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Cirriculum Vitae
Michelle Colette Fuhrer
linkedin/michelle fuhrer
I am enthused by restrictions set to me, managing my own time and guidelines.
Adhering and applying concepts of marketable and social media attributes to edited content.
I find myself excited by briefs and freelance projects, finding inspiration through everyday and
situation specific insights and am looking to work with like-minded and engaging
Working for Wall Street International Magazine I have been editorially managing a external team
of multi talented authors on cultural topics as Art, Fashion, Lifestyle, Music, Technology, Science
and political matters, amongst others.
Using Adobe and Microsoft suites I created beautiful imagery and sourcing inspiration from texts.
Alongside this I manage press for Galleries extensively around the U.S. and on a smaller scale;
Europe and Canada, using promotional and marketing features.
Previous to this I moved to and worked as a freelance writer in Barcelona, utilising skills and the
european market to sell content of cultural, popular and personal genre to Magazines and Zines and
working in Marketing for popular local Restaurant and Fashion stores.
Here I built a portfolio of contacts.
Writing for artists, galleries and Theaters across Yorkshire, reviews and personal statements,
released, printed and blogged
Previously created personal commissions for tailors on Saville row and boutiques in Carnaby Street,
from one off individualised written pieces to surface prints and art artifacts for French fashion
house Colette.
Professional History:
Not Just A Label
Article writer
August, 2015
Wall Street International Magazine
July 2015-Present
Budva, Montenegro
Article writer
Dec 2014- July 2015
Barcelona, Spain
Administration assistant
July 2013-present
Kingston, London
(Volunteering in Asia 4months)
House of Fraser
Biba Brand Manager
August -16 Dec 2012
Oxford St, London
House of Fraser
Womens-wear supervisor
April 2011 to August 2012
Oxford St, London
Education History:
Kingston University
MA Creative Writing
September 2014-September 2016
First Aid (FAW)
Level 3
London Metropolitan University
2:1 BA HONS Fine Arts
Yorkshire Coast College, Scarborough
Foundation Diploma: Art and Design
Harrogate College, Harrogate
National Diploma: Fashion and Textiles -Distinction (X3)

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  • 1. Cirriculum Vitae Michelle Colette Fuhrer +7873222081 michellecolettefuhrer@gmail.com linkedin/michelle fuhrer I am enthused by restrictions set to me, managing my own time and guidelines. Adhering and applying concepts of marketable and social media attributes to edited content. I find myself excited by briefs and freelance projects, finding inspiration through everyday and situation specific insights and am looking to work with like-minded and engaging people/companies/projects. Working for Wall Street International Magazine I have been editorially managing a external team of multi talented authors on cultural topics as Art, Fashion, Lifestyle, Music, Technology, Science and political matters, amongst others. Using Adobe and Microsoft suites I created beautiful imagery and sourcing inspiration from texts. Alongside this I manage press for Galleries extensively around the U.S. and on a smaller scale; Europe and Canada, using promotional and marketing features. Previous to this I moved to and worked as a freelance writer in Barcelona, utilising skills and the european market to sell content of cultural, popular and personal genre to Magazines and Zines and working in Marketing for popular local Restaurant and Fashion stores. Here I built a portfolio of contacts. Internships/Commissions Writing for artists, galleries and Theaters across Yorkshire, reviews and personal statements, released, printed and blogged Previously created personal commissions for tailors on Saville row and boutiques in Carnaby Street, from one off individualised written pieces to surface prints and art artifacts for French fashion house Colette. Professional History: Not Just A Label Article writer August, 2015 Wall Street International Magazine Editor July 2015-Present Budva, Montenegro Freelance Article writer Dec 2014- July 2015 Barcelona, Spain
  • 2. Next Administration assistant July 2013-present Kingston, London (Volunteering in Asia 4months) House of Fraser Biba Brand Manager August -16 Dec 2012 Oxford St, London House of Fraser Womens-wear supervisor April 2011 to August 2012 Oxford St, London Education History: Kingston University MA Creative Writing September 2014-September 2016 First Aid (FAW) Level 3 London Metropolitan University 2:1 BA HONS Fine Arts Yorkshire Coast College, Scarborough Foundation Diploma: Art and Design Harrogate College, Harrogate National Diploma: Fashion and Textiles -Distinction (X3)