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I am Noverto Sitohang, 26 years old. My education background is Management Science from University
Of Pelita Bangsa, Medan.
Im working at PT Trakindo Utama (Caterpillar Dealer) at Tembagapura  Papua in job site PT Freeport
Indonesia as Safety, Health & Environment Acting Supervisor. My roles are maintain Safety, Health &
Environment and Industrial Hygine, ISO 14001 system, EMS PTFI also Maintain 5 Star Contamination
Control as Caterpillar Dialer, manage 743 employees such as Service Maintenance & Support Group for
Maintenance and I have 4 personal as my subordinat (3 SHE Coordinator & 1 SHE Admin) in order to
fullfill PT Freeport Indonesia Safety, Health & Environmental also Contamination Control requirements
and cover 3 area such as 1 Location At Grasberg Surface Mine, 6 Location at Underground (MLA, 2510,
DOZ RTA, X-Cut 14,X-Cut 16, Truck Haulage), 7 Location at Highland (EPG Marine Mile 74, Amole
Shop Besar, Kasuang Shop, KPI Shop, Tera Shop, Cliff Camp, Banti )
Name : Noverto Marlin Sitohang
Nick name : Nove
Place and Date of Birth : Pematangsiantar, November 2th
, 1988
S e x : Male
Religion : Christian
Marital Status : Married
E-mail : noverto_sitohang@fmi.com
A. Professional Data
1. Formal Education
 1994  2000 : SDN 091293 Simpang Raya (Elementary School)
 2000  2003 : SMP Methodist Pematangsiantar (Secondary School)
 2003  2006 : SMU RK Budi Mulia, Pematangsiantar (Senior High School)
 2006  2009 : University Of North Sumatera ( Diploma 3  Tax Administration )
 2010  2012 : University Of Pelita Bangsa ( Strata 1  Management Science )
2. Experience
 1 January 2014  Present PT Trakindo Utama ( Cat Dialer  Indonesia)
Acting Supervisor at Surface Mine, Underground Mine & Highland Area
Noverto Marlin Sitohang
PT. Trakindo Utama
Ridge camp, Mile 72, Barack O - 342
Tembagapura, Papua. Indonesia
Mobile Phone: +81396034416
Office Phone: +62901- 448519
 Report to SHE Manager, responsibility for managing SHE & Contamination Control
business unit for Grasberg Surface Mine, Underground Mine & Highland Area including
Fresh MS, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, ISO 14001, Contamination Control implementation,
monitoring/reporting, customer relation at each area.
 Participate in Continuous Improvement Safety Management System (FRESH
STANDARD, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, ISO 14001,) at Trakindo Utama Tembagapura
Division and make sure SHE Regulation Aplied by company.
 Ensure the compliance of SHE implementation is according to plan and regulation
(Personal SHE-Accountability Program and Crew incharge achievement must be 100%
every month, Socialization of Potential Fatal Event, Safety Alert and Safety Flash,
Provide / Review HIRADC, Provide / review work instruction for critical job, Complete
mandatory Training for crew, Active for report & monitoring Near Miss.
 Ensure the compliance of Customer regulation and completed document for Contractor
Safety Management System (CSMS)
 Conduct regular occupational health monitoring to comply with minimum requirement of
regulation, e.g. lighting, dust, noise, vibration, food hygiene surveys and follow up.
 Maintain good document control utilizing standard corporate filling systems.
 Participate to devise SHE Objective Target & Plan for each Department at Trakindo
Tembagapura Division and monitoring
 Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including
setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment
behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management
and Head Office Trakindo Utama  Jakarta
 Supervision and monitoring 3 personal SHE Coordinator and 1 SHE Admin, and make
the development for them such as Training, deliver job, and evaluation their task.
 01 July 2012  31 December 2013 PT. Trakindo Utama (CAT Dealer  Indonesia)
Coordinator at Underground Mine & Highland Area ( Mile 50  Mile 73)
 Report to SHE Supervisor, responsibility for managing SHE & Contamination Control
business unit for Underground Mine & Highland Area including Fresh MS, OHSAS
18001, NOSA, ISO 14001, Contamination Control implementation, monitoring/reporting,
customer relation at each area.
 Participate in Continuous Improvement Safety Management System (FRESH
STANDARD, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, ISO 14001,) at Trakindo Utama Tembagapura
Division and make sure SHE Regulation Aplied by company.
 Develop Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment related with branch and field work
location Perform controlling to reduce the risk and maintain it consistently
 Lead and encourage the SHE System (SOP,WIN,JSA) implementation
 Prepare data and lead Steering Committee meeting with management
 Socialize the SHE system to all relevant personnel in branch.
 Participate to devise SHE Objective Target & Plan for each Department at Trakindo
Tembagapura Division
 Maintain database for SHE Management System; including put all of the record into SHE
 Trakindo Utama Tembagapura database.
 Conduct SHE Basic training to all new employee whether permanent or contract.
 Make Training Need analysis/Training matrix for all Level of Employee at the beginning
of the year, sent them for follow the training and reviewing achiavements at the end of
 Involved in incident investigation, analyze, evaluation and monitor the progressing of
action (Nearmiss, Property Damage, FAC, NDL, RAC, LTA incident) and lead
investigation team and completed document by using Freeport version and Trakindo
 Conduct General Safety Meeting at Grasberg, Underground, Cliff Camp, EPG Marine 74
and participate in their toolbox meeting every day.
 Monitoring License matrix and scheduling DDC Training for all License holder.
 Make Monthly Report by completed SHE- Performance, Man Powers & Man Hours,
Monthly report and sent it at the end of month to Mine Maintenance Safety and Trakindo
Head Office.
 Make weekly Balance score card Report for Underground, Cliff Camp, Grasberg and
presentation in each meeting session.
 Conduct regularly inspection and regular maintenance on the safety Equipment to ensure
all facility, equipments including PPE
 Conduct daily safety inspection at Cliff Camp, Underground, EPG Marine 74 and follow
up all finding and report any unsafe action and unsafe condition and purpose
recommendation and evaluation for further action
 Supervise working activities including in the field area, mainly in the high risk places and
safety preventive action
 Report regularly to Branch Manager and copy to Area SHE Manager
 Manage and control the License which is required by personnel who using heavy
equipments or light vehicle.
 Maintain and Update all documentation of SHE-AP Accountability program
 Ensure and provide SHE training to all employee which is related to their job scope and
workplace risk
 Manage and control the License which is required by personnel who using heavy
equipments or light vehicle.
 Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including
setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment
behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management
and Head Office Trakindo Utama  Jakarta
 01 October 2010  30 June 2012 PT. Trakindo Utama (CAT Dealer  Indonesia)
Field SHE Officer at Grasberg Surface Mine
 Participate in Continuous Improvement Safety Management System (FRESH
STANDARD, OHSAS 18001, NOSA CIMB 150, ISO 18001, SMK3) at Trakindo Utama
Tembagapura Division and make sure SHE Regulation Aplied by company.
 Develop Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment related with branch and field work
location Perform controlling to reduce the risk and maintain it consistently
 Lead and encourage the SHE System (SOP,WIN,JSA) implementation
 Socialize the SHE system to all relevant personnel in branch.
 Participate to devise SHE Objective Target & Plan for each Department at Trakindo
Tembagapura Division
 Maintain database for SHE Management System; including put all of the record into SHE
 Trakindo Utama Tembagapura database.
 Conduct SHE Basic training to all new employee whether permanent or contract.
 Make Training Need analysis/Training matrix for all Level of Employee at the beginning
of the year, sent them for follow the training and reviewing achiavements at the end of
 Involved in incident investigation, analyze, evaluation and monitor the progressing of
action (Nearmiss, Property Damage, FAC, NDL, RAC, LTA incident) and lead
investigation team and completed document by using Freeport version and Trakindo
 Conduct General Safety Meeting at Grasberg, Cliff Camp, EPG Marine 74, Underground
and participate in their toolbox meeting.
 Monitoring License matrix and scheduling DDC Training for all License holder.
 Make Monthly Report by completed SHE- Performance, Man Powers & Man Hours,
Monthly report and sent it at the end of month to Mine Maintenance Safety and Trakindo
Head Office.
 Make weekly Balance score card Report for Underground, Cliff Camp, Grasberg and
presentation in each meeting session.
 Conduct regularly inspection and regular maintenance on the safety Equipment to ensure
all facility, equipments including PPE
 Conduct daily safety inspection at Cliff Camp, Grasberg, EPG Marine 74 and follow up
all finding and report any unsafe action and unsafe condition and purpose
recommendation and evaluation for further action
 Supervise working activities including in the field area, mainly in the high risk places and
safety preventive action
 Report regularly to Branch Manager and copy to Area SHE Manager
 Maintain and Update all documentation of SHE-AP Accountability program
 Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including
setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment
behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management
and Head Office Trakindo Utama  Jakarta
 10 May 2010  30 September 2010
Field SHE Officer at Kuala Kencana LIP PT. Trakindo Utama (CAT Dealer  Indonesia)
 Develop and maintain the Trakindo Utama SHE-Policy and Safety Operational
 Regularly doing Inspection and corrective action from all finding
 Conduct general safety meeting for all level at Trakindo Utama Lowland
 Compile the incident reporting and statistic report of the branch
 Socialize the incident in safety talk to prevent the accident occurred
 Acknowledge basic principle in fire fighting and prevention.
 Updating & monitoring SHE-AP Achiavement every month
 Arrange Training Matrix / training need analysis for all Level based on PT Trakindo
Utama SOP and PT Freeport Indonesia system and sent them regularly for follow the
training Conduct the regular training to increase the knowledge and awareness personnel
related with SHE.
 Arrange Emergency team for Trakindo Utama Lowland and complete mandatory training
that they need.
 Assist other department to develop and to complete Job Safety Analysis and HIRA on an
as needed basis for compliance to system requirements
 Assist the other department understand the current SHE System
 Distributed the documents and any records is kept accordance with system requirements
 Collect any suggestion and any input according the implementation of SHE System
 Coordinate the safety audits (internal external) plan
 Record and analyze non compliance audit finding
 Assist the other department taken the necessary action
 Provide permit to work and monitor the subcontractor safety awareness and compliance
 Inspect any activities that related with safety requirement
 Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including
setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment
behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management
and Head Office Trakindo Utama  Jakarta
 1 October 2009  27 February 2010
Clerk at CV. Raya Asih Jaya (Suppliers of goods and services to PT Pertamina Cilacap -
 Update time sheet all of employee & monitoring Labor utilization.
 Looking for a price comparison of goods and following a tender process.
 Ordered the goods and prepare manpower for tender which was won.
3. Certificate of Skill Training
1. PT Trakindo Utama
 2012 Courier Exercise
 2012 Customer service Excellent
 2013 SHE High Level ( SHE Strategy Map, SHE Longterm & shortterm initiative, SHE
Organization & Process)
 2013 TOT Basic SHE (Introduction Of SHE, SHE Comunication, Risk Management, Industrial
Hygine, Fire Prevention, PPE, Electrical Safety, Hot Working Process, Working At
Height, Confine Space, Machine Guarding, Lock Out Tag Out & Try Out, SHE-
Inspection, Waste Handling, Ergonomic, Working Permit System, Safety Driving)
 2013 Incident Investigation
 2013 6 Sigma Basic Concept & Methodology
 2013 BEI (Behavioral Event Interview Training)
 2013 HR for Non HR ( Basic HR Process )
 2013 Effective Presentation Skills
 2013 TOT Emergency Management ( Training competency & Tool Management)
 2013 BRAVE Training
 2013 How to make Project Assignment
 2013 High Level Operation (Product Support Strategy, Product Support Business process,
Reporting Management)
 2013 SHE Management System Process
 2013 Principles of Marketing & Sales
 2013 Risk Management + JSA Training
 2013 Environment: Introduction (Regulation Knowledge, Requirements, & procedure
 2013 Environmental Documentation
 2013 Environmental Toxicology
 2013 Waste Management
 2013 Environmental Permit
 2013 PROPER
 2013 TOPS Training for Presentation Skill.
 2013 Safety Health & Environment Management & Development Program (SHEMDP)
At PT. Trakindo Utama Head Office  Jakarta
 2014 Behavioral Event Interviewer for promotion to Staff Level
2. PT Freeport Indonesia (QMS)
 2012 Field Safety Officer Competency  QMS MP 68
 2012 Incident Management Statistic Training
4. Experience Skill
 Familiar and able to develop & implementation FRESH MS, OHSAS 18001, NOSA,
Contamination Control
 Able to lead Department Head for their Objective Target & Plan
 Develop HIRA DC, Standard Operational Procedure, Job Safety Analysis, Plan Job
Observation, Maintain SHE-Accountability Program.
 As a Master Observation Program Champion to make sure all of Staff level doing Master
Observation Program directly to the floor and there is communication with all of employee
 Have a good skill in Investigation an incident (Injury and Property Damage)
 Presentation Skill in front of employee & management
 Manage team work
5. Equipment License
 22 Nov 2013 Light Vehicle High Land
6. Qualification
 Good communication and easy to build relationship.
 Discipline, honest and confident.
 Able to work well both individual and team work.
 Excellent work under pressure.
 Understand and able to operate computer ( Ms. Office, Ms. Outlook, SAP Business Object
Review, Incident Management System)
 Good in English both written and oral.
7. Contact Person as Reference
 Andrew Law as PT Trakindo Utama Service Superintendent (Expat) Email:
 Rafael Sabon as PT Trakindo Utama SHE Superintendent (Acting)  Email :
I certify that all the statement above is true and complete.
Sincerely Yours,
Noverto Marlin Sitohang

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CV Noverto Sitohang

  • 1. I am Noverto Sitohang, 26 years old. My education background is Management Science from University Of Pelita Bangsa, Medan. Im working at PT Trakindo Utama (Caterpillar Dealer) at Tembagapura Papua in job site PT Freeport Indonesia as Safety, Health & Environment Acting Supervisor. My roles are maintain Safety, Health & Environment and Industrial Hygine, ISO 14001 system, EMS PTFI also Maintain 5 Star Contamination Control as Caterpillar Dialer, manage 743 employees such as Service Maintenance & Support Group for Maintenance and I have 4 personal as my subordinat (3 SHE Coordinator & 1 SHE Admin) in order to fullfill PT Freeport Indonesia Safety, Health & Environmental also Contamination Control requirements and cover 3 area such as 1 Location At Grasberg Surface Mine, 6 Location at Underground (MLA, 2510, DOZ RTA, X-Cut 14,X-Cut 16, Truck Haulage), 7 Location at Highland (EPG Marine Mile 74, Amole Shop Besar, Kasuang Shop, KPI Shop, Tera Shop, Cliff Camp, Banti ) Name : Noverto Marlin Sitohang Nick name : Nove Place and Date of Birth : Pematangsiantar, November 2th , 1988 S e x : Male Religion : Christian Marital Status : Married E-mail : noverto_sitohang@fmi.com A. Professional Data 1. Formal Education 1994 2000 : SDN 091293 Simpang Raya (Elementary School) 2000 2003 : SMP Methodist Pematangsiantar (Secondary School) 2003 2006 : SMU RK Budi Mulia, Pematangsiantar (Senior High School) 2006 2009 : University Of North Sumatera ( Diploma 3 Tax Administration ) 2010 2012 : University Of Pelita Bangsa ( Strata 1 Management Science ) 2. Experience 1 January 2014 Present PT Trakindo Utama ( Cat Dialer Indonesia) Acting Supervisor at Surface Mine, Underground Mine & Highland Area Noverto Marlin Sitohang PT. Trakindo Utama Ridge camp, Mile 72, Barack O - 342 Tembagapura, Papua. Indonesia Mobile Phone: +81396034416 Office Phone: +62901- 448519
  • 2. Report to SHE Manager, responsibility for managing SHE & Contamination Control business unit for Grasberg Surface Mine, Underground Mine & Highland Area including Fresh MS, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, ISO 14001, Contamination Control implementation, monitoring/reporting, customer relation at each area. Participate in Continuous Improvement Safety Management System (FRESH STANDARD, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, ISO 14001,) at Trakindo Utama Tembagapura Division and make sure SHE Regulation Aplied by company. Ensure the compliance of SHE implementation is according to plan and regulation (Personal SHE-Accountability Program and Crew incharge achievement must be 100% every month, Socialization of Potential Fatal Event, Safety Alert and Safety Flash, Provide / Review HIRADC, Provide / review work instruction for critical job, Complete mandatory Training for crew, Active for report & monitoring Near Miss. Ensure the compliance of Customer regulation and completed document for Contractor Safety Management System (CSMS) Conduct regular occupational health monitoring to comply with minimum requirement of regulation, e.g. lighting, dust, noise, vibration, food hygiene surveys and follow up. Maintain good document control utilizing standard corporate filling systems. Participate to devise SHE Objective Target & Plan for each Department at Trakindo Tembagapura Division and monitoring Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management and Head Office Trakindo Utama Jakarta Supervision and monitoring 3 personal SHE Coordinator and 1 SHE Admin, and make the development for them such as Training, deliver job, and evaluation their task. 01 July 2012 31 December 2013 PT. Trakindo Utama (CAT Dealer Indonesia) Coordinator at Underground Mine & Highland Area ( Mile 50 Mile 73) Report to SHE Supervisor, responsibility for managing SHE & Contamination Control business unit for Underground Mine & Highland Area including Fresh MS, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, ISO 14001, Contamination Control implementation, monitoring/reporting, customer relation at each area. Participate in Continuous Improvement Safety Management System (FRESH STANDARD, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, ISO 14001,) at Trakindo Utama Tembagapura Division and make sure SHE Regulation Aplied by company. Develop Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment related with branch and field work location Perform controlling to reduce the risk and maintain it consistently Lead and encourage the SHE System (SOP,WIN,JSA) implementation Prepare data and lead Steering Committee meeting with management
  • 3. Socialize the SHE system to all relevant personnel in branch. Participate to devise SHE Objective Target & Plan for each Department at Trakindo Tembagapura Division Maintain database for SHE Management System; including put all of the record into SHE Trakindo Utama Tembagapura database. Conduct SHE Basic training to all new employee whether permanent or contract. Make Training Need analysis/Training matrix for all Level of Employee at the beginning of the year, sent them for follow the training and reviewing achiavements at the end of years Involved in incident investigation, analyze, evaluation and monitor the progressing of action (Nearmiss, Property Damage, FAC, NDL, RAC, LTA incident) and lead investigation team and completed document by using Freeport version and Trakindo version Conduct General Safety Meeting at Grasberg, Underground, Cliff Camp, EPG Marine 74 and participate in their toolbox meeting every day. Monitoring License matrix and scheduling DDC Training for all License holder. Make Monthly Report by completed SHE- Performance, Man Powers & Man Hours, Monthly report and sent it at the end of month to Mine Maintenance Safety and Trakindo Head Office. Make weekly Balance score card Report for Underground, Cliff Camp, Grasberg and presentation in each meeting session. Conduct regularly inspection and regular maintenance on the safety Equipment to ensure all facility, equipments including PPE Conduct daily safety inspection at Cliff Camp, Underground, EPG Marine 74 and follow up all finding and report any unsafe action and unsafe condition and purpose recommendation and evaluation for further action Supervise working activities including in the field area, mainly in the high risk places and safety preventive action Report regularly to Branch Manager and copy to Area SHE Manager Manage and control the License which is required by personnel who using heavy equipments or light vehicle. Maintain and Update all documentation of SHE-AP Accountability program Ensure and provide SHE training to all employee which is related to their job scope and workplace risk Manage and control the License which is required by personnel who using heavy equipments or light vehicle.
  • 4. Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management and Head Office Trakindo Utama Jakarta 01 October 2010 30 June 2012 PT. Trakindo Utama (CAT Dealer Indonesia) Field SHE Officer at Grasberg Surface Mine Participate in Continuous Improvement Safety Management System (FRESH STANDARD, OHSAS 18001, NOSA CIMB 150, ISO 18001, SMK3) at Trakindo Utama Tembagapura Division and make sure SHE Regulation Aplied by company. Develop Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment related with branch and field work location Perform controlling to reduce the risk and maintain it consistently Lead and encourage the SHE System (SOP,WIN,JSA) implementation Socialize the SHE system to all relevant personnel in branch. Participate to devise SHE Objective Target & Plan for each Department at Trakindo Tembagapura Division Maintain database for SHE Management System; including put all of the record into SHE Trakindo Utama Tembagapura database. Conduct SHE Basic training to all new employee whether permanent or contract. Make Training Need analysis/Training matrix for all Level of Employee at the beginning of the year, sent them for follow the training and reviewing achiavements at the end of years Involved in incident investigation, analyze, evaluation and monitor the progressing of action (Nearmiss, Property Damage, FAC, NDL, RAC, LTA incident) and lead investigation team and completed document by using Freeport version and Trakindo version Conduct General Safety Meeting at Grasberg, Cliff Camp, EPG Marine 74, Underground and participate in their toolbox meeting. Monitoring License matrix and scheduling DDC Training for all License holder. Make Monthly Report by completed SHE- Performance, Man Powers & Man Hours, Monthly report and sent it at the end of month to Mine Maintenance Safety and Trakindo Head Office. Make weekly Balance score card Report for Underground, Cliff Camp, Grasberg and presentation in each meeting session. Conduct regularly inspection and regular maintenance on the safety Equipment to ensure all facility, equipments including PPE Conduct daily safety inspection at Cliff Camp, Grasberg, EPG Marine 74 and follow up all finding and report any unsafe action and unsafe condition and purpose recommendation and evaluation for further action
  • 5. Supervise working activities including in the field area, mainly in the high risk places and safety preventive action Report regularly to Branch Manager and copy to Area SHE Manager Maintain and Update all documentation of SHE-AP Accountability program Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management and Head Office Trakindo Utama Jakarta 10 May 2010 30 September 2010 Field SHE Officer at Kuala Kencana LIP PT. Trakindo Utama (CAT Dealer Indonesia) Develop and maintain the Trakindo Utama SHE-Policy and Safety Operational Procedure. Regularly doing Inspection and corrective action from all finding Conduct general safety meeting for all level at Trakindo Utama Lowland Compile the incident reporting and statistic report of the branch Socialize the incident in safety talk to prevent the accident occurred Acknowledge basic principle in fire fighting and prevention. Updating & monitoring SHE-AP Achiavement every month Arrange Training Matrix / training need analysis for all Level based on PT Trakindo Utama SOP and PT Freeport Indonesia system and sent them regularly for follow the training Conduct the regular training to increase the knowledge and awareness personnel related with SHE. Arrange Emergency team for Trakindo Utama Lowland and complete mandatory training that they need. Assist other department to develop and to complete Job Safety Analysis and HIRA on an as needed basis for compliance to system requirements Assist the other department understand the current SHE System Distributed the documents and any records is kept accordance with system requirements Collect any suggestion and any input according the implementation of SHE System Coordinate the safety audits (internal external) plan Record and analyze non compliance audit finding Assist the other department taken the necessary action
  • 6. Provide permit to work and monitor the subcontractor safety awareness and compliance Inspect any activities that related with safety requirement Maintain Five Star in Contamination Control that standardized by Caterpillar, including setup the Training schedule, conduct CC Training, mentoring to guide employment behavior, audit CC, and also making the CC progress report to Company management and Head Office Trakindo Utama Jakarta 1 October 2009 27 February 2010 Clerk at CV. Raya Asih Jaya (Suppliers of goods and services to PT Pertamina Cilacap - Indonesia) Update time sheet all of employee & monitoring Labor utilization. Looking for a price comparison of goods and following a tender process. Ordered the goods and prepare manpower for tender which was won. 3. Certificate of Skill Training 1. PT Trakindo Utama 2012 Courier Exercise 2012 Customer service Excellent 2013 SHE High Level ( SHE Strategy Map, SHE Longterm & shortterm initiative, SHE Organization & Process) 2013 TOT Basic SHE (Introduction Of SHE, SHE Comunication, Risk Management, Industrial Hygine, Fire Prevention, PPE, Electrical Safety, Hot Working Process, Working At Height, Confine Space, Machine Guarding, Lock Out Tag Out & Try Out, SHE- Inspection, Waste Handling, Ergonomic, Working Permit System, Safety Driving) 2013 Incident Investigation 2013 6 Sigma Basic Concept & Methodology 2013 BEI (Behavioral Event Interview Training) 2013 HR for Non HR ( Basic HR Process ) 2013 Effective Presentation Skills 2013 TOT Emergency Management ( Training competency & Tool Management) 2013 BRAVE Training 2013 How to make Project Assignment 2013 High Level Operation (Product Support Strategy, Product Support Business process, Reporting Management) 2013 SHE Management System Process 2013 Principles of Marketing & Sales 2013 Risk Management + JSA Training 2013 Environment: Introduction (Regulation Knowledge, Requirements, & procedure Requirements) 2013 Environmental Documentation 2013 Environmental Toxicology 2013 Waste Management 2013 Environmental Permit 2013 PROPER 2013 TOPS Training for Presentation Skill. 2013 Safety Health & Environment Management & Development Program (SHEMDP)
  • 7. At PT. Trakindo Utama Head Office Jakarta 2014 Behavioral Event Interviewer for promotion to Staff Level 2. PT Freeport Indonesia (QMS) 2012 Field Safety Officer Competency QMS MP 68 2012 Incident Management Statistic Training 4. Experience Skill Familiar and able to develop & implementation FRESH MS, OHSAS 18001, NOSA, Contamination Control Able to lead Department Head for their Objective Target & Plan Develop HIRA DC, Standard Operational Procedure, Job Safety Analysis, Plan Job Observation, Maintain SHE-Accountability Program. As a Master Observation Program Champion to make sure all of Staff level doing Master Observation Program directly to the floor and there is communication with all of employee Have a good skill in Investigation an incident (Injury and Property Damage) Presentation Skill in front of employee & management Manage team work 5. Equipment License 22 Nov 2013 Light Vehicle High Land 6. Qualification Good communication and easy to build relationship. Discipline, honest and confident. Able to work well both individual and team work. Excellent work under pressure. Understand and able to operate computer ( Ms. Office, Ms. Outlook, SAP Business Object Review, Incident Management System) Good in English both written and oral. 7. Contact Person as Reference Andrew Law as PT Trakindo Utama Service Superintendent (Expat) Email: Andrew_Law@fmi.com Rafael Sabon as PT Trakindo Utama SHE Superintendent (Acting) Email : Rafael_Sabon@fmi.com I certify that all the statement above is true and complete. Sincerely Yours, Noverto Marlin Sitohang