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John Pennington
21 Church Street.
Date of Birth:08/06/54
Tel:+44 (0) 1803 850251
UK mob: +44(0)7882763896. UAE mob: +971 (0)506381449. Iraq mob: +964 (0)7826992570 Skype:penytin
Skill Summary
A wide range of on/offshore experience in heavy equipment maintenance & commissioning. Managing & supervising
day-to-day preventive maintenance to improve reliability & fully utilise downtime. Simplify or initiate systemised
overhaul programmes. Prepare & co-ordinate daily work activities in the field & workshops. Training mechanics &
helpersincorrecttroubleshooting&maintenance techniquesincludingsafety&permit towork procedures. Evaluate &
rectify records of spare parts to justify the financial commitment held in stock levels. I am an experienced rotating
equipment engineer fully conversant with the following equipment including:
Ruston,Solar,Kongsberg&GE/NuovoPignoni gasturbines;Mitsubishi &Westinghouse combinedcycle, Westinghouse,
Parsons & De Laval steam turbines. Lufkin, Maag & Philadelphia gearboxes. United, Dresser, Borg Warner, Weirs,
Goulds, Union, Gabionetta & OMG centrifugal pumps, Gallaretesi, Texsteam, Union, Ingersol-Rand & Wilson Snyder
reciprocating pumps. Superior, Ajax, Worthington, Arial, Nuovo Pignoni & Ingersoll-Rand reciprocating compressors.
Superior, Caterpillar, Waukesha, Allen diesel/gas engines, & all ancillary equipment.
Education and Training
1969 - 1970 Apprentice General Engineering.
1970 - 1971 General EngineeringG1,(Grade 2)
1971 - 1973 City& GuildsEngineeringMaintenance - passwithCredit
1973 - 1974 City& GuildsEngineeringMaintenance Endorsement- passwithCredit
WaukeshaGas Engine Technologyfactorylicencecertificated
WaukeshaVHP Technology factorylicence certificated
WaukeshaESM Technology factorylicence certificated
WaukeshaAPG2000/3000 Technologyfactorylicence certificated
AltronicGTI installation
VariousSafetyProcedure CoursesrelatedtoPetro-Chemical Industry
Offshore survival,basicfirstaid&fire fightingcourses
Computer Literacy.
Word, Excel,PowerPoint,Immpower,Emma Reflection,BusinessObjectsetc.
Employment History
April 2013  Present Turbine EfficiencyLtd
(Contractedto) Sulzer/Unaoil/BP-ROO,Iraq
Lead Turbine Engineer
CurrentlyemployedasLeadTurbine Engineer,ourteamis responsible forremoval,refurbishment/upgrade of 21 Ruston
TA 1750 gas turbines, drivingMather& Pratt crude oil flow-line pumpsforBP-ROOOil CompanyontheirRumaila de-
September 2010  December2013 Wasco EngineeringInternational Ltd,Dubai
(formallyGas ServicesInternational Ltd)
CommissioningEngineer/Maintenance Supervisor
Employed as Commissioning engineer working on installation, commissioning & service of Waukesha gas engines /
enginators, Ariel&variousreciprocating/screwcompressorsworldwide, from Dubai office base. Finally contracted to
Utico FZC Ras Al Kaimah, as the maintenance supervisor of their power plant, consisting of 10 x 3 Mw Waukesha APG
3000 enginators & ancillary equipment.
Gas ServicesInternational Ltd, Dubai
Technical Support Manager
Employed under contract, (with a permanent position option) as Technical Support Manager for field operations,
maintenance &commissioningsupportdutiesforGasengine drivenreciprocating/rotary(screw) compressors, both GSI
owned & operated rental, & operator owned units worldwide. Involvement in technical aspects from shop builds
through aforementioned remit, to after sales spares ordering & supply.
October 2009  January 2010 PPS recruitment, Contracted to CrescentPetroleum
Maintenance Supervisor
EmployedasMaintenance SupervisorforKhorMor FieldinKurdistan,(underconstruction)initiallyintheirSharjahU.A.E
office to implement the field maintenance strategy, prepare maintenance procedures from manufacturers
recommendations,forpopulationof CMMS.It was intendedthatshould,following completionof thisremit, to instigate
this system on site & assist with commissioning of the plant. However, the construction work was so far behind
schedule, causing logistical problems on site, that this did not come to fruition.
October 2007  October2009. QuimexSA. (An Exterran Company)
Various locations worldwide
On-site representativeforinstallation,commissioning,maintenance &trouble-shootingof Waukesha/Caterpillar driven
Arial/Dresser-Rand gas compressors, (Exterran packaged units), Waukesha/Caterpillar/Perkins Generator & water
injection packaged units worldwide. In addition, I have been involved in Altronic GTI installations. Waukesha factory
trained & licensed from 2008.
Employment History
February 2005  October2007. Petrofac FacilitiesManagement
Rotating EquipmentEngineer
Reportingtothe Project/Technical Manager,dutiesinclude the development & instigation of maintenance procedures
within the scope of the maintenance management contract. Responsible for planned, corrective & overhaul
maintenance of all rotatingequipmentoperatedinsix crude oil pipe line pumping stations situated between Heglieg &
the crude storage/loadingmarine terminal inPortSudan.LiaisingconstantlywithclientbasedinKhartoum offices, & on
site duringmaintenance,overhaul&root cause analysisof corrective maintenance asrequiredbysite supervisors. Most
recentlytaskedwithinitializationof ConditionBasedMaintenance regime based on manufacturers recommendations,
operational perimeters,vibration & lube oil analysis. The contract is firmly based on operational improvement, with a
strong emphasis on HSE awareness & training.
October 2003  January 2005. Gray Mackenzie OilfieldServicesAFPC/Shell
Omar, Syria
Central Maintenance Senior Supervisor
Reporting directly to the Maintenance Section head, responsible for co-ordination of all activities of the various sub-
sectionsof the central workshops,utilising the IMMPOWER planning system. Provide specialist and general workshop
services & support for repair and overhaul of rotating equipment, valves and heavy oil field equipment. Develop,
implementandmaintainco-ordination,planning&monitoringsystemsandpracticesforall activitiesundertaken within
the various sub-sections of the workshops. Ensure quality workmanship from all workshops through activity
management, application of QA/QC procedures and liaison with customers.
April 2002  June 2003. Dresser Rand
Warri, Nigeria
Site Supervisor
Supervise rehabilitation of Eriemu associated gas compression station for Shell Nigeria. Duties including, rebuild &
installation of Superior Engine / Compressors, Ajax Integral Units, Waukesha Generators. New Ingersol Rand air
compressorpackage,drainsumppumpsystem,control roompanels&cables,& pipingtie-inmodifications executed by
contractors, through discipline supervisors.
Feb2001- April 2002. NES/SiemensWestinghouse
Technical Advisor
Following product training in Orlando, duties include service, warranty & commissioning work in various locations
throughout the U.S.A within the oil and power industries.
Employment History
April 2000 - Jan. 2001. Shanahan EngineeringGE/NuovoPignone/Mitsubishi
Technical Advisor
Overhaul, service &installation of gas/combined cycle turbine units driving generators or gas compressors for various
clients worldwide within the power, oil & gas sectors.
Jan 2000 - March 2000 Dietsmann
Mechanical Supervisor
Maintenance of Dual oil fuel engines(Allen) drivingGenerators & Pipeline pumps (Wiers), Sulzer reciprocating process
pumps,Kudu& Griffinwellheadpumps&associatedequipment at Heglig remote field. Duties including supervision &
training of expatriate & local technicians on site in maintenance, HSE & work permit procedures.
Nov 1998 - Dec 1999 T.P.S.UnimechsBv/Thomassen Engineering
Service Engineer
Supervise ateamof Italianservice techniciansonamaintenance contractof NuovoPignoni compressors and turbines &
Waukesha gas engines for AGIP's national domestic gas pipeline, from Milan to Bologna. Ensure all required tolling,
materials & safety permits were available at work sites.Liase with AGIP production supervisors & sub contractors to
rectify production problems.
Jan 1998 - Nov 1998 Jamah Hunt Oil Co
Republicof Yemen
SeniorMech Technician
Responsible forcommissioning&maintenance of all equipment including Solar turbines, Caterpillar diesel, Waukesha
gas engines, Ajax &Ariel reciprocatinggascompressors,&variouscentrifugal and reciprocating pumps at their Haliwah
remote desert location.
March 1991 - Dec 1997 OverseasTechnical Services/SJEngineering
Rotating EquipmentSpecialist
Inspection/Overhaul rotatingequipment,including: Ruston TA, TB 3000/5000. Solar Saturn & Centaur turbines, United
Centrifugal, Dresser, Borg Warner, Goulds, Union & Peerless centrifugal pumps at Escravos Tank Farm & Offshore/
swamp facilities.
Employment History
March 1990 - March 1991 Creole ProductionServicesInternational
A.C.T. Operators' Group,China
Turbine Technician
Based in H7.26 offshore production platform in the South China Sea, supplying raw crude to an F.P.S.O. via sub-sea
pipelines and detachable S.B.M. Commissioning, operation & maintenance of our Ruston T.B. 5000 gas turbine
generator sets with Rustronic control systems & dual fuel capacity. General mechanical maintenance of gas & air
compressors, centrifugal & reciprocating pumps in addition to OJT of Chinese nationals.
Creole ProductionServicesInternational
Mechanical Supervisor
Maintenance andbreakdownrepairof all rotating& reciprocatingmachines atAbuSannanCondensate Recovery Plant.
Trainingof nationalsinmechanical maintenance andoperation of plant, including: Ruston T.B. 5000 turbine generators
and Delaval compressor units, both with MK2 control systems, Gabionetta, Goulds & O.M.G. centrifugal pumps.
Gallaratesi, Textram & Union reciprocating pumps: Worthington Cub & Ingersol Rand reciprocating gas compressors.
April 1985 - Feb 1990 PacificInternational Oil Services
Amapetco, Egypt
Maintenance Supervisor
Responsible forall maintenance of plantatRas Al Dib G.O.S.P.andoffshore productionplatforms,including: 5000 BOPD,
tankage/production,desalter,glycol,gascompressor,chem, injection,oilywatertreatment and utilities. Work scope to
include: supervision of contractors, materials & training of national personnel.
Pacific International Oil Services
GuisumOil Company
Mechanical Supervisor
Responsible for mechanical all mechanical production plant abroad the F.P.S.O. 'Al Kahera' in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt.
Work scope to include: G.O.S.P.tanks,fire systems,off-loading,utilities, production platform & remote satellite wells.
Supervised work shop, carried out planned & breakdown maintenance.
Pacific International Oil Services
SuezOil Company
Mechanical Supervisor
Supervisedworkshopactivities,andplannedandproductiondirectedbreakdownmaintenance on site, troubleshooting
on and off shore of all rotating plant at Ziet Bay and Ras Fanar oil production facilities: Offshore platforms (4) and
loading (SBM) on shore G.O.S.P. with de-salter trains, tank farm, utilities, de-salinators Etc. Promoted to Department
Head (Mechanical) for on-shore facilities, and seconded to the commissioning team at the LPG plant at Ziet Bay.
Career Summary 1975  1985
April - Oct 84 Al Sagri Trading & Contracting Establishment
Riyadh, KSA.
Utilities & maintenance contract for the Royal Saudi Air Force.
June 82 - Nov 83 Arabian GulfOil Co
Tripoli,Libyan PeoplesJimahiriyah
Gas Turbine (SolarCentaur) Generators, Commissioning&maintenance.
March - May 82 Costain ProcessEngineering& Construction Ltd.
Das Island,Abu Dhabi
Planned maintenance during gas plant shut down.
Aug 80 - Sept 81 Aramco
Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Gas plantcommissioning&maintenanceof gasplant.(directhire)
April 79 - Aug 80 CentraxLtd (GasTurbine Division)
NewtonAbbot, UK
Gas Turbine Generatormanufacture &assembly/packaging.
May 75 - Jan 79 C.A. Parsons Ltd
SteamTurbine powerstationconstruction,installation &commissioning.
1970 - 1975
Employed and indentured as an Apprentice Maintenance Fitter heavy chemical plant. Worked on both planned and
breakdownmaintenance,machineshoppractice andbenchworkinconjunctionwithtechnical collegecourses,followed
by one yearsexperience installingandmaintainingrotatingequipment,pumps, compressors, fans etc from blueprints,
mainly for ICI Plants.
Copies of Indentures, References & Certificates are available.

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  • 1. CURRICULUM VITAE John Pennington OctoberHouse 21 Church Street. BRIXHAM TQ5 8HG SouthDevon EnglandUK Date of Birth:08/06/54 Tel:+44 (0) 1803 850251 UK mob: +44(0)7882763896. UAE mob: +971 (0)506381449. Iraq mob: +964 (0)7826992570 Skype:penytin E-mail:penytin@fastmail.fm Skill Summary A wide range of on/offshore experience in heavy equipment maintenance & commissioning. Managing & supervising day-to-day preventive maintenance to improve reliability & fully utilise downtime. Simplify or initiate systemised overhaul programmes. Prepare & co-ordinate daily work activities in the field & workshops. Training mechanics & helpersincorrecttroubleshooting&maintenance techniquesincludingsafety&permit towork procedures. Evaluate & rectify records of spare parts to justify the financial commitment held in stock levels. I am an experienced rotating equipment engineer fully conversant with the following equipment including: Ruston,Solar,Kongsberg&GE/NuovoPignoni gasturbines;Mitsubishi &Westinghouse combinedcycle, Westinghouse, Parsons & De Laval steam turbines. Lufkin, Maag & Philadelphia gearboxes. United, Dresser, Borg Warner, Weirs, Goulds, Union, Gabionetta & OMG centrifugal pumps, Gallaretesi, Texsteam, Union, Ingersol-Rand & Wilson Snyder reciprocating pumps. Superior, Ajax, Worthington, Arial, Nuovo Pignoni & Ingersoll-Rand reciprocating compressors. Superior, Caterpillar, Waukesha, Allen diesel/gas engines, & all ancillary equipment. Education and Training 1969 - 1970 Apprentice General Engineering. 1970 - 1971 General EngineeringG1,(Grade 2) 1971 - 1973 City& GuildsEngineeringMaintenance - passwithCredit 1973 - 1974 City& GuildsEngineeringMaintenance Endorsement- passwithCredit WaukeshaGas Engine Technologyfactorylicencecertificated WaukeshaVHP Technology factorylicence certificated WaukeshaESM Technology factorylicence certificated WaukeshaAPG2000/3000 Technologyfactorylicence certificated AltronicGTI installation OptlighnLaserAlignmentCourse VariousSafetyProcedure CoursesrelatedtoPetro-Chemical Industry Offshore survival,basicfirstaid&fire fightingcourses VariousVendorCourses Computer Literacy. Word, Excel,PowerPoint,Immpower,Emma Reflection,BusinessObjectsetc.
  • 2. Employment History April 2013 Present Turbine EfficiencyLtd (Contractedto) Sulzer/Unaoil/BP-ROO,Iraq Lead Turbine Engineer CurrentlyemployedasLeadTurbine Engineer,ourteamis responsible forremoval,refurbishment/upgrade of 21 Ruston TA 1750 gas turbines, drivingMather& Pratt crude oil flow-line pumpsforBP-ROOOil CompanyontheirRumaila de- gassingfacilitiesinIraq. September 2010 December2013 Wasco EngineeringInternational Ltd,Dubai (formallyGas ServicesInternational Ltd) CommissioningEngineer/Maintenance Supervisor Employed as Commissioning engineer working on installation, commissioning & service of Waukesha gas engines / enginators, Ariel&variousreciprocating/screwcompressorsworldwide, from Dubai office base. Finally contracted to Utico FZC Ras Al Kaimah, as the maintenance supervisor of their power plant, consisting of 10 x 3 Mw Waukesha APG 3000 enginators & ancillary equipment. Gas ServicesInternational Ltd, Dubai Technical Support Manager Employed under contract, (with a permanent position option) as Technical Support Manager for field operations, maintenance &commissioningsupportdutiesforGasengine drivenreciprocating/rotary(screw) compressors, both GSI owned & operated rental, & operator owned units worldwide. Involvement in technical aspects from shop builds through aforementioned remit, to after sales spares ordering & supply. October 2009 January 2010 PPS recruitment, Contracted to CrescentPetroleum Maintenance Supervisor EmployedasMaintenance SupervisorforKhorMor FieldinKurdistan,(underconstruction)initiallyintheirSharjahU.A.E office to implement the field maintenance strategy, prepare maintenance procedures from manufacturers recommendations,forpopulationof CMMS.It was intendedthatshould,following completionof thisremit, to instigate this system on site & assist with commissioning of the plant. However, the construction work was so far behind schedule, causing logistical problems on site, that this did not come to fruition. October 2007 October2009. QuimexSA. (An Exterran Company) Geneva,Switzerland Various locations worldwide Engine/CompressorSpecialist On-site representativeforinstallation,commissioning,maintenance &trouble-shootingof Waukesha/Caterpillar driven Arial/Dresser-Rand gas compressors, (Exterran packaged units), Waukesha/Caterpillar/Perkins Generator & water injection packaged units worldwide. In addition, I have been involved in Altronic GTI installations. Waukesha factory trained & licensed from 2008.
  • 3. Employment History February 2005 October2007. Petrofac FacilitiesManagement GNPOC Sudan Rotating EquipmentEngineer Reportingtothe Project/Technical Manager,dutiesinclude the development & instigation of maintenance procedures within the scope of the maintenance management contract. Responsible for planned, corrective & overhaul maintenance of all rotatingequipmentoperatedinsix crude oil pipe line pumping stations situated between Heglieg & the crude storage/loadingmarine terminal inPortSudan.LiaisingconstantlywithclientbasedinKhartoum offices, & on site duringmaintenance,overhaul&root cause analysisof corrective maintenance asrequiredbysite supervisors. Most recentlytaskedwithinitializationof ConditionBasedMaintenance regime based on manufacturers recommendations, operational perimeters,vibration & lube oil analysis. The contract is firmly based on operational improvement, with a strong emphasis on HSE awareness & training. October 2003 January 2005. Gray Mackenzie OilfieldServicesAFPC/Shell Omar, Syria Central Maintenance Senior Supervisor Reporting directly to the Maintenance Section head, responsible for co-ordination of all activities of the various sub- sectionsof the central workshops,utilising the IMMPOWER planning system. Provide specialist and general workshop services & support for repair and overhaul of rotating equipment, valves and heavy oil field equipment. Develop, implementandmaintainco-ordination,planning&monitoringsystemsandpracticesforall activitiesundertaken within the various sub-sections of the workshops. Ensure quality workmanship from all workshops through activity management, application of QA/QC procedures and liaison with customers. April 2002 June 2003. Dresser Rand Warri, Nigeria Site Supervisor Supervise rehabilitation of Eriemu associated gas compression station for Shell Nigeria. Duties including, rebuild & installation of Superior Engine / Compressors, Ajax Integral Units, Waukesha Generators. New Ingersol Rand air compressorpackage,drainsumppumpsystem,control roompanels&cables,& pipingtie-inmodifications executed by contractors, through discipline supervisors. Feb2001- April 2002. NES/SiemensWestinghouse USA Technical Advisor Following product training in Orlando, duties include service, warranty & commissioning work in various locations throughout the U.S.A within the oil and power industries.
  • 4. Employment History April 2000 - Jan. 2001. Shanahan EngineeringGE/NuovoPignone/Mitsubishi Technical Advisor Overhaul, service &installation of gas/combined cycle turbine units driving generators or gas compressors for various clients worldwide within the power, oil & gas sectors. Jan 2000 - March 2000 Dietsmann GNPOCSudan Mechanical Supervisor Maintenance of Dual oil fuel engines(Allen) drivingGenerators & Pipeline pumps (Wiers), Sulzer reciprocating process pumps,Kudu& Griffinwellheadpumps&associatedequipment at Heglig remote field. Duties including supervision & training of expatriate & local technicians on site in maintenance, HSE & work permit procedures. Nov 1998 - Dec 1999 T.P.S.UnimechsBv/Thomassen Engineering Italy Service Engineer Supervise ateamof Italianservice techniciansonamaintenance contractof NuovoPignoni compressors and turbines & Waukesha gas engines for AGIP's national domestic gas pipeline, from Milan to Bologna. Ensure all required tolling, materials & safety permits were available at work sites.Liase with AGIP production supervisors & sub contractors to rectify production problems. Jan 1998 - Nov 1998 Jamah Hunt Oil Co Republicof Yemen SeniorMech Technician Responsible forcommissioning&maintenance of all equipment including Solar turbines, Caterpillar diesel, Waukesha gas engines, Ajax &Ariel reciprocatinggascompressors,&variouscentrifugal and reciprocating pumps at their Haliwah remote desert location. March 1991 - Dec 1997 OverseasTechnical Services/SJEngineering ChevronNigeriaLtd Rotating EquipmentSpecialist Inspection/Overhaul rotatingequipment,including: Ruston TA, TB 3000/5000. Solar Saturn & Centaur turbines, United Centrifugal, Dresser, Borg Warner, Goulds, Union & Peerless centrifugal pumps at Escravos Tank Farm & Offshore/ swamp facilities.
  • 5. Employment History March 1990 - March 1991 Creole ProductionServicesInternational A.C.T. Operators' Group,China Turbine Technician Based in H7.26 offshore production platform in the South China Sea, supplying raw crude to an F.P.S.O. via sub-sea pipelines and detachable S.B.M. Commissioning, operation & maintenance of our Ruston T.B. 5000 gas turbine generator sets with Rustronic control systems & dual fuel capacity. General mechanical maintenance of gas & air compressors, centrifugal & reciprocating pumps in addition to OJT of Chinese nationals. Creole ProductionServicesInternational E.G.P.C.Egypt Mechanical Supervisor Maintenance andbreakdownrepairof all rotating& reciprocatingmachines atAbuSannanCondensate Recovery Plant. Trainingof nationalsinmechanical maintenance andoperation of plant, including: Ruston T.B. 5000 turbine generators and Delaval compressor units, both with MK2 control systems, Gabionetta, Goulds & O.M.G. centrifugal pumps. Gallaratesi, Textram & Union reciprocating pumps: Worthington Cub & Ingersol Rand reciprocating gas compressors. April 1985 - Feb 1990 PacificInternational Oil Services Amapetco, Egypt Maintenance Supervisor Responsible forall maintenance of plantatRas Al Dib G.O.S.P.andoffshore productionplatforms,including: 5000 BOPD, tankage/production,desalter,glycol,gascompressor,chem, injection,oilywatertreatment and utilities. Work scope to include: supervision of contractors, materials & training of national personnel. Pacific International Oil Services GuisumOil Company Egypt Mechanical Supervisor Responsible for mechanical all mechanical production plant abroad the F.P.S.O. 'Al Kahera' in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Work scope to include: G.O.S.P.tanks,fire systems,off-loading,utilities, production platform & remote satellite wells. Supervised work shop, carried out planned & breakdown maintenance. Pacific International Oil Services SuezOil Company Egypt Mechanical Supervisor Supervisedworkshopactivities,andplannedandproductiondirectedbreakdownmaintenance on site, troubleshooting on and off shore of all rotating plant at Ziet Bay and Ras Fanar oil production facilities: Offshore platforms (4) and loading (SBM) on shore G.O.S.P. with de-salter trains, tank farm, utilities, de-salinators Etc. Promoted to Department Head (Mechanical) for on-shore facilities, and seconded to the commissioning team at the LPG plant at Ziet Bay.
  • 6. Career Summary 1975 1985 April - Oct 84 Al Sagri Trading & Contracting Establishment Riyadh, KSA. Utilities & maintenance contract for the Royal Saudi Air Force. June 82 - Nov 83 Arabian GulfOil Co Tripoli,Libyan PeoplesJimahiriyah Gas Turbine (SolarCentaur) Generators, Commissioning&maintenance. March - May 82 Costain ProcessEngineering& Construction Ltd. Das Island,Abu Dhabi Planned maintenance during gas plant shut down. Aug 80 - Sept 81 Aramco Dhahran, Saudi Arabia Gas plantcommissioning&maintenanceof gasplant.(directhire) April 79 - Aug 80 CentraxLtd (GasTurbine Division) NewtonAbbot, UK Gas Turbine Generatormanufacture &assembly/packaging. May 75 - Jan 79 C.A. Parsons Ltd Newcastle-Upon-TyneUK SteamTurbine powerstationconstruction,installation &commissioning. 1970 - 1975 Employed and indentured as an Apprentice Maintenance Fitter heavy chemical plant. Worked on both planned and breakdownmaintenance,machineshoppractice andbenchworkinconjunctionwithtechnical collegecourses,followed by one yearsexperience installingandmaintainingrotatingequipment,pumps, compressors, fans etc from blueprints, mainly for ICI Plants. Copies of Indentures, References & Certificates are available.