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Lena Emelyn Zlock
E-mail: lzlock@pds.org
Phone: (215)-630-7611
Website: lenazlock.wordpress.com

Princeton Day School, Princeton, NJ
September 2011 - present
Honor Roll status each semester of attendance
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
June - August 2013
Participated in the Harvard Summer School: Secondary School Program
Coursework: The Enlightenment Invention of the Modern Self (pursued
graduate student requirement) and Reform, Republic, Terror, and Empire:
The French Revolution, 1787-1804
The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA
June - July 2013
Cumulative Grade Point Average: 4.0 on a 4.0 scale
Participated in the Pre-Collegiate Summer Program in Early American
History, through the National Institute for American History and
Held honor of being the first high school sophomore to complete this

Honors and Awards
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and the Civil War Round Table of
New York 2013 Civil War Essay Contest: Oustanding Civil War Essay Award for
Soldiers, Spies, and Roses: Allan Pinkertons Secret War, June 2013
Eleven Editors Choice Awards on Teen Ink, a magazine written by and for
teenagers (visit my page here), January 2012 - January 2014
Varsity Girls Figure Skating Coaches Award, April 2013

Zlock, L.E. (November 2013). Food and Thought: Starvation as a Catalyst for
Reduced Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis; and the Formation of Depression and
Emotional Anxiety within Memory
Princeton Day School- (Hi)Story in Film and Literature (English elective)
Faculty advisor: Karen Latham, English Department, Princeton Day School
Zlock, L.E. (August 2013). On Finding Ourselves: Examining the Contradictions of
Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality in the Study of Self-Love and Self-Preservation
Harvard Summer School- The Enlightenment Invention of the Modern Self
(graduate student requirement)
Faculty Advisors: Leo Damrosch, Ernest Bernbaum Professor of Literature;
and Kris Trujillo, Teaching Fellow
Zlock, L.E. (August 2013). Who Won the French Revolution?
Harvard Summer School- Reform, Republic, Terror, and Empire: The
French Revolution, 1787-1804
Faculty Advisor: Laurence Winnie, Executive Officer, Harvard Academy for
International and Area Studies

Zlock, L.E. (February 2013). Soldiers, Spies, and Roses: Allan Pinkerton's Secret
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and the Civil War Round
Table of New York 2013 Civil War Essay Contest Outstanding Essay Award
Faculty Advisor: Maria Shepard, History Department, Princeton Day School
Zlock, L.E. (March 2012). Religion and the Founding Fathers
Princeton Day School History Department Research Database, inaugural
Faculty Advisor: Bill Stoltzfus, History Department, Princeton Day School

Published Work
Teen Ink, a magazine written by and for teenagers (visit my page here)
Publications in print edition
September 2012
October 2012
October 2013
Eleven Editors Choice Awards
Work voted #1 thirteen times on the Teen Ink website
VIP- the most active and highly-rated users- since April 2012
With global perspective, American exceptionalism can be achieved,
The Spokesman (December 2013)
"Paging PDS: Mock Trial combines debate, speech, sass,"
The Princeton Packet (September 2013)
"Adventures in Docenting,"
Princeton Patch (August 2013)
An Argument Against Same-Sex Marriage,
The Spokesman (July 2013)
The Essence of NIAHD: A Summer Pre-Collegiate Alumna Reflects,
National Institute of American History and Democracy (June 2013)
Students look to concerts and music festivals for the perfect summer
The Spokesman (June 2013)
Zlock Watches the Clock on Syria Intervention,
The Spokesman (May 2013)
Artist of the Month: Rory Finnegan,
The Spokesman (March 2013)
Artist of the Month: Jonas Kaufman,
The Spokesman (January 2013)
God Save the Monarchy?,
The Spokesman (June 2012)
Cymbals Magazine (May 2012)
An Ode to Princeton Battlefield,
Cymbals Magazine (May 2012)
Writers Block,
Cymbals Magazine (May 2013)
A Walking Poem,
Cymbals Magazine (May 2013)
School Extracurricular Activities
Managing editor, Cymbals Magazine, Princeton Day School's literary,
visual, and performing arts publication
2013  present
Designed and created new website: cymbalsmagazine.wordpress.com
Captain of the Princeton Day School History Bowl Team
2013 - present
Member of the team, 2012 - present
Placed 10th in the 2013 New Jersey State Bowl
Placed 18th in the 2013 New Jersey State Bee; qualifier for National
History Bee
Contributing writer to The Spokesman, Princeton Day School's student-run
2011- present
Princeton Day School Writing Center Mentor
2013 - present
Princeton Day School Admissions Office Student Ambassador
2013 - present
Admissions Office Tour guide
2011 - present
Member of the Princeton Day School chapter of the Junior State of America
2012 - present
Senator at 2013 Northeast Winter Congress
Member of Panther Varsity Figure Skating,
2011  present
Varsity Girls Figure Skating Coaches Award, April 2013
Teaching Experience
Volunteering to teach classes and develop corresponding curricular materials
AP European History
Crash Course: The French Revolution 101
European Art History
(Hi)Story in Film and Literature
Crash Course: The French Revolution 101
Introduction to Rousseau, and The Impact of His Ideas on the French
Landscape Art: Sculpture and Ceramics

Volunteer Experience
Historical Society of Princeton, Princeton, NJ October 2011- present
Provided tours of the Bainbridge House, the Societys main
museum, to the visiting public
Manage the Society table at a variety of community events
Newtown Historical Association, Newtown, PA May - June 2010
Research Assistant
Organized and classified artifacts; entered artifact information
into an electronic database
Managed the Association table at a variety of community events

Fluent in Russian; proficient in Spanish
Proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe InDesign, Prezi
Created first non-fiction history book recommendation page for the
Princeton Day School website
Independent ceramic exhibition in 2012 Princeton Day School Art Show,
Reconsider the Duck"

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  • 1. Lena Emelyn Zlock E-mail: lzlock@pds.org Phone: (215)-630-7611 Website: lenazlock.wordpress.com Education Princeton Day School, Princeton, NJ September 2011 - present Honor Roll status each semester of attendance Harvard University, Cambridge, MA June - August 2013 Participated in the Harvard Summer School: Secondary School Program Coursework: The Enlightenment Invention of the Modern Self (pursued graduate student requirement) and Reform, Republic, Terror, and Empire: The French Revolution, 1787-1804 The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA June - July 2013 Cumulative Grade Point Average: 4.0 on a 4.0 scale Participated in the Pre-Collegiate Summer Program in Early American History, through the National Institute for American History and Democracy Held honor of being the first high school sophomore to complete this program Honors and Awards
  • 2. Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and the Civil War Round Table of New York 2013 Civil War Essay Contest: Oustanding Civil War Essay Award for Soldiers, Spies, and Roses: Allan Pinkertons Secret War, June 2013 Eleven Editors Choice Awards on Teen Ink, a magazine written by and for teenagers (visit my page here), January 2012 - January 2014 Varsity Girls Figure Skating Coaches Award, April 2013 Research Zlock, L.E. (November 2013). Food and Thought: Starvation as a Catalyst for Reduced Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis; and the Formation of Depression and Emotional Anxiety within Memory Princeton Day School- (Hi)Story in Film and Literature (English elective) Faculty advisor: Karen Latham, English Department, Princeton Day School Zlock, L.E. (August 2013). On Finding Ourselves: Examining the Contradictions of Rousseau's Discourse on Inequality in the Study of Self-Love and Self-Preservation Harvard Summer School- The Enlightenment Invention of the Modern Self (graduate student requirement) Faculty Advisors: Leo Damrosch, Ernest Bernbaum Professor of Literature; and Kris Trujillo, Teaching Fellow Zlock, L.E. (August 2013). Who Won the French Revolution? Harvard Summer School- Reform, Republic, Terror, and Empire: The French Revolution, 1787-1804 Faculty Advisor: Laurence Winnie, Executive Officer, Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies Zlock, L.E. (February 2013). Soldiers, Spies, and Roses: Allan Pinkerton's Secret War
  • 3. Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History and the Civil War Round Table of New York 2013 Civil War Essay Contest Outstanding Essay Award Faculty Advisor: Maria Shepard, History Department, Princeton Day School Zlock, L.E. (March 2012). Religion and the Founding Fathers Princeton Day School History Department Research Database, inaugural paper Faculty Advisor: Bill Stoltzfus, History Department, Princeton Day School Published Work Teen Ink, a magazine written by and for teenagers (visit my page here) Publications in print edition September 2012 October 2012 October 2013 Eleven Editors Choice Awards Work voted #1 thirteen times on the Teen Ink website VIP- the most active and highly-rated users- since April 2012 Articles With global perspective, American exceptionalism can be achieved, The Spokesman (December 2013) "Paging PDS: Mock Trial combines debate, speech, sass," The Princeton Packet (September 2013) "Adventures in Docenting," Princeton Patch (August 2013) An Argument Against Same-Sex Marriage, The Spokesman (July 2013)
  • 4. The Essence of NIAHD: A Summer Pre-Collegiate Alumna Reflects, National Institute of American History and Democracy (June 2013) Students look to concerts and music festivals for the perfect summer activity, The Spokesman (June 2013) Zlock Watches the Clock on Syria Intervention, The Spokesman (May 2013) Artist of the Month: Rory Finnegan, The Spokesman (March 2013) Artist of the Month: Jonas Kaufman, The Spokesman (January 2013) God Save the Monarchy?, The Spokesman (June 2012) Literary Winter, Cymbals Magazine (May 2012) An Ode to Princeton Battlefield, Cymbals Magazine (May 2012) Writers Block, Cymbals Magazine (May 2013) A Walking Poem, Cymbals Magazine (May 2013)
  • 5. School Extracurricular Activities Managing editor, Cymbals Magazine, Princeton Day School's literary, visual, and performing arts publication 2013 present Designed and created new website: cymbalsmagazine.wordpress.com Captain of the Princeton Day School History Bowl Team 2013 - present Member of the team, 2012 - present Placed 10th in the 2013 New Jersey State Bowl Placed 18th in the 2013 New Jersey State Bee; qualifier for National History Bee Contributing writer to The Spokesman, Princeton Day School's student-run newspaper 2011- present Princeton Day School Writing Center Mentor 2013 - present Princeton Day School Admissions Office Student Ambassador 2013 - present Admissions Office Tour guide 2011 - present Member of the Princeton Day School chapter of the Junior State of America 2012 - present Senator at 2013 Northeast Winter Congress Member of Panther Varsity Figure Skating, 2011 present Varsity Girls Figure Skating Coaches Award, April 2013
  • 6. Teaching Experience Volunteering to teach classes and develop corresponding curricular materials AP European History Crash Course: The French Revolution 101 European Art History (Hi)Story in Film and Literature Crash Course: The French Revolution 101 Introduction to Rousseau, and The Impact of His Ideas on the French Revolution Ceramics Landscape Art: Sculpture and Ceramics Volunteer Experience Historical Society of Princeton, Princeton, NJ October 2011- present Docent Provided tours of the Bainbridge House, the Societys main museum, to the visiting public Manage the Society table at a variety of community events Newtown Historical Association, Newtown, PA May - June 2010 Research Assistant Organized and classified artifacts; entered artifact information into an electronic database Managed the Association table at a variety of community events Miscellaneous Fluent in Russian; proficient in Spanish Proficient in Microsoft Office, Adobe InDesign, Prezi
  • 7. Created first non-fiction history book recommendation page for the Princeton Day School website Independent ceramic exhibition in 2012 Princeton Day School Art Show, Reconsider the Duck"