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Oluwaferanmi Oyedeji Okanlami, MD MS 51310 Shamrock Hills Drive Granger IN 46530
(574)514-1418 okanlami@gmail.com
Mission Statement:
Desire to improvethe access to and delivery of healthcare around the world, using technology and innovation.
Dedication to demonstrating that being DISabled does not mean UNable, by providing examples, opportunities, and resources for individuals to
lead healthy, active, and fulfilling lives.
 Memorial Hospital of South Bend: Family Medicine Resident: 2015 - Present
 University of Notre Dame: Master of Science in Engineering, Science and Technology Entrepreneurship: 2015
 Yale - New Haven Hospital: Orthopaedic Surgery Resident: 2011-2013
 University Michigan Medical School: Medical Degree (w/ Distinction): 2011
 Stanford University: Bachelor of Arts, Humanities (w/ Honors): 2007
 Deerfield Academy: High School Diploma: 2003
 Patel A, Fusi S, Okanlami OO, Ditillo M, Sawh-Martinez FR. Blogging to Bolster Your Plastic Surgery Career. Plast
Reconstr Surg. 2015 Mar; 135(3): 658e-659e.
 Naik-Mathuria B., O. O. Okanlami, et al. (2006). "Subclavian Venipuncture Following Ipsilateral Extrapleural Dissection
is Hazardous." Pediatr Surg Int 22(7): 608-9.
 Culture, Diversity, and Religion in Science
- Invited Lecturer  University of Notre Dame College of Science, Oct 31 , 2015 & November 5, 2016
 Family Centered Experience/Clinical Foundations of Medicine
- Invited Lecturer  University of Michigan Medical School, December 15, 2014 & December 14, 2015.
 Disabusing Disability
- Invited Lecturer  Thomas Dooley Society  University of Notre Dame Medical Alumni, November 14, 2015
 Patient Specific Instrumentation: Better Planning, Better Surgery
- University of Notre Dame Masters Thesis, May 2015
 Fetal MRI in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Do Fetal Lung Volumes and Liver Herniation Predict need for
- The Annual Childrens National Medical Center Symposium, Feb 22-26, 2009. Keystone, CO
 Experience with Severe CDH: Examining the Recent Impact of ECMO
- The Annual Childrens National Medical Center Symposium, Feb 22-26, 2009. Keystone, CO
 Fetal MRI in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Do Fetal Lung Volumes and Liver Herniation Predict need for
- 54th Annual Student Biomedical Fall Research Forum, Nov 5, 2008. Ann Arbor, MI
 Illness Narratives: The Bridge Between the Kingdom of the Ill and the Kingdom of the Well
- Stanford University Honors Thesis, May 2007
6/14  6/15 University of Notre Dame/Cleveland Clinic Innovations/Custom Orthopaedic Solutions
- Worked with Dr. Joseph Iannotti to conceive of, develop, and design a custom surgical aid to improve
pedicle screw placement in spinal surgery.
- Tested prototype surgical aid through cadaver trial.
6/10  6-11 University of Michigan Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Dr. Clifford Craig: Talipes Equinovarus (clubfoot).
6/08-8/08 Student Biomedical Research Program, University of Michigan, Pediatric Surgery
- Dr. George Mychaliska. Fetal MRI & ECMO in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Data analysis w/ SPSS
1/06-9/06 Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford University
- Worked with Dr. David Magnus. Assisted in conducting a survey of bioethics centers around the nation.
8/04-9/04 Texas Childrens Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine
- Dr. Oluyinka Olutoye. Pediatric Surgery clinic and operating room. Assisted in writing a case report.
11/16-Pres Clubhouse of St. Joseph County: Chairman Face of Capital Campaign
- We are a supportive community for persons with psychiatric disabilities that seeks to improve our
members lives through employment and education.
7/16-Pres Black Angel Technology Investment Fund  Network Connector/Advisor
- Bridging the gap in technology funding for black techpreneurs by providing resources to assist Stanford
Black Students and affiliates with the development and launch of their entrepreneurial ventures.
7/16-Pres DC Design/Design the Future - Advisor
- Design entrepreneurship firm powered by design thinking and advanced manufacturing techniques. Goal
to design and manufacture real world products to make the world better.
12/15-Pres Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation (WNIT, Michiana PBS)  Board of Directors and Governance
- Non-Profit community organization with a goal to foster enlightenment, inspire, inform, educate,
entertain, and unify the communities we serve by providing free access to the multi-media world.
8/15-Pres St. Joseph County, IN Board of Health  Board of Directors
- Appointed by Mayor Peter Buttigieg
- To promote the physical and mental health and facilitate the prevention of disease, injury, and disability
for all St. Joseph County, IN residents.
8/15-6/16 University of Notre Dame ESTEEM Program: Masters Thesis Adviser
- Served as a technical adviser to a student in the Engineering, Science and Technology Entrepreneurship
Excellence Masters Program.
6/14-Pres River City Challenged Athletes  Vice President and Board Member
- Organization that oversees the activities of South Bend, Indiana adaptive sports teams (Wheelchair
Basketball and Sled Hockey)
- Wheelchair Basketball Coach/Team Leader/Player
3/10-3/11 Galens Medical Society  Director Czar  93rd Annual Galens Smoker
- Galens Medical Society: Oldest student run organization at the institution.
- Dedicated to raising funds and volunteering to support the children of Washtenaw County, particularly
Child Life programs at Mott Childrens Hospital.
- The Smoker is a completely student run musical satirizing life at the University of Michigan Health
10/2010 University of Michigan Medical School Alumni Reunion
- Served as Emcee for the luncheon. Spoke on a panel of M4s to the alums.
8/2011 "Workshops in End-of-Life Care for Health Professionals in Children's Hospitals"
- An open educational resource found at https://open.umich.edu/education/med/resources/palliative-
8/2010 "Please Keep Our Baby Comfortable" An End-of-Life Care Training Video
2010 Pediatric Palliative Care Team, CS Mott Children's Hospital, University of Michigan.
3/09-3/11 Galens Medical Society  Tag Days Czar (Junior Czar 09-10 & Senior Czar 10-11)
- Tag Days is a fundraiser where University of Michigan medical students canvas the community raising
money for the children of Mott Hospital and Washtenaw County.
3/08  3/09 Black Medical Association: External Vice President and Student National Medical Association President
- Served as a representative of the University of Michigan Medical School at various conferences:
- Student National Medical Association Regional and National Conferences
- National Medical Association National Conference
- Stanford Undergraduate Medical Minority Alliance Conference (4 years)
- Spoke on several panels to local high school students about applying to college and medical school
2008-2009 University of Michigan Athletics Athletes in Action
- Served as an unofficial graduate school mentor to Christian student-athletes.
9/07-5/08 Black Medical Association: Liaison to Black Pre-Medical Association
- Facilitated the relationship between the medical students and undergraduates.
- Helped organize Med Student for a Day
4/2008 Shaping the Future of Medicine (Medical Center Alumni Society Scholarship Dinner)
- Served as the emcee and student speaker
- Organized and participated in a student choral ensemble
9/05-6/07 Captain of Stanford University Track and Field Team
9/05-6/07 Cardinal Life Christian Fellowship Student Leader
3/04-2/05 Stanford University Sophomore Class President
6/2016  Honorary Diploma - Yale Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
5/2015  Mr. Congeniality
5/2015  Panelist at 2015 Stanford National Black Alumni Summit
6/2012  John Francis Palmer Award for Exemplary Citizenship Exhibited by a Healthcare Provider
9/2010  Deans Commendation for Excellence in Clinical Skills at the Art of Medicine - Given to 10%
2008-2012  Photograph featured in The Michigan Difference Campaign
2009  Letters of Commendation from Office of the Dean. Number Received: 4
2008-2009  Alexander S. Vida, M.D. Memorial Medical Scholarship
2008  NIH T35 Short Term Training Grant for Medical Students
2007-2008  Demigod of Dissection Award  Given to the best gross anatomy dissection team
2007  USTFCCCA Academic All-American
2007  Graduation Speaker  Departmental Ceremony, Stanford University
6/2007  The Captains Award 2007
5/2007  J.E. Wallace Sterling Award
5/2007  Class of 2007 Award of Excellence
2006-2007  Pacific-10 Conference Outdoor Track & Field Academic All-Conference
2006-2007  NCAA Track and Field West Region All-American
2005-2007  Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Indoor Track & Field Academic All-Conference
2006  Letter of Commendation - Biology Laboratories at Stanford University for exceptional lab work
2005-2006  Black Community Service Center Outstanding Athlete of the Year
2004  USATF Junior All-American (Triple Jump)
2003  Deerfield Cup

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Curriculum Vitae Okanlami

  • 1. Oluwaferanmi Oyedeji Okanlami, MD MS 51310 Shamrock Hills Drive Granger IN 46530 (574)514-1418 okanlami@gmail.com Mission Statement: Desire to improvethe access to and delivery of healthcare around the world, using technology and innovation. Dedication to demonstrating that being DISabled does not mean UNable, by providing examples, opportunities, and resources for individuals to lead healthy, active, and fulfilling lives. EDUCATION/TRAINING Memorial Hospital of South Bend: Family Medicine Resident: 2015 - Present University of Notre Dame: Master of Science in Engineering, Science and Technology Entrepreneurship: 2015 Yale - New Haven Hospital: Orthopaedic Surgery Resident: 2011-2013 University Michigan Medical School: Medical Degree (w/ Distinction): 2011 Stanford University: Bachelor of Arts, Humanities (w/ Honors): 2007 Deerfield Academy: High School Diploma: 2003 PUBLICATIONS Patel A, Fusi S, Okanlami OO, Ditillo M, Sawh-Martinez FR. Blogging to Bolster Your Plastic Surgery Career. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015 Mar; 135(3): 658e-659e. Naik-Mathuria B., O. O. Okanlami, et al. (2006). "Subclavian Venipuncture Following Ipsilateral Extrapleural Dissection is Hazardous." Pediatr Surg Int 22(7): 608-9. PRESENTATIONS, PAPERS, and ABSTRACTS Culture, Diversity, and Religion in Science - Invited Lecturer University of Notre Dame College of Science, Oct 31 , 2015 & November 5, 2016 Family Centered Experience/Clinical Foundations of Medicine - Invited Lecturer University of Michigan Medical School, December 15, 2014 & December 14, 2015. Disabusing Disability - Invited Lecturer Thomas Dooley Society University of Notre Dame Medical Alumni, November 14, 2015 Patient Specific Instrumentation: Better Planning, Better Surgery - University of Notre Dame Masters Thesis, May 2015 Fetal MRI in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Do Fetal Lung Volumes and Liver Herniation Predict need for ECMO? - The Annual Childrens National Medical Center Symposium, Feb 22-26, 2009. Keystone, CO Experience with Severe CDH: Examining the Recent Impact of ECMO - The Annual Childrens National Medical Center Symposium, Feb 22-26, 2009. Keystone, CO Fetal MRI in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: Do Fetal Lung Volumes and Liver Herniation Predict need for ECMO? - 54th Annual Student Biomedical Fall Research Forum, Nov 5, 2008. Ann Arbor, MI Illness Narratives: The Bridge Between the Kingdom of the Ill and the Kingdom of the Well - Stanford University Honors Thesis, May 2007 RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 6/14 6/15 University of Notre Dame/Cleveland Clinic Innovations/Custom Orthopaedic Solutions - Worked with Dr. Joseph Iannotti to conceive of, develop, and design a custom surgical aid to improve pedicle screw placement in spinal surgery. - Tested prototype surgical aid through cadaver trial. 6/10 6-11 University of Michigan Department of Orthopaedic Surgery - Dr. Clifford Craig: Talipes Equinovarus (clubfoot). 6/08-8/08 Student Biomedical Research Program, University of Michigan, Pediatric Surgery - Dr. George Mychaliska. Fetal MRI & ECMO in Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia. Data analysis w/ SPSS 1/06-9/06 Center for Biomedical Ethics, Stanford University - Worked with Dr. David Magnus. Assisted in conducting a survey of bioethics centers around the nation. 8/04-9/04 Texas Childrens Hospital and Baylor College of Medicine - Dr. Oluyinka Olutoye. Pediatric Surgery clinic and operating room. Assisted in writing a case report.
  • 2. LEADERSHIP & VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE 11/16-Pres Clubhouse of St. Joseph County: Chairman Face of Capital Campaign - We are a supportive community for persons with psychiatric disabilities that seeks to improve our members lives through employment and education. 7/16-Pres Black Angel Technology Investment Fund Network Connector/Advisor - Bridging the gap in technology funding for black techpreneurs by providing resources to assist Stanford Black Students and affiliates with the development and launch of their entrepreneurial ventures. 7/16-Pres DC Design/Design the Future - Advisor - Design entrepreneurship firm powered by design thinking and advanced manufacturing techniques. Goal to design and manufacture real world products to make the world better. 12/15-Pres Michiana Public Broadcasting Corporation (WNIT, Michiana PBS) Board of Directors and Governance Committee - Non-Profit community organization with a goal to foster enlightenment, inspire, inform, educate, entertain, and unify the communities we serve by providing free access to the multi-media world. 8/15-Pres St. Joseph County, IN Board of Health Board of Directors - Appointed by Mayor Peter Buttigieg - To promote the physical and mental health and facilitate the prevention of disease, injury, and disability for all St. Joseph County, IN residents. 8/15-6/16 University of Notre Dame ESTEEM Program: Masters Thesis Adviser - Served as a technical adviser to a student in the Engineering, Science and Technology Entrepreneurship Excellence Masters Program. 6/14-Pres River City Challenged Athletes Vice President and Board Member - Organization that oversees the activities of South Bend, Indiana adaptive sports teams (Wheelchair Basketball and Sled Hockey) - Wheelchair Basketball Coach/Team Leader/Player 3/10-3/11 Galens Medical Society Director Czar 93rd Annual Galens Smoker - Galens Medical Society: Oldest student run organization at the institution. - Dedicated to raising funds and volunteering to support the children of Washtenaw County, particularly Child Life programs at Mott Childrens Hospital. - The Smoker is a completely student run musical satirizing life at the University of Michigan Health System. 10/2010 University of Michigan Medical School Alumni Reunion - Served as Emcee for the luncheon. Spoke on a panel of M4s to the alums. 8/2011 "Workshops in End-of-Life Care for Health Professionals in Children's Hospitals" - An open educational resource found at https://open.umich.edu/education/med/resources/palliative- care/2010 8/2010 "Please Keep Our Baby Comfortable" An End-of-Life Care Training Video 2010 Pediatric Palliative Care Team, CS Mott Children's Hospital, University of Michigan. 3/09-3/11 Galens Medical Society Tag Days Czar (Junior Czar 09-10 & Senior Czar 10-11) - Tag Days is a fundraiser where University of Michigan medical students canvas the community raising money for the children of Mott Hospital and Washtenaw County. 3/08 3/09 Black Medical Association: External Vice President and Student National Medical Association President - Served as a representative of the University of Michigan Medical School at various conferences: - Student National Medical Association Regional and National Conferences - National Medical Association National Conference - Stanford Undergraduate Medical Minority Alliance Conference (4 years) - Spoke on several panels to local high school students about applying to college and medical school 2008-2009 University of Michigan Athletics Athletes in Action - Served as an unofficial graduate school mentor to Christian student-athletes. 9/07-5/08 Black Medical Association: Liaison to Black Pre-Medical Association - Facilitated the relationship between the medical students and undergraduates. - Helped organize Med Student for a Day 4/2008 Shaping the Future of Medicine (Medical Center Alumni Society Scholarship Dinner) - Served as the emcee and student speaker - Organized and participated in a student choral ensemble
  • 3. 9/05-6/07 Captain of Stanford University Track and Field Team 9/05-6/07 Cardinal Life Christian Fellowship Student Leader 3/04-2/05 Stanford University Sophomore Class President HONORS 6/2016 Honorary Diploma - Yale Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation 5/2015 Mr. Congeniality 5/2015 Panelist at 2015 Stanford National Black Alumni Summit 6/2012 John Francis Palmer Award for Exemplary Citizenship Exhibited by a Healthcare Provider 9/2010 Deans Commendation for Excellence in Clinical Skills at the Art of Medicine - Given to 10% 2008-2012 Photograph featured in The Michigan Difference Campaign 2009 Letters of Commendation from Office of the Dean. Number Received: 4 2008-2009 Alexander S. Vida, M.D. Memorial Medical Scholarship 2008 NIH T35 Short Term Training Grant for Medical Students 2007-2008 Demigod of Dissection Award Given to the best gross anatomy dissection team 2007 USTFCCCA Academic All-American 2007 Graduation Speaker Departmental Ceremony, Stanford University 6/2007 The Captains Award 2007 5/2007 J.E. Wallace Sterling Award 5/2007 Class of 2007 Award of Excellence 2006-2007 Pacific-10 Conference Outdoor Track & Field Academic All-Conference 2006-2007 NCAA Track and Field West Region All-American 2005-2007 Mountain Pacific Sports Federation Indoor Track & Field Academic All-Conference 2006 Letter of Commendation - Biology Laboratories at Stanford University for exceptional lab work 2005-2006 Black Community Service Center Outstanding Athlete of the Year 2004 USATF Junior All-American (Triple Jump) 2003 Deerfield Cup