ݺߣs from the General Assembly presentation of: An expert panel on data driven social media. https://generalassemb.ly/education/an-expert-panel-on-data-driven-social-media
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Computacion basica ii antonell pauteAntonellaPaute_HuaquillasEste documento presenta información sobre las herramientas básicas de Office como Word, Excel y PowerPoint. Explica funciones como deshacer y rehacer, guardar archivos, abrir archivos, crear copias de seguridad y usar la barra de acceso rápido. También cubre la creación de vínculos hipertextuales en PowerPoint, la conversión de presentaciones a PDF y cómo agregar temas de Office. Por último, introduce el software libre OpenOffice como una alternativa a Microsoft Office.
Curriculum Vitae (InglêS)Manuel CastanhoThis curriculum vitae outlines the education and professional experience of Manuel Jose Camoes Castanho. It includes his degree in international relations from universities in Portugal and Brazil. It then details his extensive professional experience working in management, sales, logistics, and safety/security roles for various companies in construction, aviation, and hospitality. It also lists his qualifications, certifications in first aid and computer skills, hobbies, and volunteer activities.
EOY2016_press_releaseJennifer TwomeyThe 'Excellence of Youth' (EOY) Exhibition was founded to showcase exceptional art by emerging artists under 30 and raise funds for charities. The 2016 EOY exhibition will support 'Our Special Friends', a charity helping people and animals. It is organized by a team passionate about both art and animals. The exhibition will be held September 23-25, 2016 at a new venue in Suffolk and feature works donated by talented young artists.
MapasconceptualesAlberto SotoLa Web es una red de información global que permite compartir información de forma descentralizada. Se compone de documentos e imágenes enlazadas por hipervínculos y puede ser accedida desde cualquier lugar del mundo a través de un navegador web e Internet. Millones de personas publican y comparten contenido diariamente en la Web.
Concord (2)Deepthi MKThis document discusses subject-verb agreement in sentences. It provides examples of different types of subject-verb agreement including:
- Sentences using "either...or" and "neither...nor" where the verb agrees with the subject nearer to it.
- Sentences using conjunctions like "as well as" where the verb agrees with the first subject.
- Sentences using quantifiers like "each of" and "every one of" taking a plural verb despite a singular subject.
- Collective nouns like "every school and college" and "a good deal of" taking a singular verb.
9 gennaio 2016 Laboratorio di costellazioni sistemiche un mezzo efficace per ...Paola PozziLaboratorio esperienziale in Italia a Magenta.
Il Laboratorio ha lo scopo di creare uno spazio esperienziale dove i partecipanti possono sperimentare i benefici della metodologia delle costellazioni sistemiche per risolvere problemi che li riguardano direttamente.
Laboratorio de consultoria sistemica octubre 2016Paola PozziSábado 01 de octubre 2016 de 10 a 14 hs Taller de Consultoría Sistémica
El lenguaje visual-espacial de las Constelaciones Sistémicas ofrece una comprensión profunda de las relaciones y de las dinámicas implícitas entre los elementos clave de un sistema.
El taller ofrece un espacio de trabajo donde diagnosticamos y co-creamos soluciones creativas a cuestiones complejas de: tu entorno laboral o empresarial, tu negocio o tu vida
Learning Objects: Pictures for Websitechall003For the Careers Page
Curriculum -paz espCarlosRiveraSEl documento discute los grandes costos financieros de las guerras recientes y cómo esos fondos podrían haberse usado mejor para programas educativos y de salud. También señala que los recortes a estos programas empujan a los jóvenes a unirse al ejército, y que los bancos se benefician de las guerras a través de préstamos abusivos a miembros del ejército. Se pide al alcalde de Nueva York que recorte los contratos con los bancos para destinar esos fondos
Constelaciones organizacionalesPaola PozziBeneficios de las CO:
El trabajo con Constelaciones Organizacionales permite obtener, en poco tiempo, un gran número de informaciones relevantes acerca de un sistema. Las CO también sirven al profesional para identificar su propio rol y su lugar en el sistema dónde trabaja, dirige, supervisa o asesora.
TfIrwan RahmanThis document summarizes key concepts about transfer functions and convolution:
1. Convolution represents linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, where the output is the impulse response convolved with the input. In the frequency domain, the transfer function is the frequency response.
2. Properties of convolution systems are that they are linear, causal, and time-invariant. Composition of convolution systems corresponds to multiplication of transfer functions.
3. Examples of convolution systems and calculating their transfer functions are presented for circuits, mechanical systems, and communication channels. Interpreting the impulse response provides insight into how past inputs affect current system outputs.
The Future of ContentMichael RosinskiMichael Rosinski, President and Chief Executive Officer of Astoria Software, discusses innovation, computing, and how content—and those who produce it—will be impacted by artificial intelligence.
Seminar 20221027 v4.pptxhomeMagic Eraser allows users to easily remove unwanted objects and distractions from photos with just a few clicks. Craiyon is an AI image generator that lets users create new images from text prompts. Rytr is a voice assistant that helps schedule meetings, set reminders, and answer questions using natural language conversations. Thing Translator is a machine translation tool that can translate between over 100 languages with state-of-the-art neural models.
2021020 jim spohrer ai for_good_conference future_of_ai v4homeJim Spohrer serves on the Board of Directors of ISSIP and previously worked at IBM, where he directed various AI and service science initiatives. He discusses the future of AI, predicting that compute costs will decrease by a factor of 1000 every 20 years, enabling digital workers to become more capable and affordable. He presents a timeline and framework for benchmarking AI progress on open leaderboards to achieve human-level performance in various tasks over time. The best way to predict the future, he says, is to inspire students to build a better future.
Differentiating in the Digital EraBharat BhushanThis article explains how to compete and stand apart in the era when organisations are completely digital internally and externally.
25 Tech Predictions for 2020 TJR GlobalThe year 2020 opens a new decade and much will be different, relative to ten years ago. Here are more than two dozen predictions about what to expect, according to industry experts and executives.
centurylink-business-technology-2020-ebook-br141403Miriam MorenoThree trends will transform business by 2020 according to an IBM CTO:
1) Machine-to-machine technology and analytics will allow automated monitoring and analysis of data from instruments to gain insights.
2) Mobility will change how businesses interact with customers and employees through location-aware and personalized services.
3) Cognitive computing systems that learn from experiences will be able to handle large data flows and make complex decisions like predicting natural disasters.
centurylink-business-technology-2020-ebook-br141403Pam Andersen, MBAThree trends will transform business by 2020 according to an IBM CTO:
1) Machine-to-machine technology and analytics will allow automated monitoring and analysis of data from instruments to gain insights.
2) Mobility will change how businesses interact with customers through location-aware and personalized services on mobile devices.
3) Cognitive computing systems that learn from experiences will be able to handle large data flows and make complex decisions like predicting natural disasters.
Physical Terrain Modeling in a Digital AgeWatson MaryThe momentum of digital geospatial data collection combined with fast network delivery, cheap computer memory, storage and powerful processors point to a future of virtual landscapes, fly-throughs and synthetic environments. Created by http://www.solidterrainmodeling.com
Centurylink Business Technology in 2020 ebookJake WeaverBy 2020, technology experts foresee that computational power will become invisible in size due to advances in chip technology. This will allow any object to become a computer, requiring people to consider how to best use all of this intelligence. Three trends will transform business - machine-to-machine technology and analytics, mobility, and cognitive computing. Additionally, the last corporate data center is expected to shut its doors as cloud computing becomes the primary method for IT infrastructure and services.
Implications of the near and far futureJon McMillan1) The near future will see communicators focus on using communication to directly help solve command issues through the DICE model of defining problems, ideating solutions, creating content, and evaluating effects. New publishing and content tools will be introduced.
2) In the far future, artificial intelligence will be ubiquitous and able to generate content from data through machine learning. Sensors will collect vast amounts of data about everything.
3) Navy communicators will need to instruct AI systems on what important information to extract and share from massive datasets, and tell stories to teach, motivate and inspire as machines perform more repetitive tasks. The ability to find and share stories will remain important.
From bit-streams-to-life-streams-ajai-narendran-srishti-bangalore-stff-2011ajaiThe document discusses emerging paradigms in web-based computing and argues that the next generation of social computing and internet architecture will come from artists, social scientists, and media practitioners rather than just technologists. It explores the ideas of David Gelernter and references videos about Claude Shannon, the Library of Alexandria, and the semantic web. It also discusses the evolution of the web and limitations of current search algorithms and results that can be manipulated.
The Genius of ThingsElisabetta DelponteIn this Whitepaper Dennis Curry explores the impact of the Internet of Things on the corporate environment, highlighting the importance of building intuitive associations in disparate and highly complex data.
20210325 jim spohrer future ai v11homeJim Spohrer is the director of IBM's open-source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort. He has a background in physics, speech recognition, and service science. The document discusses the future of AI, including timelines for solving AI, who the leaders are, the potential benefits and risks of AI, and how other technologies may have a bigger impact. It emphasizes that AI should augment human intelligence and capabilities rather than replace humans.
2021006 jim spohrer mc gill_precision_convergence_panel v3homeJim Spohrer served as a panelist for a webinar on global value chain resilience hosted by Gary Gereffi. Spohrer is on the board of ISSIP.org and contributes to the Linux Foundation AI and Data Foundation. He retired from IBM in 2021 after a career in speech recognition, service science research, and open source AI. Spohrer posed questions on how trust and resilience are related in global value chains and how artificial intelligence and digital services may impact resilience.
Rxdxt Bbc FmtRichard TitusThe document discusses the evolution of human-computer interaction and the integration of technology into everyday life. It describes how interaction methods are shifting from traditional keyboards to touchscreens, voice recognition, and emotional sensing. The text also explores concepts like ubiquitous computing, personalized experiences through digital profiles on mobile devices, and the development of a semantic web that better connects online information.
Laboratorio de consultoria sistemica octubre 2016Paola PozziSábado 01 de octubre 2016 de 10 a 14 hs Taller de Consultoría Sistémica
El lenguaje visual-espacial de las Constelaciones Sistémicas ofrece una comprensión profunda de las relaciones y de las dinámicas implícitas entre los elementos clave de un sistema.
El taller ofrece un espacio de trabajo donde diagnosticamos y co-creamos soluciones creativas a cuestiones complejas de: tu entorno laboral o empresarial, tu negocio o tu vida
Learning Objects: Pictures for Websitechall003For the Careers Page
Curriculum -paz espCarlosRiveraSEl documento discute los grandes costos financieros de las guerras recientes y cómo esos fondos podrían haberse usado mejor para programas educativos y de salud. También señala que los recortes a estos programas empujan a los jóvenes a unirse al ejército, y que los bancos se benefician de las guerras a través de préstamos abusivos a miembros del ejército. Se pide al alcalde de Nueva York que recorte los contratos con los bancos para destinar esos fondos
Constelaciones organizacionalesPaola PozziBeneficios de las CO:
El trabajo con Constelaciones Organizacionales permite obtener, en poco tiempo, un gran número de informaciones relevantes acerca de un sistema. Las CO también sirven al profesional para identificar su propio rol y su lugar en el sistema dónde trabaja, dirige, supervisa o asesora.
TfIrwan RahmanThis document summarizes key concepts about transfer functions and convolution:
1. Convolution represents linear time-invariant (LTI) systems, where the output is the impulse response convolved with the input. In the frequency domain, the transfer function is the frequency response.
2. Properties of convolution systems are that they are linear, causal, and time-invariant. Composition of convolution systems corresponds to multiplication of transfer functions.
3. Examples of convolution systems and calculating their transfer functions are presented for circuits, mechanical systems, and communication channels. Interpreting the impulse response provides insight into how past inputs affect current system outputs.
The Future of ContentMichael RosinskiMichael Rosinski, President and Chief Executive Officer of Astoria Software, discusses innovation, computing, and how content—and those who produce it—will be impacted by artificial intelligence.
Seminar 20221027 v4.pptxhomeMagic Eraser allows users to easily remove unwanted objects and distractions from photos with just a few clicks. Craiyon is an AI image generator that lets users create new images from text prompts. Rytr is a voice assistant that helps schedule meetings, set reminders, and answer questions using natural language conversations. Thing Translator is a machine translation tool that can translate between over 100 languages with state-of-the-art neural models.
2021020 jim spohrer ai for_good_conference future_of_ai v4homeJim Spohrer serves on the Board of Directors of ISSIP and previously worked at IBM, where he directed various AI and service science initiatives. He discusses the future of AI, predicting that compute costs will decrease by a factor of 1000 every 20 years, enabling digital workers to become more capable and affordable. He presents a timeline and framework for benchmarking AI progress on open leaderboards to achieve human-level performance in various tasks over time. The best way to predict the future, he says, is to inspire students to build a better future.
Differentiating in the Digital EraBharat BhushanThis article explains how to compete and stand apart in the era when organisations are completely digital internally and externally.
25 Tech Predictions for 2020 TJR GlobalThe year 2020 opens a new decade and much will be different, relative to ten years ago. Here are more than two dozen predictions about what to expect, according to industry experts and executives.
centurylink-business-technology-2020-ebook-br141403Miriam MorenoThree trends will transform business by 2020 according to an IBM CTO:
1) Machine-to-machine technology and analytics will allow automated monitoring and analysis of data from instruments to gain insights.
2) Mobility will change how businesses interact with customers and employees through location-aware and personalized services.
3) Cognitive computing systems that learn from experiences will be able to handle large data flows and make complex decisions like predicting natural disasters.
centurylink-business-technology-2020-ebook-br141403Pam Andersen, MBAThree trends will transform business by 2020 according to an IBM CTO:
1) Machine-to-machine technology and analytics will allow automated monitoring and analysis of data from instruments to gain insights.
2) Mobility will change how businesses interact with customers through location-aware and personalized services on mobile devices.
3) Cognitive computing systems that learn from experiences will be able to handle large data flows and make complex decisions like predicting natural disasters.
Physical Terrain Modeling in a Digital AgeWatson MaryThe momentum of digital geospatial data collection combined with fast network delivery, cheap computer memory, storage and powerful processors point to a future of virtual landscapes, fly-throughs and synthetic environments. Created by http://www.solidterrainmodeling.com
Centurylink Business Technology in 2020 ebookJake WeaverBy 2020, technology experts foresee that computational power will become invisible in size due to advances in chip technology. This will allow any object to become a computer, requiring people to consider how to best use all of this intelligence. Three trends will transform business - machine-to-machine technology and analytics, mobility, and cognitive computing. Additionally, the last corporate data center is expected to shut its doors as cloud computing becomes the primary method for IT infrastructure and services.
Implications of the near and far futureJon McMillan1) The near future will see communicators focus on using communication to directly help solve command issues through the DICE model of defining problems, ideating solutions, creating content, and evaluating effects. New publishing and content tools will be introduced.
2) In the far future, artificial intelligence will be ubiquitous and able to generate content from data through machine learning. Sensors will collect vast amounts of data about everything.
3) Navy communicators will need to instruct AI systems on what important information to extract and share from massive datasets, and tell stories to teach, motivate and inspire as machines perform more repetitive tasks. The ability to find and share stories will remain important.
From bit-streams-to-life-streams-ajai-narendran-srishti-bangalore-stff-2011ajaiThe document discusses emerging paradigms in web-based computing and argues that the next generation of social computing and internet architecture will come from artists, social scientists, and media practitioners rather than just technologists. It explores the ideas of David Gelernter and references videos about Claude Shannon, the Library of Alexandria, and the semantic web. It also discusses the evolution of the web and limitations of current search algorithms and results that can be manipulated.
The Genius of ThingsElisabetta DelponteIn this Whitepaper Dennis Curry explores the impact of the Internet of Things on the corporate environment, highlighting the importance of building intuitive associations in disparate and highly complex data.
20210325 jim spohrer future ai v11homeJim Spohrer is the director of IBM's open-source Artificial Intelligence developer ecosystem effort. He has a background in physics, speech recognition, and service science. The document discusses the future of AI, including timelines for solving AI, who the leaders are, the potential benefits and risks of AI, and how other technologies may have a bigger impact. It emphasizes that AI should augment human intelligence and capabilities rather than replace humans.
2021006 jim spohrer mc gill_precision_convergence_panel v3homeJim Spohrer served as a panelist for a webinar on global value chain resilience hosted by Gary Gereffi. Spohrer is on the board of ISSIP.org and contributes to the Linux Foundation AI and Data Foundation. He retired from IBM in 2021 after a career in speech recognition, service science research, and open source AI. Spohrer posed questions on how trust and resilience are related in global value chains and how artificial intelligence and digital services may impact resilience.
Rxdxt Bbc FmtRichard TitusThe document discusses the evolution of human-computer interaction and the integration of technology into everyday life. It describes how interaction methods are shifting from traditional keyboards to touchscreens, voice recognition, and emotional sensing. The text also explores concepts like ubiquitous computing, personalized experiences through digital profiles on mobile devices, and the development of a semantic web that better connects online information.
Internet of Things - The Tip of the Iceberg or The Tipping PointDr. Mazlan AbbasDr. Mazlan Abbas gave a presentation on the Internet of Things. The presentation covered several key points:
1. The Internet of Things refers to connecting physical devices to the internet and to each other. Billions of devices are expected to be connected by 2020.
2. Organizations are looking to implement IoT solutions to gain more visibility into operations and make smarter decisions. Over 50% of organizations plan to implement an IoT solution in the next 24 months.
3. IoT enables the collection and analysis of large amounts of data from connected devices. This data can provide new insights and knowledge. However, challenges remain regarding technologies, standardization, security and privacy.
Published in Nov. 2016. However, it evolved over time using my own practical experience as well as the incorporated the different technological advances we achieved since then.
I added the concept of Cognitive Digital Thread as a framework to collect and manage data and knowledge required for the twins. Also, the concept of Cognitive Digital Swarm has been developed to be the HM & MM collaboration framework.
Big data-and-creativity v.1Kim FlintoffEinstein published his ideas and became a pivotal element in shifting the way we think about physics - from the Newtonian model to the Quantum - in turn this changed the way we think about the world and allowed us to develop new ways of engaging with the world.
We are at a similar juncture. The development of computational technologies allows us to think about astronomical volumes of data and to make meaning of that data.
The mindshift that occurs is that “the machine is our friend”. The computer, like all machines, extends our capabilities. As a consequence the types of thinking now required in industry are those that get away from thinking like a computer and shift towards creative engagement with possibilities. Logical thinking is still necessary but it starts to be driven by imagination.
Computational thinking and data science change the way we think about defining and solving problems.
The age of creativity - which increasingly extends its impact from arts applications to business, scientific, technological, entrepreneurship, political, and other contexts.
Cognitive IoT Whitepaper_Dec 2015Nikhil DikshitThis document discusses how cognitive computing can help realize the full potential of the Internet of Things (IoT). It notes that while early IoT applications are providing value, the vast majority of data generated by IoT devices is currently unused. Cognitive systems that can learn from large amounts of structured and unstructured data have the potential to extract much more insights from IoT data and enable more advanced IoT applications. The document outlines some key foundations for a successful IoT strategy and argues that cognitive systems like IBM's Watson platform can help address the data challenges of IoT by facilitating deeper human engagement, continuous learning, predictive capabilities, knowledge sharing and optimization of complex systems.
What Is Growth Hacking in Marketing - LeadcrewLeadcrew - Digital Marketing Agency in KarachiGrowth hacking refers to strategies startups and digital businesses use to rapidly increase their user base and revenues with minimal expense
You Got Your WordPress In My Fediverse / You Got Your Fediverse in My WordPre...John EckmanWordPress can be a first-class participant in the Fediverse, an open web social network built around the ActivityPub protocol.
Using the ActivityPub plugin gets your content in the Fediverse; using the Friends plugin gets the Fediverse in your WordPress
Unlock your creative potential with BLYX Studio: An all-in-one AI platform fo...SOFTTECHHUBAre you struggling to create professional-looking visual content for your business or personal projects? In today's digital landscape, compelling visuals can make or break your online presence, but not everyone has the design skills or budget to hire professional creators. That's where BLYX Studio comes in - an innovative AI-powered platform that's changing the game for content creators everywhere.
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Female Short Creators 120 - Zsolt NemethZsolt NemethThe 110 plus 10 most attractive ladies on YouTube or many social-media. List of 120 Hottest Women Bloggers in retrospect gallery to public browsing topics upscaling.
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The Future of Digital Marketing in 2025 AI, SEO, and Emerging Trends..pptxmacawdigitalseo2023Discover the future of digital marketing in 2025, exploring AI driven strategies, evolving SEO techniques, and emerging trends.
E-commerce platforms are digital systems that enable businesses to create online stores and sell products or services. They provide tools for managing inventory, processing payments, and handling customer interactions.
Types of E-Commerce Platforms:
Business-to-Consumer (B2C):
Platforms like Amazon and Shopify, where businesses sell directly to consumers.
Business-to-Business (B2B):
Platforms like Alibaba, where businesses sell to other businesses.
Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C):
Platforms like eBay, where consumers sell to other consumers.
Consumer-to-Business (C2B):
Platforms where individuals sell products or services to businesses, such as freelance platforms like Fiverr.
If you need more details or have any questions, feel free to ask! 😊
Amplifying Black Voices: The Power of Social Media Listening & Inclusive Mark...Jasper ColinAs Black History Month 2025 wraps up, social media has only scratched the surface of how different generations engage with Black culture, history, and representation.
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How to Block Someone on Tiktok_ Complete Guide.pdfufakhorizon77Let’s learn how to block someone on TikTok on different devices and platforms and what should be the potential reasons to block someone.
3. “It seems reasonable to envision, for a time 10 or 15 years
hence, a 'thinking center' that will incorporate the
functions of present-day libraries together with anticipated
advances in information storage and retrieval.
The picture readily enlarges itself into a network of such
centers, connected to one another by wide-band
communication lines and to individual users by leased-wire
services. In such a system, the speed of the computers would
be balanced, and the cost of the gigantic memories and the
sophisticated programs would be divided by the number of
[J.C.R. Licklider said in 1960…]
4. …So Licklider was able to see into the future with great accuracy
and partially because he himself played a critical role in making
that future happen by developing ARPANET (predecessor of
the Internet).
Rather than machines taking over human’s role, he foresaw a
vision for man and machine symbiosis
9. ~200,000 manually coded social conversations since 2009
1,000 days
of coding
174 brands 26 languages
[STATSIT has been “symbiotic” since 2009]
10. This is what the usual brand message on FB looks like…
Promotional Discount driven No story 1 - way
11. While most discussions are on products, positive emotional
connection appears to be the key component in the
ecosystem evolving from 1-way (brand leading) to 2-way
(consumer leading)
STATSIT, N=3,000 manual coding
12. But before being able to engineer the right Energy, we have
to understand what drives the audience
STATSIT, N=10,000 parents in Indonesia, text mining + N=200 manual coding
Safety VouchersChild
Holiday Book
Qurban Baldness
13. 2
Look: Litter
Look: Package
Liquid absorbation
Dust creation
Change interval
Disposal / Recycling
Acceptance and suitability
Transport, Storage, Weight
…and if an key decision factor analysis can be done for the
cat litter category, there is a good chance its doable for you
STATSIT, N=674, manual coding
14. 3.1
max 10
Max 30
- People: reach FB 2mil+, Twitter reach of 238,000
- Energy: great variety of content, frequent videos (17%)
- Influence: best influence from observed brands, avg Twitter follower’s followers 124,000
- Real brand engagement with Fans is almost missing
- Utilize brand’s social projects in content, to gain longer term effect of branding
- Utilize existing customer UGC to personalize the brand image
- Consider increasing post frequency to increase engagement (currently 0.5 per day)
18% DE
18. Segment 1: Intends to
switch away from iPhone
Segment 2: Considering
other smartphones
Segment 3: Not considering
a smartphone purchase
Segment 4: Waiting for
iPhone 5
Low Ability High Ability
Activation Threshold
(Below this line, there is
insufficient motivation or ability for
Behavior to occur)
Increase Ability or Motivation to move
consumer past the Activation Threshold.
Sufficient Ability
Triggers will likely
result in desired
behavior if above
the threshold
[Focus on audiences with ability and intention to switch]