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Curriculum Vitae
H C Chandrashekhar.
Mob: 9731560166, 9591497359
E mail: chandra_cnc@yahoo.co.in
 To work in a professional organization which encourages and fosters teamwork and which recognizes
performance Quality objectives.
 To be a person who is always open to new ideas, goals and challenges, driving the organization towards
goals and targets through implementing best Manufacturing Systems & Quality Control practices and
dealing with people, technology in tune with the dynamics of change.
 Educational Qualification: D M E (Mechanical).
I. 19 Years worked in Engineering Industries in the Field of Quality & Quality system
From the year 1990 to 15.05.2009
II. 7 Years worked in Aditya Auto Products with various dept: Production, Mfg Engg,...
From 15.05.2009 to 31.08.2016
III. Present in: - looking for a suitable position in an reputed organization,
In the mean time supporting for System Development in known industries..
Previous Employments:-
M/s. Aditya Auto Products & Engg (I) Pvt. Ltd. Doddaballapur. From: 15.05.2009 to 31.08.2016.
Designation: Asst. Manager  in various dept: Production, Mfg Engg, ..In Motor- D&A Divisions
Aditya Auto Products & Engineering India Private Limited is a privately owned and professionally managed
organization, engaged in the business of design & manufacture of system & sub system to meet the
requirements of the growing automobile industry.
Aditya Auto has been proactive in utilizing this opportunity; people constitute a vital ingredient in enabling
the company to provide the best in products and services, ensuring value for money while maintaining the
highest levels of quality. .
 Measurable activities
 Change over the production system - from station operation to Single piece flow concept.
 Save the shop floor through adapting the ACMA concept.
Page 1 of 3
 LEAN Manufacturing system: Implementation.
 Zero Accident through monitoring the safety concepts.
 Japanese systems introduction for Process & Productivity improvements.
Such as; 5S improvement in Gemba, Productivity improvement.
M/s Otto Bilz (India) Pvt. Ltd & M/s Morris Tooling (India) Pvt. Ltd. (100% EOU) Doddaballapur.
Designation: Asst. Manager  Quality.
From: 1995 to 2009.
These Companies are joint ventures being Multinational and pioneers in Manufacturing of Precision
Toll Holding Technology with adaptation of QMS: ISO 9001-2000 & EMS: ISO 14001 Systems. Tapping
Chucks, Spindles / Shafts, Tapping Adaptors and Boring bars for CNC and Multi Spindle Machines with
Technology of M/s. Morris Tooling co. ENGLAND & M/s. Bilz Werkzeugfabrik GmbH & Co., GERMANY. 100 %
Subsidiary of Leitz Metal working technology Group (Germany). Companies are in a market leaders (Could
attain this position in the industry due to its strategic approach in this highly competitive dynamic precision
1. M/s. Otto Bilz (India) Pvt Ltd. 1995 to 2007
1995- 2000 Inspector (Quality assurance)
2001 - 2005 Engineer (Quality System)
2006  2007 Senior Engineer - Quality
2. M/s. Morris Tooling 2007-April 2009
Designation: Asst. Manager - Quality.
Leading a Quality team of Engineers & Technical Trainees, towards excellent achievement of
company assigned targeted goals.
Effective communicator & team leader with strong analytical, problem solving and organizational
Visited to European country ITALY - Pesora, M/s. MC & BIESSE Companies as a part of Technical discussion
on related to New Products.
Period of visit:-Date: 23-02-2008 / Date: 28-02-2008
M/s. Pearlite Liners Ltd. [1993 to 1995] - Shimoga.
CNC Machine shop III
Company engaged in Manufacturing of Liners / Cylinder Sleeves / Engine blocks. (Cast Iron Foundry /
Furnace / Modernized CNC Machine shop / Final Finishing operations like Honing for development of
Area of Exposure:-
Page 2 of 3
CNC Machine Shop Process Inspection.
Final Products Inspection.
Calibration & Effective maintainer of Measuring Equipments / Instrument.
M/s. Geometric Tools Pvt. Ltd. [1990 to 1993] - Doddaballapur.
Company was engaged with the manufacturing of Threading Taps & Dies
Area of Exposure:-
1. Statistical Process Control.
2. In-process Inspection up to Flute Grinding.
3. Processes like, Turning, Milling, Butt Welding, Heat Treatment,
4. Calibration status maintaining & Effective use of Instruments.
Like: - Profile Projector, Thread Measuring Equipments,
Hardness Testers, Pneumatic Gauges,
Variety of Mechanical & Electronic Equipments.
DATE OF BIRTH : 10 - 10- 1966
BIRTH PLACE : Hosahalli  Mysore
PRESENT ADDRESS : Sri Annapoorneshwari Nilaya
Imain, CourtRoad, Rojipur.
Doddaballapur  561203
Bangalore  Rural Dist.
I hereby declare that all the statements made in this resume are correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Place: Doddaballapur Signature.
Date: 09.12.2016 (HC Chandrashekhar)
Page 3 of 3

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae H C Chandrashekhar. Mob: 9731560166, 9591497359 E mail: chandra_cnc@yahoo.co.in OBJECTIVES: To work in a professional organization which encourages and fosters teamwork and which recognizes performance Quality objectives. To be a person who is always open to new ideas, goals and challenges, driving the organization towards goals and targets through implementing best Manufacturing Systems & Quality Control practices and dealing with people, technology in tune with the dynamics of change. Educational Qualification: D M E (Mechanical). Experience: I. 19 Years worked in Engineering Industries in the Field of Quality & Quality system From the year 1990 to 15.05.2009 II. 7 Years worked in Aditya Auto Products with various dept: Production, Mfg Engg,... From 15.05.2009 to 31.08.2016 III. Present in: - looking for a suitable position in an reputed organization, In the mean time supporting for System Development in known industries.. Previous Employments:- M/s. Aditya Auto Products & Engg (I) Pvt. Ltd. Doddaballapur. From: 15.05.2009 to 31.08.2016. Designation: Asst. Manager in various dept: Production, Mfg Engg, ..In Motor- D&A Divisions Aditya Auto Products & Engineering India Private Limited is a privately owned and professionally managed organization, engaged in the business of design & manufacture of system & sub system to meet the requirements of the growing automobile industry. Aditya Auto has been proactive in utilizing this opportunity; people constitute a vital ingredient in enabling the company to provide the best in products and services, ensuring value for money while maintaining the highest levels of quality. . Measurable activities Change over the production system - from station operation to Single piece flow concept. Save the shop floor through adapting the ACMA concept. Page 1 of 3
  • 2. LEAN Manufacturing system: Implementation. Zero Accident through monitoring the safety concepts. Japanese systems introduction for Process & Productivity improvements. Such as; 5S improvement in Gemba, Productivity improvement. M/s Otto Bilz (India) Pvt. Ltd & M/s Morris Tooling (India) Pvt. Ltd. (100% EOU) Doddaballapur. Designation: Asst. Manager Quality. From: 1995 to 2009. These Companies are joint ventures being Multinational and pioneers in Manufacturing of Precision Toll Holding Technology with adaptation of QMS: ISO 9001-2000 & EMS: ISO 14001 Systems. Tapping Chucks, Spindles / Shafts, Tapping Adaptors and Boring bars for CNC and Multi Spindle Machines with Technology of M/s. Morris Tooling co. ENGLAND & M/s. Bilz Werkzeugfabrik GmbH & Co., GERMANY. 100 % Subsidiary of Leitz Metal working technology Group (Germany). Companies are in a market leaders (Could attain this position in the industry due to its strategic approach in this highly competitive dynamic precision engineering). CAREER HIGHLIGHTS 1. M/s. Otto Bilz (India) Pvt Ltd. 1995 to 2007 1995- 2000 Inspector (Quality assurance) 2001 - 2005 Engineer (Quality System) 2006 2007 Senior Engineer - Quality 2. M/s. Morris Tooling 2007-April 2009 Designation: Asst. Manager - Quality. Leading a Quality team of Engineers & Technical Trainees, towards excellent achievement of company assigned targeted goals. Effective communicator & team leader with strong analytical, problem solving and organizational issues. Visited to European country ITALY - Pesora, M/s. MC & BIESSE Companies as a part of Technical discussion on related to New Products. Period of visit:-Date: 23-02-2008 / Date: 28-02-2008 M/s. Pearlite Liners Ltd. [1993 to 1995] - Shimoga. CNC Machine shop III Company engaged in Manufacturing of Liners / Cylinder Sleeves / Engine blocks. (Cast Iron Foundry / Furnace / Modernized CNC Machine shop / Final Finishing operations like Honing for development of Liners.) Area of Exposure:- Page 2 of 3
  • 3. CNC Machine Shop Process Inspection. Final Products Inspection. Calibration & Effective maintainer of Measuring Equipments / Instrument. M/s. Geometric Tools Pvt. Ltd. [1990 to 1993] - Doddaballapur. Company was engaged with the manufacturing of Threading Taps & Dies Area of Exposure:- 1. Statistical Process Control. 2. In-process Inspection up to Flute Grinding. 3. Processes like, Turning, Milling, Butt Welding, Heat Treatment, 4. Calibration status maintaining & Effective use of Instruments. Like: - Profile Projector, Thread Measuring Equipments, Hardness Testers, Pneumatic Gauges, Variety of Mechanical & Electronic Equipments. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONAL INFORMATION FATHERS NAME : CHANNABASAPPA DATE OF BIRTH : 10 - 10- 1966 BIRTH PLACE : Hosahalli Mysore MARITAL STATUS : Married NATIONALITY : Indian PRESENT ADDRESS : Sri Annapoorneshwari Nilaya Imain, CourtRoad, Rojipur. Doddaballapur 561203 Bangalore Rural Dist. DECLARATION I hereby declare that all the statements made in this resume are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Place: Doddaballapur Signature. Date: 09.12.2016 (HC Chandrashekhar) Page 3 of 3