Petri Tuominen has extensive experience researching and teaching social and cultural anthropology. He holds a PhD from the University of Helsinki and has worked on research projects focused on topics like urban spaces in Istanbul, leadership ethics, and the Swedish-speaking population in Finland. He regularly publishes articles, reports, and books and frequently presents at international conferences.
This curriculum vitae outlines the education and experience of Pekka Tuominen, an anthropologist born in 1977. He holds a PhD candidate from the University of Helsinki and has worked on various research projects there as well as for the Finnish Innovation Fund. His research focuses on topics like emerging ethical leadership, social media and value creation, and constructions of Muslim spaces. He has published articles on these topics and teaches occasionally as an adjunct professor.
Jasmina Topi is a Serbian poet, writer, and editor born in 1977 in Panevo, Serbia. She holds an MA in Serbian language and literature from Belgrade University. Topi has published five poetry books and works in prose and essays. She edits the literary magazines "Kvartal" and "Najbolja" and has received several awards for her writing. Topi is actively involved in the Serbian and international literary communities through residencies, festivals, translations, and cultural projects. She works as a professor of Serbian language and literature.
This document announces a weekend event to plan the Transeuropa Weekend festival across multiple European cities. The event will include discussions on developing economic alternatives and engaging young people in discussions on European citizenship. Participants will work on common activities, workshops, and an artistic program for the festival. They will also discuss communication strategies and design for promoting the transnational event. The document provides an agenda for the weekend with topics such as festival planning, a transnational walk, and next steps for the project.
This document outlines the schedule and activities for a 3-day project meeting in Helsinki, Finland between partners of an ERASMUS+ partnership aimed at preventing and addressing bullying in European schools. The schedule includes workshops on anti-bullying programs, trust-building activities, lectures on psychological aspects of bullying, guided tours of Helsinki and its landmarks, and a student music festival to close the visit. Teachers and students participate in separate and joint sessions to share experiences and creative approaches to anti-bullying work.
Kimmo Lehtonen has extensive experience in visual culture and photography. He has worked as the Director of the Centre for Creative Photography in Jyv辰skyl辰, Finland, where he curated exhibitions and planned cultural programs and publications. He has also worked as a lecturer at the University of Jyv辰skyl辰 for over 20 years, where he managed interdisciplinary programs in areas such as digital culture. Lehtonen has an international network of contacts and has participated in conferences worldwide, presenting on topics related to photography, media, and culture. He has experience curating numerous exhibitions in Finland and abroad.
This curriculum vitae is for Manukyan Ruzanna, born on August 9, 1991. She received a Master's degree in Russian Philology from Yerevan State University in 2014 and a Bachelor's degree in the same subject from YSU in 2012. Her work experience includes freelance writing, translating, and teaching Russian from 2009 to 2015. She has also held positions at various organizations including a call center, news agency, and political consulting firm from 2012 to 2013. Ruzanna has participated in several seminars on topics like student involvement, leadership, and English language.
I am very fond of complexity thinking these days. It provides a refreshing alternative for people planning interventions and conducting evaluation in humanitarian and development aid.
Sven Hessle is a professor emeritus of social work at Stockholm University in Sweden. He has over 45 years of experience in social work education and research, focusing on family and child welfare in poverty areas around the world. Hessle has authored over 40 books and numerous research articles. He has held visiting professor positions around the world and received several international awards for his contributions to the field of social work.
Robert L. Fulton Jr. is a Fulbright scholar and owner of a translation company. He has over 20 years of experience teaching English and translating between multiple languages. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Texas at Austin and is fluent in Dutch, German, Italian and French in addition to English. He has taught at universities in Belgium, India, and Italy and has worked as an editor for various publications.
I am very fond of complexity thinking these days. It provides a refreshing alternative for people planning interventions and conducting evaluation in humanitarian and development aid.
Sven Hessle is a professor emeritus of social work at Stockholm University in Sweden. He has over 45 years of experience in social work education and research, focusing on family and child welfare in poverty areas around the world. Hessle has authored over 40 books and numerous research articles. He has held visiting professor positions around the world and received several international awards for his contributions to the field of social work.
Robert L. Fulton Jr. is a Fulbright scholar and owner of a translation company. He has over 20 years of experience teaching English and translating between multiple languages. He holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Texas at Austin and is fluent in Dutch, German, Italian and French in addition to English. He has taught at universities in Belgium, India, and Italy and has worked as an editor for various publications.
Sebastian Wilke is a librarian from Berlin, Germany who currently works at the Qatar National Library. He received his Master's degree in Library and Information Science and Musicology from Humboldt-Universit辰t zu Berlin in 2012. At Qatar National Library, his responsibilities include reference services, collection development, outreach activities, and coordinating public programs. He is actively involved in professional associations through committee work, presentations, and publications on topics like new professionals, international collaboration, and library services in Qatar.
1. Tobias H端binette is an expert on issues related to international adoption and representations of adopted Koreans. He has authored several monographs and edited publications on this topic.
2. Some of his publications include monographs on representations of international adoption and adopted Koreans in Korean popular culture from 2006 and 2008. He has also authored or co-authored reports on topics such as demography of immigrant populations in Sweden.
3. In addition to authored works, H端binette has contributed chapters to various edited books, and edited several publications, focusing on issues related to international adoption, representations of ethnic minorities, and racism.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Rane Willerslev, a professor of anthropology at the University of Aarhus. It summarizes his educational background, including a PhD from Cambridge University and a Master's from the University of Manchester. It also outlines his extensive experience in leadership roles at museums and universities, as well as his research focusing on indigenous peoples in Siberia and Uganda. His work examines topics like human-animal relations, anthropological theory, and the interface between anthropology and other fields.
This document is Dagny Stuedahl's curriculum vitae from October 2015. It summarizes her personal and employment information, education history, research projects and grants, publications, and conference participation from 1996 to the present. Stuedahl is currently a professor at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences who specializes in digital media, cultural heritage, and participatory design. Some of her most notable research projects involve using digital tools to engage youth and the public in museums.
Predstavljanje asopisa "Komunikacija i kultura online" na Univerzitetu u Torinu oktobra 2014. godine, povodom objavljivanja specijalnog izdanja "Komunikacije i kulture online".
Sujay Rao Mandavilli is an IT professional and anthropologist who founded the Institute for the Study of the Globalisation of Science. He has published extensively on topics including language dynamics, historiography, theories of socio-cultural change, identity theory, and Indo-European studies. The document provides biographical information on Mandavilli and lists his academic qualifications, publications, membership in professional organizations, and areas of research expertise.
Sujay Rao Mandavilli is an IT professional and anthropologist who founded the Institute for the Study of the Globalisation of Science. He has published extensively on topics including language dynamics, historiography, theories of socio-cultural change, identity theory, and Indo-European studies. The document provides biographical information on Mandavilli and lists his academic qualifications, publications, membership in professional organizations, and areas of research expertise.
Sujay Rao Mandavilli is an IT professional and anthropologist who founded the Institute for the Study of the Globalisation of Science. He has published extensively on topics including language dynamics, historiography, theories of socio-cultural change, identity theory, and Indo-European studies. The document provides biographical information on Mandavilli and lists his academic qualifications, publications, membership in professional organizations, and areas of research expertise.
Creative Incubators: Potential for the Developmet of Citiesmind(21)factory
The document summarizes an international seminar on creative incubators and their potential to develop cities. The seminar aims to introduce functioning incubator models from Europe and discuss strategies for establishing incubators and supporting small and medium enterprises. It will bring together local partners from Ko邸ice, Slovakia and speakers from Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Slovakia to discuss experiences from other cities and Ko邸ice's vision for creative industries as the 2013 European Capital of Culture. The half-day event will include lectures, panel discussions, and an open discussion on incubators and their role in developing creative economies.
Sujay Rao Mandavilli is an IT professional and anthropologist who founded the Institute for the Study of the Globalisation of Science. He has published extensively on topics including language dynamics, historiography, theories of socio-cultural change, identity theory, and Indo-European studies. He believes that incorporating diverse perspectives from around the world can lead to improved social science theories and greater scientific output globally.
Block 1.1: Building connectivities through institutions.
Susanne Boersma & Elisabeth Tietmeyer (Stiftung Preuischer Kulturbesitz, Germany): Collaboration and incorporation of vulnerable groups in professional participatory memory work.
Rewriting the Classroom and the City: A Curriculum in Translation and Linguis...Dave Malinowski
This document outlines a project called "Translate New Haven" which aims to encourage students and residents in New Haven, CT to imagine and create a more multilingual city through translation of signage and other language resources. The project involves students in various activities designed to build awareness of the linguistic diversity in New Haven, develop skills in reading language in public spaces, and produce tangible multilingual resources through translation. Some key activities include surveying home and school languages, reading meanings and audiences of existing signs, and creating new multilingual signs and maps through the process of translation. The overall goal is to enrich civic life in New Haven by making public spaces more multilingually inclusive and accessible to diverse communities.
This document summarizes research done for a final bachelor project on designing a cultural bridge between two cultures. It discusses definitions of culture, how to get in touch with other cultures through openness and respect, and the challenges of exchanging cultural values through a workshop with students from different backgrounds. The workshop aimed to develop tools to examine cultural differences but clashes occurred due to different communication styles. Exchanging values was found to be a long-term process requiring adaptation, and this influenced the design of an installation to stimulate social cohesion.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Hilary A. Braysmith, an interim art department chair and associate professor. It outlines her professional goals, highlights from her CV, and details her education and employment history, as well as her extensive scholarship, teaching experience, and community service. Notable achievements include developing an innovative public art project called "Sculpt EVV" and receiving over $191,000 in research grants.
An overview of the programme, participants, process and projects behind AFFECT' Second Edition, summer 2015.
AFFECT is a Program for Collaborative Artistic Practices in Berlin initiated by Agora Collective e.V.
1. Curriculum Vitae | March 2014
Address: Ystadsgatan 16, 214 24 Malm旦, Sweden
Date of Birth: 11.12.1977
Ph.D. Candidate, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
M.Soc.Sc, Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Helsinki
BA, Anthropology and Communication Studies, Goldsmiths College,
University of London
Matriculation Examination, Sibelius-lukio
Work & Research Experience
Visiting Researcher, Centre for Middle Eastern Studies (CMES),
University of Lund
Svenska Kulturfonden, Project Manager & Researcher (FebJuly),
Arjen rytmit suomenruotsalaisuuden ilment辰jin辰 ja muokkaajina
(Everyday Rhythms Expressing and Transforming Practices of the
Swedish-Speaking Finns)
Sitra Finnish Innovation Fund, Researcher & Workshop Organizer
(Aug-Sep), Kokeilujen maaseutu (Meanings of the countryside)
University of Helsinki, Adjunct teacher
Aalto Design Factory, Anthropology Lecturer & Workshop Organizer
Suomen Antropologi: Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, Book
review editor
Sitra Finnish Innovation Fund, Researcher (MaySep),
Research report: Johtajuuden uudet eetokset (Emerging Ethical
2. 2010-2011
Sitra Finnish Innovation Fund, Project Manager & Researcher (2010 Sep
2011 Mar) Research project: Arvoa sosiaalisista medioista (Social Media
and Value Creation)
The Academy of Finland, Member of the research project:What makes a
good Muslim? Complexities of moral practice and subjectivity in the age of
global Islam
Finnish Anthropological Society, Event and conference organizer
Freelance English teaching assignments in Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Iran
and Turkey
F-Musiikki, Acoustic instruments salesperson (part-time)
Ohjelmallinen kulttuurin ja designin edist辰minen kaupungeissa
(Programmatic Approaches to Culture and Design in Cities), peer-reviewed
article and guest editor for a theme issue, Yhdyskuntasuunnittelu: The
Finnish Journal of Urban Studies, (2014)
Arjen rytmit suomenruotsalaisuuden ilment辰jin辰 ja muokkaajina (Everyday
Rhythms Expressing and Transforming Practices of the Swedish-Speaking
Finns), research report, Svenska Kulturfonden, (2014)
The Clash of values across Symbolic Boundaries: Claims of Urban Space
in Contemporary Istanbul, peer-reviewed article, Contemporary Islam, Vol.
7, Issue 1., pp. 33-51
Erkki Kauppila: lehtimies ja eurokommunisti, biographical book, co-editor
with Noora Kauppila, PK1
Fragments of Lost Origins: Authenticity, Community and the Ottoman
Empire in Contemporary Istanbul, research report, Suomen Antropologi:
Journal of the Finnish Anthropological Society, Vol. 36, Issue 1., pp 4556
Overview of Key Roles in Recent Workshops & Conferences
Aug 2014
WOCMES Ankara, Speaker: Visual Environment as a Valued Social Order:
Aesthetic Practices and Cultural Intimacy in the Beyolu District of
July 2014
13th EASA Biennial Conference Tallinn, Speaker: Collective Future of
Istanbul: Bridging Moral Spaces with Design Experiments
Sep 2013
The Ninth Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies, Lund, Speaker:
Urban Boundaries and Contextual Values in Contemporary Istanbul
3. Apr 2013
Finnish Urban Studies Days, Turku, Session Chair: Art and Design as Tools
of Urban Transformation
Feb 2013
Aalto Design Factory, Organizer: Gift & co-creation workshop, for EM-Lyon
Business School (also Feb 2012)
Oct 2012
Swedish Institute of Istanbul, Speaker: Moral communities, conflict of
values and symbolic boundaries in contemporary Istanbul
Feb 2012
Aalto Design Factory, Organizer: The Social Life of Things workshop for
IDBM course
Oct 2011
Finnish Anthropology Conference, Helsinki, Session Chair: Spatial
practices and belonging in the contemporary Islamic world
Sep 2011
Aalto Design Factory, Organizer: Value & Human Economy workshop for
IPD and IDBM courses
May 2011
Planning for People Symposium, co-organized by Aalto University &
University of Helsinki, Discussant
Oct 2011
Finnish Anthropology Conference, Helsinki, Speaker: Fragments of lost
origins: authenticity, community and the Ottoman Empire in contemporary
July 2010
WOCMES Barcelona, Speaker: Enter the modern: authenticity, spatial
boundaries and the Islamic self in the Beyolu district of Istanbul
Apr 2010
Helsinki Collegium of Advanced Studies International Workshop, Speaker:
Constructions of Muslim spaces in the Beyolu district of Istanbul
Positions of trust and activities in society
The Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (NSM), Member of the
Language skills & international experience
Finnish: Native speaker, English: Excellent, Turkish: Good, Swedish: Good, Bahasa
Indonesia: Basic, German: Basic
Travelled widely with extensive research and work stays in Turkey (18 months),
Indonesia (8 months), India (6 months), Malaysia (3 months)