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John Lowther
Position applied for:
Marine salvage electrical engineer
Electrical engineer
Electrical QC
Electrical project manager
Electrical site agent
Present address:
832 Cleeve Road Henley On Klip 1962 Gauteng South Africa
Cell: 0829554556 Tel: 016 3660550 Email: john@strikeindustries.co.za
Date of birth: 21/03/1956
Identity no: 5603215047081
Place of birth: England
Nationality: South African/British
Marital status: Married
Language fluentin: English & Afrikaans
Education: National technical certificate electrical 3
Electrical apprenticeship complete 05/03/1979 contract no MT38151
Wireman's license no 00506 ECASA & ECBSA Registered
Passports British and South African
Drivers license: Code: A & EB(Car& motorcycle)
Yellow fever: Expire 06/2018
Computer skills: Microsoft office good
Apple Mac Ox good
SHERQ Attended supervisor course and passed 28/10/2010
GSRC Management Pty.Ltd 016 8893033
Full medical 02/08/2016 passed
Electrical apprenticeship 1974 to 1979
L.H Marthinusen
Armature winding & test bay
Northern Lime Mining CO LTD
Control gear LT & HT, variable speed drives, general maintenance, open cast mining,
Vecor Heavy Engineering
Welding machine maintenance & repair
Meyerton Town Counsel
HT/LT reticulation, cable jointing, overhead lines, cable installation, general maintenance
Ernest Gaynor & CO
General jobbing, street lighting, factory / domestic installation and maintenance
Electrical apprenticeshipcomplete
Qualified electrical experience:
Klein Letaba Mining 1980 to 1982
Erection of crushing plants (electrical & mechanical) appointed competent person on all electrical
installations for the company. Modification of existing plant (electrical & mechanical). Appointed electrical
page 2
Clifford Harris 1981 to 1982
Electrical foreman.
Development of canal concrete automatic paving train16 m wide 8m deep
VSD ac & dc,
Supervision of maintenance of paving train as well as batching plants
L.A.S Transformers 1982 to 1984
10% Shareholder
Establishment of new workshop for the manufacturing of toroidal transformers
Prototype of toroidal transformers
Manufacture of toroidal transformers
Super Electrical 1984 to 1985
Manager Magaliesburg branch
Industrial and domestic installation, overhead lines L.v & H.v, supervise on site installation and hand
over to clients as wall as quoting on new installation
Siemens Johannesburg (contractor) 1985 to 1986
Drafting office
Standardize MCC wiring, PLC inputs & outputs;supervise checking of drawings and cable
Howden Safanco (contractor) 1986 to 1987
Drawing office
Design and drawings of starters for there range of air stream fans
Robertsons Spice (contractor) 1987 to 1989
Design and install electrics for high speed canning line
Strike Industries 1989
Strike Industries is involved in domestic and industrial installations. These varied form poultry
farming, large new factories, P.L.C panels for small-automated machines, L.T&H.T reticulation,mini
substations,overhead lines, solar electrical instillations.Manufacture wiring harness for prefab
housing and erect buildings. Manufacture of Safeweld open circuit voltage reducers for welding
machines. Manufacture of power packs for backup L.E.D lighting.Solar water heating.Repair of gen
sets in the field. I decided to move in to the contracting industry in a supervisory capacity for various
electrical/construction jobs and repairs.Solar system instillation
BBC China (Wilde Coast South Africa for Smit Salvage) 2004
Marine electrical salvage engineer
The vessel ran aground and was not salvageable and was blow-en up to create a natural reef
We flew on board 2 x 500 kv alternators to power up the existing cranes and salvage pumps.
The cranes were re wired to operate from the deck,as it was not safe to operate them from the cabins
on the cranes. Temporary power was supplied to all the hydraulic pumps and auxiliaries needed to
remove the cargo before demolition the vessel. I was also involved in repairs of mechanical &
hydraulics systems
MV Kipparosa (Wilde Coast south Svitzer Wijsmuller) 2005
page 3
Marine electrical salvage engineer
The vessel ran aground and broke up
We flew on board alternators to run the cranes and all the auxiliaries.We used grabs to unload the
logs on to barges before the vessel broke up. I also was involved in the mechanical,
Hydraulics and pumps
MV CP Valour (Azores for Svitzer Wijsmuller) 2006
Marine electrical salvage engineer
The vessel ran aground and was re-floated then taken out to sea and it sunk on the way to the
We used tugs to get alternators on board and ran the cranes and hydraulic packs for the winches as
well as pumps and auxiliarys .We installed alternators on the 3 barges to run the winches and
auxiliaries.The accommodation was cut off and scrapped. A jack up crane was used to off load the
containers and cargo on to a barge before re-floating the vessel. In between
sorting out the electric's I was in charge of one of the barges winching it in to the vessel in the
morning and taking it out in the afternoon this barge was 130 meters long and 50 meters wide.
I was also involved in repairs of mechanical & hydraulics systems
MV Indomitable (Durban for Svitzer Wijsmuller) 2007
Projects manager
Fire in engine room no electrical drawings available
Strip out 4 X 250 KVA alternators and send for rewire
Strip out all motors, panels and auxiliaries that were damaged in the fire and replaced
Rewire point to point all cabling in engine room to Lloyds standards.
Outsourcing of materials. Weekly meetings with Lloyds surveyors to discuss class issues and inspect
on going work.Daily meetings with the vessel owners. Progress reports
to owners
The entire job was completed in 3 months with 8 electricians
Heritage oil Uganda (For M.E.T.S) 2008
Repair 500 kW alternator in the field washed out with distilled water, as there were no cleaning
liquids available in Uganda.Dried out with large hair dryers and replaced A.V.R
MV Polaris pipe layer (Cape-town for M.E.T.S) 2007
Projects manager
Complete refit of galley,accommodation and refrigeration level
Tug Salvor (Smit Salvage for M.E.T.S) 2008
Projects manager
Replace cylinder temperature monitoring system as well as a host of repairs and faults on the
electrical systems
MV Subuska (Durban for M.E.T.S) 2009
Projects manager
An Indian anchor handler 75 meters, which had a fire in the engine room and was then flooded
Strip and send 2 x 2800 kW shaft alternators 1 x 1800 auxiliary alternator and 1 x 1500 kw
auxiliary alternator for cleaning and re-varnishing.Strip out all cabling below deck and replaced
Strip out all electrical panels and had new ones made and reinstalled.
All the control cables to the bridge had to be replaced, as D.N.V would not allow junction boxes. All
alarm systems and associated systems were replaced.Tank gauging system was
Replaced including all cabling.At the same time the vessel was up graded to DP2. Which required the
replacement of all the control cables. The M.S.B had to be stripped and washed out and certified by
D.N.V. Preparation of C1,C2,C3 certificates, cable schedules and
implementation thereof. Daily meetings with the shipyards & vessel owners. Progress reports
page 4
to owners & shipyard. Liaise with electronic projects manager. Out sourcing of materials Weekly
meetings with D.N.V surveyors to discuss class issues and inspect on going work.The entire job was
done in 11 month with a staff of 32 electricians
Mercy Ships (quote on instillation of new generator sets for M.E.T.S 2010
Flew to Bienne and met with owners and went through specks of the proposed new alternators.
Did a detailed inspection on board the Africa Mercy of the proposed instillation
Compiled a detailed quote for M.E.T.S whom submitted it to the vessel.
Arcelor Mittal 2010
Fire on cold roll steel mill. Senior electrical QC & supervisor in charge of 3 electrical QC, cable
pulling teamand 10 electricians.Removed all burnt cables and equipment and replace with new
M.E.T.S Anchor handler 2011.
Faultfinding and repair of auxiliary and shaft alternators as well as general repairs to the vessels
electrical equipment
Strike Electrical Contractors 2011
Head a team of electricians doing factory and domestic electrical instillations aswell as quoting on
Jin Hang Bo 53 (M.E.T.S) 2012
Dredger broke one of the cables on the port jack up leg and was partly submerged. After
salvage was complete I did a complete survey on the entire electrical system and prepared quotations
for the owners. The dredger was returned to China for repair
Costa Concordia (Titan Salvage) 2012 /2014)
Marine electrical salvage engineer (senior)
Designed electrical instillation and installed 2 x 200 KVA generators as there was no synchronisation
equipment available the loads were divided into 50% for each generator through change over
switches, the load could be split between the 2 generators or one generator could take all of the load in
off peak conditions for the pre salvage of the Costa Concordia. I was involved in the selection of the
electrical equipment and plant for the par buckling as well as the lighting LED because of the loading
and all associated equipment for the re floating .I designed
electrical reticulation for the parbuckling and the re float .This comprised of 2 x 460KVA Cats and 2
x350 KVA Cummins as well as 4 x 1800 CFM compressors.The electrical system is
double redundancy generators controlled via bus to a central control room.I was flown to America
and Holland for the commission of the generators,compressors and control containers.Supervised
planed maintenance on plant and machinery. Fault finding on all plant electrical and mechanical
Strike Industries (Owner)2015
Design of electrical systems for fire suppression,closed loop water systems and solar water
pumping.Installation,panel building and commissioning. These systems utilise micro PLC ,VSD and
pressure transducers.Installation,commissioning and fault finding on generators .
Other skills that I have a sound knowledge of
A sound knowledge ofsolar systems and installation .Erection of steel constructions, demountable
buildings, concrete works and buildings, the workings of the internal combustion engines,hydraulic
systems and pumps, setting out foundations, CNC programming with future cam, pneumatics,
plumbing, rigging, solar electrics and hot water systems,welding and cutting
page 5
I am a well-balanced consciences person who is use to taking control of things and making informed
decisions relating to the project I am in charge of. Safety is a priority to me and I will not compromise
when it comes to the safety of the people around me. I am a hands on person this helps me to ascertain
the problems on site and timorously rectify them or come up with a solution.I am use to dealing with
subcontractors and attending site meetings. Reports on a daily basis, time keeping, project flow charts,
sticking to tight schedules,email & replys is all part of the daily running of things .I have good
computer skills. I am in good health still at least 10 years of site life left in me. The one thing that is
against me is my handwriting is of a poor quality but I make up for this with good computer skills and
a better than average memory. I am use to being transported to ships by helicopter and winched down
to the vesseland small craft. I also have good 4x4 driving skills

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  • 1. John Lowther Position applied for: Marine salvage electrical engineer Electrical engineer Electrical QC Electrical project manager Electrical site agent Present address: 832 Cleeve Road Henley On Klip 1962 Gauteng South Africa Cell: 0829554556 Tel: 016 3660550 Email: john@strikeindustries.co.za Profile Date of birth: 21/03/1956 Identity no: 5603215047081 Place of birth: England Nationality: South African/British Marital status: Married Language fluentin: English & Afrikaans Education: National technical certificate electrical 3 Electrical apprenticeship complete 05/03/1979 contract no MT38151 Wireman's license no 00506 ECASA & ECBSA Registered Passports British and South African Drivers license: Code: A & EB(Car& motorcycle) Yellow fever: Expire 06/2018 Computer skills: Microsoft office good Apple Mac Ox good SHERQ Attended supervisor course and passed 28/10/2010 GSRC Management Pty.Ltd 016 8893033 Full medical 02/08/2016 passed EXPERIENCE Electrical apprenticeship 1974 to 1979 L.H Marthinusen Armature winding & test bay Northern Lime Mining CO LTD Control gear LT & HT, variable speed drives, general maintenance, open cast mining, Vecor Heavy Engineering Welding machine maintenance & repair Meyerton Town Counsel HT/LT reticulation, cable jointing, overhead lines, cable installation, general maintenance Ernest Gaynor & CO General jobbing, street lighting, factory / domestic installation and maintenance Electrical apprenticeshipcomplete _________________________ Qualified electrical experience: Klein Letaba Mining 1980 to 1982 Erection of crushing plants (electrical & mechanical) appointed competent person on all electrical installations for the company. Modification of existing plant (electrical & mechanical). Appointed electrical foreman
  • 2. page 2 Clifford Harris 1981 to 1982 Electrical foreman. Development of canal concrete automatic paving train16 m wide 8m deep VSD ac & dc, Supervision of maintenance of paving train as well as batching plants L.A.S Transformers 1982 to 1984 10% Shareholder Establishment of new workshop for the manufacturing of toroidal transformers Prototype of toroidal transformers Manufacture of toroidal transformers Super Electrical 1984 to 1985 Manager Magaliesburg branch Industrial and domestic installation, overhead lines L.v & H.v, supervise on site installation and hand over to clients as wall as quoting on new installation Siemens Johannesburg (contractor) 1985 to 1986 Drafting office Standardize MCC wiring, PLC inputs & outputs;supervise checking of drawings and cable schedules Howden Safanco (contractor) 1986 to 1987 Drawing office Design and drawings of starters for there range of air stream fans Robertsons Spice (contractor) 1987 to 1989 Design and install electrics for high speed canning line Strike Industries 1989 Strike Industries is involved in domestic and industrial installations. These varied form poultry farming, large new factories, P.L.C panels for small-automated machines, L.T&H.T reticulation,mini substations,overhead lines, solar electrical instillations.Manufacture wiring harness for prefab housing and erect buildings. Manufacture of Safeweld open circuit voltage reducers for welding machines. Manufacture of power packs for backup L.E.D lighting.Solar water heating.Repair of gen sets in the field. I decided to move in to the contracting industry in a supervisory capacity for various electrical/construction jobs and repairs.Solar system instillation Contracts BBC China (Wilde Coast South Africa for Smit Salvage) 2004 Marine electrical salvage engineer The vessel ran aground and was not salvageable and was blow-en up to create a natural reef We flew on board 2 x 500 kv alternators to power up the existing cranes and salvage pumps. The cranes were re wired to operate from the deck,as it was not safe to operate them from the cabins on the cranes. Temporary power was supplied to all the hydraulic pumps and auxiliaries needed to remove the cargo before demolition the vessel. I was also involved in repairs of mechanical & hydraulics systems MV Kipparosa (Wilde Coast south Svitzer Wijsmuller) 2005
  • 3. page 3 Marine electrical salvage engineer The vessel ran aground and broke up We flew on board alternators to run the cranes and all the auxiliaries.We used grabs to unload the logs on to barges before the vessel broke up. I also was involved in the mechanical, Hydraulics and pumps MV CP Valour (Azores for Svitzer Wijsmuller) 2006 Marine electrical salvage engineer The vessel ran aground and was re-floated then taken out to sea and it sunk on the way to the scrappers We used tugs to get alternators on board and ran the cranes and hydraulic packs for the winches as well as pumps and auxiliarys .We installed alternators on the 3 barges to run the winches and auxiliaries.The accommodation was cut off and scrapped. A jack up crane was used to off load the containers and cargo on to a barge before re-floating the vessel. In between sorting out the electric's I was in charge of one of the barges winching it in to the vessel in the morning and taking it out in the afternoon this barge was 130 meters long and 50 meters wide. I was also involved in repairs of mechanical & hydraulics systems MV Indomitable (Durban for Svitzer Wijsmuller) 2007 Projects manager Fire in engine room no electrical drawings available Strip out 4 X 250 KVA alternators and send for rewire Strip out all motors, panels and auxiliaries that were damaged in the fire and replaced Rewire point to point all cabling in engine room to Lloyds standards. Outsourcing of materials. Weekly meetings with Lloyds surveyors to discuss class issues and inspect on going work.Daily meetings with the vessel owners. Progress reports to owners The entire job was completed in 3 months with 8 electricians Heritage oil Uganda (For M.E.T.S) 2008 Repair 500 kW alternator in the field washed out with distilled water, as there were no cleaning liquids available in Uganda.Dried out with large hair dryers and replaced A.V.R MV Polaris pipe layer (Cape-town for M.E.T.S) 2007 Projects manager Complete refit of galley,accommodation and refrigeration level Tug Salvor (Smit Salvage for M.E.T.S) 2008 Projects manager Replace cylinder temperature monitoring system as well as a host of repairs and faults on the electrical systems MV Subuska (Durban for M.E.T.S) 2009 Projects manager An Indian anchor handler 75 meters, which had a fire in the engine room and was then flooded Strip and send 2 x 2800 kW shaft alternators 1 x 1800 auxiliary alternator and 1 x 1500 kw auxiliary alternator for cleaning and re-varnishing.Strip out all cabling below deck and replaced Strip out all electrical panels and had new ones made and reinstalled. All the control cables to the bridge had to be replaced, as D.N.V would not allow junction boxes. All alarm systems and associated systems were replaced.Tank gauging system was Replaced including all cabling.At the same time the vessel was up graded to DP2. Which required the replacement of all the control cables. The M.S.B had to be stripped and washed out and certified by D.N.V. Preparation of C1,C2,C3 certificates, cable schedules and implementation thereof. Daily meetings with the shipyards & vessel owners. Progress reports
  • 4. page 4 to owners & shipyard. Liaise with electronic projects manager. Out sourcing of materials Weekly meetings with D.N.V surveyors to discuss class issues and inspect on going work.The entire job was done in 11 month with a staff of 32 electricians Mercy Ships (quote on instillation of new generator sets for M.E.T.S 2010 Flew to Bienne and met with owners and went through specks of the proposed new alternators. Did a detailed inspection on board the Africa Mercy of the proposed instillation Compiled a detailed quote for M.E.T.S whom submitted it to the vessel. Arcelor Mittal 2010 Fire on cold roll steel mill. Senior electrical QC & supervisor in charge of 3 electrical QC, cable pulling teamand 10 electricians.Removed all burnt cables and equipment and replace with new M.E.T.S Anchor handler 2011. Faultfinding and repair of auxiliary and shaft alternators as well as general repairs to the vessels electrical equipment Strike Electrical Contractors 2011 Head a team of electricians doing factory and domestic electrical instillations aswell as quoting on instillations Jin Hang Bo 53 (M.E.T.S) 2012 Dredger broke one of the cables on the port jack up leg and was partly submerged. After salvage was complete I did a complete survey on the entire electrical system and prepared quotations for the owners. The dredger was returned to China for repair Costa Concordia (Titan Salvage) 2012 /2014) Marine electrical salvage engineer (senior) Designed electrical instillation and installed 2 x 200 KVA generators as there was no synchronisation equipment available the loads were divided into 50% for each generator through change over switches, the load could be split between the 2 generators or one generator could take all of the load in off peak conditions for the pre salvage of the Costa Concordia. I was involved in the selection of the electrical equipment and plant for the par buckling as well as the lighting LED because of the loading and all associated equipment for the re floating .I designed electrical reticulation for the parbuckling and the re float .This comprised of 2 x 460KVA Cats and 2 x350 KVA Cummins as well as 4 x 1800 CFM compressors.The electrical system is double redundancy generators controlled via bus to a central control room.I was flown to America and Holland for the commission of the generators,compressors and control containers.Supervised planed maintenance on plant and machinery. Fault finding on all plant electrical and mechanical Strike Industries (Owner)2015 Design of electrical systems for fire suppression,closed loop water systems and solar water pumping.Installation,panel building and commissioning. These systems utilise micro PLC ,VSD and pressure transducers.Installation,commissioning and fault finding on generators . Other skills that I have a sound knowledge of A sound knowledge ofsolar systems and installation .Erection of steel constructions, demountable buildings, concrete works and buildings, the workings of the internal combustion engines,hydraulic systems and pumps, setting out foundations, CNC programming with future cam, pneumatics, plumbing, rigging, solar electrics and hot water systems,welding and cutting
  • 5. page 5 Summary I am a well-balanced consciences person who is use to taking control of things and making informed decisions relating to the project I am in charge of. Safety is a priority to me and I will not compromise when it comes to the safety of the people around me. I am a hands on person this helps me to ascertain the problems on site and timorously rectify them or come up with a solution.I am use to dealing with subcontractors and attending site meetings. Reports on a daily basis, time keeping, project flow charts, sticking to tight schedules,email & replys is all part of the daily running of things .I have good computer skills. I am in good health still at least 10 years of site life left in me. The one thing that is against me is my handwriting is of a poor quality but I make up for this with good computer skills and a better than average memory. I am use to being transported to ships by helicopter and winched down to the vesseland small craft. I also have good 4x4 driving skills