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Skype ID: razaademis5
A Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) expert specialized in Management Information Systems (MIS) and
Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with over 25 years of experience in managing education
programs inpublicand non-profitsectors. A good eye for details, withastrongabilitytoleadbig teams
and deliver timely results.
S# Certificate /Degree Board/University Year Division
1 PGD in IT KarakorumInternational University 2005-06 1st Division
2 MA (Islamite) Universityof Baluchistan 2001 2nd Division
3 BA (Economics) AIOU, Islamabad 1994 1st Division
4 FA BIE, Karachi 1991 2nd Division
5 Matric FBISE Islamabad 1984 2nd Division
1. USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project
a. M&E Officer at USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project Jan 2015-Present
ï‚· AssistsM&E Coordinatorinall M&E relatedfunctions.
ï‚· Supportsinconsultationwithfieldprojectstaff toidentifyneedsof Project database.
ï‚· Coordinateswithprojectteam&componentbasedM&E focal personsforcollectionof dataas per
M&E needs.
ï‚· Supportsthe projectteaminusingstandardizeddatacollectionandreportingtools.
ï‚· Assiststhe M&E CoordinatorinidentifyingvariousM&E needstoassessprojectprogressand
performance regularlyinclose consultationwiththe projectteam.
ï‚· Ensurestimelycollection,compilationandmakingavailablethe datarequiredforreportingon
projectprogressandPMP indicators.
ï‚· Updatesthe M&E-ISon regularbasisto ensuringthe qualityof dataat par withthe requiredquality
ï‚· Assiststhe M&E Coordinatorindraftingperiodreportsi.e.monthly,quarterlyandannually
ï‚· Prepares plansforM&E activitiesandsubmittoM&E Coordinator.
ï‚· Takespart in consultationsfordesignof varioussurvey&studies
ï‚· Updateswiththe supportof M&E focal personsandprojectteam, varioustrackingsheets
developedtotrackprogressagainsttargetsof workplanactivitiesandPMPindicators.
b. IMS Manager at USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project Jan 2014 - Jan 2015
ï‚· Maintainedclose liaisonwith the Departmentof Education,GBfor an improveddatabase of HRIS,
withpriorexercisesconducted NeedAssessment foridentificationof IntegratedDatabases
ï‚· Upgraded existingsoftwaretomake ituser-friendlyonline accessibleInformationmanagement
systemforeffectiveeducational planning
ï‚· Ensured data accuracy and transparencythroughdata validationtechniquesinexistingsoftwareof
ï‚· Builtthe capacityof governmenttechnical staff ondevelopmentof datacollectiontools,
developmentof educational indicatorsandeffective dataanduse of data for longtermeducational
ï‚· Devised technical solutionslike dual dataentrytechniquestomake Informationsystemfreeand
more reliable.
c. Additional responsibilities with regards to M&E in PRP
ï‚· Workedas Monitoringand Evaluation Focal Person forthe projectand uploadedthe required
documentsasproof of evidence onM&E Document ManagementSystem portal
ï‚· Assisted M& Ecoordinator GBin developingthe projectindicatorsinthe lightof comprehensive GB
educational datafromDoE EMIS
ï‚· Side byside builtthe capacityof projectstaff throughinhouse training sessionsondata
managementanddataanalysis forimprovedrecordkeepingduringthe projectcycle
d. DevelopedTeacherMappingSoftware in MS-Accessfor GB Education Departmentand AJ&K
Education Department.
DevelopedTeacherMappingSoftware and TeacherProjectionModel forthe Departmentof Education,
GB andAJ&Kthrough TeacherEducationProject fundedbyUSAID.
2. National Education Management Information System (NEMIS)
National Technical Committee Member Jan 1998-
Dec 2013
ï‚· NEMIS organizes meeting for Technical Committee members at National level on different task i.e
Reviewof datacollectiontool,Compilationof DataatNational level,publicationof Statistical reports
at nation level etc. Feedback is given for further improvement on uniform and reliable educational
data at national level.
3. Department of Education, Government of Pakistan
a. In-charge ChiefSecretaryMonitoring Cell,Gilgit Oct 2013- Jan 2014
ï‚· DevelopedSystemforCSMonitoringcell basedatChief SecretaryOffice Gilgit-Baltistantomonitor
all governmentdepartmentperformance ondailybase.
b. Project Director Provisionof IT, internet,GPSfacilitiestoHigh schools of GB June 2010- Jan 2014
ï‚· A three year project worth 20 million was managed through multi-layered activities for instance
purchase of satelliteimaginaries,large sizedplottersfor GISmaps , computersandequipmenttoall
districtEMISoffices,provisionofinternetDSLfacilitiesto26Highschoolsand provisionof alternative
wireless loop facilities for very remote schools where DSL facility is not available
ï‚· For data synchronisation from remote districts to central EMIS, VPN solution had been established
for online data entry.
ï‚· Being a Project Director, I worked as Drawing Disbursing Officer (DDO) and managed the project
financially as well as administratively and continued to upgrade EMIS progressively in terms of
facilities as well as human resource capacities
ï‚· During the project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools were developed to evaluate the project
performance onquarterlybasisandintensivetrainingshadbeengiventoall educationmanagersand
technical staff.
c. Assistant Director EMIS June 2007-2010
ï‚· Streamlinedthe whole systemof EMISfor Departmentof Education centrallyaswell asinall seven
ï‚· DesignAnnual school census Toolsforqualitative andquantitative datacollectionof publicand
private Schools.
ï‚· ConductedStudentEnrolmentSurveys,basisfacilitiesdata(drinkingwater,studenttoilets,
Electricity,boundarywall) onannual basis.
ï‚· Developedacomprehensive Database inMSAccessto propermanage educational information.
ï‚· Workedon GIS application(MapInfo&ArcGIS)
ï‚· Publishedthe CensusreportsandStatistical report
d. ComputerProgrammer June 1997- June 2007
ï‚· As computer Programmer the initial activities of EMIS were initiated in GB where various
collaborationswere made withInstitutionslikeAKESPandBritishcounciltoinstitutionalisesystemof
EMIS in GB for the first time. During this time prepared many PC-1 in addition to my own duties.
e. ComputerOperator June 1987 -June 1997
 As ComputeroperatorDOE’ssystemswere initiatedtobe computerisedforthe firsttime and
duringthistime followingprogramswere usedforofficial correspondence
4. Professional History as Consultants with International Donor Agencies
EMIS Advisor in NorthernPakistan Education Project (NPEP) fundedby European Commission(EC)
(Jan 2007- June 2008)
ï‚· Projectaimedtodevelopandstrengthenthe DistrictEMISsoffices inChiral
ï‚· Close collaborationwasdevelopedwithEMISof the otherNGOs workingineducationsector
Primaryof AKESPschools. A comprehensive software wasdevelopedforAKESPsystemaswell
DistrictEducationoffice Chitral onAnnual School Censusand GISwithtrainingforDistrict
EducationManager inuse of Data for dayto day planning
ï‚· DevelopedDistrictBasedTrainingManual inuse of EMIS data in educationPlanning.Now these
Manual are beingusedas a reference booktocalculate Educational Indicatorsinall districtof
ï‚· Developedtehsil wisePMISProfilesforthe year2007-08
ï‚· DevelopedGISTrainingModule inMapInfo8.0.
5. Technical Support Provided to OtherGovernment Sector Institutions
ï‚· Worked with USAID Teacher Education Project, Developed Teacher Mapping Software for
EducationDepartment of Gilgit-Baltistanandreplicateditin AzadJammu Kashmir(AJ&K) as a best
practice and replicable model.
ï‚· DevelopedDatabase for Water QualityIndicatorsforLocal GovernmentandRural Development
 DevelopCommunity FriendlySchool –EMIS supportedbyUNICEFfor GB schools
 KarakorumInternational University’s Database forKIU Examination Board
ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConductone week
Intensive WorkshopsforatNational Level forComputerPersonnel on Quantitative Techniquesin
Education PolicyAnalysis UsingSPSS duringMarch, 1996.
ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof Education Conduct3 days Seminar
on Education Management Information System DATABASE during November, 1998.
ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConduct5days Provincial
Workshopon Techniquesfor Validationand Verification of Education Statistic during April, 1999.
ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConduct 10daysIntensive
Workshop on Data management and Statistical Analysis for Decision Making during May, 2002
ï‚· Academy of Educational Planning and Management Ministry of Education Conduct one week
Intensive Training Workshop on Data Analysis for better Management during July, 2000
ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof Education Conduct5 days National
Workshop on Digitizing Maps for GIS Analysis of Education Data in Pakistan during August,2000
ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConduct10 daysTraining
Workshop on MS ACCESS for Computer Personnel of FANA Educational Management Information
System during November,2002
ï‚· 15 days National Level training on SQL arranged by Academy of Educational Planning and
Management Ministry of Education Islamabad.
ï‚· One week follow-up National level training on VB 6 by using SQL arranged by Academy of
Educational Planning and Management Ministry of Education Islamabad.
ï‚· 4 days training workshop on GIS as a planning tool attended in Rural Academy Peshawar
ï‚· 7days training workshop on online Education Atlas from AEPAM, Islamabad organised by WFP.
ï‚· Training on online Education Atlas organised by WFP in AEPAM, Islamabad.
ï‚· Annual School CensusStatistical Reports2001-2002 to2011-12
ï‚· TeachersProfile 2001-2002.
ï‚· DistrictBasedManagement Training(DBMT) Manual on use of EMIS fordecisionmaking.
ï‚· Map InfoTrainingManual
ï‚· TeacherMappingTrainingManual 2011-12
ï‚· SMIS School Management Information System
ï‚· PMIS /HRIS Personnel Management Information System
ï‚· IMIS Inventory Control System
ï‚· T&A Testing and Assessment Information System
ï‚· CFS-EMIS Child friendly Schools software for UNICEF
ï‚· KIU Examination Software for SSC and HSSC
ï‚· Teacher Mapping Software for GB and AJK
ï‚· Teacher Mapping and Projection Model for GB and AJK
ï‚· Water Quality Monitoring Indicators
ï‚· Converted all basic health facilities on Map
ï‚· Located all public and privates Institutions on map
ï‚· DesignAnnual School Census Toolsforqualitativeandquantitative datacollectionof publicand
private institutions.
ï‚· ConductedSchool Mapping Survey in all Districtof GB incollectionof School coordinatesusingGPS
device of public and private educational institutions.
ï‚· ConductedTeacherMapping Surveysinall district of GB province anddevelopedteacherprojection
model database.
ï‚· Conducted datavalidationsurveythroughRandomsampling of publicsectoreducationInstitutions.
ï‚· ConductedSurveyonBasic Health Facilities toDeveloped(Geographical InformationSystem) GIS
database forHealthDepartment.
ï‚· Worked with Fayyaz EMIS consultant DFID in Database Development
ï‚· Worked with Ali Naqvi EMIS consultant DFID in GIS with advance techniques
ï‚· Worked with Arshad Nafees IT Consultant GIZ in Management ,Data Utilization, Data Validation
ï‚· Worked with Naveed Ahmed EMIS Consultant DFID in Database Designing, Data Security and
software development
ï‚· Worked with Rana Iftikhar Raza cotnsultant GIZ in Development of PMIS, SMIS software in MS
Access and VB Application
ï‚· WorkedwithJimShoobridge InternationalConsultantDFIDinbetterManagementof EMIS anduse
of GIS as a planning tool.
ï‚· Worked with Waqar Bashir Kayani Consultant DFID in Development of Testing and Assessment
Database tool (T&A).
ï‚· Worked Tony, Education Sector Specialist, European Commission (EC) Monitor
1. Dr. Fayaz Ahmed, Technical Detector Policy, USAID PRP, Islamabad
E-mail: fayyaz.Ahmed@pakreading.org, Mobile: 03335084316
2. Nooruddin Gulbahar Shah, Ex-Head of Office for PRP GB
E-mail : noorgb@yahoo.com, Skype ID: noorgbs, Mobile : 03109993132
3. Najm Us Sabah, Policy and System Coordinator, PRP GB.
Email : najmus.sabah@pakreading.org, Mobile : 03109993135

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CV Ghulam Raza_Modified_27_09_2016

  • 1. GHULAM RAZA 03129730485/03109993145 raza.jafarigb@hotmail.com Skype ID: razaademis5 __________________________________________________ PERSONAL PROFILE A Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) expert specialized in Management Information Systems (MIS) and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with over 25 years of experience in managing education programs inpublicand non-profitsectors. A good eye for details, withastrongabilitytoleadbig teams and deliver timely results. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION S# Certificate /Degree Board/University Year Division 1 PGD in IT KarakorumInternational University 2005-06 1st Division 2 MA (Islamite) Universityof Baluchistan 2001 2nd Division 3 BA (Economics) AIOU, Islamabad 1994 1st Division 4 FA BIE, Karachi 1991 2nd Division 5 Matric FBISE Islamabad 1984 2nd Division CAREER HISTORY 1. USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project a. M&E Officer at USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project Jan 2015-Present ï‚· AssistsM&E Coordinatorinall M&E relatedfunctions. ï‚· Supportsinconsultationwithfieldprojectstaff toidentifyneedsof Project database. ï‚· Coordinateswithprojectteam&componentbasedM&E focal personsforcollectionof dataas per M&E needs. ï‚· Supportsthe projectteaminusingstandardizeddatacollectionandreportingtools. ï‚· Assiststhe M&E CoordinatorinidentifyingvariousM&E needstoassessprojectprogressand performance regularlyinclose consultationwiththe projectteam. ï‚· Ensurestimelycollection,compilationandmakingavailablethe datarequiredforreportingon projectprogressandPMP indicators. ï‚· Updatesthe M&E-ISon regularbasisto ensuringthe qualityof dataat par withthe requiredquality standards. ï‚· Assiststhe M&E Coordinatorindraftingperiodreportsi.e.monthly,quarterlyandannually includingreportsonPMPindicators. ï‚· Prepares plansforM&E activitiesandsubmittoM&E Coordinator. ï‚· Takespart in consultationsfordesignof varioussurvey&studies ï‚· Updateswiththe supportof M&E focal personsandprojectteam, varioustrackingsheets developedtotrackprogressagainsttargetsof workplanactivitiesandPMPindicators. b. IMS Manager at USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project Jan 2014 - Jan 2015 ï‚· Maintainedclose liaisonwith the Departmentof Education,GBfor an improveddatabase of HRIS, withpriorexercisesconducted NeedAssessment foridentificationof IntegratedDatabases ï‚· Upgraded existingsoftwaretomake ituser-friendlyonline accessibleInformationmanagement systemforeffectiveeducational planning ï‚· Ensured data accuracy and transparencythroughdata validationtechniquesinexistingsoftwareof EMIS. ï‚· Builtthe capacityof governmenttechnical staff ondevelopmentof datacollectiontools, developmentof educational indicatorsandeffective dataanduse of data for longtermeducational planning ï‚· Devised technical solutionslike dual dataentrytechniquestomake Informationsystemfreeand more reliable. c. Additional responsibilities with regards to M&E in PRP
  • 2. ï‚· Workedas Monitoringand Evaluation Focal Person forthe projectand uploadedthe required documentsasproof of evidence onM&E Document ManagementSystem portal ï‚· Assisted M& Ecoordinator GBin developingthe projectindicatorsinthe lightof comprehensive GB educational datafromDoE EMIS ï‚· Side byside builtthe capacityof projectstaff throughinhouse training sessionsondata managementanddataanalysis forimprovedrecordkeepingduringthe projectcycle d. DevelopedTeacherMappingSoftware in MS-Accessfor GB Education Departmentand AJ&K Education Department. DevelopedTeacherMappingSoftware and TeacherProjectionModel forthe Departmentof Education, GB andAJ&Kthrough TeacherEducationProject fundedbyUSAID. 2. National Education Management Information System (NEMIS) National Technical Committee Member Jan 1998- Dec 2013 ï‚· NEMIS organizes meeting for Technical Committee members at National level on different task i.e Reviewof datacollectiontool,Compilationof DataatNational level,publicationof Statistical reports at nation level etc. Feedback is given for further improvement on uniform and reliable educational data at national level. 3. Department of Education, Government of Pakistan a. In-charge ChiefSecretaryMonitoring Cell,Gilgit Oct 2013- Jan 2014 ï‚· DevelopedSystemforCSMonitoringcell basedatChief SecretaryOffice Gilgit-Baltistantomonitor all governmentdepartmentperformance ondailybase. b. Project Director Provisionof IT, internet,GPSfacilitiestoHigh schools of GB June 2010- Jan 2014 ï‚· A three year project worth 20 million was managed through multi-layered activities for instance purchase of satelliteimaginaries,large sizedplottersfor GISmaps , computersandequipmenttoall districtEMISoffices,provisionofinternetDSLfacilitiesto26Highschoolsand provisionof alternative wireless loop facilities for very remote schools where DSL facility is not available ï‚· For data synchronisation from remote districts to central EMIS, VPN solution had been established for online data entry. ï‚· Being a Project Director, I worked as Drawing Disbursing Officer (DDO) and managed the project financially as well as administratively and continued to upgrade EMIS progressively in terms of facilities as well as human resource capacities ï‚· During the project Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) tools were developed to evaluate the project performance onquarterlybasisandintensivetrainingshadbeengiventoall educationmanagersand technical staff. c. Assistant Director EMIS June 2007-2010 ï‚· Streamlinedthe whole systemof EMISfor Departmentof Education centrallyaswell asinall seven districtbasedEMISs ï‚· DesignAnnual school census Toolsforqualitative andquantitative datacollectionof publicand private Schools. ï‚· ConductedStudentEnrolmentSurveys,basisfacilitiesdata(drinkingwater,studenttoilets, Electricity,boundarywall) onannual basis. ï‚· Developedacomprehensive Database inMSAccessto propermanage educational information. ï‚· Workedon GIS application(MapInfo&ArcGIS) ï‚· Publishedthe CensusreportsandStatistical report d. ComputerProgrammer June 1997- June 2007 ï‚· As computer Programmer the initial activities of EMIS were initiated in GB where various collaborationswere made withInstitutionslikeAKESPandBritishcounciltoinstitutionalisesystemof EMIS in GB for the first time. During this time prepared many PC-1 in addition to my own duties. e. ComputerOperator June 1987 -June 1997 ï‚· As ComputeroperatorDOE’ssystemswere initiatedtobe computerisedforthe firsttime and duringthistime followingprogramswere usedforofficial correspondence 4. Professional History as Consultants with International Donor Agencies EMIS Advisor in NorthernPakistan Education Project (NPEP) fundedby European Commission(EC) (Jan 2007- June 2008)
  • 3. ï‚· Projectaimedtodevelopandstrengthenthe DistrictEMISsoffices inChiral ï‚· Close collaborationwasdevelopedwithEMISof the otherNGOs workingineducationsector Primaryof AKESPschools. A comprehensive software wasdevelopedforAKESPsystemaswell DistrictEducationoffice Chitral onAnnual School Censusand GISwithtrainingforDistrict EducationManager inuse of Data for dayto day planning ï‚· DevelopedDistrictBasedTrainingManual inuse of EMIS data in educationPlanning.Now these Manual are beingusedas a reference booktocalculate Educational Indicatorsinall districtof NWFP. ï‚· Developedtehsil wisePMISProfilesforthe year2007-08 ï‚· DevelopedGISTrainingModule inMapInfo8.0. 5. Technical Support Provided to OtherGovernment Sector Institutions ï‚· Worked with USAID Teacher Education Project, Developed Teacher Mapping Software for EducationDepartment of Gilgit-Baltistanandreplicateditin AzadJammu Kashmir(AJ&K) as a best practice and replicable model. ï‚· DevelopedDatabase for Water QualityIndicatorsforLocal GovernmentandRural Development departmentsponsoredbyIUCN ï‚· DevelopCommunity FriendlySchool –EMIS supportedbyUNICEFfor GB schools ï‚· KarakorumInternational University’s Database forKIU Examination Board TRAINING AND WORKSHOPS ATTENDED ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConductone week Intensive WorkshopsforatNational Level forComputerPersonnel on Quantitative Techniquesin Education PolicyAnalysis UsingSPSS duringMarch, 1996. ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof Education Conduct3 days Seminar on Education Management Information System DATABASE during November, 1998. ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConduct5days Provincial Workshopon Techniquesfor Validationand Verification of Education Statistic during April, 1999. ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConduct 10daysIntensive Workshop on Data management and Statistical Analysis for Decision Making during May, 2002 ï‚· Academy of Educational Planning and Management Ministry of Education Conduct one week Intensive Training Workshop on Data Analysis for better Management during July, 2000 ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof Education Conduct5 days National Workshop on Digitizing Maps for GIS Analysis of Education Data in Pakistan during August,2000 ï‚· Academyof Educational PlanningandManagementMinistryof EducationConduct10 daysTraining Workshop on MS ACCESS for Computer Personnel of FANA Educational Management Information System during November,2002 ï‚· 15 days National Level training on SQL arranged by Academy of Educational Planning and Management Ministry of Education Islamabad. ï‚· One week follow-up National level training on VB 6 by using SQL arranged by Academy of Educational Planning and Management Ministry of Education Islamabad. ï‚· 4 days training workshop on GIS as a planning tool attended in Rural Academy Peshawar ï‚· 7days training workshop on online Education Atlas from AEPAM, Islamabad organised by WFP. ï‚· Training on online Education Atlas organised by WFP in AEPAM, Islamabad. PUBLICATIONS ï‚· Annual School CensusStatistical Reports2001-2002 to2011-12 ï‚· TeachersProfile 2001-2002. ï‚· DistrictBasedManagement Training(DBMT) Manual on use of EMIS fordecisionmaking. ï‚· Map InfoTrainingManual ï‚· TeacherMappingTrainingManual 2011-12 DATABASE DEVELOPMENT IN MS-ACCESS ï‚· SMIS School Management Information System
  • 4. ï‚· PMIS /HRIS Personnel Management Information System ï‚· IMIS Inventory Control System ï‚· T&A Testing and Assessment Information System ï‚· CFS-EMIS Child friendly Schools software for UNICEF ï‚· KIU Examination Software for SSC and HSSC ï‚· Teacher Mapping Software for GB and AJK ï‚· Teacher Mapping and Projection Model for GB and AJK ï‚· Water Quality Monitoring Indicators EXPERIENCE WITH GIS APPLICATIONS (MAPINFO 10.0 AND ARCGIS) ï‚· Converted all basic health facilities on Map ï‚· Located all public and privates Institutions on map EDUCATION SURVEYS ï‚· DesignAnnual School Census Toolsforqualitativeandquantitative datacollectionof publicand private institutions. ï‚· ConductedSchool Mapping Survey in all Districtof GB incollectionof School coordinatesusingGPS device of public and private educational institutions. ï‚· ConductedTeacherMapping Surveysinall district of GB province anddevelopedteacherprojection model database. ï‚· Conducted datavalidationsurveythroughRandomsampling of publicsectoreducationInstitutions. ï‚· ConductedSurveyonBasic Health Facilities toDeveloped(Geographical InformationSystem) GIS database forHealthDepartment. COLLABORATIONS WITH NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL EXPERTS IN THE FIELD OF EMIS ï‚· Worked with Fayyaz EMIS consultant DFID in Database Development ï‚· Worked with Ali Naqvi EMIS consultant DFID in GIS with advance techniques ï‚· Worked with Arshad Nafees IT Consultant GIZ in Management ,Data Utilization, Data Validation ï‚· Worked with Naveed Ahmed EMIS Consultant DFID in Database Designing, Data Security and software development ï‚· Worked with Rana Iftikhar Raza cotnsultant GIZ in Development of PMIS, SMIS software in MS Access and VB Application ï‚· WorkedwithJimShoobridge InternationalConsultantDFIDinbetterManagementof EMIS anduse of GIS as a planning tool. ï‚· Worked with Waqar Bashir Kayani Consultant DFID in Development of Testing and Assessment Database tool (T&A). ï‚· Worked Tony, Education Sector Specialist, European Commission (EC) Monitor REFERENCES 1. Dr. Fayaz Ahmed, Technical Detector Policy, USAID PRP, Islamabad E-mail: fayyaz.Ahmed@pakreading.org, Mobile: 03335084316 2. Nooruddin Gulbahar Shah, Ex-Head of Office for PRP GB E-mail : noorgb@yahoo.com, Skype ID: noorgbs, Mobile : 03109993132 3. Najm Us Sabah, Policy and System Coordinator, PRP GB. Email : najmus.sabah@pakreading.org, Mobile : 03109993135