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Curriculum Vitae
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INFORMAO PESSOAL Artur Carlos Mour達o Loureiro
Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 38, C/V esq , 1700-033 Lisboa(Portugal)
+351 969 072 465
Sexo Masculino | Nacionalidade Portuguesa
1995  1996 Technical school of image and communication
ETIC- Escola de Tecnologias e Inova巽達o e Comunica巽達o, Lisboa (Portugal)
Training Camera operator and Lighting camera
1993  1994 First Year of Technical College Industrial Electronics and
ANFEI, Lisboa (Portugal)
2003  Presente Managing Partner and Creative Director at 2000ciclos audiovisuais
Creative direction , production and execution of commercials and institutional
Currently AFP correspondent Agence France Presse
Director of corporate films for Siemens
Filmmaker promotional films for Sacoor Brothers
Filmmaker to BES - Bes Innovation
Director and Filmmaker and shoot to World Cup Football 2010
Director of Outdoor Pictures - Children's Program for RTP - "The Island of Colors "
Solution implementation and technical activities , creative and operational
Filmmaker reporter and documentary image making Uefa Cup 2005
Filmmaker and Reporter Photo euro 2006 " Portugal under 21 "
2002  2003 Founder, Managing Partner and Creative Director of the Company
2000 Ciclos Audiovisuais, Lisboa (Portugal)
Establishment of the company and making promotional films
2001  2002 Camera Operator ENG and Camera Director SIC TV
Endemol Entertainment, Lisboa (Portugal)
Director and Filmmaker TV program
1997  2001 News camera operator Portuguese TV Channel RTP
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R叩dio Televis達o Portuguesa, Lisboa (Portugal)
1995  1997 Camera Operador ENG and EFP
Endemol, Sonotech, Valentim de Carvalho, F叩brica de Imagens, Teresa Guilherme, Bambu,
Panavideo,D&D Audiovisuais, Lisboa (Portugal)
Camera operator Free Lancer ENG e EFP
1993  1995 Image assistant / Camera operator
Produ巽探es Panavideo, Lisboa (Portugal)
Operador de C但mera Free Lancer ENG e Est炭dio
Mother tongue(s) Portuguese
Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Reading Spoken interaction
ingl棚s B2 C1 B1 C2 B2
espanhol B1 B2 A2 B1 A2
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills Good skills in argumentation and communication. Assertiveness and persuasion. Good social insight
and ease of adaptation to groups and situations. Very easily to adapt to multicultural environments,
Acquired in travels and experiences abroad.
Organisational / managerial skills High capacity for self-criticism and self evaluation. Good organizational skills and labor planning.
Leadership ability. Good project management and ideas.
Job-related skills Director Tv/Video and advertising
Audiovisual editing - conceptualisation and execution.
Image composition and special effects.
Photography and Lighting Video.
Computer skills
Operation of various types of camcorders. General knowledge of Windows, MacOS X environments.
Basic knowledge of maintenance and repair of hardware. Knowledge of specific software: non-linear
editing: Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas, Edius GrassValley; composition and
effects: Adobe After Effects, Autodesk Combustion, Sound: Sony Soundforge, Sony Acid; Creating
DVDs: Sony DVD Architect, Apple DVD Studio Pro, image manipulation: Adobe Photoshop,
Driving licence A and B

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 1 / 2 INFORMAO PESSOAL Artur Carlos Mour達o Loureiro Av. Almirante Gago Coutinho, 38, C/V esq , 1700-033 Lisboa(Portugal) +351 969 072 465 arturloureiro@netcabo.pt www.2000ciclos.com Sexo Masculino | Nacionalidade Portuguesa WORK EXPERIENCE WORK EXPERIENCE JOB APPLIED FOR POSITION PREFERRED JOB STUDIES APPLIED FOR 1995 1996 Technical school of image and communication ETIC- Escola de Tecnologias e Inova巽達o e Comunica巽達o, Lisboa (Portugal) Training Camera operator and Lighting camera 1993 1994 First Year of Technical College Industrial Electronics and telecommunications ANFEI, Lisboa (Portugal) 2003 Presente Managing Partner and Creative Director at 2000ciclos audiovisuais Creative direction , production and execution of commercials and institutional Currently AFP correspondent Agence France Presse Director of corporate films for Siemens Filmmaker promotional films for Sacoor Brothers Filmmaker to BES - Bes Innovation Director and Filmmaker and shoot to World Cup Football 2010 Director of Outdoor Pictures - Children's Program for RTP - "The Island of Colors " Solution implementation and technical activities , creative and operational Filmmaker reporter and documentary image making Uefa Cup 2005 Filmmaker and Reporter Photo euro 2006 " Portugal under 21 " 2002 2003 Founder, Managing Partner and Creative Director of the Company 2000 Ciclos Audiovisuais, Lisboa (Portugal) Establishment of the company and making promotional films 2001 2002 Camera Operator ENG and Camera Director SIC TV Endemol Entertainment, Lisboa (Portugal) Director and Filmmaker TV program 1997 2001 News camera operator Portuguese TV Channel RTP
  • 2. Curriculum Vitae Replace with First name(s) Surname(s) 息 European Union, 2002-2013 | http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu Page 2 / 2 PERSONAL SKILLS R叩dio Televis達o Portuguesa, Lisboa (Portugal) 1995 1997 Camera Operador ENG and EFP Endemol, Sonotech, Valentim de Carvalho, F叩brica de Imagens, Teresa Guilherme, Bambu, Panavideo,D&D Audiovisuais, Lisboa (Portugal) Camera operator Free Lancer ENG e EFP 1993 1995 Image assistant / Camera operator Produ巽探es Panavideo, Lisboa (Portugal) Operador de C但mera Free Lancer ENG e Est炭dio Mother tongue(s) Portuguese Other language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING WRITING Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Reading Spoken interaction ingl棚s B2 C1 B1 C2 B2 espanhol B1 B2 A2 B1 A2 Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Communication skills Good skills in argumentation and communication. Assertiveness and persuasion. Good social insight and ease of adaptation to groups and situations. Very easily to adapt to multicultural environments, Acquired in travels and experiences abroad. Organisational / managerial skills High capacity for self-criticism and self evaluation. Good organizational skills and labor planning. Leadership ability. Good project management and ideas. Job-related skills Director Tv/Video and advertising Audiovisual editing - conceptualisation and execution. Image composition and special effects. Photography and Lighting Video. Computer skills Operation of various types of camcorders. General knowledge of Windows, MacOS X environments. Basic knowledge of maintenance and repair of hardware. Knowledge of specific software: non-linear editing: Adobe Premiere Pro, Apple Final Cut Pro, Sony Vegas, Edius GrassValley; composition and effects: Adobe After Effects, Autodesk Combustion, Sound: Sony Soundforge, Sony Acid; Creating DVDs: Sony DVD Architect, Apple DVD Studio Pro, image manipulation: Adobe Photoshop, Driving licence A and B