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Daniel Kemp
Tel: 020 8985 9409
London, E9 7NB Email: daniel.s.kemp@btinternet.com
 Experienced financial adviser having worked in this field for 20+ years
 Local authority councillor for 12+ years specialising in public health, finance, pensions and scrutiny
 Currently looking for full time opportunities that will allow me to pursue either my professional or local
government experience
Policy analysis
 As a local Councillor I have developed an interest in Local Government finance and this links in with my
studies through the Institute of Financial Services (IFS) and the bigger economic picture.
 Performance management and procurement processes have also become specialist interests.
 Reading and analysing reports from scrutiny and presenting clearly and concisely
Financial skills
 As an IFA I did my own administration. I did ID checks made and went on business appointments once I
had completed product and provider research and generated appropriate illustrations. I then wrote
business documented the sale and wrote the case up. This involved suitability letters, demands and needs
statements copies of quotes POS info; apps; etc. I then offered an ongoing service to my clients.
 I am used to reading and analysing reports.
 I am also able to present complex and sometimes abstract concepts in an understandable way and have
made some good sales.
 As a salesman I have used listening skills to find out what my clients priories are. The process is like
project management; summarising needs; checking for understanding, probing objections and presenting
solutions before closing deals.
Communication skills
 From my council work  chairing meetings and writing copy as a ward councillor. I also had a Chapter in a
book published by the University of Birmingham.
 Financial  listening skills, finding out what clients needs are.
Stakeholder management
 Accustomed to working with senior level individuals in organisations
 Adept at forming partnerships and networks with organisations and groups around particular issues, and
ensuring that people work together effectively over common goals
 Strong advocacy and interpersonal skills through role as a local elected councillor in Hackney
As a Financial Adviser:
February 2015  now
Specialist Protection Adviser: re: Health insurances and Life covers & assurance.
Self- employed, sole trader, working from home.
August 2012- February 2015
Introducing Financial Advisor to First Class Financial Limited.
Im have studied for a Diploma in Financial Advice (Dip FA) but have yet to complete the IFS Institute of
Financial Services) Dip FA with two more exams to sit. I was working through pipeline cases with an IFA
that I generated including some Iht planning; capital investments; mortgages and annuities.
 April 2011-August 2012
Independent Financial Adviser  Intrinsic Independent Limited
continuing to work as an investment adviser selling insurance and retail financial services.
 On a whole of market basis.
 Sales included, to self generated clients: pension transfers, Investment trusts, annuities,
ISAs general insurance. Prospects included Iht planning.
 April 2010-April 2011
Independent Financial Adviser: MINT Financial Services Ltd.
Sales as above. MINT was part of Intrinsic then the name changed to Intrinsic.
 Nov 2006-Nov 2010
Independent Financial Adviser: The Clarkson Hill Group.
Sales on a whole of market basis to self generated clients and leads as well as referrals.
Products sold included SIPPs; GARs; pension transfers( money purchase only) Group Personal pensions;
Mortgages and Protection.
CHG went bankrupt and I was off the road for six months.
Production was improving and recovering from leaving Sage but stymied by my commitment to Hackney
Council as an elected representative: i.e Local Government Councillor.
 Jan 2005-Feb-2007
Independent Financial Adviser: Sage Financial Services Ltd
Again sales on a whole of market basis to self generated clients acquired over 30 year career.
Sales were recovering but First Class Financial Ltd and Sage parted company.
Products sold included Isas, Isa transfers, Unit Trusts, Mortgages and protection.
 Mar 2004-Aug 2004:
Harrington Horne Financial Adviser
to an appointed representative of Friends Provident.
Self generated sales of Isas; PPS and Collectives before the AR sales avenue was closed and I joined
First Class Financial through Interlink- part of Sage.
Direct Sales of Financial Services:
 Dec 1992- Nov 2003:
Financial Consultant to Friends Provident:
 Managing their accounts and servicing clients as well as direct sales.
 Sales to both a client bank and leads from Friends Provident and my own contacts.
 Products sold included: GPPS; Collective investments; Iht based bonds; Annuities; pension transfers
(money purchase) contracting out of SERPS, Iht protection, Income Protection; Keyman and Cross
Partnership/ Shareholder cover, Executive Pension Plans ; commercial and residential mortgages.
 May 2002-May 27th
Elected councillor  London Borough of Hackney
 I was also the Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board (OSB) for over a decade from November
 Member of Licensing; Vice Chair of Audit sub- committee; Committee member of the Pensions &
Standards boards.
 Vice Chair of Health in Hackney scrutiny commission& Council representative on the North east London
cross borough scrutiny of the NHS re-organisation.
 Regeneration and Social Inclusion and Crime and Social Inclusion scrutiny commission during the last
 Chair of the ad hoc scrutiny commissions into Clissold Leisure Centre and Missing Children. Also Chaired
several call ins mad by the OSB.
2005-2011: Treasurer and trustee of UXL Ltd the trading arm of Hackney Wick
Community Training Ltd. This involved cash flow management of a company
attempting to recover from fraud and embezzlement that ultimately failed. I was also
involved in making people redundant, unfortunately and that was after securing salary reductions.
I have made paid and unpaid presentations to Councillors and Council staff at Birkbeck College through
INLOGOV (Institute of Local Government) part of the University of Birmingham. And to Tower Hamlets and
Stevenage Borough Local Authorities. Reporting my experience and views on the scrutiny function of local
 Diploma in Financial Services Regulation & Ethics. Dec. 2012. Pass.
 Diploma in Advanced Financial Planning: Paper one taken 9th August 2012. Studying for course work
completed. Exams scheduled for December 2015 deadline.
 Post Graduate Certificate in Oversight & Scrutiny (Masters Level) from the Institute of Local Government
(INLOGOV) University of Birmingham June-October 2008.
 Cemap mortgage bridge paper 2004: Pass.
 Financial Planning Certificates 1; 2 & 3 (1995-2000). Passed.
 Graduated from Manchester University: B.A. Hons. in Politics & Modern History with Economics,
 Economics: I continue to read widely as it is connected to my plan to attain Dip FA status this year.
 I like to try and keep fit: walking, cycling, swimming and using the gym at least weekly.
 Football I am a season ticket holder and sometimes travel to away games.
Professional and personal references are available on request.

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  • 1. Daniel Kemp Tel: 020 8985 9409 London, E9 7NB Email: daniel.s.kemp@btinternet.com PROFILE Experienced financial adviser having worked in this field for 20+ years Local authority councillor for 12+ years specialising in public health, finance, pensions and scrutiny Currently looking for full time opportunities that will allow me to pursue either my professional or local government experience KEY SKILLS AND EXPERTISE Policy analysis As a local Councillor I have developed an interest in Local Government finance and this links in with my studies through the Institute of Financial Services (IFS) and the bigger economic picture. Performance management and procurement processes have also become specialist interests. Reading and analysing reports from scrutiny and presenting clearly and concisely Financial skills As an IFA I did my own administration. I did ID checks made and went on business appointments once I had completed product and provider research and generated appropriate illustrations. I then wrote business documented the sale and wrote the case up. This involved suitability letters, demands and needs statements copies of quotes POS info; apps; etc. I then offered an ongoing service to my clients. I am used to reading and analysing reports. I am also able to present complex and sometimes abstract concepts in an understandable way and have made some good sales. As a salesman I have used listening skills to find out what my clients priories are. The process is like project management; summarising needs; checking for understanding, probing objections and presenting solutions before closing deals. Communication skills From my council work chairing meetings and writing copy as a ward councillor. I also had a Chapter in a book published by the University of Birmingham. Financial listening skills, finding out what clients needs are. Stakeholder management Accustomed to working with senior level individuals in organisations Adept at forming partnerships and networks with organisations and groups around particular issues, and ensuring that people work together effectively over common goals Strong advocacy and interpersonal skills through role as a local elected councillor in Hackney CAREER SUMMARY As a Financial Adviser: February 2015 now Specialist Protection Adviser: re: Health insurances and Life covers & assurance. Self- employed, sole trader, working from home. August 2012- February 2015
  • 2. Introducing Financial Advisor to First Class Financial Limited. Im have studied for a Diploma in Financial Advice (Dip FA) but have yet to complete the IFS Institute of Financial Services) Dip FA with two more exams to sit. I was working through pipeline cases with an IFA that I generated including some Iht planning; capital investments; mortgages and annuities. April 2011-August 2012 Independent Financial Adviser Intrinsic Independent Limited continuing to work as an investment adviser selling insurance and retail financial services. On a whole of market basis. Sales included, to self generated clients: pension transfers, Investment trusts, annuities, ISAs general insurance. Prospects included Iht planning. April 2010-April 2011 Independent Financial Adviser: MINT Financial Services Ltd. Sales as above. MINT was part of Intrinsic then the name changed to Intrinsic. Nov 2006-Nov 2010 Independent Financial Adviser: The Clarkson Hill Group. Sales on a whole of market basis to self generated clients and leads as well as referrals. Products sold included SIPPs; GARs; pension transfers( money purchase only) Group Personal pensions; Mortgages and Protection. CHG went bankrupt and I was off the road for six months. Production was improving and recovering from leaving Sage but stymied by my commitment to Hackney Council as an elected representative: i.e Local Government Councillor. Jan 2005-Feb-2007 Independent Financial Adviser: Sage Financial Services Ltd Again sales on a whole of market basis to self generated clients acquired over 30 year career. Sales were recovering but First Class Financial Ltd and Sage parted company. Products sold included Isas, Isa transfers, Unit Trusts, Mortgages and protection. Mar 2004-Aug 2004: Harrington Horne Financial Adviser to an appointed representative of Friends Provident. Self generated sales of Isas; PPS and Collectives before the AR sales avenue was closed and I joined First Class Financial through Interlink- part of Sage. Direct Sales of Financial Services: Dec 1992- Nov 2003: Financial Consultant to Friends Provident: Managing their accounts and servicing clients as well as direct sales. Sales to both a client bank and leads from Friends Provident and my own contacts. Products sold included: GPPS; Collective investments; Iht based bonds; Annuities; pension transfers (money purchase) contracting out of SERPS, Iht protection, Income Protection; Keyman and Cross Partnership/ Shareholder cover, Executive Pension Plans ; commercial and residential mortgages.
  • 3. May 2002-May 27th 2014 Elected councillor London Borough of Hackney I was also the Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Board (OSB) for over a decade from November 2003. Member of Licensing; Vice Chair of Audit sub- committee; Committee member of the Pensions & Standards boards. Vice Chair of Health in Hackney scrutiny commission& Council representative on the North east London cross borough scrutiny of the NHS re-organisation. Regeneration and Social Inclusion and Crime and Social Inclusion scrutiny commission during the last decade. Chair of the ad hoc scrutiny commissions into Clissold Leisure Centre and Missing Children. Also Chaired several call ins mad by the OSB. VOLUNTARY WORK: 2005-2011: Treasurer and trustee of UXL Ltd the trading arm of Hackney Wick Community Training Ltd. This involved cash flow management of a company attempting to recover from fraud and embezzlement that ultimately failed. I was also involved in making people redundant, unfortunately and that was after securing salary reductions. I have made paid and unpaid presentations to Councillors and Council staff at Birkbeck College through INLOGOV (Institute of Local Government) part of the University of Birmingham. And to Tower Hamlets and Stevenage Borough Local Authorities. Reporting my experience and views on the scrutiny function of local government. EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATIONS Diploma in Financial Services Regulation & Ethics. Dec. 2012. Pass. Diploma in Advanced Financial Planning: Paper one taken 9th August 2012. Studying for course work completed. Exams scheduled for December 2015 deadline. Post Graduate Certificate in Oversight & Scrutiny (Masters Level) from the Institute of Local Government (INLOGOV) University of Birmingham June-October 2008. Cemap mortgage bridge paper 2004: Pass. Financial Planning Certificates 1; 2 & 3 (1995-2000). Passed. Graduated from Manchester University: B.A. Hons. in Politics & Modern History with Economics, . INTERESTS Economics: I continue to read widely as it is connected to my plan to attain Dip FA status this year. I like to try and keep fit: walking, cycling, swimming and using the gym at least weekly. Football I am a season ticket holder and sometimes travel to away games. REFEREES Professional and personal references are available on request.