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Curriculum Vitae
Meyer vanden Berg
May 2016
Cell no: 0717664653
Nationality : South African (5607075149085)
I am a well-experiencedIndustrial engineer withanalytical (S2) managementskills. Mycapabilities
are strong,proactive,creative and innovative. I maintainaholisticapproachand ensure a
compassionate managementstyle.
Furthermore,Istrive tosucceedinwhat I do by takingownership,amveryself-motivatedand
ambitious andwithinternal locusof control.Isincerely believe inmaintainingprofessionalismand
integrityatall times.
Summary of Experience
QualifiedIndustrial EngineerwithT4(B TechIndustrial Engineering) atNorthWestUniversity
I completedthe RodneyTurnerProjectManagementcourse during myperiodasSalesManagerfor
BusinessdevelopmentatSasol,Secunda. The course involvedprojectbasedandCommercial
I have 18 yearsexperience in the Petro-chemical environment,8yearsof which were spentatSasol
NitroHeadoffice asHead of Logistics. I waspart of the SupplyChain managementto ensure fluent
logisticsuccess. A Further9 years of projectmanagement ingeneral engineeringandconstruction.
Petro-Chemical:(1994- 2006)
In my periodasHead of Logistics at Sasol Nitro, Iwas the inventorof Patent(SCI Patent ZA
2000/0941). This patenthelpstoimprove the effectivenessof rail androadtransportfor finished
products.It alsoensuresconstantsaferandfasterhandlingof products withhigh qualityresults.
I alsoimplementedacost-effectivesystemtoreduce discharge demurrage costsonships. Afterthe
implementationthereof nodemurrage costswere generated.
I developedatransportcostmatrix inconjunctionwiththe roadfreightassociation toensure acost-
effectivetransportsystem.Thissystemwassoeffective thatitbecame anorm inthe fertilizer
association. Duringthisperiod Iimplemented a3rd
Party logisticsfordistribution networktosupply
all the spokesfromthe Hubs.
As headof logistics,I wasmainly responsibleforthe importof raw materials,the determinationof
production runsat the Secundaplantand liaise withthe marketmanagersbeforedistributingthe
final products.The final productswere mainly distributed tothe HubandSpoke Warehousescountry
wide whichI implemented.Stockwasallocatedtothe warehouses withthe assistance of Pareto
principles andstockcontrol management.
Duringmy 18 yearperiodinthe Petro-Chemical industry,I wasalsoappointedas ManagingDirector
for ProfertEasternCape inPort Elizabeth. Mymainobjective wastoturnthe financial lossesinto
profits. I gainedthisremarkable successinone financial year. Toachieve this,the focuswasto
decrease the inputcosts andincrease the productionoutputwithoutneglectingquality.More
efficientsystemsandespeciallyproduction methodologieswithmyknowledgeof Industrial
Engineeringwerethe resultforthe success.
Industrial Engineeringand Project Management:(2007  2015)
In the 9 yeartime frame periodinGeneral engineeringandConstruction,Imanagedvarious multi-
disciplineprojectsandalsoturnkeyprojects. Transvaal Wattle Co-operation(TWK) standsoutas
one of the mostsuccessful projects thatIstartedfrom buyinglandinRichardsBay,designingthe
facility, simulatingthe processflowandmanagingthe constructionthereof untilitwasinfull
operation.Withinthe firstthree andhalf monthsafterstart-upthe successof the factory reached
the ROI.
Alsointhis periodI managedmore engineeringandconstructionprojects. InCameroon forthe Kadji
Group, Procter& Gamble inKemptonPark,Solarplantat Dreunberg, low costhousinginBoksburg
(WindmillPark) andlastlythe H2Only andPacificClearWaterpurification plantsinPretoria.
The Solar plantat Dreunbergwasunique inthe sense of itsbeingnew toSouthAfrica.Furthermore,
it wasmore complex due to rotationof the Solarpanels.The projectwascompletedwithinthe
requiredtime frame.
Key Skills andCompetencies
Industrial Engineering
- Processflowsand simulations
- Optimise productionand automation
- Compilingof flowcharts
- Planningknowledgeandunderstanding thereof, e.g.sequenceand critical path
- Material handling
- Cost estimating
- Stronganalytical capabilities S2 managementstyle andexcellentlabourrelations
- Outsourcingknowledge of non-core business
- Multi-disciplinary tasksandactivities knowledge
- Turn Key requirements knowledge
- Methodstatementsand riskassessments
- Quality assurance and quality control
- Projectcost methodologies S Curve
- Holisticapproachandexcellent technical knowledge
- Well-structuredandexcellentdecisionmakingskills.
Academic Qualifications
NWU - NHD/B Tech(Industrial Engineering)
NWU - MBA (incomplete)
Major Subjects
Industrial Engineering
- Electrical Engineering1 - Operational Research 2
- Engineering Mechanics 1 - Production Engineering 1,2 & 3
- Industrial Technology 1 & 2 - Programming 2
- Engineering Work Study 1,2&3 - Material Handling3
- Engineering Mathematics 1 - Industrial Leadership 4
- Industrial Automation 3 - Industrial Project4
- Communication 1 - Industrial Design 4
- Costingand Estimating3 - Industrial Accounting4
- Quality Techniques 3 - Operational Research 4
- Construction Planning2 - Systems Dynamics 4
MBA (subjectspassed)
- General Management 1 - Algemene Bestuur 1
- Financial Accounting1 - FinansieleRekeningkunde 1
- Organization Behaviour 1 - Organisasiegedrag1
- Management Statistics 1 - Bestuurstatistieke1
- Information Management 1 - Inligtingsbestuur 1
Professional Experience
Project Management and Industrial Engineering: (Pacific Eagle)  Current (January 2015  current)
- Client: H2Only
- Pacific Clear Water (Partnership new division)  Pretoria
Duties: Project Manager for the Construction and Building of Bottle Water Plant
(Reverse Osmosis, UV filtration, Ozone enrichment process)
- Build new facility to accommodate water bottling plant
- Responsible for the Installation of water purification equipment
- Commission plant and ensure full operation to reach maximum capacity
- Implementationof prescribedQA/QCrequirements(e.g.samplingprocesses),water
- Processflows tominimisehandlingandensure fluentprocess
- Material handlingandpackaging
- Clientliaison andcontracts
- Commercial activities(SupplyChain)
- Label designs on Clientsrequest
Project Manager: Lerumo
Client: Scatec Solar  Burgersdorp (January 2014  July 2014)
Duties: Solar Panel Tracker Installation Project - Dreunberg
 Responsible for the Installation of 75 MW Solar Power Plant on behalf of Scatec Solar
 Ensure that the Project requirements as per agreement are met
 Implementation of prescribed QA/QC Protocol and the execution thereof. Compiling of
method statements to ensure consistency throughout the project
 Cost control: minimize cost within cost plus based contract
 Compile Project Schedule, Construction Schedule (MPP) and daily reports schedules.
Monitor project costs, resources and progress with assistance of S Curve
 Report weekly to client and shareholders:
o Planning of materials, resources, equipment
o Health, safety and medical tests
o Expediting of critical and imported materials
o BBBEE, LED statistics, and community issues
o Labour relations cases (Total Workforce = 713)
o In-housing training as per government requirement
o Pre-commission and handover of completed work
o Cumulative Construction Progress  Planned vs Actual
 Interviewandrecruitmanagementteammembersinlocal community to assist with project
as co-ordinatorsandsupervisors.Liaise withCLO (CommunityLiaisonOfficer) onlabourlevel
 Establish a healthy culture with workforce and ensure professionalism throughout the
 Lead project with high and estimable values
 Constant feedback to the mayor of Burgersdorp regarding the progress of the
Site Manager: DLV Consulting Engineers
Client: Procter & Gamble  Kempton Park (January 2012  October 2013)
Duties: Install new Fire Ring main system
 Responsible for the Fire Main Ring Project  upgrade fire system to USA standards. Water
tanks, pumps and sprinkler network  2 Million Litre tanks
 Represents DLV consulting Engineer to managed and execute the project on behalf of DLV
Consulting Engineers
 Liaise and also keep Client posted due to the status of project
 Approvals of legal and Municipality / Fire department requirements
 Compiled detail programs - Critical Path Analysis and detail Programs to ensure in time
 Managed Contractors and assist to ensure deadline completion
 Safety Induction  Facilitator on behalf of Procter & Gamble
 Compile Risk assessments and evaluate Method statements during the project
 Ensure QA/QC continuously.
Project Manager:
Client: Kadji Group  Douala Cameroon (February 2009  November 2011)
Duties: Upgrade Hotel Arcade and Construction of Shopping Centre
 Hotel Arcade - Upgrading
 Shopping Centre - Construction.
 Offices  Building and construction
 Carried out a feasibility study to ensure best practises
 Advised and assisted with design
 Determined full scope of work
 Determined the bill of materials required
 Compiled milestone and detail task programs - MS Projects
 Appoint contractors and did BID Clarifications
 Took full responsibility of contractors and suppliers
 Sourced and imported materials from South Africa and China
 Logistics to ensure in time delivery
 Custom and excise with the help of Kadji Personnel (Bill of Lading to Landing Orders)
 Earth works and assist with surveying
 Approval of Certificates - Different from South Africa.
 Safety of workers  Risk assessments
Project Manager: Joint Venture with Buffalo Civils
Client: Rowan Gardner / FNB Windmill Park Boksburg (February 2008  December 2008)
Duties: Construction of financial Link/ low cost housing Units
o Time frame
o Cost  WithinBudget
o Quality  Ensure consistence andimprovement
 Material planningandmanagement
 SubContractor selectionandappointmentviaBIDprocess
 Ensure QA/QC
 SafetyFilesandRiskandstatementstoOSHact requirements
 Financial responsibilities(Dt/Ct)
 Progressreportstoboard of directors. (DeveloperandFNB)
Project Manager: Constantia Fertilizers  Richards Bay
Client: Transvaal Wattle Co-operation (TWK)  Piet Retief (February 2007  January 2008)
Duties: Design and develop new fertilizer facility for TWK
 Purchased land;
 Developed new facility to accommodate all types of fertilizers  Inbound and Outbound;
 Drafted and designed to ensure fluent process flows including production;
 Appointed Engineer and Architect to assist me;
 Appointed applicable Contractors to execute project;
 Rounded robin approach with municipality certifications;
 Selectedandpurchasedsophisticatedblender Type was coffee blender. Reliable and very
 Developed operational procedures to a full functional business;
 Appointed labour force to ensure in time delivery to markets;
 Implemented 3 party logistic principles;
 Budget management and report to executives;
 Fit completion in very tight time frame as requested from executives;
 Managed and accepted ownership to project from design to a full functional facility. This
include fromselectingland,construction,erectingandalsothe Supply Chain duties. (Cradle
to grave  Turn Key).
Managing Director
Client: Profert Eastern Cape  Port Elizabeth (April 2004  October 2006)
Duties: To Manage and steer business which was in debt to a profitable entity
 Managing of Business (Personnel:5office and24 skilledandsemi-skilledlabours)
- Promote a culture of professionalism, ethical behaviourandteamworkinthe
- Responsible forthe overall businessstrategyandplanning
- Ensuringthe companymaintainsacompetitive positionwithinitsindustrymarket
- Consistentlystrive toachievethe Groupsfinancial andoperatinggoalsandobjectives
- Developandmaintainclientrelationships
- Implementadistributionandlogisticsnetwork Apply4th
party logistics
- Inventorymanagementandcontrol  Paretoprincipal toensure stocklevelsandproduct
- Productionoptimization 60% increase
- Effective InboundandOutboundoperations - JIT
- Contractor selection,appointmentsandmanagement
 Submitreportsto Board of Directors
2005/2006 financial yearendresults:Improve fromaloss(R1,904) to R1,210 (Million)profit.
East Cape marketshare growth18.4% - 31.8% (Data available fromFertilizerassociation May
2005  April 2006)
Head of Logistics - Randburg
Client: Sasol Nitro  Secunda &Sasol National (December 1996  November 2003)
Duties: To Manage and develop logistics into new era as market leader
- Importsof raw materials
- Productionmanagement
- Inbound/Outboundof materialstoensure constant availability
- Hub and spoke establishment
- PackagingMythologies AlsoPatentinventor
- 3rd
Party logistics
- Reduce shipdischarge cost  Demurrage on ships.Earndispatch  Due to discharge methods
thisbecame a industrystandard
- Developtariff structure androll outtoentire fertilizerindustry
- Ensure Bestpractiseson material handlingwiththe assistance of Paretoanalysis:
o Min stock
o Max stock
o Safetystock
o JIT principals
o Paretoprincipals(20/80)
I distinguishmyself inthis business andstill todaythe mythologies i wasresponsibleforserversasa
standardin the national Fertilizerindustry.
(Summary: This was my personal best in my career as an Industrial Engineer)
Personal Information
204 Eugene Ave
Cell: 0717664653 / 0730048143
Email: meyer.vandenberg@gmail.com
RSA ID Nr: 5607075149085
Drivers Licence: Code EB
Married: Yes
Languages  Afrikaans; English
I Meyer van den Berg, ID 5607075149085 confirm that the information is true and
reflects my history and experience as lay out in this CV

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Curriculum Vitae Meyer 2016

  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Meyer vanden Berg IndustrialEngineer May 2016 Cell no: 0717664653 Email:meyer.vandenberg@gmail.com Nationality : South African (5607075149085) Introduction I am a well-experiencedIndustrial engineer withanalytical (S2) managementskills. Mycapabilities are strong,proactive,creative and innovative. I maintainaholisticapproachand ensure a compassionate managementstyle. Furthermore,Istrive tosucceedinwhat I do by takingownership,amveryself-motivatedand ambitious andwithinternal locusof control.Isincerely believe inmaintainingprofessionalismand integrityatall times. Summary of Experience QualifiedIndustrial EngineerwithT4(B TechIndustrial Engineering) atNorthWestUniversity I completedthe RodneyTurnerProjectManagementcourse during myperiodasSalesManagerfor BusinessdevelopmentatSasol,Secunda. The course involvedprojectbasedandCommercial projectmanager. I have 18 yearsexperience in the Petro-chemical environment,8yearsof which were spentatSasol NitroHeadoffice asHead of Logistics. I waspart of the SupplyChain managementto ensure fluent logisticsuccess. A Further9 years of projectmanagement ingeneral engineeringandconstruction.
  • 2. Petro-Chemical:(1994- 2006) In my periodasHead of Logistics at Sasol Nitro, Iwas the inventorof Patent(SCI Patent ZA 2000/0941). This patenthelpstoimprove the effectivenessof rail androadtransportfor finished products.It alsoensuresconstantsaferandfasterhandlingof products withhigh qualityresults. I alsoimplementedacost-effectivesystemtoreduce discharge demurrage costsonships. Afterthe implementationthereof nodemurrage costswere generated. I developedatransportcostmatrix inconjunctionwiththe roadfreightassociation toensure acost- effectivetransportsystem.Thissystemwassoeffective thatitbecame anorm inthe fertilizer association. Duringthisperiod Iimplemented a3rd Party logisticsfordistribution networktosupply all the spokesfromthe Hubs. As headof logistics,I wasmainly responsibleforthe importof raw materials,the determinationof production runsat the Secundaplantand liaise withthe marketmanagersbeforedistributingthe final products.The final productswere mainly distributed tothe HubandSpoke Warehousescountry wide whichI implemented.Stockwasallocatedtothe warehouses withthe assistance of Pareto principles andstockcontrol management. Duringmy 18 yearperiodinthe Petro-Chemical industry,I wasalsoappointedas ManagingDirector for ProfertEasternCape inPort Elizabeth. Mymainobjective wastoturnthe financial lossesinto profits. I gainedthisremarkable successinone financial year. Toachieve this,the focuswasto decrease the inputcosts andincrease the productionoutputwithoutneglectingquality.More efficientsystemsandespeciallyproduction methodologieswithmyknowledgeof Industrial Engineeringwerethe resultforthe success. Industrial Engineeringand Project Management:(2007 2015) In the 9 yeartime frame periodinGeneral engineeringandConstruction,Imanagedvarious multi- disciplineprojectsandalsoturnkeyprojects. Transvaal Wattle Co-operation(TWK) standsoutas one of the mostsuccessful projects thatIstartedfrom buyinglandinRichardsBay,designingthe facility, simulatingthe processflowandmanagingthe constructionthereof untilitwasinfull operation.Withinthe firstthree andhalf monthsafterstart-upthe successof the factory reached the ROI. Alsointhis periodI managedmore engineeringandconstructionprojects. InCameroon forthe Kadji Group, Procter& Gamble inKemptonPark,Solarplantat Dreunberg, low costhousinginBoksburg (WindmillPark) andlastlythe H2Only andPacificClearWaterpurification plantsinPretoria. The Solar plantat Dreunbergwasunique inthe sense of itsbeingnew toSouthAfrica.Furthermore, it wasmore complex due to rotationof the Solarpanels.The projectwascompletedwithinthe requiredtime frame. Key Skills andCompetencies Industrial Engineering - Processflowsand simulations - Optimise productionand automation - Compilingof flowcharts - Planningknowledgeandunderstanding thereof, e.g.sequenceand critical path
  • 3. - Material handling - Cost estimating - Stronganalytical capabilities S2 managementstyle andexcellentlabourrelations - Outsourcingknowledge of non-core business ProjectManagement - Multi-disciplinary tasksandactivities knowledge - Turn Key requirements knowledge - Methodstatementsand riskassessments - Quality assurance and quality control - Projectcost methodologies S Curve - Holisticapproachandexcellent technical knowledge - Well-structuredandexcellentdecisionmakingskills. Academic Qualifications NWU - NHD/B Tech(Industrial Engineering) NWU - MBA (incomplete) Major Subjects Industrial Engineering - Electrical Engineering1 - Operational Research 2 - Engineering Mechanics 1 - Production Engineering 1,2 & 3 - Industrial Technology 1 & 2 - Programming 2 - Engineering Work Study 1,2&3 - Material Handling3 - Engineering Mathematics 1 - Industrial Leadership 4 - Industrial Automation 3 - Industrial Project4 - Communication 1 - Industrial Design 4 - Costingand Estimating3 - Industrial Accounting4 - Quality Techniques 3 - Operational Research 4 - Construction Planning2 - Systems Dynamics 4 MBA (subjectspassed) - General Management 1 - Algemene Bestuur 1 - Financial Accounting1 - FinansieleRekeningkunde 1 - Organization Behaviour 1 - Organisasiegedrag1 - Management Statistics 1 - Bestuurstatistieke1 - Information Management 1 - Inligtingsbestuur 1 ComputerSkills MicrosoftOffice,MSProjects,PowerPoint,Excel
  • 4. Professional Experience Project Management and Industrial Engineering: (Pacific Eagle) Current (January 2015 current) - Client: H2Only - Pacific Clear Water (Partnership new division) Pretoria Duties: Project Manager for the Construction and Building of Bottle Water Plant (Reverse Osmosis, UV filtration, Ozone enrichment process) - Build new facility to accommodate water bottling plant - Responsible for the Installation of water purification equipment - Commission plant and ensure full operation to reach maximum capacity - Implementationof prescribedQA/QCrequirements(e.g.samplingprocesses),water monitoringondailybasis,laboratorytests - Processflows tominimisehandlingandensure fluentprocess - Material handlingandpackaging - Clientliaison andcontracts - Commercial activities(SupplyChain) - Label designs on Clientsrequest ___________________ Project Manager: Lerumo Client: Scatec Solar Burgersdorp (January 2014 July 2014) Duties: Solar Panel Tracker Installation Project - Dreunberg Responsible for the Installation of 75 MW Solar Power Plant on behalf of Scatec Solar Ensure that the Project requirements as per agreement are met Implementation of prescribed QA/QC Protocol and the execution thereof. Compiling of method statements to ensure consistency throughout the project Cost control: minimize cost within cost plus based contract Compile Project Schedule, Construction Schedule (MPP) and daily reports schedules. Monitor project costs, resources and progress with assistance of S Curve Report weekly to client and shareholders: o Planning of materials, resources, equipment o Health, safety and medical tests o Expediting of critical and imported materials o BBBEE, LED statistics, and community issues o Labour relations cases (Total Workforce = 713) o In-housing training as per government requirement o Pre-commission and handover of completed work o Cumulative Construction Progress Planned vs Actual Interviewandrecruitmanagementteammembersinlocal community to assist with project as co-ordinatorsandsupervisors.Liaise withCLO (CommunityLiaisonOfficer) onlabourlevel Establish a healthy culture with workforce and ensure professionalism throughout the project Lead project with high and estimable values Constant feedback to the mayor of Burgersdorp regarding the progress of the project
  • 5. ___________________ Site Manager: DLV Consulting Engineers Client: Procter & Gamble Kempton Park (January 2012 October 2013) Duties: Install new Fire Ring main system Responsible for the Fire Main Ring Project upgrade fire system to USA standards. Water tanks, pumps and sprinkler network 2 Million Litre tanks Represents DLV consulting Engineer to managed and execute the project on behalf of DLV Consulting Engineers Liaise and also keep Client posted due to the status of project Approvals of legal and Municipality / Fire department requirements Compiled detail programs - Critical Path Analysis and detail Programs to ensure in time completion Managed Contractors and assist to ensure deadline completion Safety Induction Facilitator on behalf of Procter & Gamble Compile Risk assessments and evaluate Method statements during the project Ensure QA/QC continuously. ___________________ Project Manager: Client: Kadji Group Douala Cameroon (February 2009 November 2011) Duties: Upgrade Hotel Arcade and Construction of Shopping Centre Upgrading: Hotel Arcade - Upgrading Shopping Centre - Construction. Offices Building and construction Carried out a feasibility study to ensure best practises Advised and assisted with design Determined full scope of work Determined the bill of materials required Compiled milestone and detail task programs - MS Projects Appoint contractors and did BID Clarifications Took full responsibility of contractors and suppliers Sourced and imported materials from South Africa and China Logistics to ensure in time delivery Custom and excise with the help of Kadji Personnel (Bill of Lading to Landing Orders) Earth works and assist with surveying Approval of Certificates - Different from South Africa. QA/QC Safety of workers Risk assessments ___________________
  • 6. Project Manager: Joint Venture with Buffalo Civils Client: Rowan Gardner / FNB Windmill Park Boksburg (February 2008 December 2008) Duties: Construction of financial Link/ low cost housing Units ProjectManagement Organizationmanagement o Time frame o Cost WithinBudget o Quality Ensure consistence andimprovement Projectadministration Material planningandmanagement Projectplanning(MSprojects) SubContractor selectionandappointmentviaBIDprocess Ensure QA/QC SafetyFilesandRiskandstatementstoOSHact requirements Financial responsibilities(Dt/Ct) Progressreportstoboard of directors. (DeveloperandFNB) ___________________ Project Manager: Constantia Fertilizers Richards Bay Client: Transvaal Wattle Co-operation (TWK) Piet Retief (February 2007 January 2008) Duties: Design and develop new fertilizer facility for TWK Purchased land; Developed new facility to accommodate all types of fertilizers Inbound and Outbound; Drafted and designed to ensure fluent process flows including production; Appointed Engineer and Architect to assist me; Appointed applicable Contractors to execute project; Rounded robin approach with municipality certifications; Selectedandpurchasedsophisticatedblender Type was coffee blender. Reliable and very accurate; Developed operational procedures to a full functional business; Appointed labour force to ensure in time delivery to markets; Implemented 3 party logistic principles; Budget management and report to executives; Fit completion in very tight time frame as requested from executives; Managed and accepted ownership to project from design to a full functional facility. This include fromselectingland,construction,erectingandalsothe Supply Chain duties. (Cradle to grave Turn Key).
  • 7. ___________________ Managing Director Client: Profert Eastern Cape Port Elizabeth (April 2004 October 2006) Duties: To Manage and steer business which was in debt to a profitable entity Managing of Business (Personnel:5office and24 skilledandsemi-skilledlabours) - Promote a culture of professionalism, ethical behaviourandteamworkinthe organisation - Responsible forthe overall businessstrategyandplanning - Ensuringthe companymaintainsacompetitive positionwithinitsindustrymarket - Consistentlystrive toachievethe Groupsfinancial andoperatinggoalsandobjectives - Developandmaintainclientrelationships - Implementadistributionandlogisticsnetwork Apply4th party logistics - Inventorymanagementandcontrol Paretoprincipal toensure stocklevelsandproduct availability - Productionoptimization 60% increase - Effective InboundandOutboundoperations - JIT - Contractor selection,appointmentsandmanagement Submitreportsto Board of Directors 2005/2006 financial yearendresults:Improve fromaloss(R1,904) to R1,210 (Million)profit. East Cape marketshare growth18.4% - 31.8% (Data available fromFertilizerassociation May 2005 April 2006) ___________________ Head of Logistics - Randburg Client: Sasol Nitro Secunda &Sasol National (December 1996 November 2003) Duties: To Manage and develop logistics into new era as market leader - Importsof raw materials - Productionmanagement - Inbound/Outboundof materialstoensure constant availability - Hub and spoke establishment - PackagingMythologies AlsoPatentinventor - 3rd Party logistics - Reduce shipdischarge cost Demurrage on ships.Earndispatch Due to discharge methods thisbecame a industrystandard - Developtariff structure androll outtoentire fertilizerindustry - Ensure Bestpractiseson material handlingwiththe assistance of Paretoanalysis: o Min stock o Max stock o ROP o Safetystock o JIT principals o Paretoprincipals(20/80)
  • 8. I distinguishmyself inthis business andstill todaythe mythologies i wasresponsibleforserversasa standardin the national Fertilizerindustry. (Summary: This was my personal best in my career as an Industrial Engineer) Personal Information Address: 204 Eugene Ave Grootfontein Pretoria 0056 Cell: 0717664653 / 0730048143 Email: meyer.vandenberg@gmail.com RSA ID Nr: 5607075149085 Drivers Licence: Code EB Married: Yes Languages Afrikaans; English I Meyer van den Berg, ID 5607075149085 confirm that the information is true and reflects my history and experience as lay out in this CV