The document contains a calendar for the year 2022 showing the months January through December with the days of the week and dates listed for each month. Each month spans 4-6 lines showing the days of the week abbreviations and dates in a sequential list format for that month.
This document contains listings from multiple sellers of beads, gemstones, and jewelry-making supplies. Various strands, lots, and packages of beads, pearls, gemstone chips, and glass items are described along with starting bids and shipping costs. Sellers include Linda, Nancy, Harpy's Attic, Carol Ann, Delynn, Riley's Treasures, Brenda, and Michaela and items are available in multiple quantities. Shipping costs are generally $2.25-2.75 and sellers note they combine shipping for multiple items.
BGCS is a specialist logistics provider for the life sciences sector globally, providing logistics solutions and transport of materials like clinical trial supplies, diagnostic materials, medical devices, and stem cells. It has a strong network of depot offices globally and in Europe to provide door-to-door shipments that are closely monitored. BGCS has experience handling dangerous goods across a range of temperatures. It aims to provide guaranteed time definite deliveries through dedicated customer service and real-time shipment information and monitoring.
Este documento presenta la hematolog¨ªa y los ¨®rganos hematopoy¨¦ticos. Describe la m¨¦dula ¨®sea, el bazo, el h¨ªgado y el timo, incluyendo su estructura, funci¨®n y composici¨®n. Tambi¨¦n explica la clasificaci¨®n de la m¨¦dula ¨®sea en amarilla y roja, y las partes del bazo como la pulpa blanca y roja.
The document lists various events happening around St. Louis over the weekend of March 3-5, 2017. These include the Missouri Valley Conference Men's Basketball Tournament, a Harry Potter themed event at the St. Louis Science Center, a concert featuring Lee Brice and Justin Moore at Chaifetz Arena, a block party with Daniel Tiger at the Magic House, and the annual Orchid Show at the Saint Louis Botanical Gardens. It also advertises Friday Night Flights at the Sophia M. Butterfly House in Chesterfield. Details such as dates, times and locations are provided for each event.
The document discusses the Mughal architecture and the Taj Mahal. It introduces the Mughals who were a medieval Islamic tribe from Persia that traveled to India. The Mughals used architecture extensively in India to spread Islam and bring new technologies. The Taj Mahal is described as the most famous and iconic building in India, commissioned by Shah Jahan to house the tomb of his wife Mumtaz Mahal. It highlights the symmetrical design and decorative elements of the Taj Mahal that make it architecturally unique.
Over 1 in 3 American adults, or 86 million people, have prediabetes, but 9 out of 10 of them do not know they have it. Prediabetes occurs when blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. People with prediabetes are at increased risk of developing serious health conditions like heart disease, stroke, blindness, and kidney failure. Losing weight through eating healthy and increased physical activity can significantly reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Without lifestyle changes, 15-30% of people with prediabetes will develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years.
ASP.NET 5 - Novidades do Desenvolvimento Web em .NETRenato Groff
O documento resume o curr¨ªculo e as experi¨ºncias de Renato Groffe na ¨¢rea de tecnologia, incluindo mais de 15 anos de experi¨ºncia, p¨®s-gradua??o em Engenharia de Software, certifica??es como MCTS e ITIL. O documento tamb¨¦m lista as redes sociais e contatos de Renato, al¨¦m de resumir brevemente as principais novidades do Visual Studio 2015 e do ASP.NET 5.
This document provides a collection of mathematical formulae for school students covering topics like algebra, trigonometry, analytical geometry, arithmetic, and complex numbers. It includes common formulae for indices, logarithms, quadratic equations, binomial expansion, trigonometric ratios and identities, lines and their equations, arithmetic and geometric series, and triangle properties. The formulae are presented without explanation, intended as a quick reference guide for students.
This document provides an introduction and summary of Plato's dialogue "Protagoras". The introduction describes the setting of the dialogue as taking place at the house of Callias, with Socrates, Protagoras, Hippias, Prodicus, Alcibiades and Critias in attendance. Socrates questions Protagoras about what he can teach and whether virtue can be taught. Protagoras provides an allegory in response. Socrates then questions whether virtues are one or many, trapping Protagoras in contradictions through dialectic questioning. The dialogue continues with debates over the interpretation of a poem by Simonides.
This document summarizes a panel discussion on transforming patient-generated health data for wellness and biomedical research. The panelists were Susan Peterson, Katherine Kim, Fernando Martin-Sanchez, Cagatay Demiralp, and Pei-Yun Sabrina Hsueh (moderator). Peterson discussed using sensors and mobile apps to monitor cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy to detect early signs of dehydration. Kim discussed leveraging patient data for personalized care coordination. Martin-Sanchez discussed generating evidence from patient data to inform research. Demiralp discussed visualization of patient data. Overall the panel explored opportunities and barriers to using patient-generated data from behavioral sensing to clinical decision support.
MIFID 2 Appliqu¨¦e aux salle de march¨¦
Aubay pr¨¦sente cette offre d'accompagnement dans le cadre de la mise en place de la directive MIFID 2 qui sera appliqu¨¦e en Janvier 2018
Organizational behavior provides a framework for understanding human behavior in organizational settings using scientific research methods. It helps managers influence workplace events, improve interpersonal relationships and skills, understand motivation, maintain good employee relations, and efficiently manage human resources to stimulate innovation, ethical conduct, quality work and a diverse workforce. Organizational behavior is useful for careers in management, marketing and pursuing organizational success.
Ary Rocco
P¨®s-doutor em Ci¨ºncias da Comunica??o pela Escola de Comunica??es e Artes da Universidade de S?o Paulo (ECA/USP). Professor em regime de turno completo (RTC) da Escola de Educa??o F¨ªsica e Esporte da Universidade de S?o Paulo (EEFE/USP). L¨ªder e fundador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Marketing e Comunica??o no Esporte (GEPECOM) da EEFE/USP. Pesquisador Associado (Associate Research Fellow) do Grupo de Estudo em Eventos e Mega Eventos da Escola de Educa??o F¨ªsica e Desportos da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) registrado no CNPq. Coordenou Projeto de Pesquisa "Os novos est¨¢dios e arenas e o comportamento do consumidor esportivo: o padr?o FIFA de qualidade e o impacto no torcedor brasileiro", financiado pelo CNPq. Tamb¨¦m ¨¦ respons¨¢vel pelo Projeto de Pesquisa "A fala??o esportiva e a novela di¨¢ria do jornalismo: a espetaculariza??o da cobertura do Esporte na m¨ªdia impressa brasileira durante a Copa do Mundo 2014", financiado pela FAPESP. Autor dos livros O Gol por um clique - uma incurs?o ao universo da cultura do torcedor de futebol no Ciberespa?o (Novas Edi??es Acad¨ºmicas, 2015) e Marketing e Gest?o do Esporte (Editora Atlas, 2012). Diretor da Asociaci¨®n Latinoamericana de Gerencia Deportiva (ALGEDE) e Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunica??o e Esporte da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Comunica??o (INTERCOM). Colunista de Futebol Argentino e de Neg¨®cios do Esporte do programa Jovem Pan No Mundo da Bola, da R¨¢dio Jovem Pan AM (620 MHz).
This certificate certifies that Bertrand Sicot successfully completed the requirements for SolidWorks Professional - Advanced Drawing Tools and is entitled to receive recognition and benefits. The certificate was awarded to Bertrand Sicot on February 28, 2013 for successfully completing the SolidWorks Professional - Advanced Drawing Tools certification with identification number C-GMZC74PPK4.
The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. The major glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testes/ovaries, and pineal gland. Hormones have various effects on target cells, such as stimulating or inhibiting growth, metabolism, and reproductive processes. There are two main mechanisms of hormonal action - steroid hormones bind directly to receptors to influence gene expression, while peptide hormones activate intracellular messenger systems. Disorders can result from hormone deficiencies or excesses.
WHO estimates that globally the number of people with hearing loss, defined as a loss of more than 40 dB on the hearing loss scale (> 40 dB HL), has more than doubled from 120 million in 1995 to at least 278 million in 2005, thus making this condition the most prevalent sensory deficit in the population.1¨C3 Permanent hearing loss can occur at any age but about 25% of the current burden is of childhood onset. Annually, up to 6 per 1000 live-born infants, or 798 000 babies worldwide, suffer permanent hearing loss at birth or within the neonatal period and at least 90% of them are in developing countries
The document discusses the purpose and components of an effective business plan. It explains that a business plan should be a dual-use document that serves both internal and external purposes. Internally, it provides a roadmap for the company, while externally it introduces potential investors to the business opportunity. The document outlines the key sections of a business plan, including the executive summary, business description, management team, marketing plan, financial projections, and risks. It emphasizes that the business plan should clearly and concisely convey the company's vision, strategies, and financial viability.
1) The document discusses evidence from early Jesuit letters that refers to indigenous peoples of the Americas as "Negroes", indicating they were of Black/olive skin tone. 2) It provides examples of terms like "Negro" and "Indio" being used interchangeably to describe native peoples, showing they were seen as one people. 3) The document argues this is evidence that Black/Moorish peoples were the original indigenous peoples of the Americas, not Europeans or Africans brought later as slaves.
Makalah ini membahas tentang kenakalan remaja, mulai dari pengertian kenakalan remaja, bentuk-bentuknya seperti kenakalan biasa hingga kenakalan khusus, penyebabnya yang terkait faktor internal maupun eksternal seperti keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah, serta cara mengatasinya.
The document summarizes the major human impacts on the marine environment according to the First Global Integrated Marine Assessment from 2016. These impacts include climate change, mortality and disturbance of marine life, pollution from toxins/pathogens/plastics, increased demand for ocean space, underwater noise, disruption of migration patterns, and introduction of invasive species. The impacts are negatively affecting ocean ecosystems.
This document provides a collection of mathematical formulae for school students covering topics like algebra, trigonometry, analytical geometry, arithmetic, and complex numbers. It includes common formulae for indices, logarithms, quadratic equations, binomial expansion, trigonometric ratios and identities, lines and their equations, arithmetic and geometric series, and triangle properties. The formulae are presented without explanation, intended as a quick reference guide for students.
This document provides an introduction and summary of Plato's dialogue "Protagoras". The introduction describes the setting of the dialogue as taking place at the house of Callias, with Socrates, Protagoras, Hippias, Prodicus, Alcibiades and Critias in attendance. Socrates questions Protagoras about what he can teach and whether virtue can be taught. Protagoras provides an allegory in response. Socrates then questions whether virtues are one or many, trapping Protagoras in contradictions through dialectic questioning. The dialogue continues with debates over the interpretation of a poem by Simonides.
This document summarizes a panel discussion on transforming patient-generated health data for wellness and biomedical research. The panelists were Susan Peterson, Katherine Kim, Fernando Martin-Sanchez, Cagatay Demiralp, and Pei-Yun Sabrina Hsueh (moderator). Peterson discussed using sensors and mobile apps to monitor cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy to detect early signs of dehydration. Kim discussed leveraging patient data for personalized care coordination. Martin-Sanchez discussed generating evidence from patient data to inform research. Demiralp discussed visualization of patient data. Overall the panel explored opportunities and barriers to using patient-generated data from behavioral sensing to clinical decision support.
MIFID 2 Appliqu¨¦e aux salle de march¨¦
Aubay pr¨¦sente cette offre d'accompagnement dans le cadre de la mise en place de la directive MIFID 2 qui sera appliqu¨¦e en Janvier 2018
Organizational behavior provides a framework for understanding human behavior in organizational settings using scientific research methods. It helps managers influence workplace events, improve interpersonal relationships and skills, understand motivation, maintain good employee relations, and efficiently manage human resources to stimulate innovation, ethical conduct, quality work and a diverse workforce. Organizational behavior is useful for careers in management, marketing and pursuing organizational success.
Ary Rocco
P¨®s-doutor em Ci¨ºncias da Comunica??o pela Escola de Comunica??es e Artes da Universidade de S?o Paulo (ECA/USP). Professor em regime de turno completo (RTC) da Escola de Educa??o F¨ªsica e Esporte da Universidade de S?o Paulo (EEFE/USP). L¨ªder e fundador do Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Marketing e Comunica??o no Esporte (GEPECOM) da EEFE/USP. Pesquisador Associado (Associate Research Fellow) do Grupo de Estudo em Eventos e Mega Eventos da Escola de Educa??o F¨ªsica e Desportos da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) registrado no CNPq. Coordenou Projeto de Pesquisa "Os novos est¨¢dios e arenas e o comportamento do consumidor esportivo: o padr?o FIFA de qualidade e o impacto no torcedor brasileiro", financiado pelo CNPq. Tamb¨¦m ¨¦ respons¨¢vel pelo Projeto de Pesquisa "A fala??o esportiva e a novela di¨¢ria do jornalismo: a espetaculariza??o da cobertura do Esporte na m¨ªdia impressa brasileira durante a Copa do Mundo 2014", financiado pela FAPESP. Autor dos livros O Gol por um clique - uma incurs?o ao universo da cultura do torcedor de futebol no Ciberespa?o (Novas Edi??es Acad¨ºmicas, 2015) e Marketing e Gest?o do Esporte (Editora Atlas, 2012). Diretor da Asociaci¨®n Latinoamericana de Gerencia Deportiva (ALGEDE) e Coordenador do Grupo de Pesquisa em Comunica??o e Esporte da Sociedade Brasileira de Estudos Interdisciplinares em Comunica??o (INTERCOM). Colunista de Futebol Argentino e de Neg¨®cios do Esporte do programa Jovem Pan No Mundo da Bola, da R¨¢dio Jovem Pan AM (620 MHz).
This certificate certifies that Bertrand Sicot successfully completed the requirements for SolidWorks Professional - Advanced Drawing Tools and is entitled to receive recognition and benefits. The certificate was awarded to Bertrand Sicot on February 28, 2013 for successfully completing the SolidWorks Professional - Advanced Drawing Tools certification with identification number C-GMZC74PPK4.
The endocrine system consists of glands that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream. The major glands include the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, testes/ovaries, and pineal gland. Hormones have various effects on target cells, such as stimulating or inhibiting growth, metabolism, and reproductive processes. There are two main mechanisms of hormonal action - steroid hormones bind directly to receptors to influence gene expression, while peptide hormones activate intracellular messenger systems. Disorders can result from hormone deficiencies or excesses.
WHO estimates that globally the number of people with hearing loss, defined as a loss of more than 40 dB on the hearing loss scale (> 40 dB HL), has more than doubled from 120 million in 1995 to at least 278 million in 2005, thus making this condition the most prevalent sensory deficit in the population.1¨C3 Permanent hearing loss can occur at any age but about 25% of the current burden is of childhood onset. Annually, up to 6 per 1000 live-born infants, or 798 000 babies worldwide, suffer permanent hearing loss at birth or within the neonatal period and at least 90% of them are in developing countries
The document discusses the purpose and components of an effective business plan. It explains that a business plan should be a dual-use document that serves both internal and external purposes. Internally, it provides a roadmap for the company, while externally it introduces potential investors to the business opportunity. The document outlines the key sections of a business plan, including the executive summary, business description, management team, marketing plan, financial projections, and risks. It emphasizes that the business plan should clearly and concisely convey the company's vision, strategies, and financial viability.
1) The document discusses evidence from early Jesuit letters that refers to indigenous peoples of the Americas as "Negroes", indicating they were of Black/olive skin tone. 2) It provides examples of terms like "Negro" and "Indio" being used interchangeably to describe native peoples, showing they were seen as one people. 3) The document argues this is evidence that Black/Moorish peoples were the original indigenous peoples of the Americas, not Europeans or Africans brought later as slaves.
Makalah ini membahas tentang kenakalan remaja, mulai dari pengertian kenakalan remaja, bentuk-bentuknya seperti kenakalan biasa hingga kenakalan khusus, penyebabnya yang terkait faktor internal maupun eksternal seperti keluarga dan lingkungan sekolah, serta cara mengatasinya.
The document summarizes the major human impacts on the marine environment according to the First Global Integrated Marine Assessment from 2016. These impacts include climate change, mortality and disturbance of marine life, pollution from toxins/pathogens/plastics, increased demand for ocean space, underwater noise, disruption of migration patterns, and introduction of invasive species. The impacts are negatively affecting ocean ecosystems.
The document discusses the importance of protecting oceans, which cover most of the Earth's surface and contain most of its water. It proposes creating a platform to submit ideas for social initiatives and projects to protect aquatic ecosystems, with evaluation and potential funding support from scientific organizations. The platform aims to connect local initiatives with sponsors to more easily realize projects that benefit both communities and sponsors' brands through authentic, socially responsible support of environmental causes.
Umbrella is a marketing agency network that has been operating since 2004 with over 30 employees across offices in Warsaw, Poland and Auckland, New Zealand. They provide various marketing services including strategy and research, social media marketing, product design, and ecommerce solutions. Umbrella has delivered over 60 marketing integration projects for FMCG companies. Some of their clients include Coca-Cola HBC, Maspex, Bahlsen, and Materne, for whom they have implemented CSR campaigns, innovation tools, category management strategies, and new product launches.
This document discusses an outsourcing partner's experience in point-of-sale management. It offers analysis of customer experience, prototyping of POS materials, and a dedicated web and mobile platform for ordering. The partner has extensive experience across Europe and emerging markets, and specializes in standardizing product displays. It conducts research to optimize the customer shopping experience and design customized POS solutions.
Umbrella Marketing Group is an international network of marketing agencies that provides research, strategy, sales support, and e-marketing services. It has over 25 marketing specialists representing clients from various industries including Coca-Cola, IBM, and Sony. Umbrella conducts trendwatching and benchmarking to help clients identify important consumer and industry trends, understand competitors, and leverage opportunities to improve results.
Umbrella Marketing Group - Bran?a budowlana i instalacyjnaGrzegorz Os¨®bka
Umbrella Marketing Group has long-term business relationships with international companies from Saint Gobain Group, EATON, AmeriGas, Velux, Maspex, Hilding Anders, Coca-Cola Hellenic, Securitas, Materne, Duravit, IBM, and SONY. Their team consists of over 20 marketers, sales and marketing project specialists with experience in large corporations and building materials. Umbrella is expanding internationally through a chain of Umbrella companies around the world, currently in Europe, New Zealand, Australia, Africa, Kazakhstan, Dubai, China, and the United States. They offer a range of effective marketing tools and processes developed over 13 years of
The document describes a proposed global marketing agency network called Umbrella Marketing Group. It would connect independent marketing agencies around the world to share knowledge, resources, and clients through regional branches. Agencies could offer integrated marketing services to local clients while also taking on international projects by collaborating with other agencies in the network. The network aims to standardize marketing methods, commercialize knowledge through an online platform, and eventually expand through new branches and public listing.
Standardization is the order of the shopper's navigation at the point of sale.
The document discusses using social media, specifically targeting fitters in the building and construction market. It recommends communicating with young fitters via social media platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo and Instagram to help them in their careers, by offering benefits like e-learning, bonus programs, and online references. Engaging with fitters on social media can help build strong cooperation and association with the brand, while providing specific support.
Mamy tu w?asn? metodologi? szukania inspiracji w zakresie nowo?ci ofertowych, zmian na rynku, innowacyjnych kana?¨®w sprzeda?y i modeli budowania relacji z nabywcami.
Rose flower file backlink submission.pptxfetixat606
Rose flowers symbolize love, passion, and beauty, making them one of the most cherished blooms worldwide. Available in various colors, each shade holds a unique meaning. Whether gifted in a bouquet or grown in gardens, roses captivate hearts with their fragrance and elegance, leaving a lasting impression.
Digital Marketing Workshop Florence Fashion Society.pdfNicoleJaroscak
This slideshow explores the fundamentals of digital marketing in fashion, covering its purpose, key elements, and what makes a campaign successful. It includes case studies of standout fashion campaigns from the past year and a hands-on assignment where members created their own digital marketing strategies for their favorite brands.
Presented at Florence Fashion Society, this workshop was designed to help students understand branding, visual storytelling, and consumer engagement in the digital space.
Check it out to gain insights into how fashion brands craft compelling marketing campaigns!
David Kircus serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at TEAM Strategies, where he combines his experience as a retired NFL wide receiver with a strong leadership mindset to guide the company. In addition to his executive role, he is passionate about helping young athletes develop and often spends his summers volunteering at recruiting camps. During these camps, he works with incoming athletes to perfect their drills and techniques, preparing them for future challenges in their athletic careers. His commitment to helping others succeed is a key aspect of his leadership style.
This document, "WhatsApp Marketing Strategies for Business Success," explores how to use WhatsApp, a powerful communication tool, to improve your company's marketing effectiveness. It covers effective customer communication techniques, personalized marketing plans, and how to expand brand influence through group and broadcast functions. By implementing these strategies, companies can enhance customer loyalty, increase sales conversion rates, and achieve sustainable business growth.
Austin MUG: Using Scripting & AI in Marketo for Dynamic PersonalizationRobyn Hatfield
Personalization is essential for modern marketing, but standard Marketo tokens have limitations. This session explores how Velocity scripting and AI tools like ChatGPT empower marketers to create smarter, more dynamic campaigns without adding complexity. Learn how to automate personalization, scale email customization, and use AI to generate scripts faster for more effective engagement.
2025 March - High Performing Landing Pages - Greeville HUG.pptxBoundify
Learn how to create stunning, high-converting landing pages with HubSpot¡¯s intuitive drag-and-drop editor!
Join us for our next Greenville HUG event where we¡¯ll explore proven strategies and practical tips for designing landing pages that drive action. From layout design to optimizing for mobile and incorporating smart content, you¡¯ll discover how to make the most of HubSpot¡¯s tools to elevate your marketing efforts.
Whether you¡¯re new to HubSpot or a seasoned user, this event will provide actionable insights to improve your landing pages and boost your conversions!
Why Landing Pages Matter
Key Elements of a High-Converting Landing Page
HubSpot¡¯s Drag-and-Drop Editor Overview & Best Practices
Advanced Techniques for High-Converting Pages
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Who Should Attend:
? Marketing professionals
? Sales professionals
? Business owners
? Anyone interested in learning more about HubSpot Landing Pages!
Professional Digital Marketing Agency | Boost Your Online Presenceanshika49913
Looking for a results-driven digital marketing agency? Our expert team specializes in SEO, social media marketing, PPC, content strategy, and more to help grow your business online. We create customized strategies that deliver measurable results, driving traffic, increasing conversions, and building your brand¡¯s presence in the digital world. Let us help you achieve your marketing goals and stand out in a competitive market.
Introduction Of | Greater Mason Area Portal ¨C ServingMasonOne
Greater Mason Area Portal ¨C Serving
Mason OH, Deerfield Township OH, Lebanon OH, West Chester Township OH, Symmes Township OH, Landen OH, Loveland OH, Hamilton OH, Fairfield OH, Middletown OH, Montgomery OH, Monroe OH, Springdale OH and Sharonville OH
Welcome to the Greater Mason OH Area Portal, your comprehensive resource for exploring everything our vibrant region has to offer.
Discover local deals, business and real estate listings, and job opportunities¡ªall in one place. Stay updated on the latest promotions and community offers.
The Mason City Portal website is your go-to resource for exploring everything our city has to offer, from local businesses with exclusive deals to a vibrant real estate market and comprehensive job listings. It's designed to connect residents and visitors alike to the community, ensuring access to the latest promotions, discounts, and opportunities in Mason City.
Uncover Exclusive Deals: Discover the best deals and discounts from local businesses across the region.
Connect with Local Businesses: Explore a diverse selection of businesses offering unique products and services near you.
Explore a Thriving Real Estate Market: Search for your ideal home across Mason and surrounding areas.
Find Your Perfect Job: Browse a broad range of job opportunities suited to your skills across multiple towns.
With our portal, connecting with the Greater Mason community has never been easier. Whether you're a local resident, newcomer, or visitor, find everything you need to stay connected, informed, and engaged with the region's dynamic offerings.
Turn client websites into revenue enginesAnton Shulke
Discover how interactive features elevate websites, transforming them into lead generators and revenue creators.
Gain strategies to upsell these increasingly necessary features to your clients in a way that enhances your value proposition.
Explore what success looks like out in the field, with real-life examples of clients and agencies employing transactional features on their sites.
EEAT your way to the top of Google - Enhance your SEOQuibble
If you're looking to enhance your SEO and conversions, consider EEAT. Showcasing your experience, expertise, authority and trust is vital in helping your stand out against your competitors. During this session we take a look at the steps you can take to ensure you cover all of these elements and maximise your results.
Influencer marketing continues to evolve, shaping consumer behavior and brand strategies in 2025. With AI-driven personalization, micro-influencers gaining traction, and a shift toward authentic content, brands are leveraging influencers to drive engagement and sales. This document explores the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in influencer marketing, highlighting its growing impact on digital marketing strategies.