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James Gareth Morgan
Address: 19 BradshawWay,Stafford, ST16 1TH, UK
Mobile: 07393869021
Email: jamesgmorgan1992@gmail.com
Date of Birth: 18/12/1992
A recent MEng Environmental Engineering graduate who has also completed a Year In Industry (YII) at Mott
MacDonald.Is dedicated to protecting the environment with proven leadership and problemsolvingskills.Enjoys
challenges and the opportunity to work outside his comfortzone either individually or as partof a team. He
consistently meets or exceeds projectdeadlines.
2011-2016 MEng in Environmental Engineering, Swansea University: Overall grade 2.1
Second year: 1st
Third Year: 2.1
Fourth year (Masters):1st
Projects: I have completed three design projects (Third and Master's Years) on the production of Cephalosporin C
(an antibiotic) and the production of 2-Methyletetrahydrofuran (a solvent) respectively.I was elected team leader
for the firstproject,however, in the second project, each team member was given the opportunity to lead a
For both projects, research was conducted on the product before mass and energy balances,Process flowdiagram,
safety (HAZOP and HAZAN), economics and the environmental impact of the product and the plant. This was
completed by each individual teammember (environmental section compiled by myself).
As partof the design project an individual section was also designed by myself. This was a ultra filtration unitand a
distillation column respectively.This involved designingthePipingand Instrumentation Diagram(P&ID), the
Standard Operation Procedure, Operation parameters, ancillary equipment and the mechanical design involving
the such things as the sizingand material of construction.
The third design projectwas for the design of a wastewater treatment plant, this involved learningand using
SuperPro to help design the plantalongwith its unit operations and any operational issues related to the unit
operations.This enabled me to have the ability to analysethe operation of water and wastewater treatment
plants, An ability to (practical skills):manipulatethe physical,chemical and biological data relatingto water and
wastewater among others.
I have also completed practical and written reports on various experiments such as Chemical Oxygen demand,
Biochemical oxygen demand, Ocean acidification by CO2,Cations exchangecapacity of soils.I havecompleted a
report on tidal power with reference to Swansea Bay. Two reports were completed on insulation and thesecond
on gas power with reference to the Pembroke Power Plant.Two essays havebeen written regardingenergy
generation usinglowcarbon technologies, these essays were based on solar power and hydrogen generation.
Other energy sources such as wind and geothermal were also discussed alongwith batteries. An environmental
lawessay was also completed regardingregulatory offences committed alongwith how they could be avoided and
what action must be taken in respect of them.
2010-2011 Foley’s School, Limassol,Cyprus.
A Levels and As Levels:
Maths, Physics,Chemistry and Spanish
1996-2009 Foley’s School, Limassol,Cyprus.
9 IGCSEs A* to B includingEnglish B& Mathematics A*
2015 Northwood and Wepa, Bridgend. As partof my masters, I spent two days of the week at a paper mill.
At the paper mill I was partof the lab technicians quality team and my roles involved:
• Supervision of the effluent plant which includes measuringand recordingsamples atthe effluent
plantwhich include:Dissolved oxygen, BOD5, COD, ammonia, Turbidity,Sludge Volume Index,
Reactivated sludgeand Oxidation DITCH,Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus;
• Assistingin themaking and testing of different types of Broke. This involves makingthe paper
samples from different broke samples and then testing the thickness,strength, tear factor,
maximum load and the gram per squaremeter (GSM);
• Testing different filtration media to determine the most suitablematerial for the filtration tanks.
• Taken partin portable water tests, testing for calcium,manganese, potassiumand more.
• Conducted testing on the number of total aerobic bacteria on 22 finished productsamples.
• The analysis of adsorbableorganic halogens (AOX) in effluent samples.
• Macro-invertebrates testing of different river samples.
2014 Mott MacDonald, Southampton. Worked as a Year in Industry student for Mott MacDonald
Environment Team assistingwith a wide variety of projects, including:
• Assessing carbon for the Southampton Office for 2014, to compare with previous years;
• Authorisinga travel survey that was sent out to all staff to informthe carbon and travel team;
• Contributed to the development and finalisation of the Excel based Design 4 Resource Efficiency
(D4RE) Tool. As well as helpingdevelop the tool and writingthe Feasibility report.
• Performed carbon and cost calculations usingMott MacDonald's In-housecarbon tool CapITon a
number of projects.Such as M5 J4-6 SMART Motorways regardingtraffic signal installations,
Heathrow Tunnel refurbishment, A27 Chichester by-pass,Chichester drainageand Botley Park Sewer
Line. Also assisted with a Sustainability Design Matrix for M20 Junction 10a and A27 Chichester
• Taken partin many ecological and noise surveys;and,
• Compiled Teams Marketing material.
2013 Unit4 Business Software Ltd, Swansea. Worked with the Standards and Complianceteam on the
Environmental Standard,Quality Standard and on the Information Security and Business Continuity
Standards.Was given a number of jobs such as:
• Evaluation of Compliance for all Unit4 UK sites
• Environmental and Information Security yearly reports
• Employee audits.
Due to a maternity leave I was given responsibility abovethe normal student placement.
2010 University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Spent three weeks at Photovoltaic park with Dr G Georgiou (well-known
consultantin the PV industry).Learnt about photovoltaic cells,howthey operate, how electricity is
generated and how different materials affectthe efficiency of cells.I gained experience of testing some
new solar cellsand observingthe method used. I also learnthow to use Matlab software. It was firstly
used for simplecalculationsand then used for numerical computingof the data regardingsolar cells
(efficiency,duration and cost) and plotted graphically.
• Head boy at Foley’s School,Limassol,Cyprus.
• Captain of U17 football team.
• Auctioneer/organizer of Charity Auction event.
• Team leader of F1 in Schools Challenge.
• Took partin MEDIMUN (Mediterranean Model United Nations) two years running.
• Won the award for the best submission of a YII folder in Environmental Engineering as chosen by The
South Wales Instituteof Engineers Educational Trust2007 (Mott MacDonald)
• Won the Best Industrial Placementin Environmental Engineering 2015-2016 (Northwood and Wepa)
Key Skills
Strong work ethic, varied skill setin Environmental Engineering, good communication and organisational skills,
adept in time management, proficiency in MicrosoftOffice,possess engineeringand project management
experience and leadership qualities
Playingfootball,refereeing, travelling,coin collecting,reading.
Clean drivinglicence,Fluent in Spanish.Workingknowledge of MATLAB and Solidworks and basic knowledgeon
SuperPro, Unisimand GIS. Member of IChemE and the Chartered Institution of WasteManagement.
Dr Kim Hampton
Principal Sustainability and Carbon Specialist
Mott MacDonald,Stoneham Place,Stoneham Lane,
Southampton, Hampshire,SO50 9NW
Dr Yon Ju-Nam (Tutor)
Lecturer in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Swansea University (College of Engineering), Singleton
Park Swansea, Wales SA2 8PP
Richard Mordecai
Quality Control and Effluent plant
Bridgend Paper Mills,Maesteg, Mid Glamorgan CF34
9RS, United Kingdom

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  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE CONTACT DETAILS ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ James Gareth Morgan Address: 19 BradshawWay,Stafford, ST16 1TH, UK Mobile: 07393869021 Email: jamesgmorgan1992@gmail.com Date of Birth: 18/12/1992 PERSONAL STATEMENT A recent MEng Environmental Engineering graduate who has also completed a Year In Industry (YII) at Mott MacDonald.Is dedicated to protecting the environment with proven leadership and problemsolvingskills.Enjoys challenges and the opportunity to work outside his comfortzone either individually or as partof a team. He consistently meets or exceeds projectdeadlines. EDUCATION 2011-2016 MEng in Environmental Engineering, Swansea University: Overall grade 2.1 Second year: 1st Third Year: 2.1 Fourth year (Masters):1st Projects: I have completed three design projects (Third and Master's Years) on the production of Cephalosporin C (an antibiotic) and the production of 2-Methyletetrahydrofuran (a solvent) respectively.I was elected team leader for the firstproject,however, in the second project, each team member was given the opportunity to lead a meeting. For both projects, research was conducted on the product before mass and energy balances,Process flowdiagram, safety (HAZOP and HAZAN), economics and the environmental impact of the product and the plant. This was completed by each individual teammember (environmental section compiled by myself). As partof the design project an individual section was also designed by myself. This was a ultra filtration unitand a distillation column respectively.This involved designingthePipingand Instrumentation Diagram(P&ID), the Standard Operation Procedure, Operation parameters, ancillary equipment and the mechanical design involving the such things as the sizingand material of construction. The third design projectwas for the design of a wastewater treatment plant, this involved learningand using SuperPro to help design the plantalongwith its unit operations and any operational issues related to the unit operations.This enabled me to have the ability to analysethe operation of water and wastewater treatment plants, An ability to (practical skills):manipulatethe physical,chemical and biological data relatingto water and wastewater among others. I have also completed practical and written reports on various experiments such as Chemical Oxygen demand, Biochemical oxygen demand, Ocean acidification by CO2,Cations exchangecapacity of soils.I havecompleted a report on tidal power with reference to Swansea Bay. Two reports were completed on insulation and thesecond on gas power with reference to the Pembroke Power Plant.Two essays havebeen written regardingenergy generation usinglowcarbon technologies, these essays were based on solar power and hydrogen generation. Other energy sources such as wind and geothermal were also discussed alongwith batteries. An environmental lawessay was also completed regardingregulatory offences committed alongwith how they could be avoided and what action must be taken in respect of them. 2010-2011 Foley’s School, Limassol,Cyprus. A Levels and As Levels: Maths, Physics,Chemistry and Spanish 1996-2009 Foley’s School, Limassol,Cyprus. 9 IGCSEs A* to B includingEnglish B& Mathematics A* WORK EXPERIENCE 2015 Northwood and Wepa, Bridgend. As partof my masters, I spent two days of the week at a paper mill. At the paper mill I was partof the lab technicians quality team and my roles involved:
  • 2. • Supervision of the effluent plant which includes measuringand recordingsamples atthe effluent plantwhich include:Dissolved oxygen, BOD5, COD, ammonia, Turbidity,Sludge Volume Index, Reactivated sludgeand Oxidation DITCH,Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus; • Assistingin themaking and testing of different types of Broke. This involves makingthe paper samples from different broke samples and then testing the thickness,strength, tear factor, maximum load and the gram per squaremeter (GSM); • Testing different filtration media to determine the most suitablematerial for the filtration tanks. • Taken partin portable water tests, testing for calcium,manganese, potassiumand more. • Conducted testing on the number of total aerobic bacteria on 22 finished productsamples. • The analysis of adsorbableorganic halogens (AOX) in effluent samples. • Macro-invertebrates testing of different river samples. 2014 Mott MacDonald, Southampton. Worked as a Year in Industry student for Mott MacDonald Environment Team assistingwith a wide variety of projects, including: • Assessing carbon for the Southampton Office for 2014, to compare with previous years; • Authorisinga travel survey that was sent out to all staff to informthe carbon and travel team; • Contributed to the development and finalisation of the Excel based Design 4 Resource Efficiency (D4RE) Tool. As well as helpingdevelop the tool and writingthe Feasibility report. • Performed carbon and cost calculations usingMott MacDonald's In-housecarbon tool CapITon a number of projects.Such as M5 J4-6 SMART Motorways regardingtraffic signal installations, Heathrow Tunnel refurbishment, A27 Chichester by-pass,Chichester drainageand Botley Park Sewer Line. Also assisted with a Sustainability Design Matrix for M20 Junction 10a and A27 Chichester Bypass; • Taken partin many ecological and noise surveys;and, • Compiled Teams Marketing material. 2013 Unit4 Business Software Ltd, Swansea. Worked with the Standards and Complianceteam on the Environmental Standard,Quality Standard and on the Information Security and Business Continuity Standards.Was given a number of jobs such as: • Evaluation of Compliance for all Unit4 UK sites • Environmental and Information Security yearly reports • Employee audits. Due to a maternity leave I was given responsibility abovethe normal student placement. 2010 University of Nicosia, Cyprus. Spent three weeks at Photovoltaic park with Dr G Georgiou (well-known consultantin the PV industry).Learnt about photovoltaic cells,howthey operate, how electricity is generated and how different materials affectthe efficiency of cells.I gained experience of testing some new solar cellsand observingthe method used. I also learnthow to use Matlab software. It was firstly used for simplecalculationsand then used for numerical computingof the data regardingsolar cells (efficiency,duration and cost) and plotted graphically. ACHIEVEMENTS • Head boy at Foley’s School,Limassol,Cyprus. • Captain of U17 football team. • Auctioneer/organizer of Charity Auction event. • Team leader of F1 in Schools Challenge. • Took partin MEDIMUN (Mediterranean Model United Nations) two years running. • Won the award for the best submission of a YII folder in Environmental Engineering as chosen by The South Wales Instituteof Engineers Educational Trust2007 (Mott MacDonald) • Won the Best Industrial Placementin Environmental Engineering 2015-2016 (Northwood and Wepa) Key Skills Strong work ethic, varied skill setin Environmental Engineering, good communication and organisational skills, adept in time management, proficiency in MicrosoftOffice,possess engineeringand project management experience and leadership qualities INTERESTS/HOBBIES Playingfootball,refereeing, travelling,coin collecting,reading. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION
  • 3. Clean drivinglicence,Fluent in Spanish.Workingknowledge of MATLAB and Solidworks and basic knowledgeon SuperPro, Unisimand GIS. Member of IChemE and the Chartered Institution of WasteManagement. REFEREES Dr Kim Hampton Principal Sustainability and Carbon Specialist Mott MacDonald,Stoneham Place,Stoneham Lane, Southampton, Hampshire,SO50 9NW Email:kim.hampton@mottmac.com Dr Yon Ju-Nam (Tutor) Lecturer in Chemical and Environmental Engineering Swansea University (College of Engineering), Singleton Park Swansea, Wales SA2 8PP y.k.ju-nam@swansea.ac.uk Richard Mordecai Quality Control and Effluent plant Bridgend Paper Mills,Maesteg, Mid Glamorgan CF34 9RS, United Kingdom email:richard.mordecai@northwoodwepa.com