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Gretchen L. Seim
Research Intern
University of Wisconsin - Madison Department of Nutritional Sciences
Current Address: 124 N Franklin Street, Madison, WI 53703
Phone: 612-801-0856 E-mail: gseim@wisc.edu
University of Wisconsin- Madison, Madison, WI 2013-2016
Masters of Science in Nutritional Sciences, Biochemical and Molecular Emphasis
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 2008-2012
Bachelor of Science in Food Science, May 2012
Magna Cum Laude
Minnesota Studies in International Development, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2011
University of Minnesota Abroad Program
University of Wisconsin, Research Intern and Graduate Research Assistant 2013-present
Advisor: Dr. Rick Eisenstein
 Investigating the role of iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1) in the coordination of postnatal erythropoiesis and
body iron distribution using an in vivo knockout mouse model.
 Mentoring undergraduate research assistants in the learning of lab techniques and development of
individual projects.
Cornell University, Research Assistant and Undergraduate Research Assistant 2011-2013
Advisor: Dr. Sera Young
 Investigated the causal relationship between geophagy and iron status using an in vitro Caco-2 cell
methodology and an in vivo poultry model.
Cornell University, Research Assistant 2012-2013
Advisor: Dr. Katherine Dickin
 Conducted qualitative and semi-quantitative data analysis for Nutrition and Parenting Practices to
Prevent Childhood Obesity project.
 Prepared situational analysis of health systems in Kenya and Ethiopia to inform research on prevention of
maternal preeclampsia and anemia.
 Research Intern with a M.S. in Nutritional Sciences with a wide-array of research experience and education
in food science, public health nutrition and biochemical nutrition.
 Experience designing and conducting experiments using a wide variety of biological analytical techniques.
 Excellent writing, problem-solving, communication and team work skills.
Biological analytical techniques: flow cytometry, qPCR, Westerns, ELISAs
Mouse models: colony maintenance and breeding, genotyping, phlebotomy, various terminal surgery
procedures, protein, RNA and DNA extraction from tissues
Computer: JMP Statistics Software, GraphPad Prism, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, Microsoft Office, NCBI
Blast and other bioinformatic tools
Qualitative data analysis: Dedoose and Atlas.ti coding software, coding structure development
Other: scientific writing (articles, grants), oral and poster presentations, science outreach and
communication, experimental design
Tropicana, PepsiCo, Valhalla, NY Summer 2011
Product Development Intern
 Conducted preliminary stages of product development for a juice product.
 Performed market research on international and domestic juice market trends.
 Worked with fruit suppliers to develop a database of available juice concentrates.
Prayas, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India Spring 2011
Public Health Intern
 Conducted check-ups on children whom were classified as malnourished and compiled data for a progress
 Edited report on out-of-pocket spending in health services.
Seward Co-op Grocery and Deli, Minneapolis, MN Summer 2010
Food Safety Intern
 Developed a training program for new hires about food safety practices in the workplace.
Seim, G. L., Tako, E., Ahn, C., Glahn, R.P., Young, S.L. A novel in vivo model for assessing the impact of
geophagic earth on iron status. Nutrients 2016 8(6), 362.
Martin, L. S., Seim, G. L., Wawire, S., Chapleau, G. M., Young, S. L., Dickin, K. L. Translating formative
research findings into a behavior change strategy to promote antenatal calcium and iron-folic acid
supplementation in western Kenya. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2016.
Pebsworth, P. A., Seim, G. L., Huffman, M. A., Glahn, R. P., Tako, E., Young, S. L. Soil consumed by chacma
baboons is low in bioavailable iron and high in clay. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2013, 39(3), 447-449.
Dickin, K. L., Seim, G. Adapting the Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs) approach to explore the acceptability
and feasibility of nutrition and parenting recommendations: what works for low-income families?.
Maternal & Child Nutrition 2013, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12078.
Seim, G. L., Ahn, C. I., Bodis, M. S., Luwedde, F., Miller, D. D., Glahn, R.P., Young, S. L. Bioavailability of iron in
geophagic earths and clay minerals, and their effect on dietary iron absorption using an in vitro digestion/
Caco-2 cell model. Food & Function 2012, 4(8), 1263-1270.
Seim, G., Nizzi, C., & Eisenstein, R. Iron regulatory protein 1 is essential for coordination of early postnatal
erythropoiesis and body iron distribution. Gordon Red Cell Conference. Holderness, MA, June 2015.
Dickin, K., Seim, G., Young, S., Wawire, S., Martin, S. Challenges and facilitators for implementing prenatal
calcium supplementation to prevent preeclampsia: formative research with health care providers and
women in Kenya (256.1). Experimental Biology Conference. San Diego, CA, April 2014.
Seim, G., Ahn, C., Bodis, M., Tako, E., Miller, D., Glahn, R., Young, S. The concentration of iron in Zanzibari
geophagic earth is high but its in vitro bioavailability is low and it inhibits the bioavailability of dietary
iron in an in vitro digestion/Caco-2 Cell model. Experimental Biology Conference. San Diego, CA,
March 2012.
Wisconsin Institute of Discovery Volunteer, Madison, WI 2013-Present
 Helped facilitate interactive science exploration stations during monthly Saturday Science and yearly
Science Festival events.
Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellow Candidate (Portal to the Public), Madison, WI 2014-Present
 Completed training in science communication and outreach. Working to develop a science exploration
station to communicate concepts in Nutritional Sciences to the public.
Grandparents University Professor - Nutritional Sciences Major, Madison, WI 2014
 Taught UW alumni and their grandchildren about Nutrition and Food Science in a 2-day interactive

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Seim CV 9_7_16

  • 1. Gretchen L. Seim Research Intern University of Wisconsin - Madison Department of Nutritional Sciences Current Address: 124 N Franklin Street, Madison, WI 53703 Phone: 612-801-0856 E-mail: gseim@wisc.edu EDUCATION University of Wisconsin- Madison, Madison, WI 2013-2016 Masters of Science in Nutritional Sciences, Biochemical and Molecular Emphasis Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 2008-2012 Bachelor of Science in Food Science, May 2012 Magna Cum Laude Minnesota Studies in International Development, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India 2011 University of Minnesota Abroad Program RESEARCH EXPERIENCE University of Wisconsin, Research Intern and Graduate Research Assistant 2013-present Advisor: Dr. Rick Eisenstein Investigating the role of iron regulatory protein 1 (IRP1) in the coordination of postnatal erythropoiesis and body iron distribution using an in vivo knockout mouse model. Mentoring undergraduate research assistants in the learning of lab techniques and development of individual projects. Cornell University, Research Assistant and Undergraduate Research Assistant 2011-2013 Advisor: Dr. Sera Young Investigated the causal relationship between geophagy and iron status using an in vitro Caco-2 cell methodology and an in vivo poultry model. Cornell University, Research Assistant 2012-2013 Advisor: Dr. Katherine Dickin Conducted qualitative and semi-quantitative data analysis for Nutrition and Parenting Practices to Prevent Childhood Obesity project. Prepared situational analysis of health systems in Kenya and Ethiopia to inform research on prevention of maternal preeclampsia and anemia. SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Research Intern with a M.S. in Nutritional Sciences with a wide-array of research experience and education in food science, public health nutrition and biochemical nutrition. Experience designing and conducting experiments using a wide variety of biological analytical techniques. Excellent writing, problem-solving, communication and team work skills. SKILLS AND TECHNIQUES Biological analytical techniques: flow cytometry, qPCR, Westerns, ELISAs Mouse models: colony maintenance and breeding, genotyping, phlebotomy, various terminal surgery procedures, protein, RNA and DNA extraction from tissues Computer: JMP Statistics Software, GraphPad Prism, Adobe Illustrator and InDesign, Microsoft Office, NCBI Blast and other bioinformatic tools Qualitative data analysis: Dedoose and Atlas.ti coding software, coding structure development Other: scientific writing (articles, grants), oral and poster presentations, science outreach and communication, experimental design
  • 2. WORK EXPERIENCE Tropicana, PepsiCo, Valhalla, NY Summer 2011 Product Development Intern Conducted preliminary stages of product development for a juice product. Performed market research on international and domestic juice market trends. Worked with fruit suppliers to develop a database of available juice concentrates. Prayas, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan, India Spring 2011 Public Health Intern Conducted check-ups on children whom were classified as malnourished and compiled data for a progress report. Edited report on out-of-pocket spending in health services. Seward Co-op Grocery and Deli, Minneapolis, MN Summer 2010 Food Safety Intern Developed a training program for new hires about food safety practices in the workplace. PUBLICATIONS Seim, G. L., Tako, E., Ahn, C., Glahn, R.P., Young, S.L. A novel in vivo model for assessing the impact of geophagic earth on iron status. Nutrients 2016 8(6), 362. Martin, L. S., Seim, G. L., Wawire, S., Chapleau, G. M., Young, S. L., Dickin, K. L. Translating formative research findings into a behavior change strategy to promote antenatal calcium and iron-folic acid supplementation in western Kenya. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2016. Pebsworth, P. A., Seim, G. L., Huffman, M. A., Glahn, R. P., Tako, E., Young, S. L. Soil consumed by chacma baboons is low in bioavailable iron and high in clay. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2013, 39(3), 447-449. Dickin, K. L., Seim, G. Adapting the Trials of Improved Practices (TIPs) approach to explore the acceptability and feasibility of nutrition and parenting recommendations: what works for low-income families?. Maternal & Child Nutrition 2013, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12078. Seim, G. L., Ahn, C. I., Bodis, M. S., Luwedde, F., Miller, D. D., Glahn, R.P., Young, S. L. Bioavailability of iron in geophagic earths and clay minerals, and their effect on dietary iron absorption using an in vitro digestion/ Caco-2 cell model. Food & Function 2012, 4(8), 1263-1270. OUTREACH AND VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCE POSTER ABSTRACTS Seim, G., Nizzi, C., & Eisenstein, R. Iron regulatory protein 1 is essential for coordination of early postnatal erythropoiesis and body iron distribution. Gordon Red Cell Conference. Holderness, MA, June 2015. Dickin, K., Seim, G., Young, S., Wawire, S., Martin, S. Challenges and facilitators for implementing prenatal calcium supplementation to prevent preeclampsia: formative research with health care providers and women in Kenya (256.1). Experimental Biology Conference. San Diego, CA, April 2014. Seim, G., Ahn, C., Bodis, M., Tako, E., Miller, D., Glahn, R., Young, S. The concentration of iron in Zanzibari geophagic earth is high but its in vitro bioavailability is low and it inhibits the bioavailability of dietary iron in an in vitro digestion/Caco-2 Cell model. Experimental Biology Conference. San Diego, CA, March 2012. Wisconsin Institute of Discovery Volunteer, Madison, WI 2013-Present Helped facilitate interactive science exploration stations during monthly Saturday Science and yearly Science Festival events. Wisconsin Idea STEM Fellow Candidate (Portal to the Public), Madison, WI 2014-Present Completed training in science communication and outreach. Working to develop a science exploration station to communicate concepts in Nutritional Sciences to the public. Grandparents University Professor - Nutritional Sciences Major, Madison, WI 2014 Taught UW alumni and their grandchildren about Nutrition and Food Science in a 2-day interactive course.