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----------------------------------------------------CURRICULUM VITAE ----------------------------------------------------
Mark Pearce
HCPC Registration SW37180. Registered until 30/11/2016
Latest enhanced CRB clearance 001524579398 date 31 March 2016
Personal Profile
Mark has a wealth of knowledge and skills as a manager in Adult Social Care. He is looking to
develop his career in Strategic management with a focus on Quality Assurance and Performance.
Mark has particular interests in Safeguarding and people who self-neglect and has extensive
Operational Management experience.
Since February 2015 Mark has been a Team Manager with LB Camden in Adult Social Care.
He has been Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Manager with the London Borough of Hillingdon.
He has key Care Act, Mental Capacity, Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguarding Adults experience.
Mark has had a key role in restructuring the Safeguarding service and successfully introducing Quality
Assurance and Governance frameworks.
Mark has also been a Deputy Service Manager including a successful three month spell leading the
service during an extended break taken by the Service Manager. Mark is uniquely placed to deal with
managing change at the front line of Adult Social Care as the government drives through budgetary
cuts, the personalisation agenda, in the context of the Care Act.
Mark`s former employers regularly ask him to return by `headhunting` him for new interim positions.
His key areas of experience and competence include:
? Emotional Intelligence
? Safeguarding Adults, Best Interests, and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
? Care Act
? Court of Protection
? Quality Assurance and Governance
? Health and Adult Social care integration
? Service development
? Creating, maintaining and managing `value for money` Care packages.
? Managing poor performance
? Managing complex and high profile `risk` cases: Human Rights/Deprivation of Liberty
Safeguards, Mental Capacity Act, No Recourse to Public Funds cases.
? Change management
? Managing key performance indicators
? Contract monitoring
? Budget management
? Commissioning services
? Chairing Safeguarding Adults conferences and managing investigations
? Staff recruitment
? Dealing with formal complaints and members` enquiries.
Mark brings flexibility energy and enthusiasm to his work. He has a positive, `can do` attitude, coupled
with leadership skills. He is loyal, hard-working, focussed and customer orientated.
Employment History
Position Employer/Dates Role/Tasks
February 2015 to date Co-managing a team of 18
operational staff, including
Occupational Therapists, Social
workers, Outreach workers and
unqualified staff, delivering
services to vulnerable adults.
Managing complex cases including
Safeguarding adults and Court of
Protection cases.
Interim Assistant Team
Manager, Sensory
Services, Hertfordshire
County Council [PART-
Interim Assistant Manager,
St Albans Extended
Involvement Team,
Hertfordshire County
Council [PART-TIME]
Locum via MedicareFirst
September 2014 to date
Locum via MedicareFirst
December 2014 to date
-Allocation of casework to a team of
Rehabilitation Officers, Deafblind
workers, Community Care Officers
and Social workers working with
people who have hearing and/or sight
-Supervision of staff
-Day to day management of the team
and its Duty system.
Screening incoming work. Allocation
of work to team members. Informal
supervision of team members.
Authorisation and approval of
assessments and care plans.
Budgetary sign-off for packages of
care up to ?600 p.w.
Interim Safeguarding and
Quality Assurance
Manager, LB Hillingdon
Jan 2014 to August 2014
-Oversee and lead a restructure of the
authority`s Safeguarding service.
-Manage the Deprivation of Liberty
team and lead the authority`s
response to the supreme court
judgement of March 2014.
-Member of Safeguarding Board
Serious Case Review sub committee
-Write reports for the Safeguarding
-Core member of Director chaired
Governance monthly meetings
-Strengthen governance and
accountability across the service
-Develop a Quality Assurance
framework for the service
-Undertake workshops with
operational staff to develop their skills
in safeguarding and investigations
-Mentoring and developing the skills of
Operational Managers involved in
safeguarding below Head of Service
-Work with the CCG to develop
Safeguarding quality assurance
Interim Senior Practitioner, Locum via Medicare First -Carry a small caseload of more
Residential and Nursing
Review team, London
Borough of Islington
August 2013-Jan 2014
complex cases
-Manage Duty system
-Staff Supervision
-Managing Safeguarding
investigations and leading on
Safeguarding Audits
-Working alongside homes who are
under `embargo` or other CQC/Local
authority restrictions.
Interim Safeguarding
Senior Practitioner,
London Borough of
Locum via Badenoch and
Clark April 2013-August
-Carry a small caseload of complex
-Act as Authority lead liaison
Safeguarding officer with Health
-Supervision of two Social workers.
-Case Audits
-Preparation for audit of Safeguarding
Interim Deputy Service
Manager, London
Borough of Islington
Hospital Social Work
Locum via Medicare First
Ltd October 2011 to Mar
-Managing first line managers of two
acute Hospital Social work teams plus
a third rehabilitation Hospital social
work team.
-Deputising for Service Manager
during extended 3 month break
-Social work supervision of
Intermediate Care and Community
Rehabilitation Service Social workers.
-Integrated Care lead for delayed
Transfers of Care
-Service development of Integrated
Care and in-reach 7 day `Reablement`
Interim Team Manager
South On-going Support
and Review Team,
London Borough Islington
Locum via Medicare First
January 2011 to
September 2011
Managing a team of qualified Social
workers, Support Assistants and
administrative staff to provide a Care
management and review service for
Adults 18+.
Interim Social Worker,
South On-going Support
and Review Team,
London Borough Islington
Locum via Medicare First
September 2010 to
January 2011.
Working with Adult Service Users 18+
to provide an Assessment, Care
Management and Review service.
Completing Community Care
assessments, reviews, and
comprehensive Risk assessments.
Setting up Care packages.
Interim Team Manager,
Care Management and
Review Team for Older
Adults, London Borough of
Locum via AASWS Ltd
February 2010 to
September 2010
Initially setting up a new Care
management team from scratch-
Subsequently operational and
strategic management of this team
and the Review team for Older adults.
Managing 2 Deputy Team Managers,
10 Social Workers and 6 Community
Care Workers.
Interim Senior Practitioner,
Safeguarding Adults
Team, London Borough of
Locum via AASWS Ltd
Oct 2009 to Feb 2010
Complete Safeguarding case file
Audits in preparation for CQC
Oversee Safeguarding investigations
to ensure policies and procedures
have been adhered to.
Chair Safeguarding Strategy meetings
and case conferences.
Interim Critical Needs
Response Team, Manager
London Borough of
[Locum] Medicare Ltd
May 2009 to October 2009
Managing three Deputy Team
Managers in the delivery of
assessments and Community Care
services to Adults aged 18 plus who
are deemed to be in `critical` need in
respect of Fair Access criteria.
Interim Hospital Team
Manager, London
Borough of Hillingdon
[Locum] Medicare Ltd
December 2008-May 2009
[Maternity Leave Cover]
Manage three Assistant Team
Managers and their respective teams.
Managing a specialist team including
2 `AMHP`s who dealt with Older
people with Mental Health problems.
Interim Senior Practitioner,
Safeguarding Adults
Team, London Borough of
[Locum] AASWS Ltd
June 2008-December
Chair Strategy Meetings and Case
Conferences within the framework of
the Authority`s Safeguarding Adults
Advise Social work practitioners,
Managers and other professionals on
Safeguarding issues and procedures
Team Manager, People
with Physical and Sensory
Disabilities team
L.B. Hillingdon
July 2005 to June 2008
Managing the statutory delivery of
services to adults aged 18-65 with
physical and sensory disabilities.
Three Assistant team managers report
to me. They manage the Assessment
team; the Care Management and
Review team and the Sensory team.
In addition I manage the Team
Administrative Officer and his team of
four administrative workers.
Assistant Team Manager,
Care Management and
Review Team, People with
Physical and Sensory
Disabilities team
May 2004-July 2005
Line management of a team of Social
workers, Reviewing Officers and
unqualified staff delivering a Care
management and Review service. .
Practice Supervisor, Older
Peoples Services.
L.B. Hillingdon
May 2003-May 2004
Line management of a team of Social
workers and Community care workers
offering an assessment and care
management service to people over
Waking Night residential
Social worker/Support
worker-Learning disability
[Night work allowed me to
attend to my Child care
Ealing Consortium Ltd.
[n.b. service managed by
L.B. Hounslow until April
Aug 1999 to May 2003
Practical and emotional support for
three adults with a Learning disability.
Extra duties as a `Key trainer` in
Equal Opportunities for the
Social Worker-Hillingdon
Hospital elderly care
discharge team.
L.B. Hillingdon through
Reliance Social Care Ltd.
Mar-Aug 1999
Assessment and care Management
for elderly patients in the process of
discharge from hospital.
Social Worker-Hillingdon
elderly review and
monitoring team
L.B.Hillingdon through
Reliance Social Care Ltd.
Jan 1999-Mar 1999
Review and monitor elderly service
users in `out of borough` residential
placements. [short-term contract].
Sessional Lecturer-West
Herts College [part-time]
West Herts College,
Hemel Hempstead
Jan 1995-April 1999
Lecturing/tutoring in childcare,
children and families, sociology, and
inter-personal skills on a variety of
`A` Level courses
Social Worker-Children
and families team,
Borehamwood [part-time]
Hertfordshire County
May 1995-Jan 1999
Assessment and Care Management of
cases with children and their families
on the threshold of care or already
within the care system.
Supervising a Social work assistant
Social worker-Adults with
a physical disability team
May 1991-Jan 1995
Assessment and Care Management of
adults with a physical disability.
Short-term spell acting as Senior
Practitioner in the team.
Various short-term agency
positions whilst looking
after my two children at
home. including:
Reliance Social Care Ltd.
Aug-1988-May 1991
Supervised access and family aide
work [child care]
Residential social worker {nights}
[adolescents/child care/adults with a
learning disability]
Social worker-physical
disability team [children
and adults] [part-time]
Apr 1990-Nov 1990
Assessment and Care Management of
children and adults with a physical
Social worker-adult care
Sept 1987- Aug 1988
Working with adults with a learning
disability/physical disability/ and/or
mental health needs]
Assistant Officer-in-
Charge, residential home
for the elderly.
Herts C.C.
Jul 1986-Sept 1987
Working in a Residential Care Home
for the elderly.
Various management tasks including
budgeting, planning the rota, staff
supervision etc.
Full time study-
Sept 1984-Jul 1986
Residential social worker-
children`s home
Herts C.C.
Welwyn Garden City
Jun 1983-Aug1984
Working with children and adolescents
in a residential setting.
Voluntary work-Chester-
Le-Street general
Hospital; Durham
probation service
Jan-June 1983 Working on an elderly care ward
Direct work with a user with alcohol
Kibbutz volunteer, Israel Sept-Dec 1982
Accounting trainee Pirelli Tyres Ltd.
Jan 1977-Aug 1982
Assistant to the Area
Kennings Ltd
Sept 1976-Jan 1977
Qualification Where? When?
7 `O` levels: Maths, English Language,
French, History, Geography, Art, General
Dovecliff Grammar
School, Burton-on-Trent
ONC Business Studies [Credit] Burton-on-Trent Technical
1976-8 [day release]
Institute of Cost and Management
Accountants Foundation examination
Derby Technical College 1979-81
CQSW and Diploma in Social work Polytechnic of North
1984-6 [full time]
Certificate and Diploma in Counselling Westminster Pastoral
1992-5 [part-time]
Foundation Course-Humanities [Level 1-
Care Welfare and Community [Level 2-
Open University 2001
Pass 2]
Managing Care
[Level 3-Distinction] 2003
Front Line Management Introductory
Accredited by the Institute
of Leadership and
Sept 2003-Apr 2004
Accelerated Development Programme
Local Government
Association Pilot
Sept 2004-Mar 2006
Certificate in Interpersonal Mediation
UK Mediation [accredited
by the Open College
April 2012
Recent Training
? Self-Neglect [Michael Preston-Shoot] [July 2016]
? Advanced Application of the Mental Capacity Act [May 2016]
? Care Act: Care and Support [April 2016]
? Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards [Michael Mandelstam] [March 2016]
? Safeguarding: Leadership and Chairing [November 2015]
? Care Act 2014 [Michael Mandelstam] [February 2015]
Interests and Hobbies
? Spending time with my family
? London
? Music, Cinema, reading
? Walking
? Stoke City Football Club

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July 2016 CV

  • 1. ----------------------------------------------------CURRICULUM VITAE ---------------------------------------------------- Mark Pearce HCPC Registration SW37180. Registered until 30/11/2016 Latest enhanced CRB clearance 001524579398 date 31 March 2016 Personal Profile Mark has a wealth of knowledge and skills as a manager in Adult Social Care. He is looking to develop his career in Strategic management with a focus on Quality Assurance and Performance. Mark has particular interests in Safeguarding and people who self-neglect and has extensive Operational Management experience. Since February 2015 Mark has been a Team Manager with LB Camden in Adult Social Care. He has been Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Manager with the London Borough of Hillingdon. He has key Care Act, Mental Capacity, Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguarding Adults experience. Mark has had a key role in restructuring the Safeguarding service and successfully introducing Quality Assurance and Governance frameworks. Mark has also been a Deputy Service Manager including a successful three month spell leading the service during an extended break taken by the Service Manager. Mark is uniquely placed to deal with managing change at the front line of Adult Social Care as the government drives through budgetary cuts, the personalisation agenda, in the context of the Care Act. Mark`s former employers regularly ask him to return by `headhunting` him for new interim positions. His key areas of experience and competence include: ? Emotional Intelligence ? Safeguarding Adults, Best Interests, and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards ? Care Act ? Court of Protection ? Quality Assurance and Governance ? Health and Adult Social care integration ? Service development ? Creating, maintaining and managing `value for money` Care packages. ? Managing poor performance ? Managing complex and high profile `risk` cases: Human Rights/Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Mental Capacity Act, No Recourse to Public Funds cases. ? Change management ? Managing key performance indicators ? Contract monitoring ? Budget management ? Commissioning services ? Chairing Safeguarding Adults conferences and managing investigations ? Staff recruitment ? Dealing with formal complaints and members` enquiries. Mark brings flexibility energy and enthusiasm to his work. He has a positive, `can do` attitude, coupled with leadership skills. He is loyal, hard-working, focussed and customer orientated. Employment History Position Employer/Dates Role/Tasks
  • 2. CURRENT ROLE: INTERIM TEAM MANAGER, LB CAMDEN February 2015 to date Co-managing a team of 18 operational staff, including Occupational Therapists, Social workers, Outreach workers and unqualified staff, delivering services to vulnerable adults. Managing complex cases including Safeguarding adults and Court of Protection cases. Interim Assistant Team Manager, Sensory Services, Hertfordshire County Council [PART- TIME] Interim Assistant Manager, St Albans Extended Involvement Team, Hertfordshire County Council [PART-TIME] Locum via MedicareFirst September 2014 to date Locum via MedicareFirst December 2014 to date -Allocation of casework to a team of Rehabilitation Officers, Deafblind workers, Community Care Officers and Social workers working with people who have hearing and/or sight loss. -Supervision of staff -Day to day management of the team and its Duty system. Screening incoming work. Allocation of work to team members. Informal supervision of team members. Authorisation and approval of assessments and care plans. Budgetary sign-off for packages of care up to ?600 p.w. Interim Safeguarding and Quality Assurance Manager, LB Hillingdon MSCM Ltd Jan 2014 to August 2014 -Oversee and lead a restructure of the authority`s Safeguarding service. -Manage the Deprivation of Liberty team and lead the authority`s response to the supreme court judgement of March 2014. -Member of Safeguarding Board Serious Case Review sub committee -Write reports for the Safeguarding Board -Core member of Director chaired Governance monthly meetings -Strengthen governance and accountability across the service -Develop a Quality Assurance framework for the service -Undertake workshops with operational staff to develop their skills in safeguarding and investigations -Mentoring and developing the skills of Operational Managers involved in safeguarding below Head of Service level. -Work with the CCG to develop Safeguarding quality assurance framework. Interim Senior Practitioner, Locum via Medicare First -Carry a small caseload of more
  • 3. Residential and Nursing Review team, London Borough of Islington August 2013-Jan 2014 date complex cases -Manage Duty system -Staff Supervision -Managing Safeguarding investigations and leading on Safeguarding Audits -Working alongside homes who are under `embargo` or other CQC/Local authority restrictions. Interim Safeguarding Senior Practitioner, London Borough of Harrow. Locum via Badenoch and Clark April 2013-August 2013 -Carry a small caseload of complex cases -Act as Authority lead liaison Safeguarding officer with Health colleagues. -Supervision of two Social workers. -Case Audits -Preparation for audit of Safeguarding service Interim Deputy Service Manager, London Borough of Islington Hospital Social Work Service Locum via Medicare First Ltd October 2011 to Mar 2013. -Managing first line managers of two acute Hospital Social work teams plus a third rehabilitation Hospital social work team. -Deputising for Service Manager during extended 3 month break -Social work supervision of Intermediate Care and Community Rehabilitation Service Social workers. -Integrated Care lead for delayed Transfers of Care -Service development of Integrated Care and in-reach 7 day `Reablement` service. Interim Team Manager South On-going Support and Review Team, London Borough Islington Locum via Medicare First Ltd January 2011 to September 2011 Managing a team of qualified Social workers, Support Assistants and administrative staff to provide a Care management and review service for Adults 18+. Interim Social Worker, South On-going Support and Review Team, London Borough Islington Locum via Medicare First Ltd September 2010 to January 2011. Working with Adult Service Users 18+ to provide an Assessment, Care Management and Review service. Completing Community Care assessments, reviews, and comprehensive Risk assessments. Setting up Care packages. Interim Team Manager, Care Management and Review Team for Older Adults, London Borough of Hillingdon Locum via AASWS Ltd February 2010 to September 2010 Initially setting up a new Care management team from scratch- Subsequently operational and strategic management of this team and the Review team for Older adults. Managing 2 Deputy Team Managers, 10 Social Workers and 6 Community
  • 4. Care Workers. Interim Senior Practitioner, Safeguarding Adults Team, London Borough of Newham. Locum via AASWS Ltd Oct 2009 to Feb 2010 Complete Safeguarding case file Audits in preparation for CQC inspection. Oversee Safeguarding investigations to ensure policies and procedures have been adhered to. Chair Safeguarding Strategy meetings and case conferences. Interim Critical Needs Response Team, Manager London Borough of Hillingdon [Locum] Medicare Ltd May 2009 to October 2009 Managing three Deputy Team Managers in the delivery of assessments and Community Care services to Adults aged 18 plus who are deemed to be in `critical` need in respect of Fair Access criteria. Interim Hospital Team Manager, London Borough of Hillingdon [Locum] Medicare Ltd December 2008-May 2009 [Maternity Leave Cover] Manage three Assistant Team Managers and their respective teams. Managing a specialist team including 2 `AMHP`s who dealt with Older people with Mental Health problems. Interim Senior Practitioner, Safeguarding Adults Team, London Borough of Newham [Locum] AASWS Ltd June 2008-December 2008 Chair Strategy Meetings and Case Conferences within the framework of the Authority`s Safeguarding Adults procedures. Advise Social work practitioners, Managers and other professionals on Safeguarding issues and procedures Team Manager, People with Physical and Sensory Disabilities team L.B. Hillingdon July 2005 to June 2008 Managing the statutory delivery of services to adults aged 18-65 with physical and sensory disabilities. Three Assistant team managers report to me. They manage the Assessment team; the Care Management and Review team and the Sensory team. In addition I manage the Team Administrative Officer and his team of four administrative workers. Assistant Team Manager, Care Management and Review Team, People with Physical and Sensory Disabilities team L.B.Hillingdon May 2004-July 2005 Line management of a team of Social workers, Reviewing Officers and unqualified staff delivering a Care management and Review service. . Practice Supervisor, Older Peoples Services. L.B. Hillingdon May 2003-May 2004 Line management of a team of Social workers and Community care workers offering an assessment and care management service to people over
  • 5. 65 Waking Night residential Social worker/Support worker-Learning disability [Night work allowed me to attend to my Child care responsibilities] Ealing Consortium Ltd. [n.b. service managed by L.B. Hounslow until April 2002] Aug 1999 to May 2003 Practical and emotional support for three adults with a Learning disability. Extra duties as a `Key trainer` in Equal Opportunities for the organisation Social Worker-Hillingdon Hospital elderly care discharge team. L.B. Hillingdon through Reliance Social Care Ltd. Mar-Aug 1999 Assessment and care Management for elderly patients in the process of discharge from hospital. Social Worker-Hillingdon elderly review and monitoring team L.B.Hillingdon through Reliance Social Care Ltd. Jan 1999-Mar 1999 Review and monitor elderly service users in `out of borough` residential placements. [short-term contract]. Sessional Lecturer-West Herts College [part-time] West Herts College, Hemel Hempstead Jan 1995-April 1999 Lecturing/tutoring in childcare, children and families, sociology, and inter-personal skills on a variety of HND/HNC/GNVQ/BTEC/CACHE and `A` Level courses Social Worker-Children and families team, Borehamwood [part-time] Hertfordshire County Council May 1995-Jan 1999 Assessment and Care Management of cases with children and their families on the threshold of care or already within the care system. Supervising a Social work assistant Social worker-Adults with a physical disability team [part-time] L.B.Brent May 1991-Jan 1995 Assessment and Care Management of adults with a physical disability. Short-term spell acting as Senior Practitioner in the team. Various short-term agency positions whilst looking after my two children at home. including: Reliance Social Care Ltd. Aug-1988-May 1991 Supervised access and family aide work [child care] Residential social worker {nights} [adolescents/child care/adults with a learning disability] Social worker-physical disability team [children and adults] [part-time] L.B.Brent Apr 1990-Nov 1990 Assessment and Care Management of children and adults with a physical disability. Social worker-adult care team L.B.Hillingdon Sept 1987- Aug 1988 Working with adults with a learning disability/physical disability/ and/or mental health needs]
  • 6. Assistant Officer-in- Charge, residential home for the elderly. Herts C.C. Jul 1986-Sept 1987 Working in a Residential Care Home for the elderly. Various management tasks including budgeting, planning the rota, staff supervision etc. Full time study- CQSW/Dip. SW Sept 1984-Jul 1986 Residential social worker- children`s home Herts C.C. Welwyn Garden City Jun 1983-Aug1984 Working with children and adolescents in a residential setting. Voluntary work-Chester- Le-Street general Hospital; Durham probation service Jan-June 1983 Working on an elderly care ward Direct work with a user with alcohol problems Kibbutz volunteer, Israel Sept-Dec 1982 Accounting trainee Pirelli Tyres Ltd. Staffordshire Jan 1977-Aug 1982 Assistant to the Area Accountant Kennings Ltd Staffordshire Sept 1976-Jan 1977 Qualifications Qualification Where? When? 7 `O` levels: Maths, English Language, French, History, Geography, Art, General Studies., Dovecliff Grammar School, Burton-on-Trent Staffordshire 1974/5 ONC Business Studies [Credit] Burton-on-Trent Technical College 1976-8 [day release] Institute of Cost and Management Accountants Foundation examination Derby Technical College 1979-81 CQSW and Diploma in Social work Polytechnic of North London 1984-6 [full time] Certificate and Diploma in Counselling Westminster Pastoral Foundation 1992-5 [part-time] Foundation Course-Humanities [Level 1- Pass]; Care Welfare and Community [Level 2- Open University 2001 2002
  • 7. Pass 2] Managing Care [Level 3-Distinction] 2003 Front Line Management Introductory Award Accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management Sept 2003-Apr 2004 Accelerated Development Programme [Management] Local Government Association Pilot Sept 2004-Mar 2006 Certificate in Interpersonal Mediation UK Mediation [accredited by the Open College Network] April 2012 Recent Training ? Self-Neglect [Michael Preston-Shoot] [July 2016] ? Advanced Application of the Mental Capacity Act [May 2016] ? Care Act: Care and Support [April 2016] ? Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards [Michael Mandelstam] [March 2016] ? Safeguarding: Leadership and Chairing [November 2015] ? Care Act 2014 [Michael Mandelstam] [February 2015] Interests and Hobbies ? Spending time with my family ? London ? Music, Cinema, reading ? Walking ? Stoke City Football Club