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Name & Contact Address
No.34, Shri Padma Nilaya,
Bagalkot 587103
Contact No. Mobile No: 9611490431
Email kulkarni.hpt@gmail.com
Educational Qualification B.Com
Date of Birth: 8th
Jan 1958
Language skills : Kannada, English, Hindi
Technical qualification
 Course in Computer Fundamentals of Hardware & PC Concepts at M/s. Space, Mysore .in April
 Course in Novell Netware Ver 3.12 and Foxpro at M/s. ISCT, Mysore in March 1995.
 Course in MS-Office & Foxpro applications at M/s. Infopoint, Bangalore in Dec 1996.
 Course in Windows 95 & Office-97 at STG, Bangalore in April 1999.
 Course in Novell Netware Ver 4.11 (Intranet Admn) at M/s. IIHT, Bangalore. In Sept 1999
 Training program in MS Access & Visual Basic at SSI, Bangalore in Sept. 2000
 Course Computing & Reporting of Business Information in Excel at Excel Training Academy,
Bangalore in May 2007
 Hands on ICT training by Nasscom Foundation during March 2011 in Hubli.
 Proficiency in MS Products, Crystal Report software.
 Capability of understanding any corporate software and deployment.
Work Experience:
June 11 to till date:
 Consultant to Surakshita Mahila Abhivridhi Sangha, Bagalkot  Monitoring Microfinance activities
(ICICI Bank) of 200 SHGs, Rs 2.00 crores.
 Also Working as Freelancer Maintenance of Accounts. Training to staff on administrative matters &
 Projects Documentation handling from project proposal to project completion progress including
periodical progress reports.
 Liasoning with Govt. Depts. for projects. Attending meetings of Govt, Depts, with necessary
information on behalf of NGOs.
 Translation of reports/byelaws/corporate magazines to vernacular language (Kannada) and vice
versa.(clients-NGOs, Corporates like Tata Marcopolo, Dharwad, Bhashanuwad, Bombay etc.)
Sept 2010 May 2011:
 Manager MIS & Admin, Vidyaposhak, Dharwad
 Data management of students, report generation for donors and management, co-ordinating with
branches and students for data collection.
 Managing Administration of the organization
o Vehicles
o Personnel
o Infrastructure etc.
May 2009  August 2010:
 Consultant  Akshara Foundation Dharwad
 Developing tools for survey, data preparation and analysis.
 Generating Analysis & Research Reports for stakeholders.
July 05  May 2009
 Worked as Freelancer  Developing Research report based on survey data after analysis,
developing survey tools, training and organizing need based surveys
 Maintenance of Accounts. Training to staff on administrative matters & Computer.
 Projects Documentation handling from project proposal to project completion progress including
periodical progress reports.
 Organising trainings for Self Help Groups on development and skill trainings
 Liasoning with Govt. Depts. for projects. Attending meetings of Govt, Depts, with necessary
information on behalf of NGOs.
 Projects handled with GRAMS, Lingasugur, : BCC Project (Unicef), Reach India Education Project,
(Akshar Foundation Dharwar), Total Sanitation, Gram Vikas Andolan Capart. - Training, Accounts &
 Projects handled with Sarvodaya Integrated Development Services, Koppal, Water Shed Project ,
Child Labour School, - Trainings, Accounts & Documentation
 Projects handled with Help, Hiriyur, Water shed Projects, Gram Vikas Andolan Capart, - Trainings,
Accounts & Documentation
Jan 03  July 05
Samuha/PLAN International Jalahalli PROJECT, Raichur Dist (Karnataka)
( NGO involved in integrated rural development of Raichur & Koppal Dists. of Karnataka State in
partnership with PLAN INTERNATIONAL)
 Worked as Sponsorship Officer  managing communication between sponsored children and foster
children. Collecting and developing annual progress reports of Sponsored children. Office
Correspondence, Co-ordinating with national & international visitors to Project area, Maintaining
Staff Administrative details. Corresponding with Funding Agencies with progress reports,
administrative reports, preparing staffs appraisal under control.
Samuha, KWP, Tavaragera, in Koppal Dist. Karnataka
 Worked as Administrator Managing Official Correspondence, Co-ordinating & accompanying
national & international visitors to Project area, Maintaining Staff Administrative Policy matters 
Monitoring correspondence with Funding Agencies with progress reports, administrative reports,
preparing staffs appraisal. Maintenance office assets & equipments through AMC, Managing &
organising seminars & workshops.
 Providing & guiding the user staff on systems usage. Generating MIS reports using survey etc. data
available. Helping the staff & training on computers applications by producing the training in local
language. Assisting in translation of various materials into local language. Training school children
on computers.
March 1991 June 2002
 MYRADA/PLAN, Dharmapuri PROJECT, Hosur (TN)
( NGO involved in integrated rural development of Dharmapuri Dist. Tamil Nadu State in partnership
 Worked in middle management category as Administrator . Managing Official Correspondence,
Organising of national & international visitors to Project area, Providing project implementation &
progress, Maintaining Staff matters  Personal files, Salary related files, Correspondence Govt.
Offices, stake holders, Suppliers & with Funding Agencies. Arranging AMC for . office equipments
& asset management. Organising & managing arrangements for seminars & workshops. Liasoning
with Govt. Offices for trainings workshops & seminars.
 Maintenance of network with 10 nodes. Supervision of day to day operations of IS&T (Information
Systems & Technology) Dept. Maintenance of corporate software of Accounts (General Ledger),
Foster Children Details, CPME (Corporate Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation) Package.
Maintenance of in built software of Self Help Group monitoring system, Payroll. Providing
assistance to the management in producing MIS reports..
(NGO involved in integrated rural development of Mysore Dist in partnership with PLAN
 Maintenance of network with 10 nodes. Supervision of day to day operations of IS&T (Information
Systems & Technology) Dept. Maintenance of corporate software of Accounts (General Ledger),
Foster Children Details, CPME (Corporate Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation) Package.
Maintenance of in built software of Self Help Group monitoring system, Payroll. Providing
assistance to the management in producing MIS reports.
86 Nov. to 91 Feb.
M/s. Electrocarbonium Ltd., Bangalore.
(A company involved in production of Carbon Blocks & Brushes)
 Implementation of Business Software system developed by M/s. Wipro Ltd., (an integrated package
of Financial A/c., Inventory, Sales Order Processing etc.) Providing management information based
on the various data collected thro various software packages.
83 March to 86 Nov.
M/s. Abacus Data Systems Pvt.Ltd., Bangalore.
(Data Processing & Software Development centre)
 Worked as In charge of data processing section. The packages handled: Financial Accounting,
Inventory Control, Warehouse, Share Accounting, Payroll etc.
82 Oct to 83 March
M/s. Ukay Agencies, Hubli
[A Large scale mining & export company with a fleet of 150 vehicles]
 Data Processing of financial accounting, transport management validation .and processing. Writing
online data entry programs.
81 Sept to 82 May
M/s. Hind Steel, Belgaum
 Data processing of financial accounting, Stores and payroll
Hobbies: Exploring new techniques for data analysis using data bases, updating technical knowledge,
Functional Area preference with reasons:
 MIS, program monitoring, documentation.
Being in MIS field am always enthusiastic to work with data, develop tools for monitoring, tools for
survey, generating presentable reports on data collected/already available
Financial Expectation: Negotiable.
Additional Information:
International workshops attended
 Represented MYRADA in Regional level MIS Task force Workshop organised by PLAN
International at Colombo, Srilanka.
Govt. Workshops attended.
 State Level workshop on Suvarna Gramodaya proposal preparation organized by RDPR, GOK,
 National Level Workshop on Grameena Vikas Andolana & Rural Sanitation organized by CAPART
at New Delhi presided over by Honble Central Rural Development Minister Sri. Raghuvansh
Prasad Singh during July 07.
 Regional level Experience Sharing Workshop on Grameena Vikas Andolana, Calicut, Kerala Nov
Offices attended for Liasoning work
 Zilla Panchayat, Taluka Panchayat, Gram Panchayats, Govt. Departments, CAPART Dharwar,
RDPR Dept., GOK. NABARD, Bangalore.
Projects handled in Liason with Govt.
 SGSY Trainings  Entrepreneurship Trainings for SHG Members of Hospet Taluka
 Suvarna Gramodaya  Village development Project for 5 villages with vision of 10 years in Hospet
Taluk.- Both Projects of Taluka Panchayat & Zilla Panchayat
 Process involved PRA, Village Survey, Data analysis, Liasoning with Gram Panchayats, Govt.
Depts for information. Preparation of Suvarn Gramodaya Proposal to Zilla Panchayat, Bellary
 Installation of NREGA Software at GPs & training operators,
Workshops and Conferences Attended
 Attended Regional level MIS workshop conducted by Plan International, at New Delhi.
 Attended Regional Conference on South North Communications in the 1990s conducted by
PLAN International at Chennai
 Attended Regional level Novel Netware Training for MIS personnel conducted by PLAN, at
 Attended as Co-faculty at Search, Bangalore for training on Role of Computers in MIS during
Nov. 1998.
 Participated in National level workshop in Using Internet Effectively conducted by CONSORT,
Madurai, at MMHRC, Madurai during May 1999.
 Participated in workshop on Advocacy of Information Technology conducted by National
Centre for Advocacy Society, Pune during Dec 2001.

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  • 1. c.v. Name & Contact Address V.B.KULKARNI, No.34, Shri Padma Nilaya, Vidyagiri, Bagalkot 587103 Contact No. Mobile No: 9611490431 Email kulkarni.hpt@gmail.com Educational Qualification B.Com Date of Birth: 8th Jan 1958 Language skills : Kannada, English, Hindi Technical qualification Course in Computer Fundamentals of Hardware & PC Concepts at M/s. Space, Mysore .in April 1994 Course in Novell Netware Ver 3.12 and Foxpro at M/s. ISCT, Mysore in March 1995. Course in MS-Office & Foxpro applications at M/s. Infopoint, Bangalore in Dec 1996. Course in Windows 95 & Office-97 at STG, Bangalore in April 1999. Course in Novell Netware Ver 4.11 (Intranet Admn) at M/s. IIHT, Bangalore. In Sept 1999 Training program in MS Access & Visual Basic at SSI, Bangalore in Sept. 2000 Course Computing & Reporting of Business Information in Excel at Excel Training Academy, Bangalore in May 2007 Hands on ICT training by Nasscom Foundation during March 2011 in Hubli. Proficiency in MS Products, Crystal Report software. Capability of understanding any corporate software and deployment. Work Experience: June 11 to till date: Consultant to Surakshita Mahila Abhivridhi Sangha, Bagalkot Monitoring Microfinance activities (ICICI Bank) of 200 SHGs, Rs 2.00 crores. Also Working as Freelancer Maintenance of Accounts. Training to staff on administrative matters & Computer. Projects Documentation handling from project proposal to project completion progress including periodical progress reports. Liasoning with Govt. Depts. for projects. Attending meetings of Govt, Depts, with necessary information on behalf of NGOs. Translation of reports/byelaws/corporate magazines to vernacular language (Kannada) and vice versa.(clients-NGOs, Corporates like Tata Marcopolo, Dharwad, Bhashanuwad, Bombay etc.) Sept 2010 May 2011: Manager MIS & Admin, Vidyaposhak, Dharwad Data management of students, report generation for donors and management, co-ordinating with branches and students for data collection. Managing Administration of the organization o Vehicles o Personnel o Infrastructure etc. May 2009 August 2010: Consultant Akshara Foundation Dharwad Developing tools for survey, data preparation and analysis. Generating Analysis & Research Reports for stakeholders. July 05 May 2009 Worked as Freelancer Developing Research report based on survey data after analysis, developing survey tools, training and organizing need based surveys Maintenance of Accounts. Training to staff on administrative matters & Computer. Projects Documentation handling from project proposal to project completion progress including periodical progress reports. Organising trainings for Self Help Groups on development and skill trainings
  • 2. Liasoning with Govt. Depts. for projects. Attending meetings of Govt, Depts, with necessary information on behalf of NGOs. Projects handled with GRAMS, Lingasugur, : BCC Project (Unicef), Reach India Education Project, (Akshar Foundation Dharwar), Total Sanitation, Gram Vikas Andolan Capart. - Training, Accounts & Documantation Projects handled with Sarvodaya Integrated Development Services, Koppal, Water Shed Project , Child Labour School, - Trainings, Accounts & Documentation Projects handled with Help, Hiriyur, Water shed Projects, Gram Vikas Andolan Capart, - Trainings, Accounts & Documentation Jan 03 July 05 Samuha/PLAN International Jalahalli PROJECT, Raichur Dist (Karnataka) ( NGO involved in integrated rural development of Raichur & Koppal Dists. of Karnataka State in partnership with PLAN INTERNATIONAL) Worked as Sponsorship Officer managing communication between sponsored children and foster children. Collecting and developing annual progress reports of Sponsored children. Office Correspondence, Co-ordinating with national & international visitors to Project area, Maintaining Staff Administrative details. Corresponding with Funding Agencies with progress reports, administrative reports, preparing staffs appraisal under control. Samuha, KWP, Tavaragera, in Koppal Dist. Karnataka Worked as Administrator Managing Official Correspondence, Co-ordinating & accompanying national & international visitors to Project area, Maintaining Staff Administrative Policy matters Monitoring correspondence with Funding Agencies with progress reports, administrative reports, preparing staffs appraisal. Maintenance office assets & equipments through AMC, Managing & organising seminars & workshops. Providing & guiding the user staff on systems usage. Generating MIS reports using survey etc. data available. Helping the staff & training on computers applications by producing the training in local language. Assisting in translation of various materials into local language. Training school children on computers. March 1991 June 2002 MYRADA/PLAN, Dharmapuri PROJECT, Hosur (TN) ( NGO involved in integrated rural development of Dharmapuri Dist. Tamil Nadu State in partnership with PLAN INTERNATIONAL) Worked in middle management category as Administrator . Managing Official Correspondence, Organising of national & international visitors to Project area, Providing project implementation & progress, Maintaining Staff matters Personal files, Salary related files, Correspondence Govt. Offices, stake holders, Suppliers & with Funding Agencies. Arranging AMC for . office equipments & asset management. Organising & managing arrangements for seminars & workshops. Liasoning with Govt. Offices for trainings workshops & seminars. Maintenance of network with 10 nodes. Supervision of day to day operations of IS&T (Information Systems & Technology) Dept. Maintenance of corporate software of Accounts (General Ledger), Foster Children Details, CPME (Corporate Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation) Package. Maintenance of in built software of Self Help Group monitoring system, Payroll. Providing assistance to the management in producing MIS reports.. MYRADA/PLAN International H.D.KOTE PROJECT (NGO involved in integrated rural development of Mysore Dist in partnership with PLAN INTERNATIONAL) Maintenance of network with 10 nodes. Supervision of day to day operations of IS&T (Information Systems & Technology) Dept. Maintenance of corporate software of Accounts (General Ledger), Foster Children Details, CPME (Corporate Planning, Monitoring & Evaluation) Package. Maintenance of in built software of Self Help Group monitoring system, Payroll. Providing assistance to the management in producing MIS reports. 86 Nov. to 91 Feb. M/s. Electrocarbonium Ltd., Bangalore. (A company involved in production of Carbon Blocks & Brushes) Implementation of Business Software system developed by M/s. Wipro Ltd., (an integrated package of Financial A/c., Inventory, Sales Order Processing etc.) Providing management information based on the various data collected thro various software packages.
  • 3. 83 March to 86 Nov. M/s. Abacus Data Systems Pvt.Ltd., Bangalore. (Data Processing & Software Development centre) Worked as In charge of data processing section. The packages handled: Financial Accounting, Inventory Control, Warehouse, Share Accounting, Payroll etc. 82 Oct to 83 March M/s. Ukay Agencies, Hubli [A Large scale mining & export company with a fleet of 150 vehicles] Data Processing of financial accounting, transport management validation .and processing. Writing online data entry programs. 81 Sept to 82 May M/s. Hind Steel, Belgaum Data processing of financial accounting, Stores and payroll Hobbies: Exploring new techniques for data analysis using data bases, updating technical knowledge, music. Functional Area preference with reasons: MIS, program monitoring, documentation. Being in MIS field am always enthusiastic to work with data, develop tools for monitoring, tools for survey, generating presentable reports on data collected/already available Financial Expectation: Negotiable. Additional Information: International workshops attended Represented MYRADA in Regional level MIS Task force Workshop organised by PLAN International at Colombo, Srilanka. Govt. Workshops attended. State Level workshop on Suvarna Gramodaya proposal preparation organized by RDPR, GOK, Bangalore. National Level Workshop on Grameena Vikas Andolana & Rural Sanitation organized by CAPART at New Delhi presided over by Honble Central Rural Development Minister Sri. Raghuvansh Prasad Singh during July 07. Regional level Experience Sharing Workshop on Grameena Vikas Andolana, Calicut, Kerala Nov 07. Offices attended for Liasoning work Zilla Panchayat, Taluka Panchayat, Gram Panchayats, Govt. Departments, CAPART Dharwar, RDPR Dept., GOK. NABARD, Bangalore. Projects handled in Liason with Govt. SGSY Trainings Entrepreneurship Trainings for SHG Members of Hospet Taluka Suvarna Gramodaya Village development Project for 5 villages with vision of 10 years in Hospet Taluk.- Both Projects of Taluka Panchayat & Zilla Panchayat Process involved PRA, Village Survey, Data analysis, Liasoning with Gram Panchayats, Govt. Depts for information. Preparation of Suvarn Gramodaya Proposal to Zilla Panchayat, Bellary Installation of NREGA Software at GPs & training operators, Workshops and Conferences Attended Attended Regional level MIS workshop conducted by Plan International, at New Delhi. Attended Regional Conference on South North Communications in the 1990s conducted by PLAN International at Chennai Attended Regional level Novel Netware Training for MIS personnel conducted by PLAN, at Chennai. Attended as Co-faculty at Search, Bangalore for training on Role of Computers in MIS during Nov. 1998. Participated in National level workshop in Using Internet Effectively conducted by CONSORT, Madurai, at MMHRC, Madurai during May 1999. Participated in workshop on Advocacy of Information Technology conducted by National Centre for Advocacy Society, Pune during Dec 2001.