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Christine Forsyth
I have over 21 years experience in Social Care, working in a variety of areas and
settings. I remain committed to securing the best possible outcomes for families and
the community as a whole.
Associate Social Care Business Writer - August 2015
Insequa Ltd
Home Working
 Working flexibly 7 days a week including evenings to meet deadlines
 Completing Reports to deadlines. These Reports include tenders, written on
behalf of Private Providers in order to secure contracts with LAs.
Multi Agency Safeguarding Manager
Darlington BoroughCouncil  January 2014 to August 2015 (1 year Secondment)
This was a Strategic Lead for Adult Children and Young People based in a Multi-
Agency Team in Darlington Police Station with responsibilities for the development and
delivery of safeguarding services in line with both Adult/Childrens Board
 Representative on all Board Subgroups/Board Development Plans
 Developing Service alongside Safer Community Strategies/Think Family/Care
 Review of Service including MDT Triage/Screening
 Performance Lead for Service
 Developing Adult Provision alongside Making Safeguarding Personal
 Developing Transitional Support for young people through the introduction of
Multi Agency Weekly Meetings with Statutory Service Providers and
Voluntary Agencies/looking towards additional providers joining the MASH
 Representative on Front of House Transformation Project
 Project Lead for introduction of new IT system  policy and procedure
 Review of Service including CSE MARRAC MAPPA and how to roll out in line
with vulnerable adults and priorities within Care Act
 Case Audit/OFSTED preparedness
 Support with case audits across adults and childrens service
 Ensuring key stakeholders/partners understood the direction of travel
 Attending Regional Events and Meetings as required
 Trained and practicing Deprivation of Liberty Signatory
 Caldecott Guardian Trained
Team Manager  May 2014 to January 2015
Darlington Borough Council
Managed two distinct service areas in three separate environments which included
Adult Safeguarding Services/Adult MASH based in Darlington Police Station, The
Reablement Service based in a Health Resource and The Hospital Discharge Service
based in an Acute Hospital setting.
 Supervision and Appraisal
 ASYE support through Induction and links with Lead Social Worker
 Absence Monitoring
 Recruitment and Selection
 Staff and Service Performance
 Decision maker
 Investigating Complaints
 Information Governance
 Multi-Agency working/practice/meetings
 Co-Ordinating and Chairing Meetings including Safeguarding
Strategies/Reviews/Route Cause Analysis
 Supporting the development of Services
 Budget Management
 Risk Management
 Health and Safety
 Business Continuity Planning
 Development, implementation and monitoring of Winter Pressure Plan
 Participation in Case Reviews associated with Adult Safeguarding/Hospital
 Investigating Information Governance Breeches
 Investigations linked to Executive Safeguarding concerns/planning
Integrated Service Manager  May 2012 to April 2014 (Secondment)
Darlington Borough Council
Managed 35 plus staff including nurses, community matron, occupational therapists,
physiotherapists, social workers and a small health and social care provider. This
integrated the social care Reablement provision with healths intermediate care
provision and provided a Single Point of Contact for all Health/Social Referrals linked
to the need for short term health/social care. The Service operated a Triage Service 7
days a week from 8 to 8 and offered crisis interventions to support the Acute Trust and
Community Services
 Supervision/Appraisal/Induction and Continual Professional Development
 Absence Monitoring
 Recruitment/Selection and staff retention
 Service and Staff Performance for Health and Social Care
 Planning and delivering Staff Development/Service Development Sessions
 Planning and development of Service Launch
 Budget Management
 Reporting to Health & Wellbeing Board
 Risk Management
 Developing Service in line with Integration/Prevention/Enhanced
 Reducing the need for ongoing Service
 Integrated Lead for co-ordinated hospital discharge/admission
prevention/delayed discharge
 Representing Service at Strategic Developments linked to CCG/Social
Care/Community & Acute Health Care
 Development of service within Voluntary/Private Sector/Delivering Training to
 Lead on Winter Pressure
 Lead for H&S/IG/CCQ preparedness/BCP/OOHlink as required
 Deputising for Assistant Director/Director at Regional Events/Meetings
 Cabinet Reports
 Submitting and securing funding through BID applications
 Managing IT/Spreadsheets/Rotas
 Policy Lead for Intermediate Care Plus
TeamManager-October 2008 to April 2012
Darlington Borough Council
Managed the Adult Intake Function, main reception service and Adult Hospital
Discharge Team.
 Staff Supervision/Appraisal and Development
 Introduction of SSAQ
 Attained a Best Performing CQC outcome following a Review of all LA First
Points of Contact
 Supported in the development of Reablement Service/Set up of Performance
Frameworks linked to preventative services
 Completed funding Bids for service development linked to Reablement
 Took part in Rapid Improvement Events to ensure Hospital Discharges were
improved alongside integrated health and social care early intervention
 Developed a new Integrated Service for Darlington named RIACT
 Secured an outstanding outcome following a national audit by a consultancy
named Peopltoo linked to the development of the Councils Integration Agenda
 Completed Policy and Procedures for the RIACT Service which included
moving two health and social care community services into one team. This
included planning the move and all associated IT services
 Completed application and was shortlisted for an National Innovation Award
linked to the RIACT Service
 Began developments for all Adult Safeguarding to enter into the Intake Service.
 Investigated all Adult Safeguarding Alerts working closely with Childrens Duty
Service in line with the development of the MASH in order to ensure a seamless
service linked to Safeguarding
 Chaired Safeguarding Strategies and Reviews
 Risk Management/Caseload Management/Allocation/Monitoring
Adult TeamManager August 2008 to October 2008
City of Sunderland
 Supervision/Appraisal/Team Development
 Allocation of Work
 Work Authorisation in line with Budget Authority
 Recruitment and Selection
 Advising on complex casework
 Safeguarding Issues
 Chairing Meetings
 Performance Management
Adult Senior Social Worker  June 2003 to July 2008
City of Sunderland Adult Services
 Assessment and Care Management
 Complex Casework
 Allocation of work
 Staff Supervision
 Deputising for Team Manager
 Planning and delivery of changes to Service Delivery in line with Policy change
such as Mental Capacity Act, Care Act, Personalisation Agenda/Performance
 Chairing Group Supervision/Team Meeting
 Diary Sharing with Team
 Crisis management of casework in staff absence
TeamManager  Secondment  June 2002 to May 2003
City of Sunderland  Adult Services
 Supervision/Appraisal/Team Development
 Allocation of Work
 Work Authorisation in line with Budget Authority
 Recruitment and Selection
 Advising on complex casework
 Safeguarding Issues
 Chairing Meetings
 Performance Management
Senior Practitioner  July 1999 to May 2002
City of Sunderland - Adult Services
 Assessment and Care Management
 Complex Casework
 Allocation of work
 Staff Supervision
 Deputising for Team Manager
 Planning and delivery of changes to Service Delivery
 Chairing Group Supervision/Team Meeting
 Diary Sharing with Team
 Crisis management of casework in staff absence
Social Worker  June 1994 to June 1999
City of Sunderland-Older People/Physical Disability Team
 Assessment and Care Management
 Assessments/Care Planning/Commissioning Services/Monitoring and Review
 Multi-Disciplinary working
 Working to deadlines
 GP link development
 Duty Social Work/Crisis Intervention
 Attending Case Conferences
 Adult Protection
 Case management
 Spending time with family and friends
 The history of Politics
References are available on request.

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  • 1. 1 Christine Forsyth chrisforsyth6283@icloud.com PERSONAL STATEMENT I have over 21 years experience in Social Care, working in a variety of areas and settings. I remain committed to securing the best possible outcomes for families and the community as a whole. WORK EXPERIENCE Associate Social Care Business Writer - August 2015 Insequa Ltd Home Working Responsibilities: Working flexibly 7 days a week including evenings to meet deadlines Completing Reports to deadlines. These Reports include tenders, written on behalf of Private Providers in order to secure contracts with LAs. Multi Agency Safeguarding Manager Darlington BoroughCouncil January 2014 to August 2015 (1 year Secondment) Darlington This was a Strategic Lead for Adult Children and Young People based in a Multi- Agency Team in Darlington Police Station with responsibilities for the development and delivery of safeguarding services in line with both Adult/Childrens Board priorities/objectives Responsibilities: Representative on all Board Subgroups/Board Development Plans Developing Service alongside Safer Community Strategies/Think Family/Care Act Review of Service including MDT Triage/Screening Performance Lead for Service Developing Adult Provision alongside Making Safeguarding Personal
  • 2. 2 Developing Transitional Support for young people through the introduction of Multi Agency Weekly Meetings with Statutory Service Providers and Voluntary Agencies/looking towards additional providers joining the MASH Representative on Front of House Transformation Project Project Lead for introduction of new IT system policy and procedure Review of Service including CSE MARRAC MAPPA and how to roll out in line with vulnerable adults and priorities within Care Act Case Audit/OFSTED preparedness Support with case audits across adults and childrens service Ensuring key stakeholders/partners understood the direction of travel Attending Regional Events and Meetings as required Trained and practicing Deprivation of Liberty Signatory Caldecott Guardian Trained Team Manager May 2014 to January 2015 Darlington Borough Council Darlington Managed two distinct service areas in three separate environments which included Adult Safeguarding Services/Adult MASH based in Darlington Police Station, The Reablement Service based in a Health Resource and The Hospital Discharge Service based in an Acute Hospital setting. Responsibilities: Supervision and Appraisal ASYE support through Induction and links with Lead Social Worker Absence Monitoring Recruitment and Selection Staff and Service Performance Decision maker Investigating Complaints Information Governance Multi-Agency working/practice/meetings Co-Ordinating and Chairing Meetings including Safeguarding Strategies/Reviews/Route Cause Analysis Supporting the development of Services Budget Management Risk Management Health and Safety
  • 3. 3 Business Continuity Planning Development, implementation and monitoring of Winter Pressure Plan Participation in Case Reviews associated with Adult Safeguarding/Hospital Discharge Investigating Information Governance Breeches Investigations linked to Executive Safeguarding concerns/planning Integrated Service Manager May 2012 to April 2014 (Secondment) Darlington Borough Council Darlington Managed 35 plus staff including nurses, community matron, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, social workers and a small health and social care provider. This integrated the social care Reablement provision with healths intermediate care provision and provided a Single Point of Contact for all Health/Social Referrals linked to the need for short term health/social care. The Service operated a Triage Service 7 days a week from 8 to 8 and offered crisis interventions to support the Acute Trust and Community Services Responsibilities: Supervision/Appraisal/Induction and Continual Professional Development Absence Monitoring Recruitment/Selection and staff retention Service and Staff Performance for Health and Social Care Planning and delivering Staff Development/Service Development Sessions Planning and development of Service Launch Budget Management Reporting to Health & Wellbeing Board Risk Management Developing Service in line with Integration/Prevention/Enhanced Independence Reducing the need for ongoing Service Integrated Lead for co-ordinated hospital discharge/admission prevention/delayed discharge Representing Service at Strategic Developments linked to CCG/Social Care/Community & Acute Health Care Development of service within Voluntary/Private Sector/Delivering Training to Staff Lead on Winter Pressure Lead for H&S/IG/CCQ preparedness/BCP/OOHlink as required Deputising for Assistant Director/Director at Regional Events/Meetings Cabinet Reports
  • 4. 4 Submitting and securing funding through BID applications Managing IT/Spreadsheets/Rotas Policy Lead for Intermediate Care Plus TeamManager-October 2008 to April 2012 Darlington Borough Council Darlington Managed the Adult Intake Function, main reception service and Adult Hospital Discharge Team. Responsibilities Staff Supervision/Appraisal and Development Recruitment/Selection Introduction of SSAQ Attained a Best Performing CQC outcome following a Review of all LA First Points of Contact Supported in the development of Reablement Service/Set up of Performance Frameworks linked to preventative services Completed funding Bids for service development linked to Reablement Took part in Rapid Improvement Events to ensure Hospital Discharges were improved alongside integrated health and social care early intervention services Developed a new Integrated Service for Darlington named RIACT Secured an outstanding outcome following a national audit by a consultancy named Peopltoo linked to the development of the Councils Integration Agenda Completed Policy and Procedures for the RIACT Service which included moving two health and social care community services into one team. This included planning the move and all associated IT services Completed application and was shortlisted for an National Innovation Award linked to the RIACT Service Began developments for all Adult Safeguarding to enter into the Intake Service. Investigated all Adult Safeguarding Alerts working closely with Childrens Duty Service in line with the development of the MASH in order to ensure a seamless service linked to Safeguarding Chaired Safeguarding Strategies and Reviews Risk Management/Caseload Management/Allocation/Monitoring Adult TeamManager August 2008 to October 2008 City of Sunderland
  • 5. 5 Sunderland Supervision/Appraisal/Team Development Allocation of Work Work Authorisation in line with Budget Authority Recruitment and Selection Advising on complex casework Safeguarding Issues Chairing Meetings Performance Management Adult Senior Social Worker June 2003 to July 2008 City of Sunderland Adult Services Sunderland Assessment and Care Management Complex Casework Allocation of work Staff Supervision Deputising for Team Manager Planning and delivery of changes to Service Delivery in line with Policy change such as Mental Capacity Act, Care Act, Personalisation Agenda/Performance frameworks Chairing Group Supervision/Team Meeting Diary Sharing with Team Crisis management of casework in staff absence TeamManager Secondment June 2002 to May 2003 City of Sunderland Adult Services Sunderland Supervision/Appraisal/Team Development Allocation of Work Work Authorisation in line with Budget Authority Recruitment and Selection Advising on complex casework Safeguarding Issues Chairing Meetings Performance Management
  • 6. 6 Senior Practitioner July 1999 to May 2002 City of Sunderland - Adult Services Sunderland Assessment and Care Management Complex Casework Allocation of work Staff Supervision Deputising for Team Manager Planning and delivery of changes to Service Delivery Chairing Group Supervision/Team Meeting Diary Sharing with Team Crisis management of casework in staff absence Social Worker June 1994 to June 1999 City of Sunderland-Older People/Physical Disability Team Sunderland Assessment and Care Management Assessments/Care Planning/Commissioning Services/Monitoring and Review Multi-Disciplinary working Working to deadlines GP link development Duty Social Work/Crisis Intervention Attending Case Conferences Adult Protection Case management PERSONAL INTERESTS Spending time with family and friends Gardening The history of Politics References are available on request.