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Sarah R. Mork
4039 DeWaal Street
Evans, GA 30809
B.S in Biology with Minor in Chemistry, Georgia College and State University
Milledgeville, GA, Candidate for Graduation, May 2017
Honors and Awards
Deans List- Georgia College and State University, Fall 2013; Spring 2014; Spring 2015
Zell Miller Scholarship, Fall 2013  Present
Professional memberships
Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society, Regular Member, Spring 2015-Present
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Member since 2014 - Present
National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Member since 2013 - Present
 Research Assistant, the laboratory of Dr. Y. Ellen France, Department of Biological and
Environmental Sciences, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA
Fall 2015 - Present
- assisting with genetic screen in isolating suppressors of temperature sensitive
sec6 mutant in S. cerevisiae; conducted yeast and bacterial transformation, yeast
and bacterial DNA isolation and quantification, media preparation
 Research internship in the laboratory of Dr. Heriberto Cerutti, School of Biological
Sciences/ Plant Science Innovation, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln,
-worked to develop a protocol for introducing CRISPR-Cas9 into
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells.
 Research Assistant, the laboratory of Dr. Hamrick, Department of Cellular Biology
Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, June 2014-August 2014
- Genetic analysis using PCR; generating and standardizing data from physical
assessment tests on mice with caloric treatments as well as microscope data on
muscle fibers; genetic analysis on mice treated with exosomes.
 Assisted in the experiments for the Laboratory of Dr. Schoenlein, Medical College of
Georgia, Augusta GA, May 2015- August 2015.
- observing proliferation and growth changes in MCF7 cell lines treated with
1. M.W. Hamrick, A. Dukes, P. Arounleut, C. Davis, S. Periyasamy-Thandavan, S.
Mork, S. Herberg, M.H. Johnson, C.M. Isales, W.D. Hill, L. Otvos, Jr., E.J. Belin
de Chantem竪le. The adipokine leptin mediates muscle- and liver-derived IGF-1
in aged mice Experimental Gerontology, volume 70, pp.92-96. 2015.
2. Amy Dukes, Colleen Davis, Mona El Refaey, Sunil Upadhyay, Sarah Mork,
Phonepasong Arounleut, Maribeth H. Johnson, William D. Hill, Carlos M. Isales,
Mark W. Hamrick, The aromatic amino acid tryptophan stimulates skeletal
muscle IGF1/p70s6k/mTor signaling in vivo and the expression of myogenic
genes in vitro Nutrition, Volume 31, Issues 7-8, pp. 1018-1-24. 2015.
Poster Presentations
1. Developing a Protocol for Implementing the CRISPR-Cas9 system into
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Poster presentation at the University of Nebraska-
Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. August 10, 2016.
2. Identification of Novel interactors of Sec6 via Genetic Supressor Screen using a
Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genomic DNA Library. Poster presentation at Georgia
College and State University, Milledgeville, GA. April 23, 2016.
3. Visual Screening of Sec6-GFP Localization in S. cerevisiae DAmP Library via
fluorescence microscopy. Poster presentation at Georgia College and State
University, Milledgeville, Georgia. April 23, 2016.
Medical Shadowing
 Dr. William Cunningham, a general practitioner from Warm Springs GA.
- Followed him for the day of December 15th in his office as he did exams and
check ups on patients.
 Dr. Richard Schwartz an emergency room doctor at Georgia Regents Medical College
 Followed him as he did his rounds in the ER and treated trauma victims that came
in throughout the day of March 20th.
Community Involvement
Childrens Miracle Network Fall 2013  Present
 serving as the director of finance for the Georgia College Miracle organization
for Childrens Miracle Network. Manage and budget the bank account and online
Milledgevilles Life Enrichment Center Volunteer/ Mentor
Extracurricular Activities
 President of the Georgia College Lacrosse Club Team
 Junior Executive Member of Phi Mu Fraternity Spring 2015  Present
 Phi Mu Fraternity Assistant Treasurer Fall 2013- Fall 2014
 Georgia College Best Buddies Mentor Fall 2015-present

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CV #1

  • 1. Sarah R. Mork 4039 DeWaal Street Evans, GA 30809 775-224-9972 sarah.mork@bobcats.gcsu.edu Education B.S in Biology with Minor in Chemistry, Georgia College and State University Milledgeville, GA, Candidate for Graduation, May 2017 Honors and Awards Deans List- Georgia College and State University, Fall 2013; Spring 2014; Spring 2015 Zell Miller Scholarship, Fall 2013 Present Professional memberships Tri-Beta Biological Honor Society, Regular Member, Spring 2015-Present Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society, Member since 2014 - Present National Society of Collegiate Scholars, Member since 2013 - Present Researchexperience Research Assistant, the laboratory of Dr. Y. Ellen France, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA Fall 2015 - Present - assisting with genetic screen in isolating suppressors of temperature sensitive sec6 mutant in S. cerevisiae; conducted yeast and bacterial transformation, yeast and bacterial DNA isolation and quantification, media preparation Research internship in the laboratory of Dr. Heriberto Cerutti, School of Biological Sciences/ Plant Science Innovation, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska. -worked to develop a protocol for introducing CRISPR-Cas9 into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii cells. Research Assistant, the laboratory of Dr. Hamrick, Department of Cellular Biology Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA, June 2014-August 2014 - Genetic analysis using PCR; generating and standardizing data from physical assessment tests on mice with caloric treatments as well as microscope data on muscle fibers; genetic analysis on mice treated with exosomes. Assisted in the experiments for the Laboratory of Dr. Schoenlein, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta GA, May 2015- August 2015. - observing proliferation and growth changes in MCF7 cell lines treated with exosomes.
  • 2. ResearchPublications 1. M.W. Hamrick, A. Dukes, P. Arounleut, C. Davis, S. Periyasamy-Thandavan, S. Mork, S. Herberg, M.H. Johnson, C.M. Isales, W.D. Hill, L. Otvos, Jr., E.J. Belin de Chantem竪le. The adipokine leptin mediates muscle- and liver-derived IGF-1 in aged mice Experimental Gerontology, volume 70, pp.92-96. 2015. 2. Amy Dukes, Colleen Davis, Mona El Refaey, Sunil Upadhyay, Sarah Mork, Phonepasong Arounleut, Maribeth H. Johnson, William D. Hill, Carlos M. Isales, Mark W. Hamrick, The aromatic amino acid tryptophan stimulates skeletal muscle IGF1/p70s6k/mTor signaling in vivo and the expression of myogenic genes in vitro Nutrition, Volume 31, Issues 7-8, pp. 1018-1-24. 2015. Poster Presentations 1. Developing a Protocol for Implementing the CRISPR-Cas9 system into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Poster presentation at the University of Nebraska- Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. August 10, 2016. 2. Identification of Novel interactors of Sec6 via Genetic Supressor Screen using a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Genomic DNA Library. Poster presentation at Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, GA. April 23, 2016. 3. Visual Screening of Sec6-GFP Localization in S. cerevisiae DAmP Library via fluorescence microscopy. Poster presentation at Georgia College and State University, Milledgeville, Georgia. April 23, 2016. Medical Shadowing Dr. William Cunningham, a general practitioner from Warm Springs GA. - Followed him for the day of December 15th in his office as he did exams and check ups on patients. Dr. Richard Schwartz an emergency room doctor at Georgia Regents Medical College Followed him as he did his rounds in the ER and treated trauma victims that came in throughout the day of March 20th. Community Involvement Childrens Miracle Network Fall 2013 Present serving as the director of finance for the Georgia College Miracle organization for Childrens Miracle Network. Manage and budget the bank account and online donations. Milledgevilles Life Enrichment Center Volunteer/ Mentor Extracurricular Activities President of the Georgia College Lacrosse Club Team Junior Executive Member of Phi Mu Fraternity Spring 2015 Present Phi Mu Fraternity Assistant Treasurer Fall 2013- Fall 2014 Georgia College Best Buddies Mentor Fall 2015-present