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Name: Chandanathil P. Mohan
Age: 58
Nationality: Indian
Current Affiliation: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
Latest Assignment: Independent International Consultancy on Mid Term Review of European
Union funded Community Savings and Loan Schemes for the Rural Poor at Lesotho,
Designation: Chief General Manager
Employment Record in Brief
S.No. Designation Affiliation Period
1 Chief General Manager NABARD June 2014 onwards
2 General Manager NABARD June 2013 to June 2014
3 Managing Director NABARD Financial Services
Limited (Subsidiary of
June 2009 to June
4 Deputy General
NABARD, Jharkhand
Regional Office
July 2007 to May 2009
5 Faculty Member & Rural
Banking Channel
College of Agricultural
Banking, Reserve Bank of
India, Pune (on Deputation
from NABARD)
May 2002 to July 2007
6 State level responsibilities
Assam, Meghalaya, and
NABARD September 1986 to
May 2002
7 Various positions such as
Senior Sales Officer and
Senior Purchase Officer
Gujarat Cooperative Milk
Marketing Federation, Anand
which markets the AMUL and
SAGAR brands
March 1982 to
September 1986
8 Agricultural Officer Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of
July 1979 to March
Institute Year Qualification Division
Institute of Rural
Management Anand
(IRMA); Gujarat,
G B Pant University
of Agriculture and
Uttarakhand; India
1979 BSc. (Agriculture &
Animal Husbandry)
Areas of Expertise
1. Rural Finance and Financial Inclusion: Expansion of rural credit through innovative
approaches, client friendly products and appropriate delivery with inclusion in growth as
2. Expansion of microfinance overcoming barriers through a value-based and ethical
3. Microfinance: Strengthening outreach models based on correspondents and facilitator.
4. Development Banking: Project appraisal, monitoring and strategizing in the areas of
Agriculture and Rural Development.
5. Training and Capacity Building: Ability to design and deliver innovative training
programmes; organise inland and foreign exposure training programmes.
Key Individual Strengths
 Placing organizations interests above everything else
 Leading from the front in institution building with a results-based approach Leveraging
strengths of organizations human resources to achieve time-bound goals
 Strategizing to meet challenges and adapt the organization to new environments and
 Team player with the ability to communicate and build rapport with a wide variety of people
 Work seamlessly with staff at the field level to those at the board
 Hands-on approach to problem solving involving people at different vertical and
horizontal levels Readiness to think independently, consult peers and assume
responsibility for decisions
 Ability to communicate and build rapport with diverse stakeholders
Overview of major responsibilities/ achievements during key assignments
SN Position Major Responsibilities / Achievements
1 Chief General Manager Responsible for all activities of NABARD for the State of
Uttarakhand, India. The responsibilities include handling total
annual business budget of Rs.1500 Crore (USD 250 Mn). Other
responsibilities are outcome based grant funding of Rs.8 Crore
annually (USD1.33Mn) to NGOs and other CBOs; monitoring
grant outcomes such as formation and nurturing of about 12000
SHGs, 10 watersheds, 5 Tribal Development Projects, Rural
Entrepreneurship Training Programmes; engaging in institution
building of Cooperative and Regional Rural Banks including
technology up-gradation, internal capacity building etc. ;
overseeing Statutory Supervision
2 General Manager Took over new responsibility from July 2013 and major
achievements include detailed review of work process and
preparation of approach note for revamping Supervision of Rural
Financial Institutions; achievement of all targeted Supervisory
responsibilities and finalization of new manuals for onsite
Inspection of Banks; Stabilsation of Offsite Supervisory returns
and generation of warning signals.
3 Managing Director, 250% growth on all major financial parameters over three years
Formulated effective staffing
Implemented well-structured and user-friendly process flows and
protocols for a start-ups
Built high quality portfolio of Rs 375 Crores in three years from NIL
portfolio (2009) in a very difficult environment during a period when
the MFI sector was in the midst of credibility crisis related to fair
practices and regulation
Spread the footprint of the Company from zero to 46 districts and
disbursed total credit of RS.680 Crore in three years with 99.95%
on time repayments.
Developed highly motivated and committed teams
Developed a network of 113 Business Correspondents across four
Improved implementation of watershed projects.
Lead a Team of officers to prepare Comprehensive Agriculture
Development Project for Jharkhand.
Micro credit delivery movement through NGO/SHG network for the
first time in Meghalaya, the pioneering SHG credit linkage
programme in the entire North Eastern Region
NABARD Financial
Services Limited
4 Deputy General
Manager, NABARD,
Asst. General
Highlights of Responsibilities in the previous three executive positions
Managing Director,
NABARD Financial
Services Limited
2009 to
Leadership and board level responsibility, reporting to
Responsible for rolling out operations of the company
from start
Liaison with both State Governments at the top level
and with CEOs of large NGOs
Responsible for formulating and implementing the
business model, business processes
Promoting a work culture based on a value and
results-based approach
Institutional Development, Production Credit,
Investment Credit, State Projects and NABARD
Consulting Services
Overall control and administration of the NABARD
Office at Shillong which look after the organization's
affairs in Meghalaya
Deputy General
Manager, NABARD,
June 2007
to June
Jharkhand 2009
Asst. General Oct 1993 to
Manager, NABARD June 1997
Office at Shillong
Other Major Non-Executive Responsibilities
Consulting and Human Resource Development
 Independent International Consultancy on Mid Term Review of European Union funded
Community Savings and Loan Schemes for the Rural Poor at Lesotho, Africa.
 Support to the Khan Committee on Micro finance and Rural Credit of RBI
 Member of Study team MIS of Urban Cooperative Banks.
 Member of Project Team in collaboration research with Reading University, U.K.
as "Towards Ensuring financial services to the poor" (DFID Project)
 Inputs to Country Plan Preparation for UNDP at Delhi
 Faculty at College of Agricultural Banking , Reserve Bank of India, Pune training
executive officers and contributing to research
 NABARD Consulting Services
Areas and Sectors Covered by Domain of Experience
 Institutional Development
 Production Credit
 Investment Credit
 Managing State Projects
 National efforts such as: a) rural innovation fund b) venture capital fund and
developing rural godownS.
 Training and Capacity Building
Membership of Boards/Important Committees
 Member Secretary, Board of Directors, NABARD Financial Services
 Member of the Board of Directors of the Ka Bank Nongkyndong Ri Khasi Jaintia
 (the Regional Rural Bank in Meghalaya) ;
 Member of various State level committees; Member of High Power Committee on
Crop Insurance;
 Member of High Power Project Monitoring Committee on Rural Infrastructure
 Development Fund.
1. Merit certificate by NABARD for contribution of system improvement suggestion.
2. Chartered Associate of Indian Institute of Banking.
3. Awarded ICAR Junior Fellowship in Plant Breeding and Genetics.
1 Brazil 5 Malaysia 9 Sri Lanka 13 Mozambique
2 France 6 Nigeria 10 The Netherlands 14 Nepal
3 Germany 7 Singapore 11 UAE  Dubai 15 Lesotho
4 Italy 8 South Africa 12 United Kingdom 16 Seychelles
Sl. No. Title Publication
1 Challenges of Lending to Agricultural
CAB Calling
2 Agricultural Agenda in Inclusive Growth Bancon - 2006
3 Information Bureau for Microfinance in
With Shri S Sahu, Seminar on
Microfinance by Ekgaon
Technologies, at Virudunagar.
4 Micro finance and RRBs: The best fit CAB Calling
5 Cooperative Governance : The Case for
a New
CAB calling
6 Products, Processes and Institutions for
Financial Inclusion : Experiences from
Brazil and South Africa
CAB calling, September 2007
7 Responsible Banking and Financing
Sustainable Agriculture
CAB calling December 2009
8 Micro Finance Institution Regulation:
Case For Hybrid DNA Institutions
Journal of 2011 Microfinance
1. Overview of Agriculture & Rural Sector
2. Agri Export Zones
3. Agro Climatic Conditions
4. Cropping Patterns and Diversification
A Trainings Undergone
1. 4 week induction training : Sept. - Nov. 1986
2. 3 week Programme on IRDP Financing
3. Training on Nominee Directors on Boards of RRBs.
4. Workshop on Human Development Initiatives
5. Induction Programme for IDD Officer
6. Management Development Programme
7. Executive Development Programme
8. Personal Growth Lab, XLRI
9. Programme on Financing SHGs, XIM, Bhubaneswar
10. Trainers Training on Rural Projects, NIRD
11. 6 Month Training Programme on NFS at NISIET DIC, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda,
Industrial Consultancy Organization, Handloom and Coir cooperatives etc.
12. Exposure visit to Sri Lanka on micro finance and SANASA.
13. Development Centre for Senior Officers, BTC.
B Important Training Organised / Coordinated
1. International Exposure Programme on Agri Business and Agro Processing in the
Netherlands and Germany.
2. International Exposure Programme on Banking Correspondents, Credit Bureau and
Micro Finance to South Africa and Brazil.
3. Customised Training Programmes for Canara Bank, Union Bank of India, Central
4. Bank of India, Cooperation Bank etc. on Agricultural and Rural Finance.
5. Effective Lending in Rural Areas which is a major training innovation where HR
6. Development inputs are embedded into training to enable attitudinal change
and increase capacity for promoting poor oriented banking services
Personal Age: 58
Information Nationality Indian Gender: Male
Status: Married Spouse: Home Maker Children: Two
Languages Known: English, Hindi and Malayalam
Office Address: Chief General Manager, Uttarakhand Regional Office
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
113/2, Rajpur Road, Dehradun  248001
Residence Address: C P Mohan: F 201 Doon Trafalgar, Dhoran Khas,
Near IT Park, Dehradun - 248001
Mobile: +91 9448497007
Residence: 0135 2608611
Email: cpmohan@hotmail.com ;
Personal Attributes
揃 Commitment, Integrity and Honesty
揃 Hard working and determined
揃 Decisive and resolute
揃 Values family and friendships
Other Information
揃 Had been a sportsman in school and college, representing school and college in
several events (member the G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in
hockey for three years, Maharajas College, Kochi, Kerala in athletics and school in
揃 Interested in literature, music and poetry
1. Shri H R Khan, Deputy Governor RBI, Mumbai
2. Prof. M S Sriram, Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India
3. Ms. Girija Srinivasan, Financial Services Consultant, Pune, India
4. Shri. N Srinivasan, Independent Consultant, Micro finance
5. Shri. Aloysius P. Fernandez, Chairperson, NABARD Financial Services Limited,
Bangalore, India
Note: Contact details shall be provided if required
I, C P Mohan, hereby certify that the statements and information in this application
form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am wholly
responsible for the same.
C P Mohan
PERIOD June 2014 onwards
Responsible for all activities of NABARD for the State of Uttarakhand, India. The responsibilities
include handling total annual business budget of Rs.1500 Crore (USD 250 Mn). Other
responsibilities are outcome based grant funding of Rs.8 Crore annually (USD1.33Mn) to NGOs
and other CBOs; monitoring grant outcomes such as formation and nurturing of about 12000
SHGs, 10 watersheds, 5 Tribal Development Projects, Rural Entrepreneurship Training
Programmes; engaging in institution building of Cooperative and Regional Rural Banks
including technology up-gradation, internal capacity building etc. ; overseeing Statutory
Supervision of Cooperative Banks and Regional Banks. Member of several State Level
Committees; Administrative in-charge of 60 employees.
PERIOD June 2009 Onwards.
 Board position with overall responsibility of both policy initiatives and execution
 Responsible for building up the company from its start of operations
 Responsible for formulating and implementing the business model and business
 Played key role in establishing a lean and sustainable business model
 Developed business from scratch (without any base portfolio) to above Rs 375 crore
in about three years with over 99.5% on-time recovery
 Re-engineered internal systems, procedures and processes to create a dynamic,
productive and results-based work culture
 Played a pivotal role in implementing a rigorous recruitment process, business
correspondent acquisition and related systemic changes
 Played important role in shaping the image and value system of the organization Provides
regular mentoring of young professionals in the organization Developing and monitoring
of expansion strategies
 Worked in close association with two IFAD supported projects : (1) Post Tsunami
Sustainable Livelihoods Project in Tamil Nadu and (2) Convergence of Agricultural
Initiatives in Maharashtra
PERIOD August 2007 to June 2009
In charge of Institutional Development Department, Production Credit Department Investment
Credit Department, Institutional Development Department, State Projects Department,
Department of Supervision and also look after several schemes of NABARD and The GoI
such as the Rural Innovations Fund, Venture Capital Fund, Pilot Programme om Integrated
Development, Village Development Plan, Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Rural Godowns, as
well as the Nabard Consultancy Services in Jharkhand
PERIOD May 2002 to July 2007.
The job included the following
1. Handling sessions on project financing Micro finance, Agri Business, etc.
2. Rural Banking Channel Coordination which entailed the coordination of the channel
consisting of 6 members of faculty in the rank of DGMs, designing programmes,
identifying and executing collaboration with other institutions, finalising reading materials,
coordinating activities of Faculty Members, inter-channel as well as inter institutional
coordination etc.
3. Organising national level events like the National Symposium on Farm Credit for
Inclusive. Growth, National Seminar on Organic Agriculture etc.
4. Other assignments :
i. Support to the Khan Committee on Micro finance and Rural Credit which
recommended the Business Correspondent and Facilitator models, IT Fund in the
finance sector for financial inclusion initiatives and several other major recommendations
to enable outreach expansion. The report acknowledges my contribution.
ii. Member of Study team MIS of Urban Cooperative Banks.
iii. Member of Project Team in collaboration research with Reading University, U.K. as
"Towards Ensuring financial services to the poor". Played a key role in developing a
training course embedding attitudinal change and functional areas titled Effective
Lending in Rural Areas as an outcome of the research.
iv. Member, Library Committee
v. Member, Premises Maintenance Committee
vi. Attended various seminars / workshops as resource person from CAB like Consultation
on Country Plan Preparation for UNDP at Delhi, Seminar on Financial Inclusion at
Chennai, Seminar on Debt Swap at Delhi, Round Table on Micro finance and Livelihoods
by IFAD at Bhopal, consultation on capacity building in Micro finance Initiatives by Sa-
Dhan, at Delhi, consultations on Livelihoods Promotion by IFMR at Kandala etc
August 2001 to May 2002
In charge of Department of Supervision, Kerala RO till May 2002. Finalized several inspection
reports of DCCBs and RRBs. Improved both the quality of inspection, analytical rigor as well as
presentation of Inspection Reports.
June 1997 to August 2001
The job involves carrying out statutory inspections of banks involved in rural credit delivery
operations. The work aims at improving system efficiencies along with inspection of banks in
respect of its business functions in Cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks in Kerala.
NABARD (Asstt. General Manager)
October 1994 to June 1997
The job involves the overall control and administration of Shillong office of NABARD in the state
of Meghalaya. The salient features of my work /achievements in Meghalaya are:
1. Increased annual refinance disbursements from a level of less than Rs.300 lakh in 1994-
95 to Rs.700 lakh in 1996-97.
2. Promoted a very successful micro credit delivery movement through NGO/SHG network
for the first time in Meghalaya which is the pioneering effort in the SHG credit
linkage programme in the entire North Eastern Region. The main advantages of the
SHG movement in the state are removal of middlemen, reduction in farm gate income
losses, promote thrift and catalyze socio- economic activity.
3. Member of the Board of Directors of the Ka Bank Nongkyndong Ri Khasi Jaintia (the
Regional Rural Bank in Meghalaya).
4. Member of various State level committees.
5. Member of High Power Committee on Crop Insurance.
6. Member of High Power Project Monitoring Committee on Rural Infrastructure
Development Fund.
2 May 1991 to October 1994
As AGM, I handled several sections in the Thiruvananthapuram and Guwahati Regional Office
and also held the position of District Development Manager. The major assignments during the
period are:
1) Section in Charge of project appraisal at Thiruvananthapuram.
During this tenure I was involved in a p praising several large rubber processing schemes
and various other area development schemes.
2) District Development Manager at Kozhikode.
I was able to increase the flow of refinance in the district from Rs. 566 lakh to Rs.827
3) Section in Charge of District Development and Planning Section in Guwahati.
Prepared the first State Credit Plan for Assam and was involved in the successful conducting
of State Credit Seminars in Assam and Meghalaya for the first time.
Prepared the Development Action Plan for the Manipur State CO-Operative Bank.
Prepared MoU for Assam State Co- Operative Bank.
Board Member on the Cachar Gramin Bank (RRB).
22 September 1986 to 1 May 1991
The job involved 4 distinct categories as under:
1. Development Officer in IRDP cell, involved in scrutinising of refinance drawal
applications, monitoring the implementation of the IRDP in the State.
2. Attend District Consultative Committee Meetings in two districts.
3. Participated in various grass roots level studies with reference to lending to weaker
4. Land Development Bank Officer to undertake voluntary inspection of Primary Land
Development Banks in which capacity 14 PLDBs were inspected.
The GCMMF is a State level apex Co-operative marketing body with several District level Milk
Producers Unions as its members. The Federation is involved in the programming of
production of various products, marketing these products in India and abroad and purchase
of various materials for packaging, cattle feed manufacturing, raw materials such as butter
colour, vitamin additives, veterinary medicines etc.
May 1984 to September 1986
The job involved being in charge of the sales of Amul and Sagar brands of products in
Kerala. The job content included:
1) Second in the hierarchy at the sale depot in Kochi.
2) The promotion of sale of Amul chocolates and Nutramul in the Northern Kerala along
with the other fast moving products.
3) On field and desk supervision of field level sales force consisting of organizations sales
representatives, wholesale dealers, and field staff of wholesale dealers.
4) Setting and achieving sales targets, monitor stock off take by wholesalers.
5) Multi - point sales analysis to maximise product /region/ dealer/ field staff wise marketing
March 1982 to May 1984
The major activities in this assignment are shown below:
1) Arranging purchase of packaging materials for dairy products, raw materials for
production of balanced cattle feed by member Milk Unions.
2) Development of computerised billing and inventory system for cattle feed raw materials
3) Price analysis of cattle feed raw materials which has a very unstable price line.
4) Development of Packing materials.
5) Purchase of veterinary medicines for member Milk Unions.
6) Handling of export of Ghee to middle east countries.
7) Preparation of a comprehensive Project Proposal for putting up a 100% export
oriented manufacturing unit by the Federation.
October 1979 to 1980
The involved initially in planning and supervision of agricultural activities at the Ernakulam District
Agricultural Farm, Neriamangalam. Thereafter I was posted to the intensive Paddy
Development Unit at Choornikkara, Ernakulam District. I was instrumental in starting the office.
I, C P Mohan, hereby certify that the statements and information in this application form
are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am wholly responsible
for the same.
C P Mohan

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CV CPM 08052015

  • 1. RESUME Name: Chandanathil P. Mohan Age: 58 Nationality: Indian Current Affiliation: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) Latest Assignment: Independent International Consultancy on Mid Term Review of European Union funded Community Savings and Loan Schemes for the Rural Poor at Lesotho, Africa. Designation: Chief General Manager Employment Record in Brief S.No. Designation Affiliation Period 1 Chief General Manager NABARD June 2014 onwards 2 General Manager NABARD June 2013 to June 2014 3 Managing Director NABARD Financial Services Limited (Subsidiary of NABARD) June 2009 to June 2013 4 Deputy General Manager NABARD, Jharkhand Regional Office July 2007 to May 2009 5 Faculty Member & Rural Banking Channel Coordinator College of Agricultural Banking, Reserve Bank of India, Pune (on Deputation from NABARD) May 2002 to July 2007 6 State level responsibilities Assam, Meghalaya, and Kerala NABARD September 1986 to May 2002 7 Various positions such as Senior Sales Officer and Senior Purchase Officer Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, Anand which markets the AMUL and SAGAR brands March 1982 to September 1986 8 Agricultural Officer Dept. of Agriculture, Govt. of Kerala July 1979 to March 1980 Education Institute Year Qualification Division Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA); Gujarat, India 1982 PGDRM NA G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, Uttarakhand; India 1979 BSc. (Agriculture & Animal Husbandry) First Areas of Expertise 1. Rural Finance and Financial Inclusion: Expansion of rural credit through innovative approaches, client friendly products and appropriate delivery with inclusion in growth as focus.
  • 2. 2. Expansion of microfinance overcoming barriers through a value-based and ethical approach. 3. Microfinance: Strengthening outreach models based on correspondents and facilitator.
  • 3. 4. Development Banking: Project appraisal, monitoring and strategizing in the areas of Agriculture and Rural Development. 5. Training and Capacity Building: Ability to design and deliver innovative training programmes; organise inland and foreign exposure training programmes. Key Individual Strengths Placing organizations interests above everything else Leading from the front in institution building with a results-based approach Leveraging strengths of organizations human resources to achieve time-bound goals Strategizing to meet challenges and adapt the organization to new environments and situations Team player with the ability to communicate and build rapport with a wide variety of people Work seamlessly with staff at the field level to those at the board Hands-on approach to problem solving involving people at different vertical and horizontal levels Readiness to think independently, consult peers and assume responsibility for decisions Ability to communicate and build rapport with diverse stakeholders Overview of major responsibilities/ achievements during key assignments SN Position Major Responsibilities / Achievements 1 Chief General Manager Responsible for all activities of NABARD for the State of Uttarakhand, India. The responsibilities include handling total annual business budget of Rs.1500 Crore (USD 250 Mn). Other responsibilities are outcome based grant funding of Rs.8 Crore annually (USD1.33Mn) to NGOs and other CBOs; monitoring grant outcomes such as formation and nurturing of about 12000 SHGs, 10 watersheds, 5 Tribal Development Projects, Rural Entrepreneurship Training Programmes; engaging in institution building of Cooperative and Regional Rural Banks including technology up-gradation, internal capacity building etc. ; overseeing Statutory Supervision 2 General Manager Took over new responsibility from July 2013 and major achievements include detailed review of work process and preparation of approach note for revamping Supervision of Rural Financial Institutions; achievement of all targeted Supervisory responsibilities and finalization of new manuals for onsite Inspection of Banks; Stabilsation of Offsite Supervisory returns and generation of warning signals. 3 Managing Director, 250% growth on all major financial parameters over three years Formulated effective staffing Implemented well-structured and user-friendly process flows and protocols for a start-ups Built high quality portfolio of Rs 375 Crores in three years from NIL portfolio (2009) in a very difficult environment during a period when the MFI sector was in the midst of credibility crisis related to fair practices and regulation Spread the footprint of the Company from zero to 46 districts and disbursed total credit of RS.680 Crore in three years with 99.95% on time repayments. Developed highly motivated and committed teams Developed a network of 113 Business Correspondents across four States. Improved implementation of watershed projects. Lead a Team of officers to prepare Comprehensive Agriculture Development Project for Jharkhand. Micro credit delivery movement through NGO/SHG network for the first time in Meghalaya, the pioneering SHG credit linkage programme in the entire North Eastern Region NABARD Financial Services Limited 4 Deputy General Manager, NABARD, 5 Jharkhand Asst. General Manager,
  • 4. Highlights of Responsibilities in the previous three executive positions Managing Director, NABARD Financial Services Limited June 2009 to June 2013 Leadership and board level responsibility, reporting to Chairman Responsible for rolling out operations of the company from start Liaison with both State Governments at the top level and with CEOs of large NGOs Responsible for formulating and implementing the business model, business processes Promoting a work culture based on a value and results-based approach Institutional Development, Production Credit, Investment Credit, State Projects and NABARD Consulting Services Overall control and administration of the NABARD Office at Shillong which look after the organization's affairs in Meghalaya Deputy General Manager, NABARD, June 2007 to June Jharkhand 2009 Asst. General Oct 1993 to Manager, NABARD June 1997 Office at Shillong Other Major Non-Executive Responsibilities Consulting and Human Resource Development Independent International Consultancy on Mid Term Review of European Union funded Community Savings and Loan Schemes for the Rural Poor at Lesotho, Africa. Support to the Khan Committee on Micro finance and Rural Credit of RBI Member of Study team MIS of Urban Cooperative Banks. Member of Project Team in collaboration research with Reading University, U.K. as "Towards Ensuring financial services to the poor" (DFID Project) Inputs to Country Plan Preparation for UNDP at Delhi Faculty at College of Agricultural Banking , Reserve Bank of India, Pune training executive officers and contributing to research NABARD Consulting Services Areas and Sectors Covered by Domain of Experience Institutional Development Production Credit Investment Credit Managing State Projects National efforts such as: a) rural innovation fund b) venture capital fund and developing rural godownS. Training and Capacity Building Membership of Boards/Important Committees Member Secretary, Board of Directors, NABARD Financial Services Member of the Board of Directors of the Ka Bank Nongkyndong Ri Khasi Jaintia (the Regional Rural Bank in Meghalaya) ; Member of various State level committees; Member of High Power Committee on Crop Insurance; Member of High Power Project Monitoring Committee on Rural Infrastructure Development Fund. AWARDS & ACHIEVEMENTS 1. Merit certificate by NABARD for contribution of system improvement suggestion. 2. Chartered Associate of Indian Institute of Banking. 3. Awarded ICAR Junior Fellowship in Plant Breeding and Genetics.
  • 5. COUNTRIES VISITED 1 Brazil 5 Malaysia 9 Sri Lanka 13 Mozambique 2 France 6 Nigeria 10 The Netherlands 14 Nepal 3 Germany 7 Singapore 11 UAE Dubai 15 Lesotho 4 Italy 8 South Africa 12 United Kingdom 16 Seychelles ARTICLES PUBLISHED Sl. No. Title Publication 1 Challenges of Lending to Agricultural Sector CAB Calling 2 Agricultural Agenda in Inclusive Growth Bancon - 2006 3 Information Bureau for Microfinance in India With Shri S Sahu, Seminar on Microfinance by Ekgaon Technologies, at Virudunagar. 4 Micro finance and RRBs: The best fit CAB Calling 5 Cooperative Governance : The Case for a New Paradigm CAB calling 6 Products, Processes and Institutions for Financial Inclusion : Experiences from Brazil and South Africa CAB calling, September 2007 7 Responsible Banking and Financing Sustainable Agriculture CAB calling December 2009 8 Micro Finance Institution Regulation: Case For Hybrid DNA Institutions Journal of 2011 Microfinance READING MATERIAL FOR TRAINING 1. Overview of Agriculture & Rural Sector 2. Agri Export Zones 3. Agro Climatic Conditions 4. Cropping Patterns and Diversification DETAILS OF TRAINING UNDERGONE A Trainings Undergone 1. 4 week induction training : Sept. - Nov. 1986 2. 3 week Programme on IRDP Financing 3. Training on Nominee Directors on Boards of RRBs. 4. Workshop on Human Development Initiatives 5. Induction Programme for IDD Officer 6. Management Development Programme 7. Executive Development Programme 8. Personal Growth Lab, XLRI 9. Programme on Financing SHGs, XIM, Bhubaneswar 10. Trainers Training on Rural Projects, NIRD 11. 6 Month Training Programme on NFS at NISIET DIC, Canara Bank, Bank of Baroda, Industrial Consultancy Organization, Handloom and Coir cooperatives etc. 12. Exposure visit to Sri Lanka on micro finance and SANASA. 13. Development Centre for Senior Officers, BTC. B Important Training Organised / Coordinated 1. International Exposure Programme on Agri Business and Agro Processing in the Netherlands and Germany. 2. International Exposure Programme on Banking Correspondents, Credit Bureau and Micro Finance to South Africa and Brazil. 3. Customised Training Programmes for Canara Bank, Union Bank of India, Central
  • 6. 4. Bank of India, Cooperation Bank etc. on Agricultural and Rural Finance. 5. Effective Lending in Rural Areas which is a major training innovation where HR 6. Development inputs are embedded into training to enable attitudinal change and increase capacity for promoting poor oriented banking services Personal Age: 58 Information Nationality Indian Gender: Male Status: Married Spouse: Home Maker Children: Two Languages Known: English, Hindi and Malayalam Office Address: Chief General Manager, Uttarakhand Regional Office National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development 113/2, Rajpur Road, Dehradun 248001 Residence Address: C P Mohan: F 201 Doon Trafalgar, Dhoran Khas, Near IT Park, Dehradun - 248001 Mobile: +91 9448497007 Residence: 0135 2608611 Email: cpmohan@hotmail.com ; mohanchandanathil@gmail.com Personal Attributes 揃 Commitment, Integrity and Honesty 揃 Hard working and determined 揃 Decisive and resolute 揃 Values family and friendships Other Information 揃 Had been a sportsman in school and college, representing school and college in several events (member the G B Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in hockey for three years, Maharajas College, Kochi, Kerala in athletics and school in badminton) 揃 Interested in literature, music and poetry References 1. Shri H R Khan, Deputy Governor RBI, Mumbai 2. Prof. M S Sriram, Professor, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore, India 3. Ms. Girija Srinivasan, Financial Services Consultant, Pune, India 4. Shri. N Srinivasan, Independent Consultant, Micro finance 5. Shri. Aloysius P. Fernandez, Chairperson, NABARD Financial Services Limited, Bangalore, India Note: Contact details shall be provided if required Declaration I, C P Mohan, hereby certify that the statements and information in this application form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am wholly responsible for the same. C P Mohan
  • 7. PART II DESCRIPTIVE NOTES ON WORK EXPERIENCE CURRENT JOB PROFILE 1. DESIGNATION CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER, UTTARAKHAND REGIONAL OFFICE, DEHRADUN PERIOD June 2014 onwards Responsible for all activities of NABARD for the State of Uttarakhand, India. The responsibilities include handling total annual business budget of Rs.1500 Crore (USD 250 Mn). Other responsibilities are outcome based grant funding of Rs.8 Crore annually (USD1.33Mn) to NGOs and other CBOs; monitoring grant outcomes such as formation and nurturing of about 12000 SHGs, 10 watersheds, 5 Tribal Development Projects, Rural Entrepreneurship Training Programmes; engaging in institution building of Cooperative and Regional Rural Banks including technology up-gradation, internal capacity building etc. ; overseeing Statutory Supervision of Cooperative Banks and Regional Banks. Member of several State Level Committees; Administrative in-charge of 60 employees. WORK EXPERIENCE IN NABARD Financial Services 1. DESIGNATION MANAGING DIRECTOR, NABARD FIANACIAL SERVICES LIMITED PERIOD June 2009 Onwards. Board position with overall responsibility of both policy initiatives and execution Responsible for building up the company from its start of operations Responsible for formulating and implementing the business model and business processes Played key role in establishing a lean and sustainable business model Developed business from scratch (without any base portfolio) to above Rs 375 crore in about three years with over 99.5% on-time recovery Re-engineered internal systems, procedures and processes to create a dynamic, productive and results-based work culture Played a pivotal role in implementing a rigorous recruitment process, business correspondent acquisition and related systemic changes Played important role in shaping the image and value system of the organization Provides regular mentoring of young professionals in the organization Developing and monitoring of expansion strategies Worked in close association with two IFAD supported projects : (1) Post Tsunami Sustainable Livelihoods Project in Tamil Nadu and (2) Convergence of Agricultural Initiatives in Maharashtra
  • 8. WORK EXPERIENCE IN NABARD 1. DESIGNATION DEPUTY TO GENERAL MANAGER , JHARKHAND REGIONAL OFICE, RANCHI PERIOD August 2007 to June 2009 In charge of Institutional Development Department, Production Credit Department Investment Credit Department, Institutional Development Department, State Projects Department, Department of Supervision and also look after several schemes of NABARD and The GoI such as the Rural Innovations Fund, Venture Capital Fund, Pilot Programme om Integrated Development, Village Development Plan, Centrally Sponsored Scheme on Rural Godowns, as well as the Nabard Consultancy Services in Jharkhand 2. DESIGNATION DEPUTY TO GENERAL MANAGER & MEMBER OF FACULTY, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL BANKING , RESERVE BANK OF INDIA, PUNE PERIOD May 2002 to July 2007. The job included the following 1. Handling sessions on project financing Micro finance, Agri Business, etc. 2. Rural Banking Channel Coordination which entailed the coordination of the channel consisting of 6 members of faculty in the rank of DGMs, designing programmes, identifying and executing collaboration with other institutions, finalising reading materials, coordinating activities of Faculty Members, inter-channel as well as inter institutional coordination etc. 3. Organising national level events like the National Symposium on Farm Credit for Inclusive. Growth, National Seminar on Organic Agriculture etc. 4. Other assignments : i. Support to the Khan Committee on Micro finance and Rural Credit which recommended the Business Correspondent and Facilitator models, IT Fund in the finance sector for financial inclusion initiatives and several other major recommendations to enable outreach expansion. The report acknowledges my contribution. ii. Member of Study team MIS of Urban Cooperative Banks. iii. Member of Project Team in collaboration research with Reading University, U.K. as "Towards Ensuring financial services to the poor". Played a key role in developing a training course embedding attitudinal change and functional areas titled Effective Lending in Rural Areas as an outcome of the research. iv. Member, Library Committee v. Member, Premises Maintenance Committee vi. Attended various seminars / workshops as resource person from CAB like Consultation on Country Plan Preparation for UNDP at Delhi, Seminar on Financial Inclusion at Chennai, Seminar on Debt Swap at Delhi, Round Table on Micro finance and Livelihoods by IFAD at Bhopal, consultation on capacity building in Micro finance Initiatives by Sa- Dhan, at Delhi, consultations on Livelihoods Promotion by IFMR at Kandala etc
  • 9. 3. DESIGNATION PERIOD DEPUTY TO GENERAL MANAGER August 2001 to May 2002 JOB DESCRIPTION: In charge of Department of Supervision, Kerala RO till May 2002. Finalized several inspection reports of DCCBs and RRBs. Improved both the quality of inspection, analytical rigor as well as presentation of Inspection Reports. 4. DESIGNATION PERIOD ASSTT. GENERAL MANAGER June 1997 to August 2001 JOB DESCRIPTION: The job involves carrying out statutory inspections of banks involved in rural credit delivery operations. The work aims at improving system efficiencies along with inspection of banks in respect of its business functions in Cooperative banks and Regional Rural Banks in Kerala. 5. DESIGNATION PERIOD OFFICER IN CHARGE, Meghalaya Office of NABARD (Asstt. General Manager) October 1994 to June 1997 JOB DESCRIPTION: The job involves the overall control and administration of Shillong office of NABARD in the state of Meghalaya. The salient features of my work /achievements in Meghalaya are: 1. Increased annual refinance disbursements from a level of less than Rs.300 lakh in 1994- 95 to Rs.700 lakh in 1996-97. 2. Promoted a very successful micro credit delivery movement through NGO/SHG network for the first time in Meghalaya which is the pioneering effort in the SHG credit linkage programme in the entire North Eastern Region. The main advantages of the SHG movement in the state are removal of middlemen, reduction in farm gate income losses, promote thrift and catalyze socio- economic activity. 3. Member of the Board of Directors of the Ka Bank Nongkyndong Ri Khasi Jaintia (the Regional Rural Bank in Meghalaya). 4. Member of various State level committees. 5. Member of High Power Committee on Crop Insurance. 6. Member of High Power Project Monitoring Committee on Rural Infrastructure Development Fund. 6. DESIGNATION PERIOD ASSTT. GENERAL MANAGER 2 May 1991 to October 1994 JOB DESCRIPTION: As AGM, I handled several sections in the Thiruvananthapuram and Guwahati Regional Office and also held the position of District Development Manager. The major assignments during the period are: 1) Section in Charge of project appraisal at Thiruvananthapuram. During this tenure I was involved in a p praising several large rubber processing schemes and various other area development schemes.
  • 10. 2) District Development Manager at Kozhikode. I was able to increase the flow of refinance in the district from Rs. 566 lakh to Rs.827 lakh. 3) Section in Charge of District Development and Planning Section in Guwahati. Prepared the first State Credit Plan for Assam and was involved in the successful conducting of State Credit Seminars in Assam and Meghalaya for the first time. Prepared the Development Action Plan for the Manipur State CO-Operative Bank. Prepared MoU for Assam State Co- Operative Bank. Board Member on the Cachar Gramin Bank (RRB). 7. DESIGNATION PERIOD DEVELOPMENT OFFICER 22 September 1986 to 1 May 1991 JOB DESCRIPTION: The job involved 4 distinct categories as under: 1. Development Officer in IRDP cell, involved in scrutinising of refinance drawal applications, monitoring the implementation of the IRDP in the State. 2. Attend District Consultative Committee Meetings in two districts. 3. Participated in various grass roots level studies with reference to lending to weaker sections. 4. Land Development Bank Officer to undertake voluntary inspection of Primary Land Development Banks in which capacity 14 PLDBs were inspected. WORK EXPERIENCE PRIOR TO JOINING NABARD I. ORGANISATION: GUJARAT CO-OPERATIVE MILK MARKETING FEDERATION, ANAND. The GCMMF is a State level apex Co-operative marketing body with several District level Milk Producers Unions as its members. The Federation is involved in the programming of production of various products, marketing these products in India and abroad and purchase of various materials for packaging, cattle feed manufacturing, raw materials such as butter colour, vitamin additives, veterinary medicines etc. DESIGNATION PERIOD SENIOR SALES OFFICER May 1984 to September 1986 JOB DESCRIPTION: The job involved being in charge of the sales of Amul and Sagar brands of products in Kerala. The job content included: 1) Second in the hierarchy at the sale depot in Kochi. 2) The promotion of sale of Amul chocolates and Nutramul in the Northern Kerala along with the other fast moving products. 3) On field and desk supervision of field level sales force consisting of organizations sales representatives, wholesale dealers, and field staff of wholesale dealers. 4) Setting and achieving sales targets, monitor stock off take by wholesalers. 5) Multi - point sales analysis to maximise product /region/ dealer/ field staff wise marketing efficiency.
  • 11. DESIGNATION PERIOD SENIOR PURCHASE OFFICER March 1982 to May 1984 JOB DESCRIPTION: The major activities in this assignment are shown below: 1) Arranging purchase of packaging materials for dairy products, raw materials for production of balanced cattle feed by member Milk Unions. 2) Development of computerised billing and inventory system for cattle feed raw materials purchases. 3) Price analysis of cattle feed raw materials which has a very unstable price line. 4) Development of Packing materials. 5) Purchase of veterinary medicines for member Milk Unions. 6) Handling of export of Ghee to middle east countries. 7) Preparation of a comprehensive Project Proposal for putting up a 100% export oriented manufacturing unit by the Federation. II. ORGANISATION: DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, GOVERNMENT OF KERALA DESIGNATION PERIOD JUNIOR AGRICULTURAL OFFICER October 1979 to 1980 JOB DESCRIPTION: The involved initially in planning and supervision of agricultural activities at the Ernakulam District Agricultural Farm, Neriamangalam. Thereafter I was posted to the intensive Paddy Development Unit at Choornikkara, Ernakulam District. I was instrumental in starting the office. Declaration I, C P Mohan, hereby certify that the statements and information in this application form are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am wholly responsible for the same. C P Mohan