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Dubai, (UAE. +971-528901372) (Jordan. +962-77 514 2215) qzoabi@yahoo.com
Summary of Qualifications:
 >20 years accumulated experience and qualifications.
 Dialysis: Business Development.
 Management & Leadership. ((certificates available upon request)).
 Marketing & Sales skills, and (long experience in Baxter co).
 Specialist in Peritoneal Dialysis.
 Education: Teaching and Training skills. (certificates) & Train the trainers.
 Excellent renal and critical care Saudi market knowledge.
 Presentation skills (professional, long experience as a lecturer, speaker - national and
international congresses.
 Communication skills- Excellent & effective (ability to transfer knowledge)
 Have Creativity, Integrity, Adaptability, Continuous Improvement, Vision
 Results Oriented, Business savvy, Customer Orientation
 Superior computer and documentation skills.
 Merit in sales and marketing campaigns.
1. MBA: 2014 Torrens University Australia/ Chifley Business School, ID# 875705.
((Master of Business Administration (MBA)) with Major focus on International
Fully accredited with the (TEQSA) Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency -
Australia. http://www.teqsa.gov.au/national-register/provider/search/%20?page=2
MBA Programs Completed:
1. Management Perspective
2. Business Law
3. Marketing
4. Leadership
5. Project Management
6. Operations Management
7. International Business Strategy
8. Managing Information Systems
9. Financial Management
10. Finance- Economic Decision Making
11. Strategic Management
12. Contemporary People Management
University of Jordan / Faculty of Nursing 1995.
Work Experience >20 years:
 Manager Dialysis Business. 1.3.2014  01.09.2016: -
at Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Supplies, United Arab Emirates.
My Major role: Business Development from scratch: Establish, Lead & Develop a new
Dialysis business:
o Establish new department/ Dialysis department.
o Built new Team. (Sales, Clinical/Application, Biomedical etc.)
o Built products range. Seek globally- manufacturers/ suppliers.
o Negotiate agreements with manufacturers and sign the final contract (inclusive all
Agreement terms, i.e. payment terms, Inco-terms, Exclusiveness, Targets, etc.
o Products Registration in MOH.
o Market Analysis/ Competitors Analysis.
o Marketing Strategies. (planning & implementation)
o Business/Sales Strategies.
o Closing Deals with Customers (KOLs & KDMs)
o Grow and Maintain successful business.
 Manager Medical Disposable Division. 1.3.2013 - 1.3.2014: - (Cardiology, Urology, Wound
Care, Surgical and other general products) Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Supplies, UAE.
 Country Clinical Manager. 2011 - 28.2.2013: - (Baxter/ Saudi)
(Baxter Healthcare -Saudi JV- Olayan Group /Arabian Health Care Supply Co (Baxter
Company Limited) (Business focus- Peritoneal Dialysis)
(Healthcare Business, Sales, Marketing, Education & Training)
(Details available when required)
 2010: Product Manager & Education Manager. (Peritoneal Dialysis)
(Baxter Healthcare -Saudi JV- Olayan Group /Arabian Health Care Supply Co (Baxter
Company Limited)
 2009 - 2010: Senior Therapy Coordinator (Peritoneal Dialysis) (Baxter Healthcare -Saudi JV-
Olayan Group /Arabian Health Care Supply Co (Baxter Company Limited)
 2005 - 2009: Senior Clinical Co-ordinator- Salesman (Peritoneal Dialysis)/Arabian Health
Care Supply Co/ Olayan Group /
Key Achievements
 Frequently earn recognition for top sales performance.
 Opening new accounts and growing the business.
Key Roles:
 Meetings/ sales calls with new and established clients and perform sales presentations that
provide clients with information about Baxter renal services and products.
 Follow up with (KDMs /KOLs) key decision Makers and key opinion leaders to answer
questions and resolve concerns.
 Train end users and medical professionals by performing mass presentations.
 Generate referrals and build inter hospitals relationships with each region.
 close sales/deals by signing contracts.
 2000  2004 (31.12.2004) PERITONEAL DIALYSIS (PD) COORDINATOR/ Security Forces
Hospital / Kingdom Saudi Arabia.
 1998 - 2000: RN1-Bilingual; at Security Forces Hospital / Kingdom Saudi Arabia.
Senior Registered Nurse. RN1 (IN CHARGE of the unit);
 Oncology/Haematology, Chemotherapy Administration.
 Nephrology, Post Kidney Transplant, Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis (IPD),
Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), Home Choice PRO (Automated
PD System).
 2nd March 1996 22 November 1997: RN1 (IN CHARGE of the unit) ICU, CCU, CSICUAt
THE SPECIALTY HOSPITAL (Doctors Specialty Hospital)
Advanced Education/Training: *(details & Certificates available upon request)
 People Leadership
 Supervisory Skills
 Sales Training
 Speaker, Lecturer, Faculty member (congresses & events)
 Train the Trainers
 UK: multi Training Programmes.
CME's More than 150 CME's: *(details & Certificates available upon request)
EACCME : European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education
SCCME : Saudi Council for Health Specialties
(More details & certificates available upon request)
References: (more references available upon request)
 ANDREW FREEMAN; Sales & Marketing Manager EMEA; NIKKISO Europe GmbH, Desbrocksriede 1/30855
Langenhagen/ tel: +49-(0)511-679999-104 | fax: 0511 679999-11 | Mobile: +49-173-547-34-64
e-mail: a.freeman@nikkiso-europe.eu | web: www.nikkiso-europe.eu
 TUNCER OYMAK, Export Manager, FARMASOL TIBB聴 RNLER SAN. ve T聴C. A../ Organize Sanayi
B旦lgesi 18. Cad. NO: 7 Melikgazi/KAYSER聴 TURKEY / Tel: +90 352 321 3333/ Mobile1: +90 532 526
1352 / Mobile1: +90 546 526 1352 /www.farmasol.com.tr
 Talal Mobayed /Group Business Unit Manager /Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Supplies LLC
PO Box 6196, Dubai, United Arab Emirates / |M : +971 50 6550915| F : +971 4 2690612/
(more references available upon request)

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CV . Qasim 1 2016

  • 1. CV QASSEM NAEEM AL-ZOABI Dubai, (UAE. +971-528901372) (Jordan. +962-77 514 2215) qzoabi@yahoo.com https://ae.linkedin.com/in/qasim-alzoabi-747b663a Summary of Qualifications: >20 years accumulated experience and qualifications. Dialysis: Business Development. Management & Leadership. ((certificates available upon request)). Marketing & Sales skills, and (long experience in Baxter co). Specialist in Peritoneal Dialysis. Education: Teaching and Training skills. (certificates) & Train the trainers. Excellent renal and critical care Saudi market knowledge. Presentation skills (professional, long experience as a lecturer, speaker - national and international congresses. Communication skills- Excellent & effective (ability to transfer knowledge) Have Creativity, Integrity, Adaptability, Continuous Improvement, Vision Results Oriented, Business savvy, Customer Orientation Superior computer and documentation skills. Merit in sales and marketing campaigns. Education 1. MBA: 2014 Torrens University Australia/ Chifley Business School, ID# 875705. ((Master of Business Administration (MBA)) with Major focus on International Management)) Fully accredited with the (TEQSA) Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency - Australia. http://www.teqsa.gov.au/national-register/provider/search/%20?page=2 MBA Programs Completed: 1. Management Perspective 2. Business Law 3. Marketing 4. Leadership 5. Project Management 6. Operations Management 7. International Business Strategy 8. Managing Information Systems 9. Financial Management 10. Finance- Economic Decision Making 11. Strategic Management 12. Contemporary People Management 2. BSC, BACHELOR OF SCIENSE IN NURSING, University of Jordan / Faculty of Nursing 1995.
  • 2. Work Experience >20 years: Manager Dialysis Business. 1.3.2014 01.09.2016: - at Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Supplies, United Arab Emirates. www.almazrouimedical.ae My Major role: Business Development from scratch: Establish, Lead & Develop a new Dialysis business: o Establish new department/ Dialysis department. o Built new Team. (Sales, Clinical/Application, Biomedical etc.) o Built products range. Seek globally- manufacturers/ suppliers. o Negotiate agreements with manufacturers and sign the final contract (inclusive all Agreement terms, i.e. payment terms, Inco-terms, Exclusiveness, Targets, etc. o Products Registration in MOH. o Market Analysis/ Competitors Analysis. o Marketing Strategies. (planning & implementation) o Business/Sales Strategies. o Closing Deals with Customers (KOLs & KDMs) o Grow and Maintain successful business. Manager Medical Disposable Division. 1.3.2013 - 1.3.2014: - (Cardiology, Urology, Wound Care, Surgical and other general products) Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Supplies, UAE. Country Clinical Manager. 2011 - 28.2.2013: - (Baxter/ Saudi) (Baxter Healthcare -Saudi JV- Olayan Group /Arabian Health Care Supply Co (Baxter Company Limited) (Business focus- Peritoneal Dialysis) (Healthcare Business, Sales, Marketing, Education & Training) (Details available when required) 2010: Product Manager & Education Manager. (Peritoneal Dialysis) (Baxter Healthcare -Saudi JV- Olayan Group /Arabian Health Care Supply Co (Baxter Company Limited) 2009 - 2010: Senior Therapy Coordinator (Peritoneal Dialysis) (Baxter Healthcare -Saudi JV- Olayan Group /Arabian Health Care Supply Co (Baxter Company Limited) 2005 - 2009: Senior Clinical Co-ordinator- Salesman (Peritoneal Dialysis)/Arabian Health Care Supply Co/ Olayan Group / Key Achievements Frequently earn recognition for top sales performance. Opening new accounts and growing the business. Key Roles: Meetings/ sales calls with new and established clients and perform sales presentations that provide clients with information about Baxter renal services and products.
  • 3. Follow up with (KDMs /KOLs) key decision Makers and key opinion leaders to answer questions and resolve concerns. Train end users and medical professionals by performing mass presentations. Generate referrals and build inter hospitals relationships with each region. close sales/deals by signing contracts. 2000 2004 (31.12.2004) PERITONEAL DIALYSIS (PD) COORDINATOR/ Security Forces Hospital / Kingdom Saudi Arabia. 1998 - 2000: RN1-Bilingual; at Security Forces Hospital / Kingdom Saudi Arabia. Senior Registered Nurse. RN1 (IN CHARGE of the unit); Oncology/Haematology, Chemotherapy Administration. Nephrology, Post Kidney Transplant, Intermittent Peritoneal Dialysis (IPD), Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD), Home Choice PRO (Automated PD System). 2nd March 1996 22 November 1997: RN1 (IN CHARGE of the unit) ICU, CCU, CSICUAt THE SPECIALTY HOSPITAL (Doctors Specialty Hospital) Advanced Education/Training: *(details & Certificates available upon request) People Leadership Supervisory Skills Sales Training Speaker, Lecturer, Faculty member (congresses & events) Train the Trainers UK: multi Training Programmes. CME's More than 150 CME's: *(details & Certificates available upon request) EACCME : European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education SCCME : Saudi Council for Health Specialties (More details & certificates available upon request) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References: (more references available upon request) ANDREW FREEMAN; Sales & Marketing Manager EMEA; NIKKISO Europe GmbH, Desbrocksriede 1/30855 Langenhagen/ tel: +49-(0)511-679999-104 | fax: 0511 679999-11 | Mobile: +49-173-547-34-64 e-mail: a.freeman@nikkiso-europe.eu | web: www.nikkiso-europe.eu TUNCER OYMAK, Export Manager, FARMASOL TIBB聴 RNLER SAN. ve T聴C. A../ Organize Sanayi B旦lgesi 18. Cad. NO: 7 Melikgazi/KAYSER聴 TURKEY / Tel: +90 352 321 3333/ Mobile1: +90 532 526 1352 / Mobile1: +90 546 526 1352 /www.farmasol.com.tr Talal Mobayed /Group Business Unit Manager /Al Mazroui Medical & Chemical Supplies LLC PO Box 6196, Dubai, United Arab Emirates / |M : +971 50 6550915| F : +971 4 2690612/ www.almazrouimedical.ae (more references available upon request)