/interpretation at various oil and gas sites and companies in Venezuela.
desarrollo-de-aplicaciones-informaticas-inglesMoises Alvarez MorenoThis document provides information about an Advanced Expert in Development of Computer Applications certificate in Spain. It summarizes the skills and competencies developed including designing and developing computer applications using programming languages and testing applications. The certificate prepares graduates for roles like maintaining computer systems, network administration, and consulting. It is an advanced vocational qualification awarded after completing modules and work training over 2000 hours at secondary or approved training centers.
desarrollo-de-aplicaciones-informaticas-inglesYeray Medina LópezThis document provides information about an Advanced Expert in Development of Computer Applications certificate in Spain. It summarizes the skills and competencies developed including designing and developing computer applications using programming languages and testing applications. The certificate prepares graduates for roles like maintaining computer systems, network administration, and consulting. It is an advanced vocational qualification awarded after completing 2000 hours of combined classroom and work-based training.
B.Sc. Technology Management and Marine EngineeringPer LyagerThis document outlines an order regulating the marine engineer training program in Denmark. Key points:
1) The purpose of the program is to qualify students to manage technical systems and installations on ships and in companies, ensuring safety, economic, and environmental standards.
2) The program consists of mandatory subjects, electives, work experience, and a bachelor's project, totaling 270 ECTS credits over 4.5 years for students with an upper secondary education.
3) Work experience includes company experience and professional experience completed according to agreements between the training institution and workplace.
4) The course regulations stipulate how the training institution arranges the program to meet the order's requirements regarding content, theoretical training,
aeronautic_en.pdfMuhammadNumanSandhuThis document summarizes Portugal's aeronautical industry sector. Portugal has a strong aeronautical sector with over 30 companies and 2000 highly qualified specialists. Key points include:
- Two new greenfield plants are being built in Evora to manufacture complex aircraft structures from metals and composites.
- Portuguese companies participate in programs like the Embraer KC-390 and AgustaWestland AW609, manufacturing structures, components, and providing engineering services.
- Maintenance, repair and overhaul companies like OGMA and TAP ME maintain many aircraft types and engines at their Lisbon facilities.
- Research centers like CEIIA employ over 180 engineers working on projects for companies like Embraer and E
Cv Pedro CasacaPedroMiguelMarquesCaPedro Casaca has over 15 years of experience in renewable energy operations and management. He currently works as the Business and Assets Manager at Iberdrola renewables Portugal, where he oversees 92 MW of wind capacity and annual revenues of approximately 20 million euros. Previously, Casaca held Operations Manager roles at Iberdrola renewables in Portugal and Brazil, overseeing 141.6 MW of wind capacity. He has a Master's degree in Engineering and Industrial Management from Universidade Nova de Lisboa.
FMEC0309Rafael Pardo CrespoThis document provides information on a Professional Certificate in Naval Industry Design from Spain. The 3-sentence summary is:
The certificate qualifies individuals to design and prepare technical documentation for ship construction and repair based on designs and engineering instructions. It includes skills in designing structural elements, maneuvers, equipment, and developing technical documentation for naval construction and repair. The certificate is valid throughout Spain at the EQF Level 4 and provides access to further qualifications in the same professional area.
Roadmap - Vehicle tracking and fleet intelligence news - March 2015FrotcomThis document summarizes information from the Frotcom monthly newsletter called Roadmap. It discusses Frotcom welcoming a new team member in Peru, an event in Spain where Frotcom presented its fleet management solutions, and the launch of a new YouTube tutorial channel for Frotcom's platform.
Curriculum Vitae in EnglishRuben Martins PereiraRuben Correia Martins Pereira is a Portuguese aeronautical engineer seeking a position in aviation. He has over 3 years of experience as a technical publications author for aircraft maintenance manuals. His background includes a Master's degree in Aeronautical Engineering and skills in technical documentation standards like ATA 100 and S1000D. He is proficient in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.
Middle East Airlines MEA Internship Report - Industrial EngineeringMohammad Ali RidaThe document provides an overview of the author's 5-week internship training program with Middle East Airlines (MEA) and its technical services company MASCO. The training covered MEA's aircraft systems through formal classroom instruction and visits to MASCO's shops including wheels and tires, machine shop, metal shop, and CAMO (Continuous Airworthiness Management Organization). The goal was to link the author's theoretical aviation knowledge to practical maintenance experience and understand MEA's maintenance processes and adherence to aviation regulations. The training concluded that the author learned significantly about aircraft maintenance from this experience.
CV VUVU.2 docxKalemba Vuvu Quentin- Kalemba Vuvu is an experienced operations engineer from Angola seeking a position in the oil and gas industry, with over 10 years of experience including work offshore on BP projects.
- He has strong communication skills and experience in roles such as subsea operations cost engineer, assistant production engineer, and production field technician.
- Vuvu has qualifications including a BSc in Engineering and certificates in operations and maintenance engineering, and is a full member of the Society of Underwater Technology.
THETA TRAINING CENTER Course CatalogPashalis GergisTHETA TRAINING CENTER provides an extensive catalog of our training courses, held in our premises in Piraeus, Greece! In the portofolio you will be able to find all the training courses our experienced staff is undergoing and for each course there is also a brief description and duration of each course.
THETA TRAINING CENTER is designed to meet the technical, and management needs of managers, operators and seafarers of marine and offshore assets.
Click in the link below PDF file to view our courses catalogue. Booking and availability dates are always available in our website at:
Arq 126 10323Embraer RIThis document provides an overview of Embraer S.A., a Brazilian aerospace conglomerate and manufacturer of commercial, military, and executive aircraft. It discusses Embraer's origins and evolution, operational facilities globally, product lines including commercial and executive jets and military aircraft, environmental initiatives, economic performance, and employee benefits.
Apresentação Institucional - Abril - InglêsEmbraer RIThis document provides an overview of Embraer S.A., a Brazilian aerospace conglomerate. It discusses Embraer's history and evolution, operational facilities around the world, product lines including commercial and executive aircraft as well as defense systems, technologies, environmental initiatives, financial performance, and employee benefits.
Aviation Lead Environmental Assessor CourseAlvaro H. PescadorThis five-day course trains participants to be aviation lead environmental assessors for IATA's IEnvA program. It provides in-depth knowledge of environmental management systems like ISO 14001 and EMAS, as well as the IEnvA requirements. Participants will learn about applicable aviation laws and regulations, environmental aspects of airline operations, auditing principles, and how to evaluate environmental performance for continual improvement. The course uses case studies and focuses on developing skills for environmental auditing and assessment. Upon completion, participants will receive IATA recognition as qualified aviation lead environmental assessors.
EUROPASS CERTIFICATE SUPPLEMENT ΤΕΧΝΙΚΟΣ ΔΙΚΤΥΩΝDimitrios SamarasThis document provides a certificate supplement for the diploma of "Network Technician" from Greece. It summarizes the skills and competencies gained such as installing, maintaining, and operating computer networks and systems. Graduates can work as IT technicians in both public and private sectors. The certificate is awarded by the Organisation for Vocational Education and Training after completing a four semester program with both theoretical and practical training in subjects like networking, programming, operating systems, and security.
diego security skills CV 24 Sep 2014Diego C FernandezDiego Cabrerizo Fernandez has over 20 years of experience in security and close protection roles. He has worked as a security manager and close protection operative for various companies in Spain and the UK. His experience includes coordinating security operations on the Bournemouth seafront, managing night security teams, and providing security for the Spanish royal family. He holds numerous qualifications in areas such as close protection, firearms, first aid, and health and safety.
NAME: Manuel Jose Camoes Castanho
DATE OF BIRTH: June 10, 1972
BIRTH: Estoril
MEMBERSHIP: Joaquim Raposo Castanho
and Maria Rosalina Vermelho Camoes Castanho
IDENTITY CARD No. 10 10 10 85 -
TAXPAYER No.: 190 156 775
ADDRESS: Avenida Luis Augusto Colares 88
PHONE: 00351 214042662 /00351915012662
Degree in International Relationship
(Started in Portugal at UAL (Autonomous University of Lisbon) and finished in Brazil.
** Course "DATABASES" ACCESS "level 1 and 2" - 48 hours 48 hours (IEFP) - 2003
** Course "spreadsheets," EXCEL "level 1 and 2" - 96 hours (IEFP) - 2003
NETWORKS" encompassing the current Windows 2003 server - 98 Hours (IEFP) -
** Course "WINDOWS SERVER 2003" Installation and maintenance of the
application, installation of servers, RAS, DHCP, DNS, VPN, MAILING - 98 Hours
(IEFP) - 2004
FIREWALL, ANTI-HACKING SOFTWARE, among others. (Professor private) - 2004
** Security techniques in TRACING / ROUTING / IP CAPTURE / IP TRACING -
(Private Teacher) - 2005
** Course "System analysis" - 24 Hours (private lecturer) - 2004
** Windows XP tunning expert -24 hours (private lecturer) -2005
** The I.E.F.P. is an entity accredited by the Institute for Innovation in training, in
accordance with decree No. 782/97 of 29 August.
** The (private teacher) refers to an engineer who graduated in: Engineering IT,
information technologies, physical structures / topologies of computer networks and
** Course first aid Portuguese Red Cross
** Course C.A.A. Portuguese Red Cross
** Special first aid Portuguese army
** First aid course with basic life support
3. ** Survival Course
** First aid course with advanced support and basic life (National School of Fire)
** Course of fire brigades (National School of Fire)
** Course of Safety and Security at an airport.
** Course Brightwork (polishing and surface treatment on airplanes. Level 1, Level 2
and Level 3 And Trainner , Take It in Miami with some of the most experienced
professionals in the world.
**** This time to make course director of aviation safety.
** CAP accredited trainer with note (Very Good with distinction) in the areas of first
aid with basic life support, and psychosocial areas, among others, air detailing and
** Diving course
** Other
** Military service completed
** Operating an RRU (Rapid Response Unit) with several missions abroad.
** Several specializations
** Driving license
** Driving license airport
** Good knowledge of English and French.
3. 1. 01/01/1999 Contractor the right for 6 months as being commercial in its new term
to term and after promoted the company's commercial director at Sofia Alves Júnior
Ltd., with my office to manage sales teams being responsible for client portfolios and
obtaining sales targets. Accumulating later the Administrator functions for the area of
Logistics and Market research for goods and services in the importation of coffee "as an
official representative of Italian brand Illy" among other food / non food products for
catering and vending.
3.2. 05/02/2001 Contractorterm ownerinthe company"AMS" Constructionandpublicworks
functionsexercisedinManager Departmentof HumanResources,where he hadresponsibility
for hiringandtrainingof employees,withaccumulationinthe LogisticsDepartmentof the
company,where he wasresponsible forpurchasingandrelocationof teams.
3.3. 01/01/2003 Contractora fixedterm(6months) hasrenewedforthe same periodbythe
company"CredoRuntime Ch"to leadteamsof ownersof ironand painedLuzi Baufor the
4. companyinthe constructionof tunnelsinSwitzerland.
3.4. 17/1/2004 term contract (6 months) andspentthe ownerinthe companyRepellent -
InteriorFinishes,Inc.,wherehe enteredactingforthe Promotersales.Atthe endof six
monthsproposedthe creationof newbusinessareasbyextendingthe businessaviationand
hospitalityindustrywill be of greatvolume.Twomonthsafterthe renovationandafterthe
start of the newactivityhadensuredthe viabilityof myprojectwaspromotedtoCommercial
Director.By the thirdmonthcreateda new companycreatingand extinguishingRepellent,
namedPRO-CAREspecial cleaningservices,LdaTakinghiringabout40 new employees,this
companyisnow sayingthat withlittle more thantwoyearsas the businessmodel (according
to our customersandaviationauthorities) inprovidingservicestothe aviationinourcountry,
a factor whichincreasedturnoverbyabout€ 450,000 initsfirstyear. Earnedthe titlesof
Commercial Directorof Safety/security Director.
3.5. 06.2008 Establishmentof the ASCS,AircraftSpecial Care Service wherehe heldthe postof
General Mangerand DirectorAirdetailingforaeronautics.Withthe implementationof new
technologiesandworkingmethodsquicklybecameareference companyinPortugal.
Prometheus3.603.2009 Angola.Beginningof aprojectinthe areaof Airdetailling(cleaningof
aircraft andbrightwork) Thisprojecthasledtogain contracts withseveral airlinesto
Prometheus,includingthe flagshipairline TAAG.The new contractshave ledtohiringabout
200 newemployeesandincreasedexponentiallythe turnoverof the company.
** Designandnegotiationof advertisingcontractsandcampaignswiththe company'sradio
and newspapers;
** Gettingthe commercial objectivesproposed.
** Agreementachievedwithseveral companies,withthe Portuguese Institute of Bloodand
shoppingcentersrenownedforcarryingoutbloodsamplingand otherhumanitarianactivities
sponsoredbythe companyto disclose the same,leadingtowhatmade the firstcollectionin
the mallsthat todayisa real success.
** Launch inPortugal'ssystemof vendingmachinesbyobtainingmultifunctional Saeco,which
proveda veryprofitable businessinthe shortterm
** Managementpurchasesabroad
** Visitstofairsandeventstoobtainnew customersandsuppliers
4.2. A.M.S.,constructionandpublicworks
** Responsible forselectionandplacementof workers,andreferral totrainingtothem.
** Developmentof newbusinessareasof the company.
** Modernizationof the companyatall levels.
5. ** Inventorymanagementandlogisticscompany.
** Managementpurchasesabroad
** Visitstofairsandeventstoobtain new customersandsuppliers
4.3. Luzi Bau Ag
Leadingteamsof structural ironerectorsandcarpentersintunnelsLazarein,Gothardand
** Creationanddevelopmentof newbusinessareasandbusinessinthe areasof aviation,
** Obtainingcontractswith:TAP,PGA,EUROATLANTIC,SATA,WITH,TAAG, amongothersin
the aviationandaeronautics:PestanaGroup,Accorgroup, INNSOFPORTUGAL, amongothers
inthe areaof hospitality.
** Managementpurchasesabroad
** Visitstofairsandeventstoobtainnew customersandsuppliers
** Recruitingandtrainingnewemployees.
** Official representative of the companybefore the marketregulatorsandmarketaction.
** SecurityDirectorresponsibleforsafetyandsecurityof the airportcompanyinthe INAC
(National CivilAviation)andANA Airports.
** Responsible forthe fire brigade andrescue the company.
4.5 Prometheus
Thisprojectledto gaincontracts withseveral airlinestoPrometheus,includingthe flagship
airline TAAG.The newcontractshave ledto hiringabout200 new employeesandincreased
exponentiallythe turnoverof the company.
** Managementpurchasesabroad
** Visitstofairsandeventstoobtainnew customersandsuppliers
** Recruitingandtrainingnewemployees.
** Official representative of the companybefore the marketregulatorsandmarketaction,
includingthe Ministryof Transport,Inavic,Enana,etc..
** SecurityDirectorresponsibleforsafetyandsecurityof the airportcompanywiththe
Authority(NationalCivilAviation) andENANA.
** Participationinvariousfairsandconferencesrelatedtoaviationairsafety,airportsecurity
CAP** Trainercertified professional withthe highestgrade (VeryGoodwithdistinction)
** VolunteerFirefighter
** Volunteersurveillance actionsof nature protection
** EX-EmergencyCommissiondelegate toMozambique (chairedbyMr.EusebiodaSilva
** Ex-Chief of the CommissiontosupportP.A.L.P.(PortugueseSpeakingAfricanCountries).
** Organizingrescue andrelief teamstoIndonesia(Tsunami) andafacilitatorforteamsto
collectgoodsfroma firstnecessity.
** Mi life projectthe creationof a nongovernmental organization(NGO) humanitarian
charismain the area of firstaid rapidinterventionwithspecializedareaof actioninPortugal
and abroad.
** HumanitarianAction
** Organizationof colectsof bloodthroughthe Portuguese Instituteof Blood
** Incentive lookingforpotential marrow donorsthroughCEDAC
** Photography
** Diving
** Computer
** Practitioner:Tennis,Martial Arts,Swimming,Extreme Sports,Fishing,andotheroutdoor
Sintra,15 October2010.