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Student e-NewsletterOSU/OHSU College of Pharmacy - Issue #22 Spring Quarter Week 3 - pharmacy.oregonstate.edu - April 17, 2009
page 2: Project CHANCE
News from Australia!
page 3: Announcements
In this weeks
Calendar of eventsWhere the Stars of Pharmacy Shine:
Highlights from the 2009 APhA-ASP National
Meeting in San Antonio, Texas
he American Pharmacists
Association Academy of
Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP)
Annual Meeting and Exposition was
held April 3rd - 6th in San Antonio,
Texas. Approximately 6,000 attendees
converged on San Antonio representing
all aspects of the pharmacy profession
including not only student pharmacists,
but also practitioners, scientists,
technicians and representatives of the
pharmaceutical industry.
	 Over four days, attendees were able
to participate in a variety of educational
sessions, networking opportunities, and
social eventsall of which were done in
true Texas style. While in San Antonio,
OSU attendees got to experience
the historic Alamo, the beautiful San
Antonio Riverwalk, and the regions
legendary BBQ, in addition to getting up
close and personal with a real, live (and
very sedate!) Texas longhorn as well as a
handful of curious armadillos.
	 2009 marked the 40th anniversary
for ASP, the student governing body of
APhA, which now has a membership of
30,000 pharmacy students nationwide.
Oregon State was one of 110 schools
of pharmacy represented at the meeting.
Fifteen students from our chapter were
in attendance.
	 The OSU College of Pharmacy had
notable representation in San Antonio
by Sharon Shiraga (P3), APhA-ASP
Regional Member at Large, who served
as an alternate delegate for Region 7
in APhAs House of Delegates, Ayla
Johnson (P4), who served on the 2009
APhA-ASP Nominating Committee,
Jackie Foster (P2), who served as a
delegate in APhA-ASPs House of
Delegates, and Elva Van Devender (P2),
who competed in APhA-ASPs National
Patient Counseling Competition.
	 The biggest highlight of the meeting
for our chapter, however, came during
APhA-ASPs Opening General Session
when the OSU College of Pharmacy was
awarded one of 10 national APhA-ASP
awards for Project CHANCE.
	 The authors of the winning
proposal, Pamela Levine, Ben Kong,
Matt Leinbach and Elva Van Devender,
were all in attendance to receive the
award, and are very excited about
launching their medication reconciliation
project with the Community Health
Centers of Benton and Linn Counties
later this summer.
	 In addition, Dr. Jeegisha Patel
was awarded Best Poster Presentation
Merit Award in APhAs Community/
Ambulatory Care section, the Oregon
State Pharmacy Association (OSPA) was
recognized nationally for their efforts
to advance pharmacists involvement in
immunizations through training activities
and legislative initiatives, and OSU
alumnus Brian Hille was recognized on
behalf of the Safeway Corporation for
the companys work in increasing the
availability of immunizations.
	 Missed out on an armadillo cuddle
this year? Want to be part of the action
next year? The APhA Annual Meeting
& Exposition is held each spring. Mark
your calendars for the 2010 APhA-ASP
Annual Meeting and Exposition in
Washington, D.C. March 12th -15th.
- Story and photos submitted by Jackie
Foster and Elva Van Devender
Elva Van Devender (left) and Jackie Foster (right) with some new friends.
Calendar of events also online at
April 21
P3 Seminar
CV Writing Workshop
CHH 3rd Floor 11:30 a.m.
April 21-22
Countdown to Commencement
OSU MU Ballroom
P4s: See COP graduation info page
for more information
April 28
CVS Luncheon, 11 a.m.
CHH - 3rd floor classroom
May 1
P4 Reunion 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Bowling 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.
Portland, Ore.
May 4
White Box Luncheon
Financial planning
Noon to 1 p.m. Corvallis
May 8
OSU COP Open House
Corvallis, OR 3:30 p.m.
May 21
Rho Chi and Phi Lambda Sigma
Initiation Ceremony
5:30 PM
Alumni Center  Library room
May 26
Student Recognition Banquet
Alumni Center, Corvallis
June 4
OHSU Graduation
Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall
June 12
OSU COP Graduation
LaSells Austin Auditorium
For details, see http://pharmacy.
Student e-Newsletteris a weekly newsletter published each Friday during the regular academic year. Students and
staff may submit stories by e-mailing the editor, Nicole Miller, at Nicole.Miller@oregonstate.edu. Submissions may be edited for length.
P4s Mercy Chipman and Ted Williams
are currently on rotation in Melbourne
Australia. Here is the latest from Ted:
	 We are on our elective rotation
for 6 weeks. We will be spending time
in Melbourne working in a community
pharmacy, attending a Pharmacy
Guild meeting in Brisbane, hiking (or
bushwalking as they call it here) across
Tasmania, scuba diving at the Great
Barrier Reef in Cairns, driving to the 12
apostles, and sightseeing in Sydney.
- Story
and photos
sumbitted by
Ted Williams
Looking for students to
perform in talent portion
of Student Recognition
I am writing to encourage anyone and
everyone who might be interested in
performing for the talent portion of the
evening at the Deans Banquet to please
contact me.
	 For those of you who might not
know - each year at the Deans Banquet
pharmacy students get the chance to
show the college their other talents
besides being super smart pharmacy
people. This could include singing,
dancing, comedy skits, playing an
instrument, etc.
	 If anyone is interested please let me
know ASAP - monroek@onid.orst.edu
- so we can start planning and preparing
for your wonderful performances.
- Submitted by Katie Monroe
News from Australia...
Celebrating a OSU College of Pharmacy Project CHANCE win (from left to
right): Jackie Foster (P2), Sharon Shiraga (P3), Elva Van Devender (P2), Ben
Kong (P1), Matthew Leinbach (P1), and Pamela Levine (P1)
At this years American Pharmacists
Association Academy of Student
Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) Annual
Meeting and Exposition in San Antonio,
the Oregon State University College of
Pharmacy was one of only 10 chapters
nationally to be awarded a Project
CHANCE grant. Project CHANCE
(Chapters Helping Advocate for
Needy Communities Everywhere) in
collaboration with the Pharmacy Services
Support Center (PSSC) of the Health
Resources and Services Administration
(HRSA), is designed to help foster
projects that promote delivery of
pharmacy services to underserved
	 A group of Oregon State pharmacy
students (P1s Pamela Levine, Matthew
Leinbach, and Ben Kong and P2
Elva Van Devender) put together a
Medication Reconciliation Project
proposal involving the Community
Health Centers of Benton and Linn
Counties (CHCBLC) to win the $2,000
award. The objectives of the proposal
are to 1) improve patient outcomes by
reducing harm to patients, decreasing
medication errors, and increasing the
amount of time healthcare providers are
able to spend with patients by decreasing
unnecessary paperwork, 2) educate
patients about what medicines they are
taking and how to take them safely,
and 3) provide opportunities for
OSU pharmacy students to interact
with patients in a real-world setting.
	 OSUs Project CHANCE
grant will involve holding brown
bag type events with CHCBLC,
interviewing patients, providing
patients with portable, easily
understandable medication lists/
schedules, counseling patients,
documenting drug interactions/
duplications, and surveying
providers and patients.
	 Work on implementing OSUs
Project CHANCE grant has already
begun! Monthly events are being
planned for the summer and early fall at
CHCBLC with fall and winter events to
be held more frequently. The operation
should be fairly portable and could
be implemented at various locations
with minimal effort, and the Project
CHANCE team is looking forward to
taking this project on the road and
expanding the reach of this program
to a wider population of underserved
communities in our state. Outreach
opportunities, as they arise, will be
posted on the wiki calendar.
	 Project CHANCE will have its
own webpage and will be linked to
the College of Pharmacy homepage,
Facebook community, and the College
of Pharmacy wiki site at http://
chance. If you would like to get involved
with the Project CHANCE team, talk to
Pamela, Matt, Ben, or Elva and/or e-mail
Pamela at levinep@onid.orst.edu.
	 The students of Project CHANCE
would like to thank both Dr. Stacy
Ramirez and Dr. Gary DeLander for
all their help, support and guidance in
putting together a proposal that will
allow OSU students to make a positive
difference in the community in which we
- Story and photos submitted by
Elva Van Devender
College of Pharmacy Students Win National APhA-ASP Award for Project CHANCE
Student e-Newsletteris a weekly newsletter published each Friday during the regular academic year. Students
and staff may submit stories by e-mailing the editor, Nicole Miller, at Nicole.Miller@oregonstate.edu. Submissions may be edited for length.
	 Dr. Jeegisha Patel received the APhA-APPM Presentation
Merit Award for her poster at the APhA meeting. The Merit
Award recognizes presenters of best practice-focused poster in
Ambulatory/Community Practice section.
	 The project was: Implementing a Cardiovascular Reduction
Service in a Community Setting. Authors: Jeegisha Patel, Robin
Traver ( P4), Richard McCloud ( Pfizer).
Project CHANCE
We would like to get a list of everyone interested in working on the
Project CHANCE Medication Reconciliation project this summer.
(See story on page 2).
	 If you will be in the area and think you might like to be
involved, please e-mail me at levinep@onid.orst.edu. We are
planning to have events once a month (dates yet to be determined)
and you would not need to be available for all of them.
	 If you are interested in helping get the project off the ground
over spring term, even if you wont be around for the summer,
please let me know that as well. If you are unable to volunteer this
summer, there will be more opportunities in the fall.
	 If you have any questions, please email or ask me, Ben Kong,
Matthew Leinbach, Elva Van Devender or Dr. Stacy Ramirez. Thank
- Submitted by Pamela Levine, Class of 2012
Pharmacy Ownership Workshop
For anyone with any possible interest in owning a pharmacy there
are a number of important events coming up.
	 There will be a Pharmacy Ownership Workshop held in
Seattle on August 21st to the 23rd. There is also a chance to visit
the Nations Capitol May 11th through the 13th for the National
Legislation and Government Affairs Conference. There is also a
number of events for those of you interested in long term care.
Details for these events can be found at: http://www.ncpanet.org/
	 If anyone is interested in attending any of these events please
contact me, Brennan Black at: blackbre.onid.orst.edu. If you are
interested I will solicit funds from EC to assist with event costs.
- Submitted by Brennan Black, NCPA President-elect, Class of 2011
MS Walk April 25th
My name is Amy Gin, a P2 and team captain of Amys heroes for
the MS Walk that is taking place in Corvallis on Saturday, April 25,
2009 that begins at the MU quad. As a person who is diagnosed with
multiple sclerosis, I am hoping to keep spreading the awareness of
	 And this begins with YOU!
	 The event is a 5K walk that is FREE registration and any
donations would go straight towards the National MS society. The
walk was a success last year, when there was more than half of the
P2 classmates joining me for the walk. Registering for the walk is
	 I am personally inviting you to join me for this worthy cause
and to show support for a fellow classmate. Everybody that is in my
life today has been a true inspiration for me to keep moving along,
and you are considered a hero in my life.
	 To join or donate: Please go to http://main.nationalmssociety.
=personal&fr_id=10498. This is the link that you can join my team,
donate, or view my team!
know we are all college students. Please feel free to ask colleagues,
family, or friends for any donation. Anything helps!
	 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at
ginam@onid.orst.edu or by phone 503-806-0191. Thanks again and
hope to see you there!
- Submitted by Amy Gin, Class Representative, Class of 2011
COP canned food drive the 20-24th of April
Boxes are in the COP front office - It will also be a P1/P2
competition, so the boxes will be labeled accordingly. However,
faculty and staff donations would also be greatly appreciated.
Students can contact me with any questions.
- Submitted by Andrea Gay, gaya@onid.orst.edu
Diversity Grant Available - Walgreens/College of Pharmacy
The OSU College of Pharmacy has a strong commitment to
diversity. To that end, this grant was created with a gift from the
Walgreens Corporation. The purpose of this grant is to fund
projects within the College and the community that emphasize
	 Projects will be accepted based on the ability of the application
to explain/show an effect in one of the following areas:
	 - Increased diversity in the College.
	 - Increased diversity in the profession of pharmacy.
	 - Increased access for underserved or underrepresented
	 - Increased awareness and acceptance of diverse groups.
	 Each section of the application should be completed in full.
	 See full details and application at: http://pharmacy.oregonstate.
	 Complete applications must be received via e-mail by 5:00 p.m.
on April 30, 2009. Or they may be mailed but they must be received
(not just postmarked) by 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2009.
	 To e-mail please send it to: natalea.braden@oregonstate.edu.
Or you may mail it to: OSU College of Pharmacy, Attn: Natalea
Braden, Pharm.D. 1601 SW Jefferson St, 203 Pharmacy Building,
Corvallis, OR 97331.
P1 and P2 Volleyball Compeition- UPDATED
What better way to know your classmates than some volleyball
competition! The current schedule is every Wednesday at 3:30 pm
at Dixon. - Submitted by Ben Kong, Class of 2012
New Scholarship: Roybal Foundation Scholarship
	 The Roybal Foundation Scholarshipis for Hispanic students
in health-related fields. Pharm.D. students are eligible to apply, but
youll need to act quickly since the deadline is May 1, 2009.
	 Information and application: http://roybalfoundation.org/
Scholarship Deadlines:
Roybal Foundation Scholarship due May 1
Wolters Kluwer Health Scholarship due June 1

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Project Chance

  • 1. Student e-NewsletterOSU/OHSU College of Pharmacy - Issue #22 Spring Quarter Week 3 - pharmacy.oregonstate.edu - April 17, 2009 1 page 2: Project CHANCE News from Australia! page 3: Announcements Scholarships In this weeks newsletter Calendar of eventsWhere the Stars of Pharmacy Shine: Highlights from the 2009 APhA-ASP National Meeting in San Antonio, Texas he American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) Annual Meeting and Exposition was held April 3rd - 6th in San Antonio, Texas. Approximately 6,000 attendees converged on San Antonio representing all aspects of the pharmacy profession including not only student pharmacists, but also practitioners, scientists, technicians and representatives of the pharmaceutical industry. Over four days, attendees were able to participate in a variety of educational sessions, networking opportunities, and social eventsall of which were done in true Texas style. While in San Antonio, OSU attendees got to experience the historic Alamo, the beautiful San Antonio Riverwalk, and the regions legendary BBQ, in addition to getting up close and personal with a real, live (and very sedate!) Texas longhorn as well as a handful of curious armadillos. 2009 marked the 40th anniversary for ASP, the student governing body of APhA, which now has a membership of 30,000 pharmacy students nationwide. Oregon State was one of 110 schools of pharmacy represented at the meeting. Fifteen students from our chapter were in attendance. The OSU College of Pharmacy had notable representation in San Antonio by Sharon Shiraga (P3), APhA-ASP Regional Member at Large, who served as an alternate delegate for Region 7 in APhAs House of Delegates, Ayla Johnson (P4), who served on the 2009 APhA-ASP Nominating Committee, Jackie Foster (P2), who served as a delegate in APhA-ASPs House of Delegates, and Elva Van Devender (P2), who competed in APhA-ASPs National Patient Counseling Competition. The biggest highlight of the meeting for our chapter, however, came during APhA-ASPs Opening General Session when the OSU College of Pharmacy was awarded one of 10 national APhA-ASP awards for Project CHANCE. The authors of the winning proposal, Pamela Levine, Ben Kong, Matt Leinbach and Elva Van Devender, were all in attendance to receive the award, and are very excited about launching their medication reconciliation project with the Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties later this summer. In addition, Dr. Jeegisha Patel was awarded Best Poster Presentation Merit Award in APhAs Community/ Ambulatory Care section, the Oregon State Pharmacy Association (OSPA) was recognized nationally for their efforts to advance pharmacists involvement in immunizations through training activities and legislative initiatives, and OSU alumnus Brian Hille was recognized on behalf of the Safeway Corporation for the companys work in increasing the availability of immunizations. Missed out on an armadillo cuddle this year? Want to be part of the action next year? The APhA Annual Meeting & Exposition is held each spring. Mark your calendars for the 2010 APhA-ASP Annual Meeting and Exposition in Washington, D.C. March 12th -15th. - Story and photos submitted by Jackie Foster and Elva Van Devender T Elva Van Devender (left) and Jackie Foster (right) with some new friends. Calendar of events also online at http://pharmacy.oregonstate.edu/news April 21 P3 Seminar CV Writing Workshop CHH 3rd Floor 11:30 a.m. April 21-22 Countdown to Commencement OSU MU Ballroom P4s: See COP graduation info page for more information April 28 CVS Luncheon, 11 a.m. CHH - 3rd floor classroom May 1 P4 Reunion 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Bowling 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Portland, Ore. May 4 White Box Luncheon Financial planning Noon to 1 p.m. Corvallis May 8 OSU COP Open House Corvallis, OR 3:30 p.m. May 21 Rho Chi and Phi Lambda Sigma Initiation Ceremony 5:30 PM Alumni Center Library room May 26 Student Recognition Banquet Alumni Center, Corvallis June 4 OHSU Graduation Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall June 12 OSU COP Graduation LaSells Austin Auditorium GRADUATION: For details, see http://pharmacy. oregonstate.edu/grad_info
  • 2. Student e-Newsletteris a weekly newsletter published each Friday during the regular academic year. Students and staff may submit stories by e-mailing the editor, Nicole Miller, at Nicole.Miller@oregonstate.edu. Submissions may be edited for length. 2 P4s Mercy Chipman and Ted Williams are currently on rotation in Melbourne Australia. Here is the latest from Ted: We are on our elective rotation for 6 weeks. We will be spending time in Melbourne working in a community pharmacy, attending a Pharmacy Guild meeting in Brisbane, hiking (or bushwalking as they call it here) across Tasmania, scuba diving at the Great Barrier Reef in Cairns, driving to the 12 apostles, and sightseeing in Sydney. - Story and photos sumbitted by Ted Williams Looking for students to perform in talent portion of Student Recognition Banquet: I am writing to encourage anyone and everyone who might be interested in performing for the talent portion of the evening at the Deans Banquet to please contact me. For those of you who might not know - each year at the Deans Banquet pharmacy students get the chance to show the college their other talents besides being super smart pharmacy people. This could include singing, dancing, comedy skits, playing an instrument, etc. If anyone is interested please let me know ASAP - monroek@onid.orst.edu - so we can start planning and preparing for your wonderful performances. - Submitted by Katie Monroe News from Australia... Celebrating a OSU College of Pharmacy Project CHANCE win (from left to right): Jackie Foster (P2), Sharon Shiraga (P3), Elva Van Devender (P2), Ben Kong (P1), Matthew Leinbach (P1), and Pamela Levine (P1) At this years American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) Annual Meeting and Exposition in San Antonio, the Oregon State University College of Pharmacy was one of only 10 chapters nationally to be awarded a Project CHANCE grant. Project CHANCE (Chapters Helping Advocate for Needy Communities Everywhere) in collaboration with the Pharmacy Services Support Center (PSSC) of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), is designed to help foster projects that promote delivery of pharmacy services to underserved populations. A group of Oregon State pharmacy students (P1s Pamela Levine, Matthew Leinbach, and Ben Kong and P2 Elva Van Devender) put together a Medication Reconciliation Project proposal involving the Community Health Centers of Benton and Linn Counties (CHCBLC) to win the $2,000 award. The objectives of the proposal are to 1) improve patient outcomes by reducing harm to patients, decreasing medication errors, and increasing the amount of time healthcare providers are able to spend with patients by decreasing unnecessary paperwork, 2) educate patients about what medicines they are taking and how to take them safely, and 3) provide opportunities for OSU pharmacy students to interact with patients in a real-world setting. OSUs Project CHANCE grant will involve holding brown bag type events with CHCBLC, interviewing patients, providing patients with portable, easily understandable medication lists/ schedules, counseling patients, documenting drug interactions/ duplications, and surveying providers and patients. Work on implementing OSUs Project CHANCE grant has already begun! Monthly events are being planned for the summer and early fall at CHCBLC with fall and winter events to be held more frequently. The operation should be fairly portable and could be implemented at various locations with minimal effort, and the Project CHANCE team is looking forward to taking this project on the road and expanding the reach of this program to a wider population of underserved communities in our state. Outreach opportunities, as they arise, will be posted on the wiki calendar. Project CHANCE will have its own webpage and will be linked to the College of Pharmacy homepage, Facebook community, and the College of Pharmacy wiki site at http:// pharmacy.oregonstate.edu/studentwiki/ chance. If you would like to get involved with the Project CHANCE team, talk to Pamela, Matt, Ben, or Elva and/or e-mail Pamela at levinep@onid.orst.edu. The students of Project CHANCE would like to thank both Dr. Stacy Ramirez and Dr. Gary DeLander for all their help, support and guidance in putting together a proposal that will allow OSU students to make a positive difference in the community in which we live. - Story and photos submitted by Elva Van Devender College of Pharmacy Students Win National APhA-ASP Award for Project CHANCE
  • 3. Student e-Newsletteris a weekly newsletter published each Friday during the regular academic year. Students and staff may submit stories by e-mailing the editor, Nicole Miller, at Nicole.Miller@oregonstate.edu. Submissions may be edited for length. 3 Announcements Congratulations! Dr. Jeegisha Patel received the APhA-APPM Presentation Merit Award for her poster at the APhA meeting. The Merit Award recognizes presenters of best practice-focused poster in Ambulatory/Community Practice section. The project was: Implementing a Cardiovascular Reduction Service in a Community Setting. Authors: Jeegisha Patel, Robin Traver ( P4), Richard McCloud ( Pfizer). Project CHANCE We would like to get a list of everyone interested in working on the Project CHANCE Medication Reconciliation project this summer. (See story on page 2). If you will be in the area and think you might like to be involved, please e-mail me at levinep@onid.orst.edu. We are planning to have events once a month (dates yet to be determined) and you would not need to be available for all of them. If you are interested in helping get the project off the ground over spring term, even if you wont be around for the summer, please let me know that as well. If you are unable to volunteer this summer, there will be more opportunities in the fall. If you have any questions, please email or ask me, Ben Kong, Matthew Leinbach, Elva Van Devender or Dr. Stacy Ramirez. Thank you! - Submitted by Pamela Levine, Class of 2012 Pharmacy Ownership Workshop For anyone with any possible interest in owning a pharmacy there are a number of important events coming up. There will be a Pharmacy Ownership Workshop held in Seattle on August 21st to the 23rd. There is also a chance to visit the Nations Capitol May 11th through the 13th for the National Legislation and Government Affairs Conference. There is also a number of events for those of you interested in long term care. Details for these events can be found at: http://www.ncpanet.org/ calendarncpa/index.php If anyone is interested in attending any of these events please contact me, Brennan Black at: blackbre.onid.orst.edu. If you are interested I will solicit funds from EC to assist with event costs. - Submitted by Brennan Black, NCPA President-elect, Class of 2011 MS Walk April 25th My name is Amy Gin, a P2 and team captain of Amys heroes for the MS Walk that is taking place in Corvallis on Saturday, April 25, 2009 that begins at the MU quad. As a person who is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I am hoping to keep spreading the awareness of MS. And this begins with YOU! The event is a 5K walk that is FREE registration and any donations would go straight towards the National MS society. The walk was a success last year, when there was more than half of the P2 classmates joining me for the walk. Registering for the walk is preferred. I am personally inviting you to join me for this worthy cause and to show support for a fellow classmate. Everybody that is in my life today has been a true inspiration for me to keep moving along, and you are considered a hero in my life. To join or donate: Please go to http://main.nationalmssociety. org/site/TR/Walk/ORCWalkEvents/749061376?px=6184378&pg =personal&fr_id=10498. This is the link that you can join my team, donate, or view my team! Remember, ANY DONATION IS ACCEPTABLE and I know we are all college students. Please feel free to ask colleagues, family, or friends for any donation. Anything helps! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at ginam@onid.orst.edu or by phone 503-806-0191. Thanks again and hope to see you there! - Submitted by Amy Gin, Class Representative, Class of 2011 COP canned food drive the 20-24th of April Boxes are in the COP front office - It will also be a P1/P2 competition, so the boxes will be labeled accordingly. However, faculty and staff donations would also be greatly appreciated. Students can contact me with any questions. - Submitted by Andrea Gay, gaya@onid.orst.edu Diversity Grant Available - Walgreens/College of Pharmacy The OSU College of Pharmacy has a strong commitment to diversity. To that end, this grant was created with a gift from the Walgreens Corporation. The purpose of this grant is to fund projects within the College and the community that emphasize diversity. Projects will be accepted based on the ability of the application to explain/show an effect in one of the following areas: - Increased diversity in the College. - Increased diversity in the profession of pharmacy. - Increased access for underserved or underrepresented population. - Increased awareness and acceptance of diverse groups. Guidelines Each section of the application should be completed in full. See full details and application at: http://pharmacy.oregonstate. edu/diversitygrant Complete applications must be received via e-mail by 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2009. Or they may be mailed but they must be received (not just postmarked) by 5:00 p.m. on April 30, 2009. To e-mail please send it to: natalea.braden@oregonstate.edu. Or you may mail it to: OSU College of Pharmacy, Attn: Natalea Braden, Pharm.D. 1601 SW Jefferson St, 203 Pharmacy Building, Corvallis, OR 97331. P1 and P2 Volleyball Compeition- UPDATED What better way to know your classmates than some volleyball competition! The current schedule is every Wednesday at 3:30 pm at Dixon. - Submitted by Ben Kong, Class of 2012 New Scholarship: Roybal Foundation Scholarship The Roybal Foundation Scholarshipis for Hispanic students in health-related fields. Pharm.D. students are eligible to apply, but youll need to act quickly since the deadline is May 1, 2009. Information and application: http://roybalfoundation.org/ Scholarship Deadlines: Roybal Foundation Scholarship due May 1 Wolters Kluwer Health Scholarship due June 1